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Jigneshkumar P. Patel, Yanika Schneider, Malavarayan Sankarasubramanian, Vidya Jayaram
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Plasma spraying
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Plasma spraying
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in Wear and Failure of Babbit Bushes in Steam Turbine Sliding Bearings
> ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Mechanical and Machine Components
Published: 01 June 2019
Fig. 6 Plasma-spray-coated babbit microstructure. (a) Optical micrograph. (b) Scanning electron micrograph of α phase
Published: 01 January 2002
Fig. 16 Behavior comparison of plasma-sprayed Ni-Cr-Fe-Si-B powder with wrought type 304L stainless steel in vibratory cavitation
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.mech.c9001533
EISBN: 978-1-62708-225-9
... Abstract An investigation of wear and failure of babbitt bushes was completed in this study. The results showed that wear at dry sliding of babbitt obtained by plasma spraying was less than that of babbitt in the as-cast state and after a deformation heat treatment. The failure of babbitt...
An investigation of wear and failure of babbitt bushes was completed in this study. The results showed that wear at dry sliding of babbitt obtained by plasma spraying was less than that of babbitt in the as-cast state and after a deformation heat treatment. The failure of babbitt bushes was caused by a simultaneous and interrelated exhibition of fatigue and wear processes that depend considerably on cohesion strength between the bush and the bearing base and accumulation of defects on the contact surface between the bush and the shaft.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0003570
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
..., owing to the presence of brittle phases or porosity in the deposits or inadequate adhesion between deposits and substrates ( Ref 22 , 23 ). In contrast, Ni-Cr-Si-B alloys, plasma sprayed and then flame remelted, are used to repair cavitation damage in hydroturbines in China ( Ref 24 ). Laboratory tests...
Erosion of solid surfaces can be brought about solely by liquids in two ways: from damage induced by formation and subsequent collapse of voids or cavities within the liquid, and from high-velocity impacts between a solid surface and liquid droplets. The former process is called cavitation erosion and the latter is liquid-droplet erosion. This article emphasizes on manifestations of damage and ways to minimize or repair these types of liquid impact damage, with illustrations.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v03.c9001803
EISBN: 978-1-62708-241-9
... forging processes. The implants are coated for better wear, with osseointegration plasma spray, sol-gel dipping, electrochemical, electrophoretic, and sputtering methods commonly used as surface treatments. [ 4 – 13 ] The full success of an implant depends on various factors, such as proper indication...
Metallurgical SEM analysis provides many insights into the failure of biomedical materials and devices. The results of several such investigations are reported here, including findings and conclusions from the examination a total hip prosthesis, stainless steel and titanium compression plates, and hollow spinal rods. Some of the failure mechanisms that were identified include corrosive attack, corrosion plus erosion-corrosion, inclusions and stress gaps, production impurities, design flaws, and manufacturing defects. Failure prevention and mitigation strategies are also discussed.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0003563
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
... deposition, and thermal spraying (TS). It provides a background to RCF in bearing steels in order to develop an understanding of failure modes in overlay coatings. The article describes the underpinning failure mechanisms of TiN and diamond-like carbon coatings. It presents an insight into the design...
A major cause of failure in components subjected to rolling or rolling/sliding contacts is contact fatigue. This article focuses on the rolling contact fatigue (RCF) performance and failure modes of overlay coatings such as those deposited by physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, and thermal spraying (TS). It provides a background to RCF in bearing steels in order to develop an understanding of failure modes in overlay coatings. The article describes the underpinning failure mechanisms of TiN and diamond-like carbon coatings. It presents an insight into the design considerations of coating-substrate material properties, coating thickness, and coating processes to combat RCF failure in TS coatings.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006792
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... or a combination of ceramic and metal (cermet) materials, which are much harder than the underlying steel substrate ( Ref 136 ). Three major techniques are used for these coatings: physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, and thermal spray. Physical Vapor Deposition Coatings Overlay coatings...
Rolling-contact fatigue (RCF) is a common failure mode in components subjected to rolling or rolling-sliding contact. This article provides a basic understanding of RCF and a broad overview of materials and manufacturing techniques commonly used in industry to improve component life. A brief discussion on coatings to improve surface-initiated fatigue and wear is included, due to the similarity to RCF and the increasing criticality of this failure mode. The article presents a working knowledge of Hertzian contact theory, describes the life prediction of rolling-element bearings, and provides information on physics and testing of rolling-contact fatigue. Processes commonly used to produce bearings for demanding applications are also covered.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.modes.c0046378
EISBN: 978-1-62708-234-1
... pump sleeve used to pump river water to a brine plant. The sleeve at left, coated with a fused nickel-base hard-facing alloy, shows severe abrasive wear by river-water silt after 3387 h of service. Sleeve at right, coated with plasma-deposited chromium oxide, shows little evidence of wear after 5190 h...
River water was pumped into a brine plant by a battery of vertical pumps, each operating at 3600 rpm and at a discharge pressure of 827 kPa (120 psi). The pumps were lubricated by means of controlled leakage. The 3.8 cm (1 in.) OD pump sleeves were made of an austenitic stainless steel and were hard faced with a fused nickel-base hardfacing alloy (approximately 58 HRC). Packing for the pumps consisted of a braided PTFE-asbestos material. After several weeks of operation, the pumps began to leak and to spray water over the platforms on which they were mounted at the edge of the river. Analysis supported the conclusions that the leaks were caused by excessive sleeve wear that resulted from the presence of fine, abrasive silt in the river water. The silt, which contained hard particles of silica, could not be filtered out of the inlet water effectively.
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0003555
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
... in boilers are employing thicker tubes of the same material; shielding tubes with clamp-on protectors; coating with thermal sprayed, corrosion-resistant materials; blending coals to reduce corrosive ash constituents; replacing tubes with higher-grade alloys or coextruded tubing; lowering final steam outlet...
High temperature corrosion may occur in numerous environments and is affected by factors such as temperature, alloy or protective coating composition, time, and gas composition. This article explains a number of potential degradation processes, namely, oxidation, carburization and metal dusting, sulfidation, hot corrosion, chloridation, hydrogen interactions, molten metals, molten salts, and aging reactions including sensitization, stress-corrosion cracking, and corrosion fatigue. It concludes with a discussion on various protective coatings, such as aluminide coatings, overlay coatings, thermal barrier coatings, and ceramic coatings.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006766
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... covers the operating principles, applications, advantages, and disadvantages of optical emission spectroscopy (OES), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), X-ray spectroscopy, and ion chromatography (IC). In addition, information on combustion analysis and inert gas fusion...
Identification of alloys using quantitative chemical analysis is an essential step during a metallurgical failure analysis process. There are several methods available for quantitative analysis of metal alloys, and the analyst should carefully approach selection of the method used. The choice of appropriate analytical techniques is determined by the specific chemical information required, the condition of the sample, and any limitations imposed by interested parties. This article discusses some of the commonly used quantitative chemical analysis techniques for metals. The discussion covers the operating principles, applications, advantages, and disadvantages of optical emission spectroscopy (OES), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), X-ray spectroscopy, and ion chromatography (IC). In addition, information on combustion analysis and inert gas fusion analysis is provided.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006787
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
High-temperature corrosion can occur in numerous environments and is affected by various parameters such as temperature, alloy and protective coating compositions, stress, time, and gas composition. This article discusses the primary mechanisms of high-temperature corrosion, namely oxidation, carburization, metal dusting, nitridation, carbonitridation, sulfidation, and chloridation. Several other potential degradation processes, namely hot corrosion, hydrogen interactions, molten salts, aging, molten sand, erosion-corrosion, and environmental cracking, are discussed under boiler tube failures, molten salts for energy storage, and degradation and failures in gas turbines. The article describes the effects of environment on aero gas turbine engines and provides an overview of aging, diffusion, and interdiffusion phenomena. It also discusses the processes involved in high-temperature coatings that improve performance of superalloy.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006794
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... is effective and economical. Various coating techniques can be used, including thermal spray, hardfacing, laser surface modification, physical vapor deposition, and chemical vapor deposition ( Ref 63 , 68 ). Ceramic-metal composite coatings (e.g., WC-CrNi, WC-Co, and WC-FeCrAl coatings) are often used...
Corrosive wear is defined as surface damage caused by wear in a corrosive environment, involving combined attacks from wear and corrosion. This article begins with a discussion on several typical forms of corrosive wear encountered in industry, followed by a discussion on mechanisms for corrosive wear. Next, the article explains testing methods and characterization of corrosive wear. Various factors that influence corrosive wear are then covered. The article concludes with general guidelines for material selection against corrosive wear.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006782
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... to identify the material and to compare it with the specification requirements on the drawing. Otherwise, the alloy is identified using available standards. For metallic components, destructive analysis is performed using inductively coupled plasma/atomic or optical emission spectroscopy, an analytical...
Corrosion is the deterioration of a material by a reaction of that material with its environment. The realization that corrosion control can be profitable has been acknowledged repeatedly by industry, typically following costly business interruptions. This article describes the electrochemical nature of corrosion and provides the typical analysis of environmental- and corrosion-related failures. It presents common methods of testing of laboratory corrosion and discusses the processes involved in the prevention of environmental- and corrosion-related failures of metals and nonmetals.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006789
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... the matrix, thus increasing the wear rate.) Some coatings, such as some electroless nickel deposits or WC-Co deposits obtained by plasma spray, display lower wear resistance than expected because they may be quite defective; that is, they may contain pores or cracks that favor brittle fracture. Fig...
This article considers the main characteristics of wear mechanisms and how they can be identified. Some identification examples are reported, with the warning that this task can be difficult because of the presence of disturbing factors such as contaminants or possible additional damage of the worn products after the tribological process. Then, the article describes some examples of wear processes, considering possible transitions and/or interactions of the mechanism of fretting wear, rolling-sliding wear, abrasive wear, and solid-particle erosion wear. The role of tribological parameters on the material response is presented using the wear map concept, which is very useful and informative in several respects. The article concludes with guidelines for the selection of suitable surface treatments to avoid wear failures.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11A
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 August 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11A.a0006838
EISBN: 978-1-62708-329-4
... are the common powder-bed AM techniques. Most metal powders used for AM processing are produced using water, plasma, and gas atomization. The different atomization techniques produce different powder characteristics, which can enhance or diminish AM processing. Additive manufacturing benefits from homogeneous...
This article provides an overview of metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes and describes sources of failures in metal AM parts. It focuses on metal AM product failures and potential solutions related to design considerations, metallurgical characteristics, production considerations, and quality assurance. The emphasis is on the design and metallurgical aspects for the two main types of metal AM processes: powder-bed fusion (PBF) and directed-energy deposition (DED). The article also describes the processes involved in binder jet sintering, provides information on the design and fabrication sources of failure, addresses the key factors in production and quality control, and explains failure analysis of AM parts.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11A
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 30 August 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11A.a0006824
EISBN: 978-1-62708-329-4
... abnormally hot). Chemical analysis by an inductively coupled plasma technique revealed that the blades were comprised of Nimonic 115 alloy, a nickel-base superalloy forging. The alloy composition was consistent with the reported nominal composition of the alloy, but the standard alloy for the application...
This article focuses on common failures of the components associated with the flow path of industrial gas turbines. Examples of steam turbine blade failures are also discussed, because these components share some similarities with gas turbine blading. Some of the analytical methods used in the laboratory portion of the failure investigation are mentioned in the failure examples. The topics covered are creep, localized overheating, thermal-mechanical fatigue, high-cycle fatigue, fretting wear, erosive wear, high-temperature oxidation, hot corrosion, liquid metal embrittlement, and manufacturing and repair deficiencies.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 January 2021
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0006829
EISBN: 978-1-62708-295-2
... fretting fatigue (i.e., crack nucleation and crack propagation) ( Ref 10 , 15 – 18 ). Fortunately, new surface treatments combining shot and laser peening with a thick self-lubricant plasma coating are now applied to prevent any critical damage process ( Ref 17 ). Fig. 3 Fretting wear damage...
Fretting is a wear phenomenon that occurs between two mating surfaces; initially, it is adhesive in nature, and vibration or small-amplitude oscillation is an essential causative factor. Fretting generates wear debris, which oxidizes, leading to a corrosion-like morphology. This article focuses on fretting wear related to debris formation and ejection. It reviews the general characteristics of fretting wear, with an emphasis on steel. The review covers fretting wear in mechanical components, various parameters that affect fretting; quantification of wear induced by fretting; and the experimental results, map approach, measurement, mechanism, and prevention of fretting wear. This review is followed by several examples of failures related to fretting wear.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11B
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 May 2022
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11B.a0006939
EISBN: 978-1-62708-395-9
... psi) ( Ref 6 , 25 – 27 ). The different methods for producing CNTs are as follows ( Ref 25 – 27 , 29 ): Surface-mediated growth of vertically aligned tubes by plasma-enhanced vapor deposition Chemical vapor deposition Laser ablation High-pressure carbon monoxide Arc discharge...
Polymer materials are key building blocks of the modern world, commonly used in packaging, automobiles, building materials, electronics, telecommunications, and many other industries. These commercial applications of polymeric materials would not be possible without the use of additives. This article is divided into five sections: mechanical property modifiers, physical property modifiers, biological function modifiers, processing aids, and colorants. It describes three classes of additives that are used to inhibit biological activity, six classes of mechanical property modifiers, three classes of physical property modifiers, and two classes of both colorants and processing aids.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Handbook Archive
Volume: 11
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 January 2002
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11.a0003562
EISBN: 978-1-62708-180-1
This article reviews the general characteristics of fretting wear in mechanical components with an emphasis on steel. It focuses on the effects of physical variables and the environment on fretting wear. The variables include the amplitude of slip, normal load, frequency of vibration, type of contact and vibration, impact fretting, surface finish, and residual stresses. The form, composition, and role of the debris are briefly discussed. The article also describes the measurement, mechanism, and prevention of fretting wear. It concludes with several examples of failures related to fretting wear.
Series: ASM Handbook
Volume: 11B
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 15 May 2022
DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v11B.a0006917
EISBN: 978-1-62708-395-9
While there are many fracture mechanisms that can lead to the failure of a plastic component, environmental stress cracking (ESC) is recognized as one of the leading causes of plastic failure. This article focuses on unpacking the basic concepts of ESC to provide the engineer with a better understanding of how to evaluate and prevent it. It then presents factors that affect and contribute to the susceptibility of plastic to ESC: material factors, chemical factors, stress, and environmental factors. The article includes the collection of background information to understand the circumstances surrounding the failure, a fractographic evaluation to assess the cracking, and analytical testing to evaluate the material, design, manufacturing, and environmental factors.