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The phenomenon of on-load corrosion is directly associated with the production of magnetite on the water-side surface of boiler tubes. On-load corrosion may first be manifested by the sudden, violent rupture of a boiler tube, such failures being found to occur predominantly on the fire-side surface of tubes situated in zones exposed to radiant heat where high rates of heat transfer pertain. In most instances, a large number of adjacent tubes are found to have suffered, the affected zone frequently extending in a horizontal band across the boiler. In some instances, pronounced local attack has taken place at butt welds in water-wall tubes, particularly those situated in zones of high heat flux. To prevent on-load corrosion an adequate flow of water must occur within the tubes in the susceptible regions of a boiler. Corrosion products and suspended matter from the pre-boiler equipment should be prevented from entering the boiler itself. Also, it is good practice to reduce as far as possible the intrusion of weld flash and other impedances to smooth flow within the boiler tubes.

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