Microstructure of Powder Metallurgy Tool Steels
The microstructure in the longitudinal direction of conventional high-alloy tool steels (HATS) depends very much on the degree of hot working. Comparing different processes, the highest processing temperature proves to be decisive for coarseness of the microstructure. This article provides a discussion on the microstructure of conventional HATS and hot isostatically pressed high-speed steel. The effects of the processing in cold worked HATS are illustrated.
Paul Beiss, Microstructure of Powder Metallurgy Tool Steels, Powder Metallurgy, Vol 7, ASM Handbook, Edited By P. Samal, J. Newkirk, ASM International, 2015, p 533–535, https://doi.org/10.31399/asm.hb.v07.a0006131
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