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ASM Handbook, Volume 5B, Protective Organic Coatings is a wholly new entry in the esteemed ASM Handbook series. Volume 5B grew out of an article, “Organic Coatings and Linings,” by Kenneth B. Tator, P.E., published in 2003 in ASM Handbook, Volume 13A, Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and Protection. Mr. Tator and ASM International identified a need for an entire book dedicated to industrial protective coatings, based on the engineering and economic significance of the industry. To fill the reference publications gap in the materials field, the decision was made to include the book as a Volume in the ASM Handbook series, industry's most comprehensive source of information on materials technology.

Volume 5B, like every Volume of the ASM Handbook series, was written by recognized industry experts, reviewed by groups of their peers, and edited by professionals dedicated to developing reference publications of the highest technical and editorial quality. This results in authoritative, reliable sources of information in every area of materials specialization, now including protective organic coatings.

ASM International is grateful for the hard work and dedication of its many volunteer authors and reviewers who gave of their expertise and time to make Volume 5B possible, particularly Kenneth B. Tator, P.E., KTA-Tator, Inc., Volume Editor and author of numerous articles in the Volume.

ASM Handbook, Volume 5B, Protective Organic Coatings is comprised of five divisions, which offer introductory material, an in-depth presentation of specific coating materials, practical information on surface preparation and coating application, coverage of coating use by various industries, and detailed discussion of coating analysis and evaluation methods. Volume 5B authors provided the latest information on the many industry standards that must be adhered to in the preparation, application, and testing of protective coatings.

Volume 5B includes full-color printing of all of its figures, including all photographs. ASM International thanks Kenneth B. Tator, P.E., and KTA-Tator, Inc., a corrosion and coatings consulting and inspection firm, for their generous contributions that have allowed the photographs in this book to be reproduced in color.

Sunniva R. Collins, Ph.D.
ASM International
Terry F. Mosier
Interim Managing Director
ASM International

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