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Waspaloy (AMS 5586) fabricated inner ring of a spray-manifold assembly failed transversely through the manifold tubing at the edge of the tube and support sleeve brazed joint. The assembly was brazed with AWS BAu-4 filler metal (AMS 4787). Fatigue beach marks propagating from extremities of a granular gold-tinted surface region adjacent to the tube-to-sleeve brazed joint and extending circumferentially were revealed by microscopic examination. Embrittlement of the tube caused by molten braze metal penetration along grain boundaries was evidenced by micrographs of a granular portion of the fracture. It was revealed by the initial fracture profile that fatigue cracks begun as an intergranular separation and subsequently became transgranular. It was concluded that failure of the tube was caused by excessive alloying between the braze metal and the Waspaloy. Reduced temperatures during torch debrazing or rebrazing were recommended to minimize molten braze metal penetration.

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