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aqueous corrosion
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Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.mech.c0051293
EISBN: 978-1-62708-225-9
... as to select a grade of spring steel that would be more corrosion resistant than 302 stainless. Materials selection Spring steels Springs (elastic) Water feeders 302 UNS S30200 304 UNS S30400 Corrosion fatigue After six months of operating a new chicken house, a farmer noticed...
Majority of the water feeders in a new chicken house had stopped working. The water feeders were found to be operated on the principle that when the chickens pecked a plastic bowl, a compressed spring released a squirt of water. The small compression springs were made from type 302 stainless steel, and the operating stresses were safely within the design limits given by the Goodman diagram. The springs were revealed by scanning electron microscopy to contain numerous cracks on their inside surface, and these cracks were all at 45 deg to the wire axis. The solution was recommended as to select a grade of spring steel that would be more corrosion resistant than 302 stainless.
in Screen Bars Destroyed by Intergranular Corrosion
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Chemical Processing Equipment
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 9 Structure of corrosion-free region. Etching treatment: 50% aqueous solution of nitric acid, 2 V 3 min. 500 ×
in Screen Bars Destroyed by Intergranular Corrosion
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Chemical Processing Equipment
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 10 Structure of corrosion-free region. Etching treatment: 10% aqueous solution of ammonia, 2 V 3 min. 500 ×
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001321
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
.... Potter E.C. and Mann G.M.W. , “The Fast Linear Growth of Magnetite on Mild Steel in High Temperature Aqueous Conditions,” Corrosion , Vol. 21 , 1965 , p 57 – 67 . 3. Evans U.R. , The Corrosion and Oxidation of Metals , Chapter XII, Secondary Supplementary Volume, Edward...
Tube failures occurred in quick succession in two boiler units from a bank of six boilers in a refinery. The failures were confined to the SAE 192 carbon steel horizontal support tubes of the superheater pack. In both cases, the failure was by perforation adjacent to the welded fin on the crown of the top tubes and located in an area near the upward bend of the tube. The inside of all the tubes were covered with a loosely adherent, black, alkaline, powdery deposit comprised mainly of magnetite. The corroded areas, however, had relatively less deposit. The morphology of the corrosion damage was typical of alkaline corrosion and confirmed that the boiler tubes failed as a result of steam blanketing that concentrated phosphate salts. The severe alkaline conditions developed most probably because of the decomposition of trisodium phosphate, which was used as a water treatment chemical for the boiler feed water.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.chem.c9001718
EISBN: 978-1-62708-220-4
... hub. (0.7×) In addition to the pock-marked surface, the damaged impeller is peppered with corrosion pitting. The worst area of pitting is shown in Figure 4 . Zirconium and zirconium alloys are extremely resistant to corrosives, including the aqueous hydrochloric acid (HCl) service environment...
Post-service destructive evaluation was performed on two commercially pure zirconium pump impellers. One impeller failed after short service in an aqueous hydrochloric acid environment. Its exposed surfaces are bright and shiny, covered with pockmarks, and peppered with pitting. Uniform corrosion is evident and two deep linear defects are present on impeller blade tips. In contrast, the undamaged impeller surfaces are covered with a dark oxide film. This and many other impellers in seemingly identical service conditions survive long lives with little or no apparent damage. No material or manufacturing defects were found to explain the different service performance of the two impellers. Microstructure, microhardness and material chemistry are consistent with the specified material. Examination reveals the damage mechanism to be corrosion-enhanced cavitation erosion, the most severe form of erosion corrosion. Cavitation damage to the protective oxide film caused the zirconium to lose its normally outstanding corrosion resistance. The root cause of the impeller failure is most likely the introduction of excessive air into the pump due to low liquid level, a bad seal or inadequate head. Corrosion pitting, crevice corrosion, and solidification cracks (casting defect) also contributed to the failure.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.chem.c9001213
EISBN: 978-1-62708-220-4
...-free region. Etching treatment: V2A-etching solution. 200 × Fig. 9 Structure of corrosion-free region. Etching treatment: 50% aqueous solution of nitric acid, 2 V 3 min. 500 × Fig. 10 Structure of corrosion-free region. Etching treatment: 10% aqueous solution of ammonia, 2 V 3 min...
Fragments of screen bars which as structural elements of a condenser had come into contact with cooling water from the mouth of a river were received. The screen bars were made of stainless austenitic Cr-Ni-Mo steel X 5 Cr-Ni-Mo18 10 (Material No. 1.4401). The bars were fractured repeatedly. The ruptures did not occur exclusively or even preferentially at the loops, but just as frequently at locations between them. The mistake made in this case was annealing the steel at a temperature in the critical region. This was probably done to relieve stresses that originated during cold-forming and led to damage by stress corrosion. This would have been the correct method for a ferritic steel, but not austenitic steel, which requires the special heat treatment indicated. When an anneal in the critical region is unavoidable and the indicated additional treatment is impossible or difficult, a type of steel has to be chosen which is resistant to intergranular corrosion.
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 13 Effect of acid concentration on the corrosion rate of iron completely immersed in aqueous solutions of three inorganic acids at room temperature. It should be noted that the scales for corrosion rate are not the same for all three charts. As discussed in text, the corrosion rate
Published: 15 January 2021
Fig. 13 Effect of acid concentration on the corrosion rate of iron completely immersed in aqueous solutions of three inorganic acids at room temperature. It should be noted that the scales for corrosion rate are not the same for all three charts. As discussed in the text, the corrosion rate
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/
EISBN: 978-1-62708-233-4
..., heat-affected zone, and base metal. The branching and transgranular cracking was found to emanate primarily from the exterior of the tank. It was concluded that the tank failed as a result of stress-corrosion cracking that initiated at the exterior surface as aqueous chlorides, especially within...
Leakage was identified around a coupling welded into a stainless steel holding tank that stored condensate water with low impurity content. The tank and fitting were manufactured from type 304 stainless steel. The coupling joint consisted of an internal groove weld and an external fillet weld. Cracking was found to be apparent on the tank surface, adjacent to the coupling weld. Chlorine, carbon, and oxygen in addition to the base metal elements were revealed by energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometric analysis. A great number of secondary, branching cracks were evident in the weld, heat-affected zone, and base metal. The branching and transgranular cracking was found to emanate primarily from the exterior of the tank. It was concluded that the tank failed as a result of stress-corrosion cracking that initiated at the exterior surface as aqueous chlorides, especially within an acidic environment, have been shown to cause SCC in austenitic stainless steels under tensile stress.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001559
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... lines in the system had thru-wall cracks. Shallow incipient cracks were detected at the lowest elevations of one other line. The balance of the system had no signs of SCC attack. Chlorides and corrosion deposits in varying amounts were found throughout the system. The failure mechanism was transgranular...
One inch diam Type 304 stainless steel piping was designed to carry containment atmosphere samples to an analyzer to monitor hydrogen and oxygen levels during operational and the design basis accident conditions that are postulated to occur in a boiling water reactor. Only one of six lines in the system had thru-wall cracks. Shallow incipient cracks were detected at the lowest elevations of one other line. The balance of the system had no signs of SCC attack. Chlorides and corrosion deposits in varying amounts were found throughout the system. The failure mechanism was transgranular, chloride, stress-corrosion cracking. Replacement decisions were based on the presence of SCC attack or heavy corrosion deposits indicative of extended exposure time to chloride-contaminated water. The existing uncracked pipe, about 75 percent of the piping in the system, was retained despite the presence of low level surface chlorides. Controls were implemented to insure that temperatures are kept below 150 deg F, or, walls of the pipe are moisture-free or the cumulative wetted period will never exceed 30 h.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001775
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... . 7. High-Performance Alloys for Resistance to Aqueous Corrosion , Publication SMC-026, Special Metals Corporation , 2000 , p. 17 . 8. Monel Alloy 400 , Publication SMC-053, Special Metals Corporation , 2003 . Selected References Selected References • Vander Voort G.F...
A bent Ni-Cu Monel 400 alloy tube, which operated as part of a pipeline in a petrochemical distillery, failed by through-thickness cracking. The pipeline was used to carry a stream of gaseous hydrocarbons containing hydrochloric acid (HCl) into a reaction tower. The tower provided a caustic solution (NaOH) to remove HCl from the stream, before the latter was directed to a burner. Metallographic examination showed that the cracks were intergranular and were frequently branched. Although nominal chemical composition of the component was found within the specified range, energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDXA) indicated significant segregation of sulfur and chlorine along the grain boundaries. Failure was attributed to hypochlorous-acid (HClO)-induced stress-corrosion cracking (SCC). The HClO was formed by the reaction of HCl with atmospheric O 2 that entered the tube during shutdowns and startups. Residual stresses, originating from in situ bend forming of the tube during assembly of the line, provided a driving force for crack growth, and the segregation of sulfur on grain boundaries made the material more susceptible to cracking.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.modes.c9001177
EISBN: 978-1-62708-234-1
... had started from the outside surface of the tube. Electrolytic etching further showed that they had propagated mainly across the grains. It was concluded that this was a typical case of transcrystalline stress corrosion. Chlorides Heating coils X10CrNiMoTi 18 12 Transgranular fracture Stress...
A solution containing 50 to 70% calcium chloride (pH 7.5 to 8.5) was concentrated by evaporation in a brick-lined vessel by passing steam at a pressure of 15 atmospheres through a system of heating coils made of austenitic stainless steel X 10 Cr-Ni-Mo-Ti 18 12 (Material No. 1.4573). After five months one of the coils, which consisted of tubes having a wall thickness of 3.4 mm, developed a leak. Tightly closed cracks were seen on the outer surface of the tube. Further tests with color penetration process revealed multiple branched cracks. Longitudinal section showed that the cracks had started from the outside surface of the tube. Electrolytic etching further showed that they had propagated mainly across the grains. It was concluded that this was a typical case of transcrystalline stress corrosion.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c0049796
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
... heating of the bridgewire. Evidence of severe corrosion was revealed on examination of the nickel-chromium-iron alloy bridgewire and the nickel-iron alloy pins. Metallic elements in the pin or bridgewire and substantial amounts of chlorine were detected from the x-ray spectra. Morphological changes...
Problems with materials compatibility were encountered in pyrotechnically driven devices used in a number of ordnance applications requiring rapid mechanical actuation. A fine bridgewire is located in contact with the chemical pyrotechnic, and the charge is ignited by electrical heating of the bridgewire. Evidence of severe corrosion was revealed on examination of the nickel-chromium-iron alloy bridgewire and the nickel-iron alloy pins. Metallic elements in the pin or bridgewire and substantial amounts of chlorine were detected from the x-ray spectra. Morphological changes indicative of decomposition and dissolution were revealed to have occurred in regions of the pyrotechnic that had been in contact with the bridgewire and pin surfaces by examination of the titanium-potassium perchlorate (Ti-K-Cl-O4) pyrotechnic. Substantial amounts of water were revealed to be associated with the surfaces of the titanium particles in the pyrotechnic by nuclear magnetic resonance. It was proposed that the chlorine-containing residue combined with the water from the pyrotechnic to form a thin aqueous film corroding the bridgewire and pins. A new cleaning procedure was implemented for the glass headers to eliminate the chloride contamination and a vacuum drying procedure was instituted for the pyrotechnic.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.marine.c9001164
EISBN: 978-1-62708-227-3
... sensitization and susceptibility to aqueous intergranular corrosion. Chemical analysis showed the predominant acid radical to be sulfate (6.20% in the carbonaceous deposit and 0.60% in the corrosion product), suggesting that oxidation of SO2 in the flue gas caused the corrosion. Moisture condensation...
Plate perforation occurred in the cylindrical section and walls of the inlet foot (2.38 mm thick Incoloy 825 plate welded using INCO welding rod 135) of an inert gas fire prevention system in an oil tanker. Cross-sectional microprobe analysis showed the corrosion product to contain sulfur, mainly from the flue gas, and calcium and chlorine, mainly from the sea water. The gray corrosion product was interspersed with rust and a black carbonaceous deposit. Corrosion pitting and poor weld penetration, with carbide precipitation and heavy etching at grain boundaries, indicated sensitization and susceptibility to aqueous intergranular corrosion. Chemical analysis showed the predominant acid radical to be sulfate (6.20% in the carbonaceous deposit and 0.60% in the corrosion product), suggesting that oxidation of SO2 in the flue gas caused the corrosion. Moisture condensation, the carbon acting as a cathode, and alloy susceptibility to intergranular corrosion contributed to the corrosion.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006783
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
.... Faraday’s law establishes the proportionality between current flow and the amount of material dissolved or deposited in electrolysis. Additional information is provided in the article “ Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion ” in Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and Protection , Volume 13A of the ASM Handbook...
Corrosion is the electrochemical reaction of a material and its environment. This article addresses those forms of corrosion that contribute directly to the failure of metal parts or that render them susceptible to failure by some other mechanism. Various forms of corrosion covered are galvanic corrosion, uniform corrosion, pitting, crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion, selective leaching, and velocity-affected corrosion. In particular, mechanisms of corrosive attack for specific forms of corrosion, as well as evaluation and factors contributing to these forms, are described. These reviews of corrosion forms and mechanisms are intended to assist the reader in developing an understanding of the underlying principles of corrosion; acquiring such an understanding is the first step in recognizing and analyzing corrosion-related failures and in formulating preventive measures.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0003567
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
... Abstract This article focuses on the corrosion-wear synergism in aqueous slurry and grinding environments. It describes the effects of environmental factors on corrosive wear and provides information on the impact and three-body abrasive-corrosive wear. The article also discusses the various...
This article focuses on the corrosion-wear synergism in aqueous slurry and grinding environments. It describes the effects of environmental factors on corrosive wear and provides information on the impact and three-body abrasive-corrosive wear. The article also discusses the various means for combating corrosive wear, namely, materials selection, surface treatments, and handling-environment modifications.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c9001400
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
... was found to be due to stress corrosion. Although the active agent present was not positively identified, the aqueous solution of monoethanolamine was thought to be the most probable. The origin of the stresses was not elucidated but the association of the cracks with the welded seams indicated inherent...
Following the discovery numerous cracks at many of the welded seams of a mild steel CO2 absorber vessel, a sample for examination was removed from the worst affected area where repairs had been effected. A 12 in. long circumferential crack was visible. Specimens were taken to cover the several locations of cracking which, in all cases, were found to be similar and of the intergranular type filled with oxide or corrosion product. The association of the cracks with the weld seams indicated that contraction stresses from welding were primarily responsible. Failure of the absorber vessel was found to be due to stress corrosion. Although the active agent present was not positively identified, the aqueous solution of monoethanolamine was thought to be the most probable. The origin of the stresses was not elucidated but the association of the cracks with the welded seams indicated inherent residual stresses as being primarily responsible. Tests carried out tend to suggest that stress relief was not carried out. For the replacement plant, consideration of stress relieving or the use of an alternative material was advised.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/
EISBN: 978-1-62708-233-4
... Abstract A large pressure vessel that had been in service as a hydrogen sulfide (H2S) absorber developed cracks and began leaking at a nozzle. The vessel contained a 20% aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH), potassium carbonate (K2CO3), and arsenic. The vessel wall was manufactured...
A large pressure vessel that had been in service as a hydrogen sulfide (H2S) absorber developed cracks and began leaking at a nozzle. The vessel contained a 20% aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH), potassium carbonate (K2CO3), and arsenic. The vessel wall was manufactured of ASTM A516, grade 70, low-carbon steel plate. A steel angle had been formed into a ring was continuously welded to the inside wall of the vessel. The groove formed by the junction of the lower tray-support weld and the top part of the weld around the nozzle was found to have a crack. Pits and scale near the crack origin were revealed by microscopic examination and cracking was found to be transgranular. Periods of corrosion alternated with sudden instances of cleavage, under a tensile load, along preferred slip planes were interpreted during examination with a microscope. It was concluded that the combination of the residual plus operating stresses and the amount of KOH present would have caused stress corrosion as a result of caustic embrittlement. It was recommended that the tray support should be installed higher on the vessel wall to prevent coincidence of the lower tray-support weld with the nozzle weld.
in Screen Bars Destroyed by Intergranular Corrosion
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Chemical Processing Equipment
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 11 Structure of transition zone to region of intergranular corrosion. Etching treatment: 50% aqueous solution of nitric acid, 2 V 3 min. 100 ×
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.usage.c9001545
EISBN: 978-1-62708-236-5
... stress-corrosion cracking. Stress corrosion wasn't a concern in this application because loads on the surface exposed to the aqueous environment would be compressive — surfaces under compression aren't subject to stress corrosion. I was then advised about a type 440C part that had developed stress...
The presence of secondary, branching intergranular stress-corrosion cracking in a type 440C stainless bearing caused the analyst to overlook the real culprit, which was a mechanically-initiated, primary transgranular crack that propagated through the steel's hard chromium carbide. Failure was actually caused by overload. Had the original conclusion been accepted, a relatively exotic alloy would have been specified. In another case, brass heat exchanger tube failure was automatically attributed to attack by an acidic cleaner, and a decision was made to stop using the solution. A more thorough analysis showed failure was caused by tube vibration. In a third case, a type 304 stainless steel bellows in a test loop was thought to have failed because of chloride stress corrosion. The report concluded with a recommendation that carbon steel be used as an alternative bellows material. Caustic, not chloride, stress corrosion was the culprit. Had material substitutions been made on the original premise of countering chloride stress corrosion, most of the loop's highly stressed components would have eventually failed.