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At a power plant, C-276 nickel alloy welds (N10276) on a C-276 duct floor completely disappeared in less than half a year. A continuous supply of flue gas came in contact with the closed bypass duct. The unscrubbed combustion products condensed on the cold duct, then the closed damper conducted heat from the chimney and reheated the condensate. Investigation (visual inspection and welded coupon testing) supported the conclusion that the corrosion was caused by “Green Death,” a corrosive medium used to test for pitting resistance (11.9% H2SO4 + 1.3% HCl + 1% FeCl3 + 1% CuCl2) at 103 deg C (217 deg F). Such conditions exist at power plants. Recommendations included repairing the C-276 plates with a 686CPT weld alloy, and if that did not correct the situation, replacing the plates with 686 plate (N06686) welded with 686 CPT.

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