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copper contamination
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Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001836
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
..., investigators concluded the pipe was contaminated with copper at the mill were it was produced. line pipe cracks copper contamination high-strength low-alloy pipe steel copper entrapment SEM backscattered electron analysis bend ductility API 5L X65 PSL2 (high-strength low-alloy steel...
An investigation was conducted to determine why 16 out of 139 pipe bends cracked during hot induction bending. The pipe conformed to API 5L X65 PSL2 line pipe standards and measured 1016 mm (40 in.) in diam with a wall thickness of 18.5 mm. A metallurgical cross section was removed along a crack on the extrados to document the crack morphology using optical microscopy. In addition to cracking, golden-yellow streaks were visible at the extrados, and the composition was examined using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy. Based on the results, investigators concluded the pipe was contaminated with copper at the mill were it was produced.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.rail.c9001665
EISBN: 978-1-62708-231-0
... electron microscopy, EDXA, and x-ray mapping were used to study the steel in the vicinity of this part of the fracture surface. It was found to be contaminated with copper. Debye-Scherrer x-ray diffraction patterns obtained from the scale showed that it consisted of magnetite and hematite. It was concluded...
Following a freight train derailment, part of a fractured side frame was retained for study because a portion of its fracture surface exhibited a rock candy appearance and black scale. It was suspected of having failed, thereby precipitating the derailment. Metallography, scanning electron microscopy, EDXA, and x-ray mapping were used to study the steel in the vicinity of this part of the fracture surface. It was found to be contaminated with copper. Debye-Scherrer x-ray diffraction patterns obtained from the scale showed that it consisted of magnetite and hematite. It was concluded that some copper was accidentally left in the mold when the casting was poured. Liquid copper, carrying with it oxygen in solution, penetrated the austenite grain boundaries as the steel cooled. The oxygen reacted with the steel producing a network of scale outlining the austenite grain structure. When the casting fractured as a result of the derailment, the fracture followed the scale in the contaminated region thus creating the “rock candy” fracture.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0003554
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
... of Type 304L stainless steel when the weld area had been contaminated with copper particles is reported. This reference also discusses cracking at tube-to-sheet welds due to copper contamination from adjacent tooling. The cracks were demonstrated to be from copper penetration along grain boundaries...
Metal-induced embrittlement is a phenomenon in which the ductility or fracture stress of a solid metal is reduced by surface contact with another metal in either liquid or solid form. This article summarizes the characteristics of solid metal induced embrittlement (SMIE) and liquid metal induced embrittlement (LMIE). It describes the unique features that assist in arriving at a clear conclusion whether SMIE or LMIE is the most probable cause of the problem. The article briefly reviews some commercial alloy systems where LMIE or SMIE has been documented. It also provides some examples of cracking due to these phenomena, either in manufacturing or in service.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001700
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... Abstract A straight-tube cooler type heat exchanger had been in service for about ten years serving a coal pulverizer in Georgia. Non-potable cooling water from a local lake passed through the inner surfaces of the copper tubing and was cooling the hot oil that surrounded the outer diametral...
A straight-tube cooler type heat exchanger had been in service for about ten years serving a coal pulverizer in Georgia. Non-potable cooling water from a local lake passed through the inner surfaces of the copper tubing and was cooling the hot oil that surrounded the outer diametral surfaces. Several of the heat exchangers used in the same application at the plant had experienced a severe reduction in efficiency in the past few years. One heat exchanger reportedly experienced some form of leakage following discovery of oil contaminating the cooling water. This heat exchanger was the subject of a failure investigation to determine the cause and location of the leaks. Corrosion products primarily contained copper oxide, as would be expected from a copper tubing. The product also exhibited the presence of a significant amount of iron oxides. Metallographic cross sectioning of the tubes and microscopic analysis revealed several large and small well rounded corrosion pits present at the inner diametral surfaces. The cause of corrosion was attributed to corrosive waters that were not only corroding the copper, but were corroding steel pipes upstream from the tubing.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006786
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... Reference 24 reports HAZ cracking at butt welds in thin sheets of type 304L stainless steel when the weld area had been contaminated with copper particles. This reference also discusses cracking at tube-to-sheet welds due to copper contamination from adjacent tooling. The cracks were demonstrated...
Metal-induced embrittlement is a phenomenon in which the ductility or the fracture stress of a solid metal is reduced by surface contact with another metal in either the liquid or solid form. This article summarizes some of the characteristics of liquid-metal- and solid-metal-induced embrittlement. This phenomenon shares many of these characteristics with other modes of environmentally induced cracking, such as hydrogen embrittlement and stress-corrosion cracking. The discussion covers the occurrence, failure analysis, and service failures of the embrittlement. The article also briefly reviews some commercial alloy systems in which liquid-metal-induced embrittlement or solid-metal-induced embrittlement has been documented and describes some examples of cracking due to these phenomena, either in manufacturing or in service.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c9001493
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
..., however, a discontinuity in the copper plating was observed in the plated through hole at U15-3 causing an electrically open circuit, Figures 1(a) and (b) . Localized thin or discontinuous copper plating in a plated through hole was due to presence of contaminants or air bubbles in the hole during...
An open electrical circuit was found between plated through-holes in a six-layer printed circuit board after thermal cycling. The copper plating was very thin in the failure area but did make an electrical contact during initial testing. During thermal cycling, differential z-expansion between the epoxy board and copper caused the thin plating to crack. During electrical testing of a four-layer circuit board, an open electrical circuit was found between the plated through-holes. Plating discontinuity was caused by poor drilling using a dull drill with improper speed (rpm) and/or feed rate as was observed by nonuniform plating and nodule formation in the plated layer. In a third example, an open electrical circuit was found in a six-layer board between two adjacent plated through-holes. A plating void was on one side of the conductor joining the two holes. Continuity was found when tested from one side of the board but lost when tested from the other. In a fourth case, an open circuit found between a plated through-hole and contact pad on a six-layer printed circuit board was caused by an etching defect.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.bldgs.c0091699
EISBN: 978-1-62708-219-8
.... Such features are characteristic of stress-corrosion cracking in a copper heat exchanger tube. The crack path is shown in Fig. 1(c) . The service contractor responsible for maintaining the absorption unit suspected that mercury contamination from a manometer was the cause of the stress-corrosion cracking...
Eddy-current inspection was performed on a leaking absorber bundle in an absorption air-conditioning unit. The inspection revealed crack-like indications in approximately 50% of the tubes. The tube material was phosphorus-deoxidized copper. Investigation (visual inspection, chemical analysis, 0.75x images, 2x macrographs after light acid cleaning to remove corrosion product, and 75x micrographs) supported the conclusion that the absorber tubes failed by SCC initiated by ammonia contamination in the lithium bromide solution. No recommendations were made.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0001809
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
... and presents the steps for failure analysis of sliding bearings. It also reviews the factors responsible for bearing failure with examples. aluminum alloys babbitts bronze contaminants copper-lead bearing alloys elasto-hydrodynamics failure analysis fluid-film lubrication grooves load-carrying...
This article discusses the classification of sliding bearings and describes the major groups of soft metal bearing materials: babbitts, copper-lead bearing alloys, bronze, and aluminum alloys. It provides a discussion on the methods for fluid-film lubrication in bearings. The article presents the variables of interest for a rotating shaft and the load-carrying capacity and surface roughness of bearings. Grooves and depressions are often provided in bearing surfaces to supply or feed lubricant to the load-carrying regions. The article explains the effect of contaminants in bearings and presents the steps for failure analysis of sliding bearings. It also reviews the factors responsible for bearing failure with examples.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001335
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
... to be contamination occurring in the casting process that became concentrated in the recycled skimmings. It was recommended that future material specifications for skimmings and for externally obtained scrap copper include a trace analysis for tellurium. Cupronickel Embrittlement Segregations Tellurium...
The causes of cracking of an as-drawn 90-10 cupronickel tube during mechanical working were investigated to determine the source of embrittlement. Embrittlement was sporadic, but when present was typically noted after the first process anneal. Microstructural and chemical analyses were performed on an embrittled section and on a section from a different lot that did not crack during forming. The failed section showed an intergranular fracture path. Examination of the fracture surfaces revealed the presence of tellurium at the grain boundaries. The source of the tellurium was thought to be contamination occurring in the casting process that became concentrated in the recycled skimmings. It was recommended that future material specifications for skimmings and for externally obtained scrap copper include a trace analysis for tellurium.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c9001629
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
... of typical discolored parts are detailed in Table 2 , with the spectra shown in Fig. 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 . Because very low levels of contaminants were present in the discolored regions, EDS analysis was able to reveal only small amounts of carbon and oxygen in those areas, in addition to the copper...
A large number of electropolished copper parts showed evidence of discoloration (tinting) after electropolishing. Because these parts are used in a high-vacuum application, even trace amounts of organic materials would be problematic. Scanning electron microscopy of nondiscolored and discolored areas both showed trace amounts of residue in the form of adherent deposits. EDS, FTIR spectroscopy, XPS, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analyses indicated that the discoloration to the copper components was due to the development of CuO at localized regions. It was recommended that process changes be made to completely remove residual processing fluids from the part surfaces before electropolishing. The use of more aggressive detergents was suggested, and it was recommended also that a filtering and recirculating system be considered for use in the cleaning and electropolishing tanks.
Published: 15 January 2021
Fig. 5 A backscattered electron image showing surface contamination of a failed copper bourdon tube in a pressure regulator allows for targeted chemical analysis of the contamination. 23×, 20 kV accelerating voltage. Courtesy of C. Wright, NASA
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c0045926
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
... Abstract A batch of bimetal foil/epoxy laminates was rejected because of poor peel strength. The laminates were manufactured by sintering a nickel/phosphorus powder layer to a copper foil, cleaning, then chromate conversion coating the nickel-phosphorus surface, and laminating the nickel...
A batch of bimetal foil/epoxy laminates was rejected because of poor peel strength. The laminates were manufactured by sintering a nickel/phosphorus powder layer to a copper foil, cleaning, then chromate conversion coating the nickel-phosphorus surface, and laminating the nickel-phosphorus side of the clad bimetal onto an epoxy film, so that the end product contained nickel-phosphorus sandwiched between copper and epoxy, with a chromate conversion layer on the epoxy side of the nickel-phosphorus. Peel testing showed abnormally low adhesion strength for the bad batch of peel test samples. Comparison with normal-strength samples using XPS indicated an 8.8% Na concentration on the surface of the bad sample; the good example contained less than 1% Na on the surface. After 15 min of argon ion etching, depth profiling showed high concentrations of sodium were still evident, indicating that the sodium was present before the chromate conversion treatment was performed. A review of the manufacturing procedures showed that sodium hydroxide was used as a cleaning agent before the chromate conversion coating. Failure cause was that apparently the sodium hydroxide had not been properly removed during water rinsing. Thus, recommendation was to modify that stage in the processing.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.chem.c0048702
EISBN: 978-1-62708-220-4
... as primarily copper sulfide, with zinc and aluminum sulfides while the green deposit was revealed to be copper chloride. The combination of sulfide and chloride attack on the tubes was concluded to have resulted in the failure. Injection of ferrous sulfate upstream of the condenser which could aid...
An aluminum brass seawater surface condenser failed due to pitting after less than one year of service. Large pits filled with a green deposit were evidenced under the nonuniform black scale present over the entire inside surface of the tube. The black deposit was identified as primarily copper sulfide, with zinc and aluminum sulfides while the green deposit was revealed to be copper chloride. The combination of sulfide and chloride attack on the tubes was concluded to have resulted in the failure. Injection of ferrous sulfate upstream of the condenser which could aid the formation of protective oxide films was recommended.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0001822
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
.... In a subsequent study ( Ref 41 ), the Gleeble high strain rate hot-tensile test machine was used to determine the influence of temperature, atmosphere, stress, grain size, strain rate, and amount of copper on LME of iron- and cobalt-base superalloys. A copper contamination of only 0.08-mm (0.003-in.) thickness...
This article provides a background of friction-bearing failures due to overheating. The failures of locomotive axles caused by overheated traction-motor support bearings are discussed. The article also describes liquid-metal embrittlement (LME) in steel. It examines the results of various axle studies, with illustrations and concludes with information on the simulation of the LME mechanism.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11A
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 August 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11A.a0006806
EISBN: 978-1-62708-329-4
... provides an overview of bearing materials, and then presents the various lubrication mechanisms: hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, boundary lubrication, elastohydrodynamic, and squeeze-film lubrication. The article describes the effect of debris and contaminant particles in bearings. The steps involved in failure...
A mechanical part, which supports the moving part, is termed a mechanical bearing and can be classified into rolling (ball or roller) bearings and sliding bearings. This article discusses the failures of sliding bearings. It first describes the geometry of sliding bearings, next provides an overview of bearing materials, and then presents the various lubrication mechanisms: hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, boundary lubrication, elastohydrodynamic, and squeeze-film lubrication. The article describes the effect of debris and contaminant particles in bearings. The steps involved in failure analysis of sliding bearings are also covered. Finally, the article discusses wear-damage mechanisms from the standpoint of bearing design.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001772
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... appeared to have originally been one single metallic detail before the fins had corroded away ( Fig. 1 ). The edges of the fins had a reddish copper color in them ( Fig. 2 ). The internal surfaces showed a directionality of corrosion typical of erosion due to the mechanical flow of the stream through...
A cast silicon bronze (UNS C86700) impeller that had been severely corroded was submitted for failure analysis. The failed part was used to pump potable water, but service life and chlorine content of the water were unknown. The impeller displayed a Cu-rich red phase on its surfaces and showed a pattern very similar to dezincification. Further investigation to determine the cause of damage using light microscopy and SEM-EDS techniques revealed that the microstructure consisted of multiple phases and that a Si-rich phase was being preferentially attacked, leading to increased porosity. After a thorough examination, it was concluded that the part had failed due to dealloying via desiliconification.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.modes.c9001628
EISBN: 978-1-62708-234-1
... that the discoloration on the cylinder was associated with metal oxidation products coated with a thin oil film. One of the recommendations was to plate the OD of the cylinder with hard chromium to increase its resistance to erosion. Another recommendation was to reduce the amounts of water contamination...
A nickel alloy cylinder plated with chromium along its inner liner, installed in a commercial ice cream freezer, showed gray discoloration along its OD surface. The discolored parts exhibited significantly reduced cooling efficiency as compared with new cylinders. During operation, the OD of the cylinder was exposed to liquid ammonia refrigerant containing lubricant from the compressor. The lubricant (mineral oil) was intended to separate from the ammonia and be recirculated through the compressor. Nondestructive portable optical microscopy, XRF, EDS, and XPS analyses showed that the discoloration on the cylinder was associated with metal oxidation products coated with a thin oil film. One of the recommendations was to plate the OD of the cylinder with hard chromium to increase its resistance to erosion. Another recommendation was to reduce the amounts of water contamination in the refrigerant.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001336
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
... quality-control personnel per ASTM A380, “The Copper Sulfate Test” (section No hardness or tensile specifications were cited. Specimen Selection Several pipe flange assemblies were submitted for analysis—both unused and used, and both old and new. Visual Examination of General Physical...
Catastrophic pitting corrosion occurred in type 304L stainless steel pipe flange assemblies in an industrial food processor. During regular service the pumped medium was pureed vegetables. In situ maintenance procedures included cleaning of the assemblies with a sodium hypochlorite solution. It was determined that the assemblies failed due to an austenite-martensite galvanic couple activated by a chlorine bearing electrolyte. The martensitic areas resulted from a transformation during cold-forming operations. Solution annealing after forming, revision of the design of the pipe flange assemblies to eliminate the forming operation, and removal of the source of chlorine were recommended.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1992
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v01.c9001132
EISBN: 978-1-62708-214-3
...) and an unused 1991 “demo” unit—were examined. Figure 1 shows the components of the as-received units. Fig. 1 As-received components of the demo and failed units. Visual Examination of General Physical Features No evidence of tampering with the heads was detected. The chrome-plated copper cups...
A sprinkler head unit that was installed in a smoking lounge of a multi story office building in 1975 failed, causing substantial water damage. There was no fire in the building. A set of four sprinkler heads -- three that had been installed in 1975 (the failed unit, an unfailed unit from the same room, and an unfailed unit from another room) and an unused 1991 unit -- were examined. casting revealed no material defects or mechanical damage. Because of several environmental factors, it was suspected that the failed unit was exposed to temperatures much above the normal office environment. On this basis, it was concluded that creep of the solder alloy was the most probable cause of failure.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006759
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... the brass could be analyzed by EDS. 23×, 20 kV accelerating voltage. Courtesy of C. Wright, NASA Fig. 5 A backscattered electron image showing surface contamination of a failed copper bourdon tube in a pressure regulator allows for targeted chemical analysis of the contamination. 23×, 20 kV...
Chemical analysis is a critical part of any failure investigation. With the right planning and proper analytical equipment, a myriad of information can be obtained from a sample. This article presents a high-level introduction to techniques often used for chemical analysis during failure analysis. It describes the general considerations for bulk and microscale chemical analysis in failure analysis, the most effective techniques to use for organic or inorganic materials, and examples of using these techniques. The article discusses the processes involved in the chemical analysis of nonmetallics. Advances in chemical analysis methods for failure analysis are also covered.