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Banding wires of the rotor of an 1800 hp motor were renewed following replacement of the banding rings. After about six months of service, a breakdown occurred due to bursting of the banding wires in several places. The 0.064 in. diam wire was nonmagnetic and of the 18/8 Cr-Ni type of austenitic stainless steel. The fractures were short and partially crystalline, with no evidence of slowly developing cracks of the fatigue type. Microscopical examination of sections taken through the fractures showed the cracking to be of the multiple branching type. Because the material was in the heavily cold-worked condition, it was not possible to determine with certainty if the cracks were of the inter- or trans-granular type. It was concluded that failure was due to stress-corrosion cracking in a chloride environment. Failure of the wires was likely due to the use of a chloride-containing flux during the soldering operation.

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