Ductile Overload Failure of a T-Hook That Fractured in Service
A ductile iron T-hook hook was reported to have fractured in service. It was further reported that the hook had been subjected to a load that did not exceed 5900 kg (13,000 lb) at the time of fracture. No information was provided regarding the type of metal used to manufacture the hook. A failure analysis was requested to determine the cause of fracture. Two hooks were submitted for examination. Analysis (visual inspection, 2.7x light fractography, chemical analysis, 110x SEM fractography, 27x/110x/215x nital-etched micrographs) supported the conclusions that this component fractured in service as a consequence of ductile tensile overload. Evidence indicates that the fractured region was subjected to a load exceeding the capacity of the material. Because the information available from the service application indicated that the component had not been subjected to a stress that exceeded 5900 kg (13,000 lb), the observations made in this investigation suggested that either the load was underestimated or that the indicated load was applied at a more rapid rate (perhaps with a jerk), which would tend to increase the effective force of the load.
Ductile Overload Failure of a T-Hook That Fractured in Service, ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Material Handling Equipment, ASM International, 2019, https://doi.org/10.31399/asm.fach.matlhand.c0047312
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