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Thermal stresses
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Thermal stresses
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Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11B
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 May 2022
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11B.a0006932
EISBN: 978-1-62708-395-9
... Abstract Engineering plastics, as a general class of materials, are prone to the development of internal stresses which arise during processing or during servicing when parts are exposed to environments that impose deformation and/or temperature extremes. Thermal stresses are largely...
Engineering plastics, as a general class of materials, are prone to the development of internal stresses which arise during processing or during servicing when parts are exposed to environments that impose deformation and/or temperature extremes. Thermal stresses are largely a consequence of high coefficients of thermal expansion and low thermal diffusivities. Although time-consuming techniques can be used to analyze thermal stresses, several useful qualitative tests are described in this article. The classification of internal stresses in plastic parts is covered. The article describes the effects of low thermal diffusivity and high thermal expansion properties, and the variation of mechanical properties with temperature. It discusses the combined effects of thermal stresses and orientation that result from processing conditions. The article also describes the effect of aging on properties of plastics. It explains the use of high-modulus graphite fibers in amorphous polymers.
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 10 Development of thermal stresses within steel on cooling. T, time instant at maximum temperature difference; 0, time instant of stress reversal; curve A, stress variation at the surface under elastic conditions. B and C are actual thermal stress variations at the surface and the core
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 11 Comparison of thermal and transformational stresses for three different quenching conditions. See text for details. t u , time instant of stress reversal
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c0047645
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... to form and propagate in tension under the thermal stresses created by the repair-weld heat input. The crack resulted from contamination and embrittlement of a repair weld that had received inadequate gas shielding. Thermal stresses cracked the oxide-rich layer that formed. The gas-shielding accessories...
An outer fan-duct assembly of titanium alloy Ti-5Al-2.5Sn (AMS 4910) for a gas-turbine fan section cracked 75 mm (3 in.) circumferentially through a repair weld in an arc weld in the front flange-duct segment. Examination of the crack with a binocular microscope revealed no evidence of fatigue. A blue etch-anodize inspection showed the presence of an alpha case along the edges of the repair weld. The alpha case, a brittle oxide-enriched layer, forms when welds are inadequately shielded from the atmosphere during deposition. The brittleness of this layer caused transgranular cracks to form and propagate in tension under the thermal stresses created by the repair-weld heat input. The crack resulted from contamination and embrittlement of a repair weld that had received inadequate gas shielding. Thermal stresses cracked the oxide-rich layer that formed. The gas-shielding accessories of the welding torch were overhauled to ensure that leak-in or entrainment of air was eliminated. Also, the purity of the shielding-gas supplies was rechecked to make certain that these had not become contaminated.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.steel.c9001149
EISBN: 978-1-62708-232-7
... of rolled and welded COR-TEN steel plate butt welded together on site. The pipe sustained local buckling and cracking, then fractured during the first five months of operation. Failure was due to low cycle fatigue and fast fracture caused by differential thermal expansion stresses. Thermal lag between...
A large diameter steel pipe reinforced by stiffening rings with saddle supports was subjected to thermal cycling as the system was started up, operated, and shut down. The pipe functioned as an emission control exhaust duct from a furnace and was designed originally using lengths of rolled and welded COR-TEN steel plate butt welded together on site. The pipe sustained local buckling and cracking, then fractured during the first five months of operation. Failure was due to low cycle fatigue and fast fracture caused by differential thermal expansion stresses. Thermal lag between the stiffening rings welded to the outside of the pipe and the pipe wall itself resulted in large radial and axial thermal stresses at the welds. Redundant tied down saddle supports in each segment of pipe between expansion joints restrained pipe arching due to circumferential temperature variations, producing large axial thermal bending stresses. Thermal cycling of the system initiated fatigue cracks at the stiffener rings. When the critical crack size was reached, fast fracture occurred. The system was redesigned by eliminating the redundant restraints and by modifying the stiffener rings to permit free radial thermal breathing of the pipe.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c0048850
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... before the stop valve. It was concluded using thermal stress analysis done using numerical methods and software identified as CREPLACYL that one or more severe thermal downshocks might cause the damage pattern that was found. The root cause of the failure was identified to be thermal fatigue...
Cracks on the outer surface near a hanger lug were revealed by visual inspection of a type 316 stainless steel main steam line of a major utility boiler system. Cracking was found to have initiated at the outside of the pipe wall or immediately beneath the surface. The microstructure of the failed pipe was found to consist of a matrix precipitate array (M23C6) and large s-phase particles in the grain boundaries. A portable grinding tool was used to prepare the surface and followed by swab etching. All material upstream of the boiler stop valve was revealed to have oriented the cracking normally or nearly so to the main hoop stress direction. Residual-stress measurements were made using a hole-drilling technique and strain gage rosettes. Large tensile axial residual stresses were measured at nearly every location investigated with a large residual hoop stress was found for locations before the stop valve. It was concluded using thermal stress analysis done using numerical methods and software identified as CREPLACYL that one or more severe thermal downshocks might cause the damage pattern that was found. The root cause of the failure was identified to be thermal fatigue, with associated creep relaxation.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001852
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... of finite element modeling, they analyzed the material as well as the design and in-service application of the mold. They discovered that overconstraining the mold, while it was in service, caused excessive thermal stresses which accelerated crack initiation and propagation. Investigators also proposed...
A 2–3 mm thick electroformed nickel mold showed early cracking under thermal load cycles. To determine the root cause, investigators obtained monotonic and cyclic properties of electroformed nickel at various temperatures and identified possible fatigue mechanisms. With the help of finite element modeling, they analyzed the material as well as the design and in-service application of the mold. They discovered that overconstraining the mold, while it was in service, caused excessive thermal stresses which accelerated crack initiation and propagation. Investigators also proposed remedies to prevent additional failures.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1992
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v01.c9001110
EISBN: 978-1-62708-214-3
... surface were examined. Both fractographic and metallographic features revealed that the failure was by thermal fatigue caused by the presence of biaxial thermal stresses on the inner surface of the tube. It was recommended that the steam and air be thoroughly mixed prior to entering the tube to decrease...
A 44.5 mm (1.75 in.) diam type 321 stainless steel seamless tube in a power-generating turbine failed after 19,000 h in service. The tube was used to carry a mixture of approximately 25% steam and 75% hot air. Three fractured pieces and part of the tube containing the mating fracture surface were examined. Both fractographic and metallographic features revealed that the failure was by thermal fatigue caused by the presence of biaxial thermal stresses on the inner surface of the tube. It was recommended that the steam and air be thoroughly mixed prior to entering the tube to decrease the temperature fluctuations of the inner surface.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001737
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... successfully, it was suggested that the remaining useful life was effectively exhausted and that it should be replaced. Thermal stresses produced during operation would rapidly result in additional cracks. Casings Gas turbines Thermal stresses 321 UNS S32100 Creep fracture/stress rupture Thermal...
The hot gas casing of a gas turbine used for peak load power production had developed extensive cracking during operation. The operating time was 18,000 h, and it had been subjected to 1,600 operating cycles. The gas temperature on the hot side was 985 deg C, on the cold side 204 deg C, the material being AISI 321 stainless steel. The purpose of the present study was to determine optimum repair welding procedures on the premise that the material was basically sound and undamaged by creep. The cracking was the result of thermal fatigue, and such cracks can propagate at elevated temperature, with damage ahead of the crack tip occurring by means of very local processes of creep. Metallographic examination disclosed heavy surface layers of carbides, such that the material was extremely brittle when subjected to bending. Accordingly, although it was demonstrated that the casing could be welded successfully, it was suggested that the remaining useful life was effectively exhausted and that it should be replaced. Thermal stresses produced during operation would rapidly result in additional cracks.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c0090114
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... to the cooling holes, which led to relatively high thermal stresses at the holes located at the thicker sections of the airfoil, and stress concentration of 2.5 at the cooling hole and the presence of relatively high total strain (an inelastic strain of 1.2%) at the cooling hole surface. Recommendations include...
The first-stage blades in a model 501D5 gas turbine had 16 cooling holes. After 32,000 h of service, the blades exhibited cracking at the cooling holes. The blade material was wrought Udimet 520 alloy, with nominal composition of 57Ni-19Cr-12Co-6Mo-1W-2Al-3Ti-0.05C-0.005B. The cooling holes' surface was not coated. Investigation supported the conclusions that the cracking at the cooling holes was due to grain-boundary oxidation and nitridation at the cooling hole surface, embrittlement and loss of local ductility of the base alloy, temperature gradient from the airfoil surface to the cooling holes, which led to relatively high thermal stresses at the holes located at the thicker sections of the airfoil, and stress concentration of 2.5 at the cooling hole and the presence of relatively high total strain (an inelastic strain of 1.2%) at the cooling hole surface. Recommendations include applying the specially designed methods given in this case study to estimate the metal temperature and stresses in order to predict the life of turbine blades under similar operating conditions.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c9001188
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
... showed the dark incipient crack was present before the last heat treatment and was oxidized and decarburized prior to the conclusion of the annealing process. The crack ran perpendicular to the fiber, so it was not formed before or during forging. It was a thermal stress crack produced during flame...
A short fracture section of a forged and normalized Ck 35 (DIN 17200) steel slide showed three distinct zones: a dark colored crystalline area, an incipient crack propagating into a far advanced, rubbed fracture surface, and a fine crystalline final break. Metallographic examination showed the dark incipient crack was present before the last heat treatment and was oxidized and decarburized prior to the conclusion of the annealing process. The crack ran perpendicular to the fiber, so it was not formed before or during forging. It was a thermal stress crack produced during flame cutting of the middle section of the slide. The initial crack acted as a sharp notch favoring the formation of the fatigue fracture which lead to the failure of the slide.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001837
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... with thermal stresses and constraint conditions, resulted in intergranular brittle fracture. welded nozzle assembly brittle fracture localized heating chromium alloy steel transgranular cleavage dimple rupture dye penetrant testing welding parameters 0.1%C-1.25%Cr-0.8%Mo-0.2%V steel (chromium...
This case study describes the failure analysis of a steel nozzle in which cracking was observed after a circumferential welding process. The nozzle assembly was made from low-carbon CrMoV alloy steel that was subsequently single-pass butt welded using gas tungsten arc welding. Although no cracks were found when the welds were visually inspected, X-ray radiography showed small discontinuous surface cracks adjacent to the weld bead in the heat affected zone. Further investigation, including optical microscopy, microhardness testing, and residual stress measurements, revealed that the cracks were caused primarily by the presence of coarse untempered martensite in the heat affected zone due to localized heating. The localized heating was caused by high welding heat input or low welding speed and resulted in high transformation stresses. These transformation stresses, working in combination with thermal stresses and constraint conditions, resulted in intergranular brittle fracture.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.modes.c0048361
EISBN: 978-1-62708-234-1
... was redesigned to alleviate the thermal stress pattern. Design Heat exchanger tubes 304 UNS S30400 Thermal fatigue fracture Several failures occurred in 64-mm (2 1 2 -in.) schedule 80 type 304 stainless steel (ASME SA-312, grade TP304) piping in a steam-plant heat-exchanger system near tee...
Several failures occurred in 64-mm schedule 80 type 304 stainless steel (ASME SA-312, grade TP304) piping in a steam-plant heat-exchanger system near tee fittings at which cool water returning from the heat exchanger was combined with hot water from a bypass. Various portions of the piping were subjected to temperatures ranging from 29 to 288 deg C. Each of the failures were revealed to consist of transgranular cracking in and/or close to the circumferential butt weld joining the tee fitting to the downstream pipe leg, where the hot bypass water mixed with the cool return water. The transgranular cracks suggested that thermal fatigue was a more likely cause of failure than SCC. It was concluded by temperature measurements that circumferential temperature gradients, in combination with inadequate flexibility in the piping system as a whole, had caused the failures. The tee fitting was redesigned to alleviate the thermal stress pattern.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c0047641
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
... into the gas channel. Thermal stresses cracked the embrittled weld, exposing the crack surfaces to oxidation before cooling. One of these cracks caused a stress concentration so severe that failure of the vessel wall during the proof test was inevitable. A sealing system at the split-line region...
A Ti-6Al-4V alloy pressure vessel failed during a proof-pressure test, fracturing along the center girth weld. The girth joints were welded with the automatic gas tungsten arc process utilizing an auxiliary trailing shield attached to the welding torch to provide inert-gas shielding for the exterior surface of the weld. A segmented backup ring with a gas channel was used inside the vessel to shield the weld root. The pressure vessel failed due to contamination of the fusion zone by oxygen, which resulted when the gas shielding the root face of the weld was diluted by air that leaked into the gas channel. Thermal stresses cracked the embrittled weld, exposing the crack surfaces to oxidation before cooling. One of these cracks caused a stress concentration so severe that failure of the vessel wall during the proof test was inevitable. A sealing system at the split-line region of the segmented backup ring was provided, and a fine-mesh stainless steel screen diffuser was incorporated in the channel section of the backup ring to prevent air from leaking in. A titanium alloy color chart was furnished to permit correlation of weld-zone discoloration with the degree of atmospheric contamination.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.chem.c9001736
EISBN: 978-1-62708-220-4
... the plates and the pipe. The creep damage failure was attributed to repeated relaxation cycles of very high thermal stresses of resulting from the periodic shutdowns, temperature fluctuations during service, or both. This failure emphasized the information available from an evaluation of the operative creep...
Leakage was detected at the welds between stiffening plates and the pipe in a transfer line carrying butane and related petrochemical compounds. The line and reinforcing rings were of AISI 316 stainless steel, the pipe being of 508 mm diam and 6.25 mm wall thickness. The design temperature and pressure were 621 deg C and 2.75 kPa, respectively, while the operating conditions were 579 deg C and 1.03 kPa. The line was insulated. Failure occurred after approximately 90,000 h of operation, shutdowns being approximately two per annum. The cracking occurred at the toe of welds between the plates and the pipe. The creep damage failure was attributed to repeated relaxation cycles of very high thermal stresses of resulting from the periodic shutdowns, temperature fluctuations during service, or both. This failure emphasized the information available from an evaluation of the operative creep mechanism, namely grain boundary sliding, relating to the periodic nature of the loading, with high residual stresses being present.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/
EISBN: 978-1-62708-217-4
... to 1000 deg F), but that of the bolt is lower. The T-bolt broke after three years of service. The expected service life was equal to that of the aircraft. It was found that the bolt broke as a result of SCC. Thermal stresses were induced into the bolt by intermittent operation of the jet engine...
A T-bolt was part of the coupling for a bleed air duct of a jet engine on a transport plane. Specifications required that the 4.8 mm diam component be made of AISI type 431 stainless steel and heat treated to 44 HRC. The operating temperature of the duct is 425 to 540 deg C (800 to 1000 deg F), but that of the bolt is lower. The T-bolt broke after three years of service. The expected service life was equal to that of the aircraft. It was found that the bolt broke as a result of SCC. Thermal stresses were induced into the bolt by intermittent operation of the jet engine. Mechanical stresses were induced by tightening of the clamp around the duct, which in effect acted to straighten the bolt. The action of these stresses on the carbides that precipitated in the grain boundaries resulted in fracture of the bolt. Due to the operating temperatures of the duct near the bolt, the material was changed to A-286, which is less susceptible to carbide precipitation. The bolt is strengthened by shot peening and rolling the threads after heat treatment. Avoiding temperatures in the sensitizing range is desirable, but difficult to ensure because of the application.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001305
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
... at the elevated temperature. It is significant that the rim and flange are normally in residual compression because of their manufacture; the compressive stresses caused by thermal expansion are added to these stresses. Upon release of the brake or stopping of the train, the rim and flange cool and contract...
An ASTM A 504 carbon steel railway car wheel that was used on a train in a metropolitan railway system failed during service, causing derailment. The wheel was completely fractured from rim to hub. Macrofractography of the fracture surface showed road grime, indicating that the crack had existed for a considerable time prior to derailment and initiated in the flange. Failure propagated from the flange across the rim and down the plate to the bore of the hub. Two zones that exhibited definite signs of heating were observed. The fracture initiation site was typical of fatigue fracture. No defects were found that could have contributed to failure. The wheel conformed to the chemical, microstructural, and hardness requirements for class A wheels. Failure was attributed to repeated severe heating and cooling of the rim and flange due to brake locking or misapplication of the hand brake. It was recommended that the brake system on the car be examined and replaced if necessary.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c0089734
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
..., radiographic inspection, and 2% nital etched 1.7x views) showed varying IDs on the assemblies and supported the conclusions that the failures of the butt welds were the result of fatigue cracks caused by cyclic thermal stresses that initiated at stress-concentrating notches at the toes of the interior fillet...
A system of carbon steel headers, handling superheated water of 188 deg C (370 deg F) at 2 MPa (300 psi) for automobile-tire curing presses, developed a number of leaks within about four months after two to three years of leak-free service. All the leaks were in shielded metal arc butt welds joining 200 mm (8 in.) diam 90 deg elbows and pipe to 200 mm (8 in.) diam welding-neck flanges. A flange-elbow-flange assembly and a flange-pipe assembly that had leaked were removed for examination. Investigation (visual inspection, hardness testing, chemical analysis, magnetic-particle testing, radiographic inspection, and 2% nital etched 1.7x views) showed varying IDs on the assemblies and supported the conclusions that the failures of the butt welds were the result of fatigue cracks caused by cyclic thermal stresses that initiated at stress-concentrating notches at the toes of the interior fillet welds on the surfaces of the flanges. Recommendations included using ultrasonic testing to identify the appropriate joints and then replacing them. Special attention to accuracy of fit-up in the replacement joints was also recommended to achieve smooth, notch-free contours on the interior surfaces.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.usage.c9001249
EISBN: 978-1-62708-236-5
..., considerable structural changes took place on the inner wall of the flange. Thermal stresses and excessive mechanical loads due to smearing of the flange material then led to fracture of the flange. Cracking (fracturing) Flanges Pumps Fe-1.54C-18.2Cr (Other, general, or unspecified) fracture...
The flanged bearing bush carrying the drive shaft of a feed pump suddenly fractured after about two years of service. The chemical composition was normal for high chromium ledeburitic cast steel, which was corrosion and wear resistant as well as refractory. For unknown reasons the rotating shaft came into direct contact with the flange. Mechanical friction caused a rise in temperature on both contact surfaces. This mutual contact lasted long enough for the temperature in the contact zone to exceed 1200 deg C, at which the flange material became softened or molten. As a result, considerable structural changes took place on the inner wall of the flange. Thermal stresses and excessive mechanical loads due to smearing of the flange material then led to fracture of the flange.
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 37 Stainless steel superheater tube that failed by thermal fatigue and stress rupture. (a) Photograph of the tube showing thick-lip rupture. (b) Macrograph of a section taken transverse to a fracture surface of the tube showing that thermal fatigue cracking started at the outside surface