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An evaluation of indications in the main turbine building column horizontal plate welds was conducted by the joint efforts of field metallography and nondestructive examinations. The turbine building main column horizontal plate welds were selected at random and were inspected to find discontinuities, metallurgical evaluation of the discontinuities, analysis of any failure modes, and determination of the best repair techniques. The welds were made with prequalified joints in accordance with AWS D1.1-77 and required only visual inspection. More sensitive inspection methods were applied to the welds in order to better define the indications found with the visual inspections. Cracks were found in 17 field welds and in two test plate welds. The causes of the cracking are related to the weld design and installation procedure. Three field welds were rejected because of the depth of the cracks. The NDT inspections, evaluations, method of field metallography, analysis and conclusions are discussed with recommendations for corrective actions in the following report.

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