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ASM Failure Analysis Case Histories
Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis
Edited by
ASM International
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This volume documents 115 cases of mechanical failure in a broad range of applications, including components in aircraft, ground transportation, oil and gas production, petrochemical systems, rotating equipment, fasteners, and other structural components. Each case history adheres to a standard format that includes background information, how the failure was analyzed, testing procedures and results, and conclusions and recommendations. For information on the print version of Volume 1, ISBN 978-0-87170-453-5, follow this link.
Handbook of Case Histories in Failure Analysis
Edited by: Khlefa A. Esaklul
ISBN (electronic): 978-1-62708-214-3
Publisher: ASM International
Published: 1992
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Table of Contents
Aircraft Landing Gear FractureByCharles E. WitherellCharles E. WitherellConsulting EngineerSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Analysis of Wing Main Spar CrackingByN.T. Goldsmith;N.T. GoldsmithDSTO Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Department of DefenceSearch for other works by this author on:G. ClarkG. ClarkDSTO Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Department of DefenceSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Cracking of Aluminum Alloy Aircraft Undercarriage ForgingsByJ.O. Edwards;J.O. EdwardsMetals Technology Laboratories, CANMETSearch for other works by this author on:W.A. Pollard;W.A. PollardMetals Technology Laboratories, CANMETSearch for other works by this author on:J.J. SebistyJ.J. SebistyMetals Technology Laboratories, CANMET
Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992 -
Engine Accessory Angle Drive Gear FailurePublished:01 December 1992
Failure of a Helicopter Main Rotor BladeByLawrence KasharLawrence KasharKashar Technical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Fracture of a C130 Aircraft Main Landing Gear Wheel FlangeByTina L. PanontinTina L. PanontinNASA Ames Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Hydrogen-Assisted Fracture of a 17-4PH Airplane Wing ComponentByDale A. MeynDale A. MeynNaval Research LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Main Rotor Yoke CrackingPublished:01 December 1992
Premature Torquing Failures of Cast A356 Aluminum ActuatorsPublished:01 December 1992
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of a High-Strength Steel Frame in a Fighter AircraftByPublished:01 December 1992
Aerospace Components
Degradation of a Main Combustion Chamber Liner on a Space Shuttle Main EngineByJ.H. Sanders;J.H. SandersIIT Research Institute, Marshall Space Flight CenterSearch for other works by this author on:P.S. Chen;P.S. ChenIIT Research Institute, Marshall Space Flight CenterSearch for other works by this author on:R.A. ParrR.A. ParrNational Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight CenterSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Stirling Engine Heat PipeByThomas J. Moore;Thomas J. MooreNASA Lewis Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:James E. Cairelli;James E. CairelliNASA Lewis Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:Kaveh KhaliliKaveh KhaliliStirling Thermal Motors, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Failure of Regenerator Screens in a High-Frequency Stirling EngineByThomas J. Moore;Thomas J. MooreNASA Lewis Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:Donald L. AlgerDonald L. AlgerNASA Lewis Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Ground Transportation Components
Bacteria-Induced Corrosion of a Stainless Steel Chemical Trailer BarrelPublished:01 December 1992
Effect of Strain Rate on the Failure Mode of a Rear AxleByLawrence KasharLawrence KasharKashar Technical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Examination of Broken Lamp Filaments Following a Rear-End Vehicular CollisionByAlan A. Johnson;Alan A. JohnsonProfessor of Materials Science, University of LouisvilleSearch for other works by this author on:Chauncey A. LattimerChauncey A. LattimerAccident-Reconstruction Consultants Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of Wrist Pins in an Automotive EngineByW.B.F. MackayW.B.F. MackayMaterials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Queen’s UniversitySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Failure of a 1000 mm (40 in.) Diam Trailer Wheel at the Bolt HolesByW.F. Jones, IIIW.F. Jones, IIIConsulting Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Failure of a Steering Spindle on a Tricycle Agricultural Field Chemical ApplicatorByDean E. OrrDean E. OrrOrr Metallurgical Consulting Service, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Failure of an Axle From a Prototype Urban Transit VehicleByW.B.F. MackayW.B.F. MackayMaterials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Queens’s UniversitySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Failure of Welded Truck Cross MembersByThomas L. ProftThomas L. ProftP.E., Technimet CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Fracture of a Stainless Steel Leaf SpringByW.F. Jones, IIIW.F. Jones, IIIConsulting Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Heat Exchangers
Embrittlement of a 76 mm (3 in.) Stainless Steel Pipe and Liner From a Hydrogen Plant Quench Pot VesselByRalph D. BowmanRalph D. BowmanConsulting Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure Analysis of Admiralty Brass Condenser TubesByKeneth M. Marden;Keneth M. MardenMechanical Engineering Department, Fluor Daniel, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Keith R. LewisKeith R. LewisMechanical Engineering Department, Fluor Daniel, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of Brass Heat Exchanger TubesByM.Z. Sebrão;M.Z. SebrãoCEPEL-Electrical Energy Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:E.T. SerraE.T. SerraCEPEL-Electrical Energy Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Heat Exchanger Corrosion in a Chlorinated Solvent IncineratorByBrian A. BakerBrian A. BakerInco Alloys International, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Intergranular Corrosion in an E-Brite-Clad Ferralium Tube Sheet in Nitric Acid ServiceByRichard L. ColwellRichard L. ColwellAir Products and ChemicalsSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes in a Fertilizer PlantByK.E. PerumalK.E. PerumalCorrosion & Metallurgical Consultancy CentreSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Pressure Vessels
Corrosion and Cracking of the Internal Surfaces of a Black Liquor DigesterByRobert D. PortRobert D. PortNalco Chemical CompanySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Corrosion Fatigue and Subsequent Rupture of a Yankee Dryer Roll on a Modified Paper MachineByMark H. GilkeyMark H. GilkeyFactory Mutual Research CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Corrosion Fatigue Cracking of a Steam Generator Vessel From a Pressurized Water ReactorByCarl J. CzajkowskiCarl J. CzajkowskiDepartment of Nuclear Energy Brookhaven National LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Cracking in a Stainless Steel Welded Exhaust Hose AssemblyByEli LevyEli LevyBoeing Canada de Havilland DivisionSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Hydrotest Failure of a Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel[1]ByWilliam R. WarkeWilliam R. WarkeAmoco CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Stress-corrosion Fracture in Silver Solid-State Bonds of UraniumByPublished:01 December 1992
Pipes and Pipelines
Catastrophic Failure of an 1830 mm (72 in.) Diam Spiral-Welded Water LineByW.F. Jones, IIIW.F. Jones, IIIConsulting Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure Analysis of the Moderator Branch Pipe of a Pressurized Hot Water ReactorByAntonio Florio;Antonio FlorioGerencia de Desarrollo, Comisión Nacional de Energía AtómicaSearch for other works by this author on:Juan C. CrespiJuan C. CrespiGerencia de Desarrollo, Comisión Nacional de Energía AtómicaSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Brass Pipe NippleByCarmine D'AntonioCarmine D'AntonioDepartment of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polytechnic UniversitySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a High-Pressure Water-Line Plug in a Fire Sprinkler SystemByDavid O. LeeserDavid O. LeeserConsulting EngineerSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Field Replication of Stress-Corrosion Cracking in a Type 316 Stainless Pressure VesselByGordon Aaker, Jr.;Gordon Aaker, Jr.Engineering Data Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Paul AgostaPaul AgostaEngineering Data Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Intergranular Corrosion/Cracking of a Stainless Steel Pipe Reducer Section in Bleached Pulp Stock ServiceByDurgam G. ChakrapaniDurgam G. ChakrapaniMEI-Charlton, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Intergranular Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel Pipe Welds in a Kamyr Continuous Digester Equalizer LineByDurgam G. ChakrapaniDurgam G. ChakrapaniMEI-Charlton, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Internal Cracks in Cast Steel With 9% Ni for Cryogenic ApplicationsByH. OhtaniH. OhtaniSumitomo Metal IndustriesSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel by Potable Municipal Water in an Organic Chemical PlantByK.E. PerumalK.E. PerumalCorrosion & Metallurgical Consultancy Centre Milund (W)Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Rapid Pitting Failure of Type 304 Stainless Steel Pipework[1]ByJim StottJim StottCAPCIS, Bainbridge House, Granby RowSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Single-Phase Erosion Corrosion of a 460 mm (18 in.) Diam Feedwater Line Break[1]ByCarl J. CzajkowskiCarl J. CzajkowskiDepartment of Nuclear Energy, Brookhaven National LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of a Teflon-Lined Steel Pipe in Sulfuric Acid ServiceByRichard L. ColwellRichard L. ColwellAir Products and ChemicalsSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of C-Mn Steel in a CO2 Absorber in a Chemical PlantBySushil K. ChauhanSushil K. ChauhanWelding Engineering and Metallurgy Department, Larsen and Toubro Ltd.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Corrosion Failure of Stainless Steel TanksByR.K. Dayal;R.K. DayalMetallurgy Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:J.B. GnanamoorthyJ.B. GnanamoorthyMetallurgy Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Type 317L Stainless Steel Clad Bottom Cone of an Acid Sulfite Pulping Batch DigesterByDurgam G. ChakrapaniDurgam G. ChakrapaniMEI-Charlton, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Unexpected Corrosion of Type 316L Stainless Steel Neutralization TanksPublished:01 December 1992
Process Equipment: Auxiliary Components
Brittle Fracture of a Cast Iron Valve in Oleum and Sulfuric Acid ServiceBySamuel J. BrownSamuel J. BrownQuest Engineering Development CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Environmental Cracking of a Low-Alloy Steel Welded Impeller Cover From a Centrifugal UnitByHarry E. EbertHarry E. EbertDresser-Rand, Turbo Products DivisionSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Excessive Wear of Plain Carbon Steel Sprockets in a Chemical Plant Producing FibersByW.B.F. MackayW.B.F. MackayMaterials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Queen's UniversitySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Yoke Body of Master Slave Manipulator Due to Casting DefectByK.V. Kasiviswanathan;K.V. KasiviswanathanDivision for PIE & NDT Development, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:N.G. Muralidharan;N.G. MuralidharanDivision for PIE & NDT Development, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:Baldev RajBaldev RajDivision for PIE & NDT Development, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Fracture of Stainless Steel Wires in an Electrostatic Precipitator at a Paper PlantByCharlie R. BrooksCharlie R. BrooksMaterials Science and Engineering Department, University of TennesseeSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Bearings and Gears
Electrostatic Discharge Attack on a Thrust Bearing Face in a Power TurbineByHarry E. EbertHarry E. EbertDresser-Rand, Turbo Products DivisionSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Failure of a Carburized Steel Gear From a Helicopter TransmissionByKaren SanderKaren SanderDepartment of National DefenceSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Gear Failure of a Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor Refueling MachineByAntonio F. Lorio;Antonio F. LorioGerencia de Desarrollo, Comisión Nacional de Energia AtómicaSearch for other works by this author on:Juan C. CrespiJuan C. CrespiGerencia de Desarrollo, Comisión Nacional de Energia AtómicaSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Blades, Disks, and Rotors
Condition Assessment and Improvement of a Steam Turbine RotorByH. R. Jhansale;H. R. JhansaleA-C Equipment Services CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:D. R. McCannD. R. McCannA-C Equipment Services CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Steam Turbine Due to a Design FlawByA.C. Raghuram;A.C. RaghuramMaterials Science Division, National Aeronautical LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:S. Radhakrishnan;S. RadhakrishnanMaterials Science Division, National Aeronautical LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:R.V. Krishnan;R.V. KrishnanMaterials Science Division, National Aeronautical LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:V. RamachandranV. RamachandranMaterials Science Division, National Aeronautical LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Fracture of Aircraft Engine Compressor DisksByAshok K. Koul;Ashok K. KoulStructures and Materials Laboratory, Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council of CanadaSearch for other works by this author on:Raymond V. DaintyRaymond V. DaintyStructures and Materials Laboratory, Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council of CanadaSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Flow-Induced Vibration Fatigue of Stainless Steel Impeller Blades in a Circulating Water PumpBySamuel J. Brown;Samuel J. BrownQuest Engineering Development Corporation/ISISearch for other works by this author on:Edward V. BravenecEdward V. BravenecAnderson & Associates/ISISearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Corrosion Failure of Four Pump ImpellersByG. Mark TannerG. Mark TannerMechanical and Materials Engineering Department, Radian CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Boiler Feed Pump Second-Stage ImpellerByJoyce M. HareJoyce M. HareGelles Laboratories, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Hot Cracking of a Pump Impeller From a Nuclear PlantByCarl J. CzajkowskiCarl J. CzajkowskiDepartment of Nuclear Energy, Brookhaven National LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Intergranular Cracking and Failure of Stainless Steel Vanes from a Closed, Riveted ImpellerPublished:01 December 1992
Repeated Failure of Rubber Slurry Pump Impellers and Liners in a Flue Gas Desulfurization PlantByPeter F. Ellis, IIPeter F. Ellis, IIRadian CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Shafts and Housings
Failure Analysis of a Carrier ShaftByEdward V. BravenecEdward V. BravenecAnderson & Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure Analysis of a Cast Steel CrossheadByMohan D. ChaudhariMohan D. ChaudhariColumbus Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Flexible Pump ConnectorByCarmine D'AntonioCarmine D'AntonioDepartment of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polytechnic UniversitySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fracture of a Turbine Impeller ShaftByCarmine D'AntonioCarmine D'AntonioDepartment of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polytechnic UniversitySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Surface Damage on a Transfer Gear ShaftByCarmine D'AntonioCarmine D'AntonioDepartment of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polytechnic UniversitySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Cracking of an Alloy Steel BoltByEli LevyEli LevyChief Metals Technology Group, Boeing Canada, De Havilland DivisionSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Environmentally-Induced Fracture of Type 410 Martensitic Stainless Steel Self-Drilling Tapping ScrewsByDurgam G. ChakrapaniDurgam G. ChakrapaniMEI-Charlton, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a 20 Ton Polar Crane Motor by Bolt FatigueByCarl J. CzajkowskiCarl J. CzajkowskiBrookhaven National LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Stud From a Boiler ManholeByK.G. WellingtonK.G. WellingtonNew Zealand Aluminium SmeltersSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Fracture of 316L Stainless Steel Screws Employed for Surgical ImplantingByHarold J. Snyder;Harold J. SnyderSnyder Technical LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Casey B. SnyderCasey B. SnyderSnyder Technical LaboratorySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fatigue Failure of Six Cap Screws From a Hydraulic CouplingByG. Mark TannerG. Mark TannerMechanical and Materials Engineering Department, Radian CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fracture of Alloy Steel Cap Screws in a Refrigeration CompressorByCharles E. WitherellCharles E. WitherellConsulting EngineerSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fractures of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Anchor Bolts in Chemical Plant Construction ProjectByGeorge E. Kerns;George E. KernsE.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Charles E. MightonCharles E. MightonE.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Hydrogen Embrittlement Failure of Socket Head Cap ScrewsByG. Mark TannerG. Mark TannerMechanical and Materials Engineering Department, Radian CorporationSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Liquid Metal Embrittlement of Flange Connector Studs in Contact With CadmiumByHarry E. EbertHarry E. EbertDresser-Rand, Turbo Products DivisionSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Stress-Corrosion Cracking of a Ship Propeller Tap BoltByR. ThomsonR. ThomsonMetals Technology Laboratories, CANMET, Energy, Mines and ResourcesSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
High-Temperature Failures
Failure of a Heat-Resistant Sinter BeltByRonald Jeffrey DunningRonald Jeffrey DunningETRS Pty Ltd.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Tied Universal Expansion JointByRalph D. BowmanRalph D. BowmanConsulting Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Furnace Element Tube FailuresByK.G. WellingtonK.G. WellingtonNew Zealand Aluminium SmeltersSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Gaseous Corrosion of a Heat-Resistant Alloy (Metal Dusting)ByRichard L. ColwellRichard L. ColwellAir Products and ChemicalsSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
High-Temperature Failure by Perforation of Incoloy 800H Pigtails in Reformer FurnacesBySergio N. MonteiroSergio N. MonteiroCOPPE—Federal University of Rio de JaneiroSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Hot Corrosion of Stainless Steel Grate Bars in Taconite InduratorsByBani P. Mohanty;Bani P. MohantyCorrosion Research Center, University of MinnesotaSearch for other works by this author on:David A. ShoresDavid A. ShoresCorrosion Research Center, University of MinnesotaSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Thermal Fatigue of an Austenitic Stainless Steel TubePublished:01 December 1992
Structural Components
Brittle Fracture of the Tension Flange of a Steel Box-Girder BridgeByCarl E. HartbowerCarl E. HartbowerConsulting Welding EngineerSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of an I-BeamByR.K. Dayal;R.K. DayalIndira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:J.B. Gnanamoorthy;J.B. GnanamoorthyIndira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:P. RodriguezP. RodriguezIndira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Hydrogen-Induced Cracking of Welded Truss Gusset PlatesByWilliam F. Jones, IIIWilliam F. Jones, IIIConsulting Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Oil and Gas Production Components
Brittle Fracture of a Marine Riser ClampBySalah E. MahmoudSalah E. MahmoudExxon Production Research CompanySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of 9% Ni Steel Production TubingByRobert M. BillingsRobert M. BillingsARCO Exploration and Production TechnologySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of Grade J-55 Electric Resistance Welded Production TubingByRobert M. BillingsRobert M. BillingsARCO Exploration and Production TechnologySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Hydrogen Embrittlement of P-110 Couplings for Mating 180 mm (7 in.) Casing in Oilfield ProductionByClifford W. Peterson;Clifford W. PetersonExxon Production Research CompanySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of Stainless Steel Springs Used in an Oil Ring Lip SealByPublished:01 December 1992
Stress-Corrosion Cracking Caused by Residual Stresses in Chromium Silicon Alloy Steel Helical Compression SpringsByLeland E. Shields;Leland E. ShieldsFailure Analysis Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Robert A. Clark;Robert A. ClarkFailure Analysis Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Roland HuetRoland HuetFailure Analysis Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of an ASTM A681-89 H13 Die Segment for Die Casting of AluminumByIlya DivinskyIlya DivinskyTaussig Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Service Failure of a Die Insert Made From AISI D2 Tool SteelByHector H. MenkeHector H. MenkeStamping and Frame Division, The Budd CompanySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Sledgehammer Chipping FailurePublished:01 December 1992
Intergranular Corrosion Failure in Zn-Al Alloy Solenoid Valve SeatsByT. Jayakumar;T. JayakumarMetallurgy and Materials Progamme, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:D.K. Bhattacharya;D.K. BhattacharyaMetallurgy and Materials Progamme, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:Baldev Raj;Baldev RajMetallurgy and Materials Progamme, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:P. RodriguezP. RodriguezMetallurgy and Materials Progamme, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic ResearchSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Electrical Equipment
Fatigue Fracture of Aluminum Wires in High-Voltage Electrical Cables in AlaskaByDurgam G. ChakrapaniDurgam G. ChakrapaniMEI-Charlton, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of an Aluminum Connector in an Electrical Transmission CableByH.C. Furtado;H.C. FurtadoCEPEL Electrical Energy Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:W.A. MannheimerW.A. MannheimerCEPEL Electrical Energy Research CenterSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Nonmetallic Materials
Delayed Fracture of Tempered Glass Panels Due to Nickel Sulfide InclusionsByRoland Huet;Roland HuetFailure Analysis Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Joel M. Wolf;Joel M. WolfFailure Analysis Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Piotr D. MoncarzPiotr D. MoncarzFailure Analysis Associates, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of Two Plastic Toilet-Tank FloatsByDavid O. LeeserDavid O. LeeserConsulting EngineerSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Fracture of Steam Pipes Removed From Service[1]ByP.K. Liaw;P.K. LiawWestinghouse Science and Technology CenterSearch for other works by this author on:J. SchaeferJ. SchaeferDetroit Edison CompanySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Cast Steel Crane BolsterByAlan StoneAlan StoneAston Metallurgical Services Co., Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of a Seat on a School Playground Swing SetByD.O. LeeserD.O. LeeserMaterials Consulting EngineerSearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of Hot-Rolled Steel BarsByAlan StoneAlan StoneAston Metallurgical Services Company, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of Pendent Sprinkler HeadsByMohan D. ChaudhariMohan D. ChaudhariColumbus Metallurgical Services, Inc.Search for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Failure of the Bond Between a Cobalt Alloy Prosthetic Casting and a Sintered Porous CoatingByRobert R. PetersonRobert R. PetersonRichards Medical CompanySearch for other works by this author on:Published:01 December 1992
Tensile Failure of a Hoist Chain LinkPublished:01 December 1992