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ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Power Generating Equipment
ASM International
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Book Chapter
Another Turbogenerator Failure
R. James Landrum
R. James Landrum
Group Supervisor, Applied Engineering Materials, Engineering Service Div., Engineering Dept., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
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Another failure in a turbogenerator, similar to the accidents in Toronto described in Metal Progress in July 1956, was due to the presence of fatigue cracks at ventilating holes. These acted as stress-raisers during temporary and minor overspeeding, inducing an almost instantaneous brittle failure which wrecked the machine, fortunately without human casualty.
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R. James Landrum, Another Turbogenerator Failure, ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories: Power Generating Equipment, ASM International, 2019,
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