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This article describes the two commonly used standardized tests for determining the mechanical properties of thermal spray coatings: hardness testing and tensile adhesion testing. It discusses the destructive and non-destructive methods of residual-stress measurement. Electrochemical testing methodologies include two distinctly different methods: direct and alternating current impedance techniques for assessing the corrosion resistance of coating attributes. The article also reviews the testing methods for determining thermomechanical and environmental stability of thermal barrier coatings. It discusses the wear testing methodologies that are standardized by ASTM, including the pin-on-disk, block-on-ring, dry sand/rubber wheel, erosion, metallographic apparatus abrasion, fretting wear, cavitation, reciprocating ball-on-flat, impact, and rolling contact fatigue test. The article concludes with a discussion on the methods of testing abradability and erosion resistance in abradable coatings.

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