Metallurgy of Induction Hardening of Steel
This article focuses on induction hardening process for heat treating operations specifically designed to result in proper microstructure/property combinations in either localized or in the final parts. It briefly reviews the heat treating basics for conventional heat treating operations of steels with iron-carbon phase and transformation diagrams. The article provides a summary of the important temperatures, definitions, and microstructural constituents associated with heat-treated steels. Basic transformation characteristics of heat-treated steels are reviewed. The article also discusses the various aspects of steel heat treatment by induction processing, and concludes with a description of steel alloys for induction processing.
David K. Matlock, Metallurgy of Induction Hardening of Steel, Induction Heating and Heat Treatment, Vol 4C, ASM Handbook, Edited By Valery Rudnev, George E. Totten, ASM International, 2014, p 45–57,
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