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shrinkage porosity
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shrinkage porosity
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Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.machtools.c0089534
EISBN: 978-1-62708-223-5
... by metallographic examination to be case carburized. The case was found to be martensite with small spheroidal carbides while the core consisted of martensite plus some ferrite. The fracture was revealed to be related to shrinkage porosity. Tempering was revealed to be probably limited to about 150 deg C...
The specially designed sand-cast low-alloy steel jaws that were implemented to stretch the wire used in prestressed concrete beams fractured. The fractures were found to be macroscale brittle and exhibited very little evidence of deformation. The surface of the jaws was disclosed by metallographic examination to be case carburized. The case was found to be martensite with small spheroidal carbides while the core consisted of martensite plus some ferrite. The fracture was revealed to be related to shrinkage porosity. Tempering was revealed to be probably limited to about 150 deg C by the hardness values (close to the maximum hardness values attainable) for the core. It was interpreted that the low tempering temperature used may have contributed to the brittleness. The procedures used for casting the jaws were recommended to be revised to eliminate the internal shrinkage porosity. Tempering at a slightly higher temperature to reduce surface and core hardness was recommended.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.bldgs.c0089530
EISBN: 978-1-62708-219-8
... steel conforming to ASTM A 148, grade 150-125. The crack was found to have originated along the lower surface initially penetrating a region of shrinkage porosity. It was observed that cracking then propagated in tension through sound metal and terminated in a shear lip at the top of the eye...
A sand-cast steel eye connector used to link together two 54,430 kg capacity floating-bridge pontoons failed prematurely in service. The pontoons were coupled by upper and lower eye and clevis connectors that were pinned together. The eye connector was found to be cast from low-alloy steel conforming to ASTM A 148, grade 150-125. The crack was found to have originated along the lower surface initially penetrating a region of shrinkage porosity. It was observed that cracking then propagated in tension through sound metal and terminated in a shear lip at the top of the eye. The fracture of the eye connector was concluded to have occurred by tensile overload because of shrinkage porosity. Sound metal was ensured by radiographic examination of subsequent castings.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/
EISBN: 978-1-62708-218-1
... through the defect indicated shrinkage porosity. This defect was found to interconnect the water jacket and the exhaust gas flow chamber. No cracks were found by magnetic-particle inspection. The gray iron cylinder head had a hardness of 229 HRB on the surface of the bottom deck. The microstructure...
An engine cylinder head failed after operating just 3.2 km (2 mi) because of coolant leakage through the exhaust port. Visual examination of the exhaust ports revealed a casting defect on the No. 7 exhaust-port wall. A 0.9x examination of an unpolished, unetched longitudinal section through the defect indicated shrinkage porosity. This defect was found to interconnect the water jacket and the exhaust gas flow chamber. No cracks were found by magnetic-particle inspection. The gray iron cylinder head had a hardness of 229 HRB on the surface of the bottom deck. The microstructure consisted of type A size 4 flake graphite in a matrix of pearlite with small amounts of ferrite. this evidence supported the conclusion that the cylinder-head failure resulted from the presence of a casting defect (shrinkage) on the No. 7 cylinder exhaust-port wall interconnecting the water jacket with the exhaust-gas flow chamber. No recommendations were made.
in Mechanisms and Appearances of Ductile and Brittle Fracture in Metals
> Failure Analysis and Prevention
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 60 Dendritic shrinkage porosity in aluminum alloy A356. Shrinkage porosity is a common imperfection in cast components and also a common location for fracture initiation. (a) Fracture surface from a fatigue specimen. 30×. (b) Same specimen as in part (a) but at lower magnification (13
in Mechanisms and Appearances of Ductile and Brittle Fracture in Metals
> Failure Analysis and Prevention
Published: 15 January 2021
Fig. 60 Dendritic shrinkage porosity in aluminum alloy A356. Shrinkage porosity is a common imperfection in cast components and a common location for fracture initiation. (a) Fracture surface from a fatigue specimen. Original magnification: 30×. (b) Same specimen as in part (a) but at lower
Published: 01 January 2002
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 5 Wire-stretching jaws that broke because of shrinkage porosity and low ductility of case and core. The jaws, sand cast from low-alloy steel, were used to stretch wire for prestressed concrete beams. (a) Two pairs of movable jaws. 0.7×. (b) Two pairs of stationary jaws. 0.7×. (c) and (d
in Plating Blemishes in Zinc Die Castings
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Processing Errors and Defects
Published: 01 June 2019
in Plating Blemishes in Zinc Die Castings
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Processing Errors and Defects
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 3 Detail of shrinkage porosity in steel weldment. Note that the secondary dendrite arms are spaced at 90° in this cubic crystal structure material, unlike snowflakes formed from water, which prefer a hexagonal crystal habit.
in Catastrophic Failure of a Fan in a Diesel Engine Cooler
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Automobiles and Trucks
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 7 SEM photograph of the peeled off nugget surface showing shrinkage porosity, insufficient melting and penetration, and gas evolution (which could be due to presence of moisture, oil, etc. at the interface) at the interface
in Catastrophic Failure of a Fan in a Diesel Engine Cooler
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Automobiles and Trucks
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 9 Microstructure of the weld showing (a) shrinkage porosity in the nugget, (b) intergranular cracks emanating from the fusion zone, W1
in Coolant Leakage Through a Cylinder-Head Exhaust Port Caused by Shrinkage Porosity
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Automobiles and Trucks
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 1 Section from a failed cylinder-head exhaust port. The shrinkage porosity allowed engine coolant to leak into the exhaust port. Not polished, not etched. 0.9×
in Brittle Fracture of Cast Low- Alloy Steel Jaws Because of Shrinkage Porosity and Low Ductility of Case and Core
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Machine Tools and Manufacturing Equipment
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 1 Wire-stretching jaws that broke because of shrinkage porosity and low ductility of case and core. The jaws, sand cast from low-alloy steel, were used to stretch wire for prestressed concrete beams. (a) Two pairs of movable jaws. 0.7×. (b) Two pairs of stationary jaws. 0.7×. (c) and (d
Published: 01 December 1993
Fig. 13 SEM micrograph showing shrinkage porosity detected at the suspected fracture origin on tooth F-18. ∼15×
Published: 01 December 1993
Fig. 18 Shrinkage porosity observed at the suspected fracture initiation site on tooth F-18. Unetched. 50×
Published: 15 January 2021
Fig. 31 (a) Aluminum casting exhibiting shrinkage porosity. (b) Scanning electron microscope image of shrinkage porosity
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.machtools.c9001014
EISBN: 978-1-62708-223-5
... with a steel which is cast, carburized, quenched, and tempered. The structure was generally satisfactory, except for the presence of severe shrinkage porosity. It was concluded that the presence of shrinkage porosity in critical areas was the primary cause of fracture. Extremely high hardness indicating a lack...
A tool used to stretch reinforcement wires in prestressed concrete failed. All eight individual jaws were broken. Visual examination of the fracture surfaces indicated that about half of the broken parts had a partially dendritic appearance. Further, fracture surfaces near the exteriors of the parts were clean and smooth, and there was evidence of a case. Examination of the flat surfaces of the parts revealed surface cracking where actual failure had not occurred. Chemical analysis showed the material to be a low-alloy carburizing steel. The microstructure was compatible with a steel which is cast, carburized, quenched, and tempered. The structure was generally satisfactory, except for the presence of severe shrinkage porosity. It was concluded that the presence of shrinkage porosity in critical areas was the primary cause of fracture. Extremely high hardness indicating a lack of adequate tempering was the secondary cause.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.chem.c0089696
EISBN: 978-1-62708-220-4
... of cracks at slag inclusions and sharp fillets in weld-repair areas in the casting. The weld-repair procedures were unsatisfactory. The cracks propagated in a fatigue mode. he casting quality was judged unacceptable because of the presence of excessive shrinkage porosity. It was recommended that crosshead...
A failed crosshead of an industrial compressor was examined using optical and SEM. The crosshead was an ASTM A148 grade 105-85 steel casting. On the basis of the observations reported and available background information, it was concluded that the failure began with the initiation of cracks at slag inclusions and sharp fillets in weld-repair areas in the casting. The weld-repair procedures were unsatisfactory. The cracks propagated in a fatigue mode. he casting quality was judged unacceptable because of the presence of excessive shrinkage porosity. It was recommended that crosshead castings be properly inspected before machining. Revision of foundry practice to reduce or eliminate porosity was also recommended.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/
EISBN: 978-1-62708-218-1
... from the water jacket next to the plug and the area next to the No. 3 intake port. A wave of microporosity travels midway between the inner and outer surfaces of the casting was observed and was concluded to have caused the cracking. The reasons and remedies for shrinkage porosity were discussed...
A gray iron cylinder head cracked after approximately 16,000 km of service. The head was cracked on the rocker arm pan rail next to the No. 3 intake port and extended into the water jacket on the rocker-arm side of the head. Microporosity was revealed in the crack in the sections taken from the water jacket next to the plug and the area next to the No. 3 intake port. A wave of microporosity travels midway between the inner and outer surfaces of the casting was observed and was concluded to have caused the cracking. The reasons and remedies for shrinkage porosity were discussed. Controlled pouring temperatures, improved design and use of chills were recommended to avoid the casting defects.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1992
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v01.c9001089
EISBN: 978-1-62708-214-3
... with the initiation of cracks at slag inclusions and sharp fillets in weld-repair areas in the casting. The weld-repair procedures were unsatisfactory. The cracks propagated in a fatigue mode. he casting quality was judged unacceptable because of the presence of excessive shrinkage porosity. It was recommended...
A failed crosshead of an industrial compressor was examined using optical and scanning electron microscope. The crosshead was an ASTM A148 grade 105-85 steel casting. On the basis of the observations reported and available background information, it was concluded that the failure began with the initiation of cracks at slag inclusions and sharp fillets in weld-repair areas in the casting. The weld-repair procedures were unsatisfactory. The cracks propagated in a fatigue mode. he casting quality was judged unacceptable because of the presence of excessive shrinkage porosity. It was recommended that crosshead castings be properly inspected before machining. Revision of foundry practice to reduce or eliminate porosity was also recommended.