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The upper frame from a large cone crusher failed in severe service after an unspecified service duration. The ductile iron casting was identified as grade 80-55-06, signifying minimum properties of 552 MPa (80 ksi) tensile strength, 379 MPa (55 ksi) yield strength, and 6% elongation. Investigation (visual inspection, chemical analysis, unetched 30x images, and 2% nital etched 30x images) was difficult because the fracture surface of the frame section was obliterated by postfracture corrosion. Repeated attempts at cleaning using progressively stronger chemicals revealed that no telltale fracture morphology remained. However, the investigation supported the conclusion that the crusher frame failed via brittle overload fracture, likely due to excessive service stresses and substandard mechanical properties. Recommendations included additional quality-control measures to provide better spheroidal graphite morphology at the frame surface.

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