Thermal Analysis and Thermal Properties
This article discusses the thermal properties of engineering plastics and elastomers with respect to chemical composition, chain configuration, and base polymer conformation as determined by thermal analysis. It describes the processing of base polymers with or without additives and their response to chemical, physical, and mechanical stresses whether as an unfilled, shaped article or as a component of a composite structure. It summarizes the basic thermal properties of thermoplastics and thermosets, including thermal conductivity, temperature resistance, thermal expansion, specific heat, and glass transition temperature. It also provides information on polyimide and bismaleimide resin systems. Representative examples of different types of engineering thermoplastics are discussed primarily in terms of structure and thermal properties.
Robert Pieper, Thermal Analysis and Thermal Properties, Characterization and Failure Analysis of Plastics, Vol 11B, ASM Handbook, Edited By Todd J. Menna, ASM International, 2022, p 95–123,
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