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Steam pipe
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Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c9001421
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
The bottom flange of a vertical pipe coupled to an isolating valve in a steam supply line to a turbine failed. Steam pressure was 1,500 psi and the temperature 416 deg C (780 deg F). Multiple cracking occurred in the bore of the flange. A quarter-segment was cut out and examined. The cracks were located in the part of the flange that formed a continuation of the pipe bore. The majority of them originated at the end of the flange bore and extended axially along the pipe and radially across the flange face. Magnetic crack detection revealed a further number of cracks in the weld deposit. While the fracture in the weld metal was of the ductile type exhibiting a fine fibrous appearance, that in the flange material was of the cleavage type. Microscopic examination revealed that the cracks were blunt-ended fissures of the type characteristic of corrosion-fatigue. It was concluded that cracking was due to corrosion-fatigue, which arose from the combined effect of a fluctuating tensile stress in the presence of a mildly corrosive environment.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.process.c9001425
EISBN: 978-1-62708-235-8
An 850 ft. long steam main working at a pressure of 120 psi ruptured. Two lengths of pipe were submitted for examination, one containing the rupture and the other from an unaffected part removed to facilitate repair. The rupture surfaces were smooth, suggesting that the failure had taken place either at a weld in the pipe or at a discontinuity in the material. Microscopic examination through the joints at the ends of the rupture confirmed that the pipe had been made from strip and the edges lap-welded. The second case concerned an 8 in. diam pipe in which a longitudinal defect was discovered running the entire length. Examination of a section through the pipe containing the defect, showed this to be a scarf-welded pipe, only about half the section of the scarf having been satisfactorily welded together. It was concluded that both pipes had been defective at the time of manufacture and that service conditions had served to extend the defects.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.marine.c9001445
EISBN: 978-1-62708-227-3
An explosion occurred in a portion of a horizontal, U-shaped expansion loop in a steam main approximately 10-in. diam which had been operating at 400 psi for six years. Steam conditions varied from 538 deg C (450 deg F) saturated to 343 deg C (650 deg F) superheated. Fracture occurred longitudinally through the upper wall over a length of approximately 68 in. The sample received for examination was ultrasonically tested, which indicated a band of internal defects extending 1 in. in from the edge. Subsequently, the portion of the pipe embodying the other side of the rupture was obtained for examination. Transverse sections through this and the mating portion already received, followed by magnetic crack detection, revealed the presence of defective zones. Subsequent ultrasonic examination of other sections of the steam main indicated suspect areas in a number of lengths of pipe. These defects were basically laminations of a similar form to those which resulted in the failure of the portion of pipe.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c0048850
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
Cracks on the outer surface near a hanger lug were revealed by visual inspection of a type 316 stainless steel main steam line of a major utility boiler system. Cracking was found to have initiated at the outside of the pipe wall or immediately beneath the surface. The microstructure of the failed pipe was found to consist of a matrix precipitate array (M23C6) and large s-phase particles in the grain boundaries. A portable grinding tool was used to prepare the surface and followed by swab etching. All material upstream of the boiler stop valve was revealed to have oriented the cracking normally or nearly so to the main hoop stress direction. Residual-stress measurements were made using a hole-drilling technique and strain gage rosettes. Large tensile axial residual stresses were measured at nearly every location investigated with a large residual hoop stress was found for locations before the stop valve. It was concluded using thermal stress analysis done using numerical methods and software identified as CREPLACYL that one or more severe thermal downshocks might cause the damage pattern that was found. The root cause of the failure was identified to be thermal fatigue, with associated creep relaxation.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001011
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
After some 87,000 h of operation, failure took place in the bend of a steam pipe connecting a coil of the third superheater of a steam generator to the outlet steam collector. The unit operated at 538 deg C and 135 kPa, producing 400 t/h of steam. The 2.25Cr-1Mo steel pipe in which failure took place was 50.8 mm in diam with a nominal wall thickness of 8 mm. It connected to the AISI 321 superheater tube by means of a butt weld and was one of 46 such parallel connecting tubes. The Cr-Mo tubing was situated outside the heat transfer zone of the superheater. The overall sequence of failure involved overheating of the Cr-Mo outlet tubes, heavy oxidation, oxide cracking on thermal cycling, thermal fatigue cracking plus oxidation, creep-controlled crack growth, and rapid plastic deformation and rupture. This failure was indicative of excess temperature of the steam coming from the heat transfer zone of the coil. It showed that many damage mechanisms may combine in the transition from fracture initiation to final failure. The presence of grain boundary sliding as an indication of creep damage was useful in the characterization of the stress level as high and showed that the process of creep was not operative throughout the life of the equipment.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001398
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
Several articulated bellows of 10 in. ID developed leakage from the convolutions after a service life of some 18 months. One of the units received from examination showed cracking at the crown of a convolution and at the attachment weld to the pipe. Sectioning of the bellows revealed many others cracks on the internal surface which did not penetrate to the outside. Microscopical examination showed multiple intergranular, tree-like cracking typical of stress-corrosion cracking. Concentration of sodium hydroxide occurred in the bellows unit and the stress-corrosion cracking which developed was of the form known as caustic cracking. It was recommended that water for de-superheater use should be taken after the deaerator and prior to the addition of salts which may deposit or concentrate in the desuperheater.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c0048801
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
A 75 cm OD x 33 mm thick pipe in a horizontal section of a hot steam reheat line ruptured after 15 years in service. The failed section was manufactured from rolled plate of material specification SA387, grade C. The longitudinal seam weld was a double butt-weld that was V-welded from both sides and failure was found to propagate along the longitudinal seam and its HAZ. The fracture surface near the inner wall of the pipe was found to have a bluish gray appearance, while the fracture surface near the outer wall was rust colored (oxides). The transverse-to-the-weld specimen from the longitudinal seam weld was revealed to have lower elongation and a shear type failure rather than the cup-cone failures. It was concluded that the welded longitudinal seam exhibited embrittlement. A low-ductility intergranular fracture that progressed through the weld metal was revealed by scanning electron microscopy. The cracks were revealed to be in existence for some time before the final failure which was indicated by the extent and amount of corrosion products. It was concluded that low ductility was responsible for the original initiation of cracks in the pipe.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001469
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
In a main range in a power station, steam was conveyed at a pressure of 645 psi, and a temperature of 454 deg C (850 deg F). Pipe diameter was 9 in. and the joints were of the bolted type in which a thin steel ring, serrated on both sides, was inserted between plain flanges. Thin jointing material was interposed between the serrated faces and the flanges. The first intimation of trouble was the onset of a high pitched noise audible over a radius of a quarter of a mile. The noise arose from violent lateral vibration of the serrated ring, which attained an amplitude and persisted for a sufficient number of cycles to produce an extensive system of fatigue cracks that resulted in partial disintegration of the ring. Microscopic examination of the material showed it to be a mild steel of satisfactory quality. The trouble was started by slight leakage, possibly resulting from a relaxation of the interfacial pressure on the joint faces, which eroded away the joint material locally at one face of the serrated ring. This reduced interfacial pressure at the opposite face of the ring, with resultant leakage and erosion of the joint material on this side.
Book Chapter
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.power.c9001422
EISBN: 978-1-62708-229-7
During a hydraulic test on one of the boilers in a range, leakage occurred from the lower surface of a horizontal S bend in the main steam pipe between the drum connector box and the junction valve. The pipe in question was 15 in. bore and had been in service for about 50 years. Specimens were prepared for microscopical examination to include the defective zone and a section through a circumferential crack. The defective zone was found to contain numerous inclusions of slag and oxides of globular form. Regions surrounding the inclusions were decarburized, the indications being that this region of the plate had been heated to an excessively high temperature. A corrosion-fatigue fissure was at one location, this having originated at the internal surface of the pipe and run into an inclusion in the defective zone. The failure resulted from the development of corrosion-fatigue fissures which originated at a zone containing defects introduced at the time of manufacture. These may have had their origin in the ingot from which the plate was rolled or, alternatively, be indicative of a zone which suffered overheating and local burning at the time the forge weld was made.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.pulp.c0045911
EISBN: 978-1-62708-230-3
Within the first few months of operation of an 8 km (5 mile) long 455 mm (18 in.) diam high-pressure steam line between a coal-fired electricity-generating plant and a paper mill, several of the Inconel 600 bellows failed. The steam line operated at 6030 kPa (875 psi) and 420 deg C (790 deg F). Metallographic sections, energy-dispersive x-ray spectra, chemical analyses, tensile tests, and Auger microscope analyses showed the failed bellows met the specifications for the material. However, investigation also showed entire oxide thickness was contaminated with relatively large amounts of sodium, calcium, potassium, aluminum, and sulfur, alkali, alkali earth, and other contaminants that completely permeated even the thin oxides on the fracture surfaces. Additional investigation of the purity of the steam itself as reported by the power plant showed that corrosion and cracks were ultimately caused by the steam. While under normal operation, the steam's purity posed no problem to the material, during boiler cleaning operations, the generating plant had allowed contamination to get into the steam line.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 June 2019
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.modes.c0048846
EISBN: 978-1-62708-234-1
A main steam pipe was found to be leaking due to a large circumferential crack in a pipe-to-fitting weld in one of two steam leads between the superheater outlet nozzles and the turbine stop valves (a line made of SA335-P22 material). The main crack surface was found to be rough, oriented about normal to the outside surface, and had a dark oxidized appearance. The cracking was found to be predominantly intergranular. Distinct shiny bands that etched slower than the remainder of the sample at the top of each individual weld bead were revealed by microscopic examination. These bands were found contain small cracks and microvoids. A mechanism of intergranular creep rupture at elevated temperature was identified as a result of a series of stress-rupture and tensile tests. It was revealed by the crack shape that cracking initiated on the pipe exterior, then propagated inward and in the circumferential direction in response to a bending moment load. It was concluded that the primary cause of failure was the occurrence of bending stresses that exceeded the stress levels predicted by design calculations and that were higher than the maximum allowable primary membrane stress.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 2
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1993
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v02.c9001331
EISBN: 978-1-62708-215-0
A high-pressure steam pipe specified to be P22 low-alloy steel failed after 25 years of service. Located at the end of the steam line, the pipe reportedly received no steam flow during normal service. Visual examination of the failed pipe section revealed a window fracture that appeared brittle in nature. Specimens from the fracture area and from an area well away from the fracture were examined metallographically and chemically analyzed. Results indicated that the pipe had failed by hydrogen damage that resulted in brittle fracture. Chemical analysis indicated that the pipe material was 1020 carbon steel, not P22. The misapplication of pipe material was considered to be a contributing factor. Position of the pipe within the system caused the localized damage.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1992
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v01.c9001102
EISBN: 978-1-62708-214-3
Four cadmium-plated ASTM A193 grade B studs from a steam line connector associated with a power turbine failed unexpectedly in a nil-ductility manner. Fracture surfaces were covered with a light-colored, lustrous deposit. Optical microscope, SEM, and EDS analyses were conducted on sections from one of the studs and revealed that the coating on the fracture surface was cadmium. The fracture had multiple origins, and secondary cracks also contained cadmium. The fracture topography was intergranular. The failures were attributed to liquid metal embrittlement caused by the presence of a cadmium plating and operating temperatures at approximately the melting point of cadmium. It was recommended that components exposed to the cadmium be replaced.
Series: ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Volume: 1
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 01 December 1992
DOI: 10.31399/asm.fach.v01.c9001128
EISBN: 978-1-62708-214-3
Creep crack growth and fracture toughness tests were performed using test material machined from a seam welded ASTM A-155-66 class 1 (2.25Cr-1Mo) steel steam pipe that had been in service for 15 years. The fracture morphology was examined using SEM fractography. Dimpled fracture was found to be characteristic of fracture toughness specimens. Creep crack growth generally followed the fusion line region and was characterized as dimpled fracture mixed with cavities. These fracture morphologies were similar to those of an actual steam pipe. It was concluded that creep crack growth behavior was the prime failure mechanism of seam-welded steam pipes.