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computational imaging
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1-20 of 147 Search Results for
computational imaging
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Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (1): 29–33.
Published: 01 February 2021
... control of the oxygen vacancy or metallic filamentation process that governs RRAM switching characteristics. Copyright © ASM International® 2021 2021 ASM International computational efficiency image classification error neural networks power consumption resistive RAM EDFAAO (2021) 1...
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Various NVM technologies are being explored for neuromorphic system realization, including resistive RAM, ferroelectric RAM, phase change RAM, spin transfer torque RAM, and NAND flash. This article discusses the potential of RRAM for such applications and evaluates key performance and reliability metrics in the context of neural network image classification. The authors conclude that the accuracy-power tradeoff may be further improved using alternative material stacks and multi-layer dielectrics so as to achieve better control of the oxygen vacancy or metallic filamentation process that governs RRAM switching characteristics.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2024) 26 (4): 4–11.
Published: 01 November 2024
... dataset. The final article in this series covers ptychography, a form of computational imaging that recovers the phase information imparted to an electron beam as it interacts with a specimen. Copyright © ASM International® 2024 2024 ASM International Four-dimensional scanning transmission...
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Four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM) is a spatially resolved electron diffraction technique that records the electron scattering distribution at each point of the electron beam raster, thereby producing a four-dimensional dataset. The final article in this series covers ptychography, a form of computational imaging that recovers the phase information imparted to an electron beam as it interacts with a specimen.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2019) 21 (3): 16–24.
Published: 01 August 2019
... more prominent. The feature extraction step uses a computer vision method to extract salient image object features. The final step consists of using the extracted features as input to machine learning algorithms to determine the presence of features of interest or annotate them in the image. To date...
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This article presents a comprehensive study of physical inspection and attack methods, describing the approaches typically used by counterfeiters and adversaries as well as the risks and threats created. It also explains how physical inspection methods can serve as trust verification tools and provides practical guidelines for making hardware more secure.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (2): 13–19.
Published: 01 May 2021
...Mirko Holler; Manuel Guizar-Sicairos; Jörg Raabe X-ray ptychography, as recent studies show, has the potential to bridge the gap that currently exists between conventional X-ray imaging and electron microscopy. This article covers the evolution of the technology from basic 2D imaging to computed...
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X-ray ptychography, as recent studies show, has the potential to bridge the gap that currently exists between conventional X-ray imaging and electron microscopy. This article covers the evolution of the technology from basic 2D imaging to computed tomography to 3D ptychographic X-ray laminography (PyXL) with zoom. To demonstrate the capabilities of PyXL, a 16-nm FinFET logic IC was mechanically polished to a thickness of 20 µm and several regions were imaged at various levels of resolution.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2017) 19 (4): 36–44.
Published: 01 November 2017
..., resolution, and uniformity. Automated backside thinning followed by plasma FIB deprocessing integrates with the typical workflow, which includes nondestructive evaluation via optical imaging and x-ray computed tomography (CT) scanning. X-RAY CT SCANNING X-ray tomography is a nondestructive process...
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Deprocessing of ICs is often the final step for defect validation in FA cases with limited fault-isolation information. This article presents a workflow for deprocessing ICs from the backside using automated thinning and large-area plasma FIB delayering. Advantages to this approach include a reduction in manual planarization and depackaging and a higher degree of precision and repeatability.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2019) 21 (3): 8–14.
Published: 01 August 2019
..., compressed sensing, or adaptive ion dwell time at the pixel level to track and correct surface roughening. A computational engine running Dragonfly from Object Research Systems (ORS) as the image processing and 3D visualization engine was employed for this article s research. Figure 3 shows...
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This article discusses the current state of large area integrated circuit deprocessing, the latest achievements in the development of automated deprocessing equipment, and the potential impact of advancements in gas-assisted etching, ion source alternatives, compact spectroscopy, and high-speed lasers.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2022) 24 (3): 12–22.
Published: 01 August 2022
... micrographs i.e., full-scale synthetic SEM images from layout images to show that in the future, it s possible to synthesize SEM images directly from layout images rather than depending on the time-consuming image acquisition process. Then, a computer vision (CV)based approach capable of extracting cells...
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This article proposes a design for a real-time Trojan detection system and explores possible solutions to the challenge of large-scale SEM image acquisition. One such solution, a deep-learning approach that generates synthetic micrographs from layout images, shows significant promise. Learning-based approaches are also used to both synthesize and classify cells. The classification outcome is matched with the design exchange format file entry to ensure the purity of the underlying IC.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2019) 21 (2): 30–36.
Published: 01 May 2019
... by the imaging modality. CONCLUSION Currently, the vast majority of common, everyday devices connected to the internet utilize the computing power of an IC. While becoming an integral part of our daily life, the ICs that are embedded in various devices face an increased risk of tampering and intrusion...
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Integrated circuits embedded in everyday devices face an increased risk of tampering and intrusion. In this article, the authors explain how reverse engineering techniques, including automated image analysis, can be employed to provide trust and assurance when dealing with commercial off-the-shelf chips.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (3): 24–31.
Published: 01 August 2021
...] suggested to recover a higher resolution image from multiple images acquired from different viewing angles, like computed tomography. F. Stellari et al.[10] reported an improvement of the localization of emission spots by computing the difference between emission images acquired at different time intervals...
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This article describes a novel method for improving image resolution achieved using time-resolved photon emission techniques. Instead of directly generating images from photon counting, all detected photons are displayed as a point cloud in 3D space and a new higher-resolution image is generated based on probability density functions associated with photon distributions. Unsupervised learning algorithms identify photon distribution patterns as well as fainter emission sources.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2019) 21 (2): 54–55.
Published: 01 May 2019
...Nancy Missert This column assesses the current state and outlook for superconducting device technology and its application in exascale computing. Copyright © ASM International® 2019 2019 ASM International exascale computing superconducting electronics ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS...
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This column assesses the current state and outlook for superconducting device technology and its application in exascale computing.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2010) 12 (1): 14–18.
Published: 01 February 2010
...Itzik Goldberger X-ray computed tomography is a noninvasive technique that can reveal the internal structure of objects in three dimensions with spatial resolution down to 50 nm. This article discusses the basic principles of this increasingly important imaging technology and presents examples...
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X-ray computed tomography is a noninvasive technique that can reveal the internal structure of objects in three dimensions with spatial resolution down to 50 nm. This article discusses the basic principles of this increasingly important imaging technology and presents examples of its use on various types of defects in semiconductor packages.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2001) 3 (1): 20–23.
Published: 01 February 2001
... to produce a TV compatible signal. The TV signal allowed computer image processing that was at that time an exotic and forbiddingly expensive technology. I was joined by Dr. Ching-Lang Chiang, and the two of us began to assemble, test, and refine the new components. It took almost two years of steady...
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This article discusses some of the early uses of emission microscopy in semiconductor device failure analysis and the challenges that were overcome to make it the invaluable tool it is today. One of the impediments early on was a misconception that silicon cannot emit light when, in fact, it has several light emission mechanisms that have proven useful in electron microscopy. One such mechanism, avalanche luminescence, occurs in junctions during reverse breakdown and is useful for resolving low breakdown voltage and problems with ESD protection circuits. Other light emission mechanisms discussed in the article include forward bias emission, MOS transistor saturation, and dielectric luminescence, which is used to examine oxide test structures and detect oxide defects.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2005) 7 (3): 6–12.
Published: 01 August 2005
... using the computer. Specimens for electron tomography can be left relatively thick (~250 nm), and in this condition, the amorphous layer created by the FIB produces little or no impact on image contrast. In addition, the precise centering of the specimen is not an issue, because the TEM specimen may now...
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Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) plays an important role semiconductor process development, defect identification, yield improvement, and root-cause failure analysis. At the same time, however, certain artifacts of specimen preparation and imaging present barriers for linear scaling of TEM techniques. This article assesses these challenges and explains how electron tomography is being used to overcome them.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2024) 26 (3): 14–24.
Published: 01 August 2024
... in sectors like data centers and high-performance inspection. It utilizes a combination of x-ray image data computing, with applications in advanced products like collection, analysis, and simulations to evaluate different GPUs, APUs, FPGAs, and more. Each of these steps reflects design elements...
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This article describes a proposed novel metric to furnish chip designers with a prognostic tool for x-ray imaging in the pre-silicon stage. This metric is fashioned to provide designers with a concrete measure of how visible the fine-pitched features of their designs are under x-ray inspection. It utilizes a combination of x-ray image data collection, analysis, and simulations to evaluate different design elements.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2001) 3 (3): 1–23.
Published: 01 August 2001
... ultraviolet and visible wavelength. The single wavelength designs with computer optimization reach the highest resolutions. This is the result of having to correct the image aberrations at only one wavelength. The 100X, 125X, and 150X objectives are at the high end. These objectives are designed around...
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This is the second article in a two-part series on deep ultraviolet (DUV) microscopy. The first part, published in the February 2000 issue of EDFA, discusses the working principles and capabilities of the method and the types of applications for which it is suited. In this issue, the author describes the basic design of DUV microscopes, the role of major components, and their effect on imaging quality.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2021) 23 (4): 28–37.
Published: 01 November 2021
...Matthew G. Blain; Raymond A. Haltli; Melissa Revelle Trapped ion systems are one of the leading technology platforms for quantum computing. This article describes the construction and operation of ion trap devices and the various modes of failure that have been observed. Examples of failure...
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Trapped ion systems are one of the leading technology platforms for quantum computing. This article describes the construction and operation of ion trap devices and the various modes of failure that have been observed. Examples of failure in either the rendering or use of packaged trap chips are presented, including electrode shorts and opens, detached bond wires, and RF breakdown damage.
Journal Articles
Microstructural Hierarchy Descriptor Enabling Interpretative AI for Microelectronic Failure Analysis
EDFA Technical Articles (2024) 26 (2): 10–18.
Published: 01 May 2024
... image contrast, and faster scan times.[9] Deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)based computing models have also been utilized for superior image segmentation and object classification.[10] While satisfactory results may have been obtained, the working principles behind DCNNs remain mysterious...
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This article proposes the MicroStructural Hierarchy Descriptor (µSHD) as a systematic and quantitative approach to spectra and image data in microelectronics failure analysis. It discusses concrete routes for employing µSHD directly as the quantitative descriptor for supervised and unsupervised machine learning. The authors propose that µSHD tools can be used to automate and improve characterization techniques and image processing and analysis protocols.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2023) 25 (2): 16–28.
Published: 01 May 2023
..., and equipment scheduling. It also discusses the role of decision-making rules, image annotations, and ontologies in automated workflows, data sharing, and interoperability. This article provides a systematic overview of knowledge-based and machine-learning AI methods and their potential for use in automated...
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This article provides a systematic overview of knowledge-based and machine-learning AI methods and their potential for use in automated testing, defect identification, fault prediction, root cause analysis, and equipment scheduling. It also discusses the role of decision-making rules, image annotations, and ontologies in automated workflows, data sharing, and interoperability.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2015) 17 (3): 12–19.
Published: 01 August 2015
..., the measured emission is segmented based on the macro, and a corresponding figure of merit is computed. Then, the figure of merit of each instance of Fig. 6 High-resolution stitched mosaic consisting of >1300 images covering an area of approximately 450 µm × 400 µm. Source: Ref 5 18 ELECTRONIC DEVICE...
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Engineers at IBM’s Watson Research Center are contending with one of the most fundamental limitations of imaging technology: the tradeoff between spatial resolution and field of view. In this article, they explain how they created tool interfaces, control and automation software, and image analysis and stitching algorithms, enabling photon emission and laser scanning microscopes to produce high-resolution mosaic images of advanced processor cores and other large-area ICs. They describe some of the challenges they faced and explain how their technology can be used to create images based on reflected light, induced voltage, photon emission, and laser stimulation signatures. In one of the latest demonstrations, the technology was used to land and focus a SIL more than 4000 times, acquiring some 16,000 images that were composed into stitched mosaics of several hundred images each.
Journal Articles
EDFA Technical Articles (2024) 26 (3): 4–11.
Published: 01 August 2024
... for defect detection on occluded BGA balls. The first stage uses image processing techniques, and the second stage uses the 3D x-ray technique oblique computed tomography. Zhang et al.[27] proposed an algorithm for common defect detection which also includes voids in 3D x-ray images of BGA solder joints...
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A deep learning-based nondestructive approach for void segmentation in BGA solder balls using 3D x-ray microscopy is presented.