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energy dispersive x-ray analysis

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Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 9 Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis along the streak in rail 5-1 (reduced 30% in reproduction). More
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 11 Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis inside the crack in the shell in rail 5-1 (reduced one-third in reproduction). More
Published: 01 December 2019
Fig. 4 Energy-dispersive analysis (EDX) of X-ray of the precipitated particles at (a) grain boundaries and (b) plain area of grain boundaries More
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1992
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v01.c9001105
EISBN: 978-1-62708-214-3
... pronounced at the tie rod end of the failure. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis of fracture surfaces from the bellows showed the presence of chlorine and sulfur. Failure of the bellows was attributed to stress-corrosion cracking, with chlorine and sulfur being the corroding agents. The rod damage...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001765
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
...) inspection, ultrasonic testing (UT), and evaluation of the external cathodic protection (CP) system were used in the failure analysis. The corrosion products were analyzed using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). The failure is attributed to the ingress of water and its impoundment under the tank...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.modes.c0006417
EISBN: 978-1-62708-234-1
... Abstract A cadmium-plated 4340 Ni-Cr-Mo steel ballast elbow assembly was submitted for failure analysis to determine the element or radical present in an oxidation product found inside the elbow assembly. Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis in the SEM showed that iron was the predominant species...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001826
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... testing, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The tube was made from SA 210A1 carbon steel that had been compromised by wall thinning and the accumulation of fire and water-side scale deposits. Investigators determined that the tube failed due to prolonged...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001775
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... nickel alloy intergranular cracking energy dispersive x-ray analysis corrosion rate Monel 400 (nickel-copper alloy) UNS N04400 Introduction The petrochemical industry constitutes an active field for applied failure analysis. A wide range of potential failure mechanisms exists because...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001342
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
... was disassembled and examined to determine the cause of failure. Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis revealed significant peaks for chlorine and phosphorus, indicating failure by chloride stress-corrosion cracking (SCC). Cracks in the liner and bellows exhibited a branched pattern also typical of SCC. Cracks through...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001359
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
... bead of metal sticking to the blade surface in each case. Scanning electron microscope revealed that the cracks initiated at the point of contact of the bead with the blade surface. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis indicated that the bead composition was the same as that of the blade. Detailed...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.med.c0048400
EISBN: 978-1-62708-226-6
... Abstract Cerclage wire, which was used with two screws and washers for a tension band in a corrective internal fixation, was found broken at several points and corroded after nine months in service. The material was examined using energy-dispersive x-ray analysis and determined...
Published: 15 January 2021
Fig. 11 Holistic approach for sample and data collection in the identification of microbiologically influenced corrosion in a field corrosion site. XRD, x-ray diffraction; EDX, energy-dispersive x-ray analysis; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; MPN, most probable number; MMM, molecular More
Published: 01 June 2019
used for energy-dispersive x-ray analysis. More
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 10 Intercrystalline corrosion of a type 304 stainless steel cerclage wire. (a) Broken cerclage wire. (b) Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis under the scanning electron microscope. Lower spectrum: reference material type 316L screw material. Upper spectrum: type 304 steel with less nickel More
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 2 Intercrystalline corrosion of a type 304 stainless steel cerclage wire. (a) Broken cerclage wire. (b) Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis under the scanning electron microscope. Lower spectrum: reference material type 316L screw material. Upper spectrum: type 304 steel with less nickel More
Published: 01 January 2002
or severely cracked. (b) The fracture surfaces of the nuts were oxidized and tarnished; purple, blue, and golden-yellow colors were sometimes evident. (c) SEM revealed brittle intercrystalline fracture surfaces. (d) Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis showed that the fracture surfaces were covered with a thin More
Published: 15 January 2021
. (a) The nuts were fragmented or severely cracked. (b) The fracture surfaces of the nuts were oxidized and tarnished; purple, blue, and golden-yellow colors were sometimes evident. (c) Scanning electron microscopy revealed brittle intercrystalline fracture surfaces. (d) Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis showed More
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.chem.c0048702
EISBN: 978-1-62708-220-4
.... Investigation Metallographic analysis, energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry, and x-ray diffraction were used to analyze the tube and deposit samples. A thick, nonuniform black scale was present over the entire inside surface of the tube. When this scale was removed, large pits filled with a green deposit...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.rail.c9001659
EISBN: 978-1-62708-231-0
... as a perturbation from the shell crack under cyclic loading and is constrained to develop as an embedded flaw in the early stages of growth because the crack is impeded at the gage side and surface of the rail head by compressive longitudinal stresses. Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis Rails (railroad) Shell...
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.usage.c9001662
EISBN: 978-1-62708-236-5
... on the facets of tantalum grains. An energy-dispersive x-ray analysis of the weld, heat-affected zone, and the base metal showed no significant differences in material composition. Metallographic Examination Subsequently, a metallographic examination was carried out on the tantalum welds...