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1-20 of 24 Search Results for
flash memory
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Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2009) 11 (2): 30–34.
Published: 01 May 2009
...Keith Harber; Sam Subramanian; Tony Chrastecky; Kheim Ly; Charles Petri This article presents a case study involving flash memory bit failures characterized by threshold voltage changes due to positive gate disturb stress. An inconsistency in failing bit behavior, which was found to be dependent...
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This article presents a case study involving flash memory bit failures characterized by threshold voltage changes due to positive gate disturb stress. An inconsistency in failing bit behavior, which was found to be dependent on the test mode, was explored to provide an electrical explanation for the failure. The underlying defect was isolated and subsequently identified by physical analysis.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2022) 24 (4): 22–29.
Published: 01 November 2022
... to flash memory. From 2019 to 2025, the NAND flash market size is expected to nearly double in size.[1] Manufacturers like Samsung and Micron are setting record-breaking investment milestones in response to towering demands for NVMs across multiple industrial sectors. Contemporary research focuses...
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This article describes how physical attacks can be launched on different types of nonvolatile memory (NVM) cells using failure analysis tools. It explains how the bit information stored inside these devices is susceptible to read-out and fault injection attacks and defines vulnerability parameters to help quantify risks associated with different modalities of attack. It also presents an in-depth security analysis of emerging NVM technologies and discusses potential countermeasures.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (4): 57–58.
Published: 01 November 2021
... or tolerant to device failures and reliability issues. While this is true in some instances, the reality is that reliability issues will degrade the accuracy of analog systems before they affect digital systems. For example, in standard digital flash memory, the drift in the threshold voltage of the cell does...
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Analog computing is an important step in taking neural net processing to the next level. However, as this column explains, reliability is intimately linked to performance and efficiency in analog systems, more so than in any modern digital system, and further work is required to understand the relationship.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2018) 20 (2): 54–55.
Published: 01 May 2018
... the iPhone launch, it started to be mobile phones. However, Intel has always ploughed its own furrow. So to get their latest chip, it has always been and still is a PC to get the CPU. In parallel, we have seen the growth of the memory business, both DRAM and NAND flash. Alongside all...
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This column reflects on the effect mobile phones have had on process and packaging technology and failure analysis.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2003) 5 (1): 11–14.
Published: 01 February 2003
... even be smaller than the enclosed die area (counting area from the stacked dice), our definition of a CSP no longer holds. The MCP example in Fig. 1 shows paired Flash memory and SRAM. Another MCP is memory to support Table 1 Four Main Categories for Chip Scale Packages logic. These stacked packages...
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Chip-scale packages (CSPs) make efficient use of space on PCBs, but their small size, multilevel stacking arrangements, and complex interconnects present serious challenges when it comes to testing and failure analysis. This article describes some of the problems encountered when dealing with various types of CSPs and provides practical solutions based on the tools and techniques available in most FA labs. It discusses the causes and effects of package and die related failures and walks readers through the steps involved in decapsulating plastic FBGA packages using conventional etching, polishing, and milling techniques.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2022) 24 (1): 17–28.
Published: 01 February 2022
... dielectric phenomena. Prior work used SNDM to assess the distributions of ferroelectric polarization,[3] fixed charges within a semiconductor-based flash memory device,[4] and carriers in semiconductors. This technique was also used to investigate depletion layer distribution in p/n junctions. SNDM has...
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Scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy (SNDM) is a scanning probe technique that measures changes in oscillation frequency between the probe tip and a voltage-biased sample. As the probe moves across the surface of a semiconductor device, the oscillation frequency changes in response to variations in dielectric properties, charge and carrier density, dopant concentration, interface states, or any number of other variables that affect local capacitance. Over the past few years, researchers at Tohoku University have made several improvements in dielectric microscopy, the latest of which is a digital version called time-resolved SNDM (tr-SNDM). Here they describe their new technique and present an application in which it is used to acquire CV, d C /d V-V , and DLTS data from SiO 2 /SiC interface samples.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2013) 15 (2): 14–21.
Published: 01 May 2013
..., microprocessor devices, and recently flash memory devices. Her main focus is to support design teams, product lines, and manufacturing groups for debugging new products, analyzing customer returns, and performing failure analysis on existing products for quality, reliability, and yield improvement. Before...
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Chip-scale packages (CSPs) make efficient use of space on PCBs, but their small size, multilevel stacking arrangements, and complex interconnects present serious challenges when it comes to testing and failure analysis. This article describes some of the problems encountered when dealing with various types of CSPs and provides practical solutions based on the tools and techniques available in most FA labs. It discusses the causes and effects of package and die related failures and walks readers through the steps involved in decapsulating plastic FBGA packages using conventional etching, polishing, and milling techniques. It also includes a case study involving a failure caused by improper laser marking.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2015) 17 (3): 50–52.
Published: 01 August 2015
... both a superconducting quantum interference device and a giant magnetoresistance device, the prototype tool successfully navigated a structure composed of five layers at the required vertical and lateral resolutions. In addition, the team successfully performed failure analysis on flash memory...
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The second phase of the IARPA Circuit Analysis Tools (CAT) program, which ended in June 2015, focused on the development of prototype tools to demonstrate scalability to the 10 nm node. Our guest columnist, IARPA Program Manager, Carl E. McCants, provides a summary of what the participating teams accomplished.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (1): 29–33.
Published: 01 February 2021
.... A. Leventhal: Flash Storage Memory, Communications of the ACM, 2008, 51.7, p. 47-51. 12. S. Suzuki, et al.: Work Functions and Valence Band States of Pristine and Cs-Intercalated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundles, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2000, 76.26, p. 4007-4009. 13. C. Szegedy, et al.: Inception-v4...
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Various NVM technologies are being explored for neuromorphic system realization, including resistive RAM, ferroelectric RAM, phase change RAM, spin transfer torque RAM, and NAND flash. This article discusses the potential of RRAM for such applications and evaluates key performance and reliability metrics in the context of neural network image classification. The authors conclude that the accuracy-power tradeoff may be further improved using alternative material stacks and multi-layer dielectrics so as to achieve better control of the oxygen vacancy or metallic filamentation process that governs RRAM switching characteristics.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (2): 4–12.
Published: 01 May 2021
... Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC), IEEE, 2009, p. 13 22. 20. S. Skorobogatov: Flash Memory Bumping Attacks, International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Springer, 2010, p. 158 172. 21. H.C. Chen, et al.: Defect Localization and Root Cause Analysis on E-fuse Read...
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The inverted orientation of a flip-chip packaged die makes it vulnerable to optical attacks from the backside. This article discusses the nature of that vulnerability, assesses the threats posed by optical inspection tools and techniques, and provides insights on effective countermeasures.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2008) 10 (1): 12–16.
Published: 01 February 2008
.... 26-29. ing networking, wireless, microprocessor devices, and recently the flash memory devices. Her main focus is to support design teams, product lines, and manu- 5. J.C. Lee et al.: A Novel Application of the FIB Lift-Out Technique for 3-D TEM Analysis, Microelectron. Reliab., 2001, 41, pp. 1551...
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A new and improved sample preparation technique was developed by Wang. This technique uses an FIB instrument for the 90° rotation of a small portion of the specimen on the original grid by taking advantage of static force. All sample preparation steps, including thin-section creation and sample tilting, can be accomplished in a single process. The procedure is monitored in a high-resolution FIB instrument to assure a 100% success rate. Figure 1 shows a scanning electron microscope image of a 3D TEM sample with two rotated sections. The original TEM sample is a lift-out sample laid on carbon film.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (1): 4–10.
Published: 01 February 2021
... preparation. APPLICATION EXAMPLE III: SILVER WIRE SD CARD The use of silver and silver-alloys as bond wire material has been investigated over the past years. Especially for certain applications such as flash memory or dynamic random access memory (DRAM) stack-die, silver is a viable candidate to replace gold...
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Several failure analysis case studies have been conducted over the past few years, illustrating the importance of preserving root-cause evidence by means of artifact-free decapsulation. The findings from three of those studies are presented in this article. In one case, the root cause of failure is chlorine contamination. In another, it is a combination of corrosion and metal migration. The third case involves an EOS failure, the evidence of which was hidden under a layer of carbonized mold compound. In addition to case studies, the article also includes images that compare the results of different decapsulation methods.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (3): 13–22.
Published: 01 August 2021
... to a router to give unwanted serial-port access.[3] Two buses are widely used in embedded systems and on computer motherboards, SPI and I2C (also known as SMBus). SPI is a four-wire interface used in a variety of sensors and as an interface to flash memory. On a PC or server motherboard, the BIOS software...
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Circuit boards are vulnerable to a wide range of ill-intentioned modifications done to gain access to information or malevolently influence control. This article describes the various ways attacks on circuit board can occur and presents examples showing how such attacks might look. It also provides general guidelines for protecting circuit-board design integrity.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2010) 12 (2): 12–18.
Published: 01 May 2010
... technology development for next-generation flash memory devices. In 2006, Mike joined ATI (now AMD) and is currently working in foundry operations, where he oversees the manufacturing and yield ramp activities of AMD s leading-edge graphics products. Albert Man received degrees in computer science...
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This case study compares the FA success rate and turn-around time of traditional logic-only and true layout-aware scan diagnosis. It discusses the basic process flow, identifies key success factors, and evaluates physical FA and diagnostic test results obtained from six dies randomly selected from a 9.8 M-gate, seven-metal-layer ASIC manufactured in 90 nm technology. As shown, layout-aware diagnosis reduces the defect search area on the die, in some cases, by an order of magnitude, providing the means to diagnosis-driven yield improvements.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2012) 14 (4): 4–11.
Published: 01 November 2012
... nm CMOS technology nodes. He is a member of the research and development staff, in charge of FEOL processes for CMOS and flash memories, and has managed the project dedicated to solve the pattern effects issues in the 45/40 nm node. Dr. Morin has authored or co-authored more than 50 publications...
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This article discusses the basic principles of dark current spectroscopy (DCS), a measurement technique that can detect and identify low levels of metal contaminants in CMOS image sensors. An example is given in which DCS is used to determine the concentration of tungsten and gold contaminants in an image sensor and estimate the dark current generated by a single atom of each metal.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2008) 10 (4): 30–32.
Published: 01 November 2008
... vias, or through-wafer interconnects. Why TSV? The adoption of 3-D TSV technology promises higher clock rates, lower power dissipation, and higher integration density. The technology will be adopted in many applications because it solves issues related to electrical performance, memory latency, power...
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This article provides a brief introduction to through-silicon via technology, a system-level architecture in which multiple layers of planar devices are stacked with interconnects running in the vertical as well as lateral direction. Some of the different fabrication processes in use are discussed along with related challenges.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2005) 7 (3): 22–28.
Published: 01 August 2005
... percentage of dense and defect-sensitive memory relative to logic in microprocessors, an architectural necessity to raise performance per power. By examining the pass/fail status of a full suite of cache patterns on a defective die, one can infer a possible defect based on which fault model was targeted...
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Parametric analysis of SRAM cells is widely used to locate faults and analyze device failures, but the pico-probing and bit-line multiplexing required for data acquisition is becoming increasingly difficult. This article explains how the addition of an on-die low-yield analysis circuit eliminates the problem. The simplicity of the measurement circuit and the potential to use a known library of curves, makes low-yield analysis one of the most versatile DFT techniques for cache fault isolation.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2010) 12 (3): 20–27.
Published: 01 August 2010
... Techniques for Microelectronic Failure Analysis, Invited paper, Int. Symp. Phys. and Failure Analysis of Integr. Circuits (IPFA), July 5-8, 2004 (Hsinchu, Taiwan), pp. 255-61. 4. A.C.T. Quah, L.S. Koh, K.H. Chan, C.M. Chua, S. Li, M. Massoodi, C. Yuan, and J.C.H. Phang: Correlation of Flash Memory Defects...
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The best spatial resolution that can be achieved with far-field optical fault localization techniques is around 20 times larger than the critical defect size at the 45 nm technology node. There is also a limit on the laser power that can be safely used on 45 nm devices, which further compromises fault localization precision. In this article, the authors explain how they overcome these limitations using pulsed laser-induced imaging techniques and a refractive solid immersion lens. Two case studies show how the combination of pulsed-laser scanning optical microscopy and a solid immersion lens improves localization precision and detection sensitivity.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2015) 17 (1): 33–37.
Published: 01 February 2015
... could be a critical item for nuclear systems). In another example given by Dr. Stoker, 1500 flash memory ICs that were recently advertised as being new from Intel were actually counterfeit parts. The dilemma is that we can t reverse engineer each part we have because it is too labor-intensive. Question...
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Several technology-focused User's Groups met at ISTFA 2014 to discuss current issues and advances in their areas of interest. This article summarizes key discussion points from the Contactless Fault Isolation User's Group, the Nanoprobing User's Group, the Sample Prep/3-D Package User's Group, and the FIB User's Group.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2017) 19 (4): 22–34.
Published: 01 November 2017
... in electrical engineering (microelectronics option) from the University of the Philippines in 2004 and 2007, respectively. In 2007, he joined Intel Technologies Philippines as an IC design engineer in the flash memory group. In 2011, he moved to Singapore and joined ST-Ericsson (eventually acquired by Intel...
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Faster time-to-production of a new product is the common goal of design houses and foundries. This article demonstrates how foundries can contribute through post silicon validation, which allows design houses to focus on more complicated issues.