Rapid Solidification
Rapid solidification is a tool for modifying the microstructure of alloys that are obtained by ordinary casting. This article describes the fundamentals of the four microstructural changes, namely, microsegregation, identity of the primary phase, identity of the secondary phase, and the formation of noncrystalline phases. It considers three factors to understand the fundamentals of these changes: heat flow, thermodynamic constraints/conditions at the liquid-solid interfaces, and diffusional kinetics/microsegregation. These factors are described in detail.
W.J. Boettinger, Rapid Solidification, Casting, Vol 15, ASM Handbook, Edited By Srinath Viswanathan, Diran Apelian, Raymond J. Donahue, Babu DasGupta, Michael Gywn, John L. Jorstad, Raymond W. Monroe, Mahi Sahoo, Thomas E. Prucha, Daniel Twarog, ASM International, 2008, p 386–389, https://doi.org/10.31399/asm.hb.v15.a0005226
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