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Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.bldgs.c9001151
EISBN: 978-1-62708-219-8
... Abstract A portion of the roof of a single story building collapsed during a thunder storm. A failure analysis was conducted to determine whether this structural failure was due to improper design, substandard construction materials, faulty erection, or extreme weather conditions. The failure...
A portion of the roof of a single story building collapsed during a thunder storm. A failure analysis was conducted to determine whether this structural failure was due to improper design, substandard construction materials, faulty erection, or extreme weather conditions. The failure analysis consisted of an onsite inspection, macrofractographic examination of the fractures where the girders were welded to the columns, macrofractographic examination of the fractured trusses, metallographic examination of the girder and truss materials, chemical analysis of the low-carbon steel girder and truss materials, and mechanical testing of the truss material. It was concluded that substandard structural components in combination with faulty construction was responsible for this service failure.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1992
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v01.c9001113
EISBN: 978-1-62708-214-3
... Abstract Six cracked A36 steel gusset plates that formed part of the roof trusses of a large manufacturing facility were discovered during a routine final inspection of a new building construction. Two different-size plates from different locations in the building were removed and tested...
Six cracked A36 steel gusset plates that formed part of the roof trusses of a large manufacturing facility were discovered during a routine final inspection of a new building construction. Two different-size plates from different locations in the building were removed and tested. It was determined that the gusset plates failed in the heat-affected zone via an intergranular microcracking mode due to hydrogen-assisted underbead and toe-weld cracking. Proper nondestructive testing techniques for magnetic particle and radiographic inspection of the plate-weld gusset areas were recommended.
Published: 01 December 1993
Fig. 1 Fireside of tubes removed from the roof area of the boiler 1 showing numerous circumferential cracks and fissures. This damage was typical in both boilers.
Published: 15 January 2021
Fig. 12 Hot side (bottom tube half) of waterside surface of roof tube near failure. Carbides in prior-pearlite colonies have completely spheroidized from overheating. Creep voids have developed at grain boundaries, and some have grown and coalesced. Original magnification: 210×. Courtesy
in Failure Analysis of a Collapsed Roof
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Buildings, Bridges, and Infrastructure
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 1 Aerial view of building showing one section of roof collapsed.
in Failure Analysis of a Collapsed Roof
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Buildings, Bridges, and Infrastructure
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 2 View of roof collapse from inside the building.
in Failure Analysis of a Collapsed Roof
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Buildings, Bridges, and Infrastructure
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 3 Fractured truss in roof section adjacent to one that collapsed.
in The Disruption of a Turbo-Alternator Gearbox
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Power Generating Equipment
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 2 Damage to lantern light in roof.
Published: 15 January 2021
Fig. 10 Heavy deposits (>1000 g/ft 2 , or 2.2 lb/ft 2 ) on hot side (bottom tube half) of waterside surface of roof tube. Tube membranes contain moderate deposits, while the cold side contains a lesser amount. Courtesy of U.S. Navy
Published: 01 December 1993
Fig. 2 Damage in the front portion of the aircraft. (a) Hole in the external skin on the toilet roof. (b) Caving in of the toilet bowl. Damage in the front portion of the aircraft. (c) Damage to the instrument panel in the cockpit.(d) Hole in the backrest of the pilot's seat, front view. (e
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.steel.c0046998
EISBN: 978-1-62708-232-7
... to the hearth. Preliminary examination in situ of the 14 tubes showed some pits on the outer surfaces of several tubes just below the roof of the furnace. Service History The furnace had been rebricked when new radiant tubes were installed. The tubes had been in service for only five months when...
One of 14 vertical radiant tubes (RA 333 alloy) in a heat-treating furnace failed when a hole about 5 x 12.5 cm (2 x 5 in.) corroded completely through the tube wall. The tube measured 183 cm (72 in.) in length and 8.9 cm (3 in.) in OD and had a wall thickness of about 3 mm (0.120 in.). Failure occurred where the tube passed through the refractory hearth (floor) of the furnace. Although the furnace atmosphere was neutral with respect to the work, it had a carburizing potential relative to the radiant tubes. Analysis (visual inspection, 250x spectroscopic examination of specimens etched with mixed acids, metallographic examination, and chemical analysis) supported the conclusions that the premature failure of the tube by perforation at the hearth level resulted from (1) corrosion caused by sulfur contamination from the refractory cement in contact with the tube and (2) severe local overheating at the same location. Recommendations included replacing all tubes using a low sulfur refractory cement in installation and controlling burner positioning and regulation more closely to avoid excessive heat input at the hearth level.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001290
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
... of the runway ( Fig. 1 ). The front toilet and cockpit areas had suffered extensive damage. The paint on the external skin above the front toilet had peeled off, and a hole was found on the skin of the toilet roof, with the metal lip curling outward ( Fig. 2a ). The panels of the toilet compartment had given...
Damage to a passenger aircraft that resulted from a midair explosion and subsequent emergency landing was investigated to determine the cause and location of the explosion. Extensive damage had occurred in the front toilet and cockpit areas and to the undercarriage and underside of the aircraft. Fractographic and surface examination of metal fragments (stainless steel and aluminum alloy) from damaged areas indicated that the accident was caused by an explosion in the front toilet. A reconstruction exercise confirmed this conclusion. Damage to the undercarriage and underside resulted from the emergency landing.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001340
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
... by membranes, and many of the failures occurred in the roof area within 0.61 m (2 feet) of the steam-drum inlets. Applications The package boilers were used in two similar plants to generate process steam where they operate at relatively constant load. Circumstances Leading to Failure One...
Two identical “D” tube package boilers, installed at separate plants, experienced a number of tube ruptures after relatively short operating times. The tubes, which are joined by membranes, experienced localized bulging and circumferential cracking along the fireside crown as a result of overheating and thermal fatigue. It was recommended that recent alterations to the steam-drum baffling be remodified to improve circulation in the boiler and prevent further overheating. Several thermocouples were attached to tubes in problem areas of the boiler to monitor the effects of the steam-drum modifications on tube wall temperatures.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001765
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... Atmospheric Corrosion allowances Shell 0 mm Bottom plates 0 mm Roof plates 0 mm Roof framing 0 mm Wind design per API 650 162 km/h Materials Shell rings 1 to 7 A 537 class 2 Annular plates A 283-C Bottom plates A 283-C Roof plates A 283-C Columns A312-TP...
This paper describes the investigation of a corrosion failure of bottom plates on an aboveground tank used for the storage of potable water. The tank was internally inspected for the first time after six years of service. Paint blisters and rust spots were observed on the bottom plates and first to third course shell plates. Sand blasting and repainting of the bottom plates and first course shell plates was to be used as a remedial measure. However, during the sand blasting, holes and deep pitting were observed on the bottom plates. On-site visual inspection, magnetic flux leakage (MFL) inspection, ultrasonic testing (UT), and evaluation of the external cathodic protection (CP) system were used in the failure analysis. The corrosion products were analyzed using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). The failure is attributed to the ingress of water and its impoundment under the tank bottom along the periphery inside the ring wall and failure of water side epoxy coating. Various measures to prevent such failures in the future are recommended.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001321
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
..., the top tube of the first row failed. In both cases, the failure was by perforation adjacent to the welded fin on the crown (or roof) of the top tubes, located in an area near the upward bend of the tube. Applications The boilers have a maximum continuous rating of 163 Mg/h (180 ton/h...
Tube failures occurred in quick succession in two boiler units from a bank of six boilers in a refinery. The failures were confined to the SAE 192 carbon steel horizontal support tubes of the superheater pack. In both cases, the failure was by perforation adjacent to the welded fin on the crown of the top tubes and located in an area near the upward bend of the tube. The inside of all the tubes were covered with a loosely adherent, black, alkaline, powdery deposit comprised mainly of magnetite. The corroded areas, however, had relatively less deposit. The morphology of the corrosion damage was typical of alkaline corrosion and confirmed that the boiler tubes failed as a result of steam blanketing that concentrated phosphate salts. The severe alkaline conditions developed most probably because of the decomposition of trisodium phosphate, which was used as a water treatment chemical for the boiler feed water.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001569
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... should be used. Improvements for control of water chemistry and acid cleanings were also effected. Superheater After 27 years a transverse failure of a superheater tube occurred just below the roof ( Figure 11 ). This tube was the last tube in the pendant and adjacent to a soot blower cavity...
This paper reviews several fatigue failures from the waterwall, superheater, and economizer portions of the boiler, their causes and how they were mitigated and monitored. Some cases required simple field modifications by cutting or welding, repair of existing controls, and/or changes in maintenance. Nondestructive inspections by visual, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, and radiographic methods for detecting and monitoring damage are discussed. These failures are presented to provide hindsight that will help others in increasing the success rate for anticipating and analyzing the remaining life of other units.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.matlhand.c9001549
EISBN: 978-1-62708-224-2
... and the top ring of the tower had not been inspected for a very long time (it was not necessary to break this connection in dismantling the crane for transporting to another site). 2. Fatigue Failure of Crane Support Column This failure concerned a tower crane operating at the roof level...
Crane collapse due to bolt fatigue and fatigue failure of a crane support column, crane tower, overhead yard crane, hoist rope, and overhead crane drive shaft are described. The first four examples relate to the structural integrity of cranes. However, equipment such as drive and hoist-train components are often subject to severe fatigue loading and are perhaps even more prone to fatigue failure. In all instances, the presence of fatigue cracks at least contributed to the failure. In most instances, fatigue was the sole cause. Further, in each case, with regular inspection, fatigue cracks probably would have been detected well before final failure.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001725
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... itself. Parts were scattered over the powerhouse, some going through the roof. Even though fragments of the shattered machine were scattered over a wide area, fortunately only one slight personal injury occurred. Immediately, an engineering investigation was started to establish the cause of failure...
Another failure in a turbogenerator, similar to the accidents in Toronto described in Metal Progress in July 1956, was due to the presence of fatigue cracks at ventilating holes. These acted as stress-raisers during temporary and minor overspeeding, inducing an almost instantaneous brittle failure which wrecked the machine, fortunately without human casualty.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.petrol.c9001550
EISBN: 978-1-62708-228-0
...; i.e., in a roughly southeasterly direction, landing on the outside of the tank's enclosing dykes at the fractured ends and impacting on the dyke in the center. The tank roof had also moved in a similar direction, landing within the dykes, but partially on top of the shell. Thus, the region...
A 100,000 barrel crude oil storage tank rupture caused extensive property damage in Dec 1980, in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Failure was attributed to a brittle fracture that originated at a weld between a reinforcing pad and a manway nozzle. Factors that contributed to the brittle fracture included incomplete penetration in a single-bevel groove weld, poor impact properties of the hot rolled ASTM A283 low-carbon steel base material, and air temperature down to 27 C on the day of failure. Details of the analysis and results of impact testing are discussed.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001473
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
... As previously mentioned, the gearbox virtually disappeared from its foundation, with the result that the fractured parts were thrown all over the works, some being projected through the lantern-light in the roof as shown in Figure 2 , while the pinion buried itself in the wall of an adjacent water tube boiler...
A combination of adverse factors was present in the disruption of a turbo-alternator gearbox. The major cause was the imposition of a gross overload far in excess of that for which the gearbox was designed. The contributory factors were a rim material (EN9 steel) that was inherently notch-sensitive and liable to rupture in a brittle manner. Discontinuities were present in the rims formed by the drain holes drilled in their abutting faces, and possibly enhanced by the stress-raising effect of microcracks in the smeared metal at their surfaces It is probable that the load reached a value in excess of the yield point within the delay time of the material so when the fracture was initiated, it was preceded by several microcracks giving rise to the propagation of a brittle fracture.