Induction Hardening Off-Road Machinery Components
Induction heat treating is used in the off-road machinery industry for hardening steel and cast iron components used in a wide range of applications. This article focuses on the usage of induction hardening components in the industry, and discusses the basic requirements of steel and cast iron to undergo induction hardening. It provides a comparison on single-shot and scan hardening methods to select the suitable one for induction heat treating of gears and sprockets. The article describes the effect of microstructure, residual stress, and workpiece position on induction hardening. It concludes with a discussion on the important factors to be considered during the installation of off-road machinery components.
Marv McKimpson, Induction Hardening Off-Road Machinery Components, Induction Heating and Heat Treatment, Vol 4C, ASM Handbook, Edited By Valery Rudnev, George E. Totten, ASM International, 2014, p 211–221,
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