The ASM Handbook is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the structure, properties, processing, performance, and evaluation of metals and nonmetallic engineering materials.
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The newly updated ASM Handbook, Volume 12: Fractography covers all aspects of fractography relevant to its use in materials evaluation, failure analysis, and quality control, in addition to an extensive collection of new fractographs.
ASM Handbook, Volume 24A: Additive Manufacturing Design and Applications provides a comprehensive review of additive manufacturing design fundamentals and applications. The primary focus of the Volume is on metallic systems with limited emphasis on polymers and ceramics where applicable.
View the new, upcoming, and best-selling resources in ASM Handbooks, technical books, and databases in the 2024 Catalog.
Volume 4F
The latest ASM Handbook in the Heat Treating set, Volume 4F: Quenchants and Quenching Technology is a practical guide to quenching, its implementation, and its effects on the microstructure and properties of cast irons and steels. Full Volume now available!