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process validation
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1-20 of 94 Search Results for
process validation
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Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2024) 26 (4): 14–19.
Published: 01 November 2024
... XRM can achieve analysis of highly integrated packaging structures with reasonable throughput for process validation and error correction guidance. Copyright © ASM International® 2024 2024 ASM International This article shows how 3D XRM can be applied to nondestructively detect non-optimized...
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This article shows how 3D XRM can be applied to nondestructively detect non-optimized assembly processes that can influence local stresses and overall device reliability. This makes it useful for process development and failure analysis. When used along with AI training models, 3D XRM can achieve analysis of highly integrated packaging structures with reasonable throughput for process validation and error correction guidance.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2015) 17 (4): 14–20.
Published: 01 November 2015
... that proved to be faster, more reliable, and easier to validate than the cut-and-join fix initially proposed. They describe each step of the analog circuit editing process, explaining how they deposit, characterize, and connect matched resistors using focused ion beam techniques. Copyright © ASM...
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During a silicon debug, it was found that the gain of a radio receiver circuit dropped dramatically at certain frequencies due to an imbalance in one of the signal paths. A metal fix was proposed, but consensus could not be reached on how to validate it because of the difficulty of the FIB edit required and the inherent uncertainty of the approach. In this article, the authors explain how they came up with an alternative approach that proved to be faster, more reliable, and easier to validate than the cut-and-join fix initially proposed. They describe each step of the analog circuit editing process, explaining how they deposit, characterize, and connect matched resistors using focused ion beam techniques.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2017) 19 (4): 22–34.
Published: 01 November 2017
... as part of the qualification process. Generally, they are broadly classified into simulation-based presilicon validation and postsilicon validation using prototype samples tested under the actual system environment. Despite the painstaking efforts that employ varied simulators and emulators to ensure...
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Faster time-to-production of a new product is the common goal of design houses and foundries. This article demonstrates how foundries can contribute through post silicon validation, which allows design houses to focus on more complicated issues.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (1): 12–18.
Published: 01 February 2021
..., the semiconductor industry has made dramatic strides in advancing process node technology as well as increasing design complexity. Market pressures have pushed designers into utilizing more third-party intellectual property (IP) to reduce the time-to-market for microelectronics. In a similar fashion, economics have...
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Traditional post-fabrication testing can reliably verify whether or not an IC is working correctly, but it cannot tell the difference between an authentic and counterfeit chip or recognize design changes made with malicious intent. This article presents an IC decomposition workflow, based on FA tools and techniques, that provides a quantifiable level of assurance for components in a zero trust environment.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2009) 11 (3): 14–19.
Published: 01 August 2009
... may prevent the team from taking full advantage of what the FA lab can provide in the RCA process. Besides the obvious failure characterization, the FA lab can assist in developing an efficient monitor that shortens the turnaround time to results. It can validate a model by verifying whether...
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Root-cause analysis and FA work hand-in-hand to identify the source of a problem, gather relevant data, and resolve the issue. However, even experienced professionals can succeed in FA while failing in the outcome. This article explains how to avoid common traps, dead ends, and faulty thought processes in the search for root causes.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (4): 4–13.
Published: 01 November 2021
...Yash Patel; Joshua Baur; Jonathan Scholl; Adam R. Waite; Adam Kimura; John Kelley; Richard Ott; Glen David Via Further development of SEM-based feature extraction tools for design validation and failure analysis is contingent on reliable sample preparation methods. This article describes how...
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Further development of SEM-based feature extraction tools for design validation and failure analysis is contingent on reliable sample preparation methods. This article describes how a delayering framework for 130 nm technology was adapted and used on a 45 nm SPI module consisting of 11 metal layers, 10 via layers, two layers of polysilicon, and an active silicon layer. It explains how different polishing and etching methods are used to expose each layer with sufficient contrast for SEM imaging and subsequent feature extraction. By combining polygon sets representing each layer, the full design of the device was reconstructed as shown in one of the images.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2012) 14 (1): 27–31.
Published: 01 February 2012
... is on the right path. Nanoprobing is one of the key tools necessary to pinpoint root cause as well as validate the data acquired throughout the analysis process. Peter Harris of MultiProbe presented 300 mm Nanoprobing: Putting the FA in Fab. The development of advanced technology nodes requires new designs, new...
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This article provides a summary of each of the four User’s Group meetings that took place at ISTFA 2011. The summaries cover key participants, presentation topics, and discussion highlights from each of the following groups: Group 1, Focused Ion Beam; Group 2, 3D Packaging and Failure Analysis; Group 3, Finding the Invisible Defect; and Group 4, Nanoprobing and Electrical Characterization.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2019) 21 (4): 60–62.
Published: 01 November 2019
...E.L. Principe This column discusses the potential benefits of developing a dedicated synchrotron-based tool suite for advanced, high-throughput characterization, deprocessing, and validation of ICs. Copyright © ASM International® 2019 2019 ASM International hardware security synchrotron...
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This column discusses the potential benefits of developing a dedicated synchrotron-based tool suite for advanced, high-throughput characterization, deprocessing, and validation of ICs.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2023) 25 (2): 9–13.
Published: 01 May 2023
... with device technology, process, and validation. This includes the structure of each device, including: the number of metal layers, the technology nodes, and the cross section. It is also useful to know the electrical equivalent circuits and the preferred test methods for the target device. Below are three...
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This article provides an introduction to focused ion beam (FIB) circuit editing, covering the basic process along with best practices and procedures.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2014) 16 (3): 20–23.
Published: 01 August 2014
...-flow advice and other recommendations.[1] Historically, FIB circuit edit enables developers to significantly improve the process of debugging and validating fixes or exploring design optimization changes before committing Fig. 1 Multiple connections and cuts for frontside FIB circuit edit 20 Electronic...
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This article discusses recent improvements in FIB circuit edit as well as general uses and optimization techniques.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2024) 26 (3): 14–24.
Published: 01 August 2024
... and presence of unresolvable features. Fig. 10 Plot of the compatibility score of a DFI parameter as a function of test value to threshold value ratio. VALIDATION OF THE METRIC In order to substantiate the efficacy of the proposed CMx-ray metric, a comprehensive validation process was undertaken. This involved...
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This article describes a proposed novel metric to furnish chip designers with a prognostic tool for x-ray imaging in the pre-silicon stage. This metric is fashioned to provide designers with a concrete measure of how visible the fine-pitched features of their designs are under x-ray inspection. It utilizes a combination of x-ray image data collection, analysis, and simulations to evaluate different design elements.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2014) 16 (4): 14–19.
Published: 01 November 2014
... cloths, polishing patterns, and calibrated low forces to achieve a mirror finish sufficient for SIL imaging. During the polishing process, RST measurements can be taken to determine polishing rates and validate thickness. Sample Preparation for SIL Applications As the techniques for electrical isolation...
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This paper describes a methodology for preparing contoured devices by using a milling machine in conjunction with a spectral reflectance measurement system for meeting ±5 μm remaining silicon thickness (RST) tolerances.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2023) 25 (3): 4–9.
Published: 01 August 2023
...Kyu Kyu Thinn; Teh Tict Eng; Ming Xue; Rui Zhen Tan Lock-in thermography (LIT) is a widely used nondestructive tool for detecting the failure location in integrated circuits. The image pattern recognition algorithm for detecting LIT hotspots benefits image processing and can be leveraged...
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Lock-in thermography (LIT) is a widely used nondestructive tool for detecting the failure location in integrated circuits. The image pattern recognition algorithm for detecting LIT hotspots benefits image processing and can be leveraged to automate failure analysis processes.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2001) 3 (4): 29–35.
Published: 01 November 2001
... and experimental results are presented that validate the SCOBIC technique. Application of the SCOBIC technique for CMOS front side and backside devices is also discussed. Introduction Conventional OBIC is a failure analysis technique that can locate electrically active defects such as latch-up and leakage...
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Single contact optical beam induced currents (SCOBIC) is a variation on the OBIC failure analysis technique that requires only one point of contact with the junction being examined. This article discusses the basic principles of this new method and how it compares with OBIC in terms of measurement performance. It also presents examples showing how SCOBIC can be used to analyze CMOS devices from the front and back side without need for complex FIB and microprobing procedures.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2017) 19 (4): 36–44.
Published: 01 November 2017
..., University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. 3Varioscale Inc., San Marcos, Calif. INTRODUCTION Deprocessing of integrated circuits (ICs) is often the final step for defect validation in failure analysis (FA) cases with limited fault-isolation information and is an essential process...
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Deprocessing of ICs is often the final step for defect validation in FA cases with limited fault-isolation information. This article presents a workflow for deprocessing ICs from the backside using automated thinning and large-area plasma FIB delayering. Advantages to this approach include a reduction in manual planarization and depackaging and a higher degree of precision and repeatability.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2010) 12 (2): 12–18.
Published: 01 May 2010
...Yi-Jung Chang; Man-Ting Pang; Mike Brennan; Albert Man; Martin Keim; Geir Eide; Brady Benware; Ting-Pu Tai This case study compares the FA success rate and turn-around time of traditional logic-only and true layout-aware scan diagnosis. It discusses the basic process flow, identifies key success...
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This case study compares the FA success rate and turn-around time of traditional logic-only and true layout-aware scan diagnosis. It discusses the basic process flow, identifies key success factors, and evaluates physical FA and diagnostic test results obtained from six dies randomly selected from a 9.8 M-gate, seven-metal-layer ASIC manufactured in 90 nm technology. As shown, layout-aware diagnosis reduces the defect search area on the die, in some cases, by an order of magnitude, providing the means to diagnosis-driven yield improvements.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2003) 5 (4): 5–10.
Published: 01 November 2003
... (ITRS). At ISTFA 2003, the AAF will convene with interested conference attendees to review, edit, and validate a white paper that will quantify critical gaps in the current suite of test, measurement, and characterization tools used in the semiconductor industry and provide recommendations on how...
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The Assembly Analytical Forum (AAF) is an organization under the auspices of the Sematech Quality Council. The AAF charter is to develop Packaging Analytical Roadmaps five to ten years into the future that are consistent with the International Technology Roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS). At ISTFA 2003, the AAF will convene with interested conference attendees to review, edit, and validate a white paper that will quantify critical gaps in the current suite of test, measurement, and characterization tools used in the semiconductor industry and provide recommendations on how to address them. The intent is to update the document biannually and review it in numerous industry venues to ensure its relevancy and utility. This article is somewhat of a preview to the Rev 0 AAF white paper.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2011) 13 (2): 12–18.
Published: 01 May 2011
... and etching process that quickly and uniformly removes copper and dielectric layers while maintaining planarity. The presence of copper layers separated by low-k dielectrics in today’s ICs is a major problem for circuit edit engineers. This article explains why and presents a solution that addresses...
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The presence of copper layers separated by low-k dielectrics in today’s ICs is a major problem for circuit edit engineers. This article explains why and presents a solution that addresses the challenges CE engineers face. According to the authors, the difficulties are primarily due to the interaction of the ion beam with variations in copper grain orientation, the effects of halogen corrosion, and the presence of CuF. As a result, copper milling tends to be uneven and edit times tend to be quite long. The solution presented is based on a chemically-assisted milling and etching process that quickly and uniformly removes copper and dielectric layers while maintaining planarity.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2007) 9 (4): 22–25.
Published: 01 November 2007
...John Barden; Joel Harrison Nanoprobing of transistors and resistors is increasing in importance for both design debug and electrical fault isolation. It is thus necessary to understand the impact of scanning a resistor or transistor with an electron beam in order to draw valid conclusions from...
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Nanoprobing of transistors and resistors is increasing in importance for both design debug and electrical fault isolation. It is thus necessary to understand the impact of scanning a resistor or transistor with an electron beam in order to draw valid conclusions from nanoprobe measurements. In this article, the authors show that exposing samples to electron beams with energies above 4 keV can change the value of diffusion resistors by as much as 30% and that changes can occur at even lower voltages in areas of the sample covered with less material. The article also sheds light on why the changes occur.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2014) 16 (2): 46–47.
Published: 01 May 2014
... enhanced. This defect-centric reverse engineering could then be reapplied to a variety of similar device constructs, as identified by forward-looking design tools, to validate a failure hypothesis and build confidence in predictive capability. Together, complementary capabilities of forward-looking design...
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This column suggests that developing 3D structural models as tools for observing and exploring failures in the virtual domain could prove instrumental in avoiding failure without committing hardware. Likewise, instead of building hardware to systematically evaluate failures in the presence of random effects, virtualization through a 3D model could provide a completely user-defined environment for conducting controlled experiments. In such a virtual environment, systematic and random behaviors can be introduced and parsed to provide greater clarity in the search for root causes of failure.