Creep Failure of a 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel Superheater Tube
A tube in a radiant superheater, the boiler of which is coal fired, failed by creep after 17 years of service. The failed tube was specified to be made of ASME SA-213, grade T-22. Measurable swelling of the tube diameter by about 2.4 mm and tube wastage caused by corrosion or erosion were observed. Log stress versus Larson-Miller Parameter (LMP) plots were produced to assess the remaining life of the superheater. It was revealed that the estimated operating temperature of 1060 deg F was higher than the estimated design temperature of 1000 deg F and that the tube wastage had increased the actual operating stress. Tube wastage and high operating temperatures hastened the failure. A better understanding of the material condition of this superheater was recommended to verify all the suspect hot tubes.
Creep Failure of a 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel Superheater Tube, ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Improper Maintenance, Repair, and Operating Conditions, ASM International, 2019,
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