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soft failures
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1-20 of 83 Search Results for
soft failures
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Journal Articles
Edward I. Cole, Jr., Paiboon Tangyunyong, Charles F. Hawkins, Michael R. Bruce, Victoria J. Bruce ...
EDFA Technical Articles (2002) 4 (4): 11–16.
Published: 01 November 2002
...Edward I. Cole, Jr.; Paiboon Tangyunyong; Charles F. Hawkins; Michael R. Bruce; Victoria J. Bruce; Rosalinda M. Ring; Wan-Loong Chong Resistive interconnections, a type of soft failure, are extremely difficult to find using existing backside methods, and with flip-chip packages, alternative front...
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Resistive interconnections, a type of soft failure, are extremely difficult to find using existing backside methods, and with flip-chip packages, alternative front side approaches are of little or no help. In an effort to address this challenge, a team of engineers developed a new method that uses the effects of resistive heating to directly locate defective vias, contacts, and conductors from either side of the die. In this article, they discuss the basic principles of their new method and demonstrate its use on two ICs in which a variety of resistive interconnection failures were found.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2016) 18 (4): 4–14.
Published: 01 November 2016
... macros and show how they are used to diagnose skip test, clock-type, and soft single-latch failures. This article explains how the success rate of in-line scan chain logic macros can be nearly doubled for certain types of failures with the help of laser voltage imaging and laser voltage probing...
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This article explains how the success rate of in-line scan chain logic macros can be nearly doubled for certain types of failures with the help of laser voltage imaging and laser voltage probing. The authors provide background information on LVI, LVP, and scan chain logic macros and show how they are used to diagnose skip test, clock-type, and soft single-latch failures.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2016) 18 (3): 10–16.
Published: 01 August 2016
... ASM International® 2016 2016 ASM International electrically enhanced LADA laser-assisted device alteration soft defect localization soft failures 1 0 EDFAAO (2016) 3:10-16 1537-0755/$19.00 ©ASM International® ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS...
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This article explains how hardware and software enhancements bring new capabilities to one of the most widely used soft-defect localization techniques. It discusses the basic concept of electrically enhanced laser-assisted device alteration (EeLADA) and demonstrates its use on different types of soft and hard defects. It also discusses the relative advantages of hardware and software implementations.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2024) 26 (2): 32–38.
Published: 01 May 2024
... ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 26 NO. 2 acquiring clean repeatable data sets from a reference unit and then extracting the equivalent data from the fail unit. If there is a soft failure or a failure mode that can be modulated by changing the value of the supply voltage at (a) a given clock...
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Differential laser voltage probe simultaneously acquires waveform data from a single target while the device under test fluctuates between passing and failing test outcomes. This article describes the use of this technique and how it could be affected by trends in the microelectronics industry.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2018) 20 (2): 18–24.
Published: 01 May 2018
... suitable method for isolating the faults of soft failures. ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 20 NO. 2 Although a laser scanning microscope is also employed for LVI/LVP, the technique is quite different from TIVA or CPA. Instead of detecting the electrical characteristic change through the biased...
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Selecting a fault isolation technique for a particular type of SRAM logic failure requires an understanding of available methods. In this article, the authors review common fault isolation techniques and present several case studies, explaining how they determined which technique to use.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2010) 12 (2): 4–11.
Published: 01 May 2010
... mentioned approaches work effectively with so-called hard failures, that is, failures that are not very sensitive to testing conditions, such as the applied voltage. However, a different kind of functional failure soft failures is notably difficult to isolate. In recent years, a new class of techniques...
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Wafer-level failure analysis plays an important role in IC fabrication, both in process development and yield enhancement. This article outlines the general flow for wafer-level FA and explains how it differs for memory and logic products. It describes the tools and procedures used for failure mode verification, electrical analysis, fault localization, sample preparation, chemical analysis, and physical failure analysis. It also discusses the importance of implementing corrective actions and tracking the results.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2018) 20 (1): 10–18.
Published: 01 February 2018
...Thierry Parrassin; Laurent Clément Soft electrical failures caused by monograin defects can have a significant impact on yield in technology nodes below 40 nm. Moreover, the failures are hard to identify and the defects give very few signatures during localization testing. In this article...
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Soft electrical failures caused by monograin defects can have a significant impact on yield in technology nodes below 40 nm. Moreover, the failures are hard to identify and the defects give very few signatures during localization testing. In this article, the authors explain how they used nanobeam diffraction with automated crystal orientation and phase mapping to pinpoint a single grain orientation causing the problem and, as a result, are now able to recognize the symptoms of this type of failure, observe the defect, and limit the impact on electrical timing margins through both design and process corrections.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2014) 16 (3): 4–12.
Published: 01 August 2014
... in debug turnaround time. These failing dice are usually selected from a specific wafer with signature or failure modes (hard or soft fails) of interest. Under the current workflow, there are no prior insights into the electrical failure signatures for the entire population of failing dice. There is a lack...
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This article describes a yield-driven approach for characterizing IC logic failures at the wafer level and presents several case studies to demonstrate its versatility and assess its value.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2004) 6 (1): 6–11.
Published: 01 February 2004
... soft failure time-dependent dielectric breakdown EDFAAO (2004) 1:6-11 Ultrathin Oxides 1537-0755/$19.00 ©ASM International Ultrathin Gate Oxide Breakdown: A Failure That We Can Live With? John S. Suehle, National Institute of Standards and Technology...
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This article examines the phenomenon of time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) in ultrathin gate oxide films and explains why it is no longer considered a catastrophic failure in MOSFET-containing ICs.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2018) 20 (3): 24–33.
Published: 01 August 2018
... represents a shift in current flow through the conductor. Typically, an abrupt contrast change is observed on hard open failures and a gradual contrast intensity change is observed on marginal or soft open failures. CURRENT IMAGING Another complementary method for measuring current flow inside a sample...
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Advances in IC technology have made failure site localization extremely challenging. Through a series of case studies, the authors of this article show how such challenges can be overcome using EBIC/EBAC, current imaging, and nanoprobing. The cases involve a wide range of issues, including resistor chain defects, substrate leakage, microcracking, micro contamination, and open failures due to copper plating problems and missing vias.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2009) 11 (2): 30–34.
Published: 01 May 2009
...., Austin, Texas Introduction Regardless of the technology node, failure analysis (FA) of soft failures in flash memory arrays can be complex, and successful root-cause analysis often depends on the electrical understanding of the failure. Extensive electrical characterization...
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This article presents a case study involving flash memory bit failures characterized by threshold voltage changes due to positive gate disturb stress. An inconsistency in failing bit behavior, which was found to be dependent on the test mode, was explored to provide an electrical explanation for the failure. The underlying defect was isolated and subsequently identified by physical analysis.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2012) 14 (1): 27–31.
Published: 01 February 2012
... types, the mindset for interpretation of these failures must be changed. Vijay categorized invisible failures from the truly invisible that can only be confirmed with an electrical validation (ionic contamination, hydrogen poisoning, package stresses, intermittency, soft failures, design aberrations...
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This article provides a summary of each of the four User’s Group meetings that took place at ISTFA 2011. The summaries cover key participants, presentation topics, and discussion highlights from each of the following groups: Group 1, Focused Ion Beam; Group 2, 3D Packaging and Failure Analysis; Group 3, Finding the Invisible Defect; and Group 4, Nanoprobing and Electrical Characterization.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (1999) 1 (4): 21–23.
Published: 01 November 1999
..., extensive voiding can cause unacceptable resistance increases in interconnects, or soft failures. Life testing to assess the susceptibility of an IC technology to stress voiding is, at best, difficult, because acceleration factors can be dis- mally low. If one selects the wrong temperature...
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Stress voiding is an insidious IC failure mechanism that can be difficult to identify and arrest. It is of particular concern to those who produce and test ICs with aluminum-alloy interconnects or who assess the reliability of legacy devices with long service life. This article explains how stress voids form and grow and how to determine the root cause by amassing physical evidence and ruling out other failure mechanisms. The key to differentiating stress voiding from other types of failures is recognizing that is the result of three distinct physical phenomena, stress, nucleation, and diffusion, all of which must be confirmed before attempting to make process corrections.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2012) 14 (4): 12–18.
Published: 01 November 2012
... induced resistance change (OBIRCH), and soft defect localization (SDL) for failures in the devices periphery of the array are discussed. The SDL technique may require an adaptation to memory test systems in order to provide high-speed comparison, allowing SDL image acquisition times of a few minutes...
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Failure analysis of dynamic random access memory follows a three-step process consisting of electrical test and diagnosis, localization, and physical defect analysis. The electrical test delivers pass-fail results that are graphically displayed in bitmaps, which are then used to localize defects based on layout data. This article describes each step of the process and compares and contrasts laser scanning techniques.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2010) 12 (4): 22–27.
Published: 01 November 2010
... being dynamic laser stimulation (DLS1] To successfully localize a defect, appropriate laser stimulation techniques should be chosen based on the failed device characteristics. Soft and hard defects are the two main types of failure mode. A device affected by a soft defect is usually functional...
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Dynamic laser stimulation is widely used in the PASS/FAIL mapping mode for soft defect localization. Recent improvements, including parametric mapping and multiple-parameter acquisition, significantly increase the amount of information that can be extracted from DLS measurements. This article explains where and how these new techniques are used and how they may be even further improved.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2004) 6 (3): 13–18.
Published: 01 August 2004
... International parametric failures resistive interconnection localization soft defect localization timing skew EDFAAO (2004) 3:13-18 Parametric Failures 1537-0755/$19.00 ©ASM International Parametric Failures Can Be a Pain in the Backside Jaume Segura...
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Parametric failures are of two general types. One type is due to defects that affect circuit parameters. The other type, which occurs in defect-free parts, is the result of interdie parameter statistical variation. IC failures can be caused by variations in any number of parameters including L eff , W eff , I Dsat , V t , contact resistance, effective gate oxide thickness, source and drain resistance, interconnect sheet resistance, and intrametal spacing affecting cross-talk, ground bounce noise, and IR voltage drops. These failures often influence the maximum operating frequency of the IC and are seldom detected by simple stuck-at fault, delay fault, functional, or I DDQ tests. This article discusses the origin, classification, and detection of a wide range of parametric failures.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2016) 18 (2): 16–27.
Published: 01 May 2016
.... Copyright © ASM International® 2016 2016 ASM International FinFETs planar transistors radiation-induced soft errors soft-error susceptibility SRAMs 1 6 EDFAAO (2016) 2:16-27 1537-0755/$19.00 ©ASM International® ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS...
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This article reviews recent work aimed at characterizing soft-error effects in SRAM circuits fabricated with bulk silicon FinFETs. Accelerated tests were conducted on 6T planar and FinFET-based SRAM cells by exposing them to high-energy neutrons and alpha particles. Based on test results and simulations, the authors show that soft-error rates are much lower in FinFET devices because the geometry of the fins limits charge collection.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2015) 17 (1): 33–37.
Published: 01 February 2015
..., as technologies continue to advance, the understanding of true device characteristics has become more important for soft failure localization and for process and design characterization. The use of nanoprobing data for true device characterization requires a thorough investigation into the certainty...
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Several technology-focused User's Groups met at ISTFA 2014 to discuss current issues and advances in their areas of interest. This article summarizes key discussion points from the Contactless Fault Isolation User's Group, the Nanoprobing User's Group, the Sample Prep/3-D Package User's Group, and the FIB User's Group.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2000) 2 (2): 12–24.
Published: 01 May 2000
... that are not evident from simple point data measurements. This information is routinely required for semiconductor failure analysis. For instance, current leakage may have a channel characteristic related to ionic contamination and soft avalanche junction breakdown characteristics may be related to reverse-bias...
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The curve tracer is a versatile lab instrument that can provide electrical characterization data for a variety of analyses. A curve tracer helped analyze a ceramic capacitor identifying leakage sites, acceleration factors, radiation sensitivity, and failure mechanism.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2018) 20 (1): 32–35.
Published: 01 February 2018
...Guo Xianxin This article explores the failure of a DC/DC converter without start-up overshoot and provides solutions to a problem that is relevant to space electronic systems. This article explores the failure of a DC/DC converter without start-up overshoot and provides solutions to a problem...
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This article explores the failure of a DC/DC converter without start-up overshoot and provides solutions to a problem that is relevant to space electronic systems.