Martempering of Steels[1]
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This article describes the advantages of martempering and the use of oil and salt as quenchants in the martempering process. It also discusses safety precautions to be followed by an operator and reviews the steels that are suitable for martempering. The article provides information on the importance of controlling process variables in martempering, including austenitizing temperature, temperature of the martempering bath, time in the bath, salt contamination, water additions to salt, agitation, and the rate of cooling from the martempering bath. It also describes specific situations in which distortion problems have been encountered during martempering. The article contains tables that indicate typical applications of martempering in salt and oil by listing commonly treated steel parts and giving details of martempering procedures and hardness requirements. The article also lists equipment requirements for oil and salt martempering of steel.
Lauralice de C.F. Canale, Jan Vatavuk, George E. Totten, Martempering of Steels, Steel Heat Treating Fundamentals and Processes, Vol 4A, ASM Handbook, Edited By Jon L. Dossett, George E. Totten, ASM International, 2013, p 362–381,
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