Failure analysis plays an important role in product development and optimization, facilitating not only repairs, but also ongoing improvement and innovation. Failure investigations also generate an extensive amount of data with long-term value potential and can serve both as a teaching tool for new engineers and a critical reference resource for experienced failure analysts. It is for these reasons that the Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis series was developed. This third volume is intended to extend and enrich the pool of organized, accessible, state-of-the-art failure analysis reports.
The Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis, Volume 3, incorporates more than 100 documented cases of failure that have been systematically analyzed, diagnosed, and remedied. The volume was inspired by the first two volumes in the series, edited by Khlefa Esaklul. For this third volume, the cases were selected from articles that previously appeared in the Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention (JFAP), the flagship publication of the ASM Failure Analysis Society (FAS), jointly published by ASM International and Springer Nature.
ASM staff initially identified several hundred articles then reduced to the current number with help from the FAS Publications Subcommittee. Like earlier volumes in the series, the cases represent a wide range of applications, failure modes, materials, and root causes.
Concurrent with the release of this latest collection of case histories, ASM also launched an expanded Failure Analysis Database on its new content platform, the ASM Digital Library. The Digital Library is the new home of ASM Handbooks Online and the FAS database. With the additional content from Volume 3, the Failure Analysis Database now contains more than 1,300 analyzed cases of material failures.
ASM would like to express its appreciation to all those who helped make the new Volume possible, beginning with the Failure Analysis Society to whom we are indebted for its expertise, support, and foundation for this publication. We especially thank the FAS Publications Subcommittee, including Fabienne Delaunois, James Lane, Joseph Lemberg, Joe Maciejewski, Dana Medlin, and Brett A. Miller, for reviewing candidate abstracts and helping make the final selections. We also thank the current and past editors of the Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Mike Stevenson and Mac Louthan, for their leadership and direction in keeping the publication on course and maintaining quality standards. We encourage anyone who would like to contribute failure analysis case histories for future publication to submit them to JFAP.
ASM staff who contributed to this effort, including Karen Marken, Madrid Tramble, Scott Henry, and Larry Berardinis, would like to express their gratitude to the staff at Springer Nature who provided helpful information and assistance throughout the development process.
Preface, Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis, Vol 3, Edited By Larry Berardinis, ASM International, 2019
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