ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Processing Errors and Defects
ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Processing Errors and Defects documents more than 110 cases of structural and/or functional failure attributed to manufacturing defects associated with primary and secondary processes, including melting, casting, forging, forming, and heat treating. Cases also examine failures stemming from cleaning, finishing, coating, and plating defects, as well as failures due to machining, injection molding, welding, and brazing errors. The cases describe the investigation, identify the primary cause, and include remedial solutions. These case histories have been compiled from a wide variety of ASM International publication types, including ASM Handbook volumes, conference proceedings, technical books, journals, and magazines.
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Table of Contents
Brazing and Soldering Defects
Bulk Forming Defects
An Investigation of the Development of Defects During Flow Forming of High Strength Thin Wall Steel TubesByK.M. Rajan;K.M. RajanArmament Research and Development EstablishmentSearch for other works by this author on:K. NarasimhanK. NarasimhanDepartment of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials ScienceSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Structural Instability of Cold Worked Alloy 304 in 650 °C ServiceByPublished:01 June 2019
Casting Defects
Cracked Cast Iron CrankcasesByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Failure Analysis of an Aluminum CastingBySteven C. MedeirosSteven C. MedeirosAir Force Research LabSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Failure of Die Cast Aluminum Cluster Bomb Tailcone AssembliesByM. PepiM. PepiU.S. Army Research Laboratory, Weapons and Materials Research Directorate, AMSRL-WM-MDSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Metal Waves or Laking on Zinc-Based DiecastingsByGustav R. Perger;Gustav R. PergerCSIRO, Division of Tribophysics, University of MelbourneSearch for other works by this author on:Peter M. RobinsonPeter M. RobinsonCSIRO, Division of Tribophysics, University of MelbourneSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Metallic Inclusions in SteelByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Primary Grain Boundary Cracks in Cast Ingots and Flaky CrankshaftsByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Steel Casting with Insufficient Strength PropertiesByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Cleaning and Finishing Defects
Discoloration of a Stainless Steel Tube after PicklingByS.J. SuessS.J. SuessStork Techniment, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Coating and Plating Defects
An Analysis of Fiber-Induced Surface Defects in Electroless Plated ComponentsPublished:01 June 2019
Brittle Zinc Layer on a Hot-Galvanised HookByEgon KauczorEgon KauczorStaatliches Materialprüfungsamt an der FachhochschuleSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Fractures of Electro-Galvanized Cylinderhead ScrewsByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Hydrogen Induced Cracking of a Tappet Adjusting ScrewByB.V. KrishnaB.V. KrishnaMaterials Science & Technology Division, Thapar Centre for Industrial Research and Development Thapar Technology CampusSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Plating Adherence Problems in Electronic ComponentsByArun KumarArun KumarMetallurgical Services Scanning Electron Analysis Laboratories, Inc.[1]
Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Forging Defects
Use of Electron Fractography to Diagnose Cracking in a 7075-T6 Aluminum ForgingByJames A. ScottJames A. ScottGroup Leader, Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering Requirements, Aircraft Div., McDonnell Douglas Corp.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Heat Treating Defects
Brittleness in Copper and Copper Alloys With Particular Reference to Hydrogen EmbrittlementByA. Matting;A. MattingInstitut A für Werkstoffkunde der Technischen Hochschule Hannover
Search for other works by this author on:Ruth ZieglerRuth ZieglerInstitut A für Werkstoffkunde der Technischen Hochschule HannoverSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019 -
Cracks in Flame Hardened Operation HandlesByEgon KauczorEgon KauczorWerkstoffprüfamt der Freien und HansestadtSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
DecarburizationByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Investigation of a Case Hardened SleeveByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Investigation of Cracking and Erratic Behavior of the Uranium-Titanium AlloyByE. L. BirdE. L. BirdMaterials Engineering Department, Development Division, Oak Ridge Y-12 PlantSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Poorly Drawable Steel Wire for Ball BearingsByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Steel Hardenability and Failure AnalysisByBrett A. MillerBrett A. MillerStork Technimet, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Injection Molding Defects
Machining Defects
Stress Cracks in Brass Pipe CouplingsByKarin KuhnKarin KuhnMax-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Institut für SondermetalleSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Metal Production Defects
An Example of Decarburization in Alloy Steels and Its Effect on Further ProcessingByP. K. ChatterjeeP. K. ChatterjeeMinistry of Defense, Controllerate of Inspection (Metals)Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Analysis of Center Burst During Hot ForgingByB. Vamsi Krishna;B. Vamsi KrishnaMaterials Science & Technology Division, Thapar Centre for Industrial Research and Development, Thapar Technology CampusSearch for other works by this author on:R.K. SidhuR.K. SidhuMaterials Science & Technology Division, Thapar Centre for Industrial Research and Development, Thapar Technology CampusSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Cast Ingot Cracked During ForgingByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Cast Steel Housing with Grain Boundary PrecipitatesByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Sheet Forming Defects
Boiler Tube Cracked During BendingByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Broken Slide of a Friction PressByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Cracked Pipe Elbow of a Hydraulic InstallationByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Improper Fabrication Rotating Blades Results in Premature FailureByFred W. TatarFred W. TatarFactory Mutual Research CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Welding Defects
Analysis of Porosity Associated with Hanford 3013 Outer Container WeldsByW.L. Daugherty;W.L. DaughertyWestinghouse Savannah River CompanySearch for other works by this author on:G.R. CannellG.R. CannellFluor Federal ServicesSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Broken-Off Bearing Bosses of Scrap ShearsByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Cracking of Pipe Nipples in WeldingByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Leaky Socket Pipe from the Safety Return Circuit of a Heating InstallationByEgon KauczorEgon KauczorStaatliches Materialprüfungsamt an der FachhochschuleSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
On-Site Nondestructive Metallographic Examination of MaterialsByJohn W. SimmonsJohn W. SimmonsLockheed Missiles and Space Co., Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Plug Weld Defects in Low-Carbon Steel Bomb FinsByM. PepiM. PepiU.S. Army Research Laboratory, Weapons and Materials Research Directorate, AMSRL-WM-MDSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Steel Socket Pipe Conduit Cracked Next to Weld SeamByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Welded Pipes with Hard SpotsByFriedrich Karl Naumann;Friedrich Karl NaumannMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Ferdinand SpiesFerdinand SpiesMax-Planck-Institut für EisenforschungSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 June 2019
Welding Defects