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process validation
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1-20 of 132 Search Results for
process validation
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Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2020) 178 (4): 60–63.
Published: 01 May 2020
... process problems, and optimize the heat-treating process. Copyright © ASM International® 2020 2020 ASM International heat treating process validation thru-process temperature profiling 60 FEATURE ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MAY/JUNE 2020...
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Data obtained from thru-process profiling is used to calculate performance against specification, investigate process problems, and optimize the heat-treating process.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2016) 174 (10): 44.
Published: 01 November 2016
... characteristics just before impingement on the part, independently of upstream parameter controls. This need was focused mostly around fundamental understanding of the spray process, validation of thermo- and fluid-dynamic models, development of advanced materials, and development and optimization of spray...
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This case study addresses the use of online diagnostic tools to adjust spray parameters to ensure consistent results.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2017) 175 (8): 50–51.
Published: 01 November 2017
... to identify the potential strength, toughness, and cost benefits of bainitic steels over martensitic steels and provide guidance on the design, validation, and control of heat treating processes to produce bainitic microstructures in steels. Copyright © ASM International® 2017 2017 ASM International...
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This article describes a planned three-year research project at the Center for Heat Treating Excellence (CHTE) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) to help the heat treat industry better understand process parameters related to austempering of steels. This research will enable the industry to identify the potential strength, toughness, and cost benefits of bainitic steels over martensitic steels and provide guidance on the design, validation, and control of heat treating processes to produce bainitic microstructures in steels.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2016) 174 (8): 16–20.
Published: 01 September 2016
... for metal components. This new capability can help validate emerging additive manufacturing processes used to produce parts with complex geometries. Recent advances in neutron sources and detector technologies enable new contrast mechanisms to determine crystalline information for metal components...
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Recent advances in neutron sources and detector technologies enable new contrast mechanisms to determine crystalline information for metal components. This new capability can help validate emerging additive manufacturing processes used to produce parts with complex geometries.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2014) 172 (8): 23–25.
Published: 01 August 2014
... uncover many issues before the production stage. Once issues are identified, FIB circuit edit can be used during the process of debugging and validating fixes to in-progress designs, or design optimization changes can be explored before committing to the high cost and lengthy timetables of a full mask...
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As today's electronics systems continue to shrink and become more complex and pervasive, failures can cause costly downtime, product delays and recalls, and debilitating reputational damage. Finding and fixing failures before they do damage is important, but becomes increasingly challenging when devices are built using ever more complex designs. The solution is to employ a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to electronic system failure analysis. In addition, many failures can be avoided altogether by thorough testing, coupled with the latest focused ion beam circuit edit techniques. These advanced methods quickly and inexpensively debug and validate design fixes or explore design optimization opportunities in integrated circuits without having to commit to costly and time-consuming full mask spins.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2013) 171 (2): 36–38.
Published: 01 February 2013
..., which is nearly equivalent to the surface finish of a cold-worked or machined substrate. The effects of other factors on coating finish also were investigated. For example, surface Ra is reduced from 1.5 to 1.0 µm when the spray angle changes from 90 to 45 degrees. Process validation was demonstrated...
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This article discusses the development of an economical and efficient thermal spray process for producing ultrasmooth hardface coatings for aerospace and power turbine applications. It also compares the surface morphology and roughness of commercial HVOF coatings with those deposited by advanced HVOF spraying.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2014) 172 (4): 30–31.
Published: 01 April 2014
... requirements include property requirements, design, and materials. Manufacturing process modeling tools include process parameters, a thermal model, microstructure model, and property model, as well as performance prediction tools. The final product must be validated and verified with regard to materials...
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Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) is a relatively new discipline that shows great promise for reducing the cost and time required to design and deploy new materials, manufacturing technologies, and products. This article introduces an ICME implementation framework for product development using modeling of a friction stir welding process as an example.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2022) 180 (8): 43–45.
Published: 01 November 2022
... boride, both FeB and Fe2B. The FeB molecule Blaze has been outperforming other surface finishes in the oil and Fig. 1 Third-party application validation in the oil and gas industry on defined comgas industry for the past five years ponents for the Blaze process. 7 44 FEATURE ADVANCED MATERIALS...
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Blaze is an environmentally friendly case-hardening process with good wear characteristics, a low coefficient of friction, and it can be applied directly at the OEM.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2017) 175 (4): 25–27.
Published: 01 May 2017
... and validate length-scale models. These models were subsequently integrated into larger scale constitutive models developed to optimize forming operations and improve performance codes related to plasticity and fracture behavior. Second, it investigated microstructural processes at length scales that could...
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Scientists and engineers working on behalf of the U.S. automotive industry are nearing completion of a multiyear effort to accelerate the incorporation of advanced high-strength steels in American-made cars and trucks. This article reports on work to develop and validate an integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) model optimized for third-generation advanced high-strength steels.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2013) 171 (9): 55–58.
Published: 01 September 2013
... predict the thermal history of the gear quenching process due to the lack of a phase-transformation model. We implemented a subroutine in the commercial Fluent CFD code to take the latent heat effect due to phase transformation into account. CP (phase, C, T) Ms (C Model validation is accomplished using l...
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Engineers at the Ford Motor Co. are using integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) tools, allowing them to accurately simulate the heat treatment of gears and predict phase transformation kinetics and distortion.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2019) 177 (7): 22–26.
Published: 01 October 2019
... of the generated data sets from individual processes must be performed (data fusion). In this domain, BAM cooperates with partners such as the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). Using modern data analysis methods, BAM is developing a technique for process validation. BAM is also evaluating the influence of different...
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In Germany, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) is addressing challenges in the implementation of additive manufacturing on the industrial landscape for safety-critical applications. This article provides an overview of BAM’s activities in additive manufacturing with a focus on safety (both for applications and the environment) and AM technology innovation for a wide range of materials and manufacturing locations.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2023) 181 (4): 54–55.
Published: 01 May 2023
... Measurement for his paper, Thru-Process Temperature Profiling and Surveying, published in the May/June 2020 issue of HTPro. 2022 Kyozo Arimoto of Arimotech Ltd., for his paper, A Brief Review on Validation for Heat Treatment Simulation, published in 2021 HTS Conference Proceedings. Thomas Wingens...
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In 2017, ASM’s Heat Treating Society R&D Committee established a new recognition for the best papers in the heat treating industry each year. This ariticle describes the Prime Contributor award criteria and judging process, and it includes a list of the award-winning papers from 2018 to 2023.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2013) 171 (9): 59–61.
Published: 01 September 2013
... construction, which re- treated sequentially resting on V-blocks. quires extensive process validation after No axial force is applied. a new set of inductors is installed. SHarP-C technology dramatically Induction hardening reduces distortion and offers simple using a nonrotational process operation, equipment...
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This article discusses the implementation of a stationary induction hardening process for crankshafts and camshafts and the measures taken to maximize production rates while controlling part distortion.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2013) 171 (4): 32–33.
Published: 01 April 2013
... proper implant size, evaluate manufacturing tolerances, compare design geometries, and consider nextgeneration devices. Fluid dynamics can be used to identify high-shear stresses on blood vessels, regions of low flow, and potential for blood damage. And simulation-based product development processes can...
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Computer simulation is an important tool for medical device companies and designers to reduce expensive prototyping and testing. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Device and Radiological Health (CRY) is seeing a growing number of submissions for medical devices that include a simulation-data component.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2024) 182 (7): 18–21.
Published: 01 October 2024
... ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | OCTOBER 2024 TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT ADVANCED TECHNIQUES IMPROVE WELD PENETRATION MONITORING In the quest to improve reliability of partial penetration welding validation, advanced ultrasonic testing techniques have replaced other less...
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In the quest to improve the reliability of partial penetration welding validation, advanced ultrasonic testing techniques have replaced other less accurate methods. This case study compares weld penetration inspection results from phased array ultrasonic testing and the total focusing method in a rib-to-deck assembly on the top part of an orthotropic steel bridge deck.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2019) 177 (3): 24–25.
Published: 01 April 2019
... (Fig. 2). many depositions/experiments per 300-mm wafer. 25 ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | APRIL 2019 Fig. 2 Process flow for data generation, screening validation, and characterization. simultaneously co-sputtering Ni, Co, Ti, and Sb targets. Crystallization of the deposited alloys was promoted...
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Advanced thermoelectric materials open new horizons for use in solid state power generation and refrigeration applications. This article describes a project that used state-of-the-art computational modeling and high-throughput experimentation to strategically screen the extensive material space and accelerate learning for materials development.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2012) 170 (3): 31–35.
Published: 01 March 2012
... force (FX). 34 ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES MARCH 2012 Lumbar spine validation As an example of the component testing, consider the experiment and simulation of the lumbar spine assembly. The test configuration and model are shown in Fig. 4. The lumbar spine is a critical component in the dummy...
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Finite element representations of crash test dummies are widely used in the simulation of vehicle safety systems. The biofidelity of such models is strongly dependent on the accurate representation of the nonlinear behavior of constituent rubber, plastic, and foam materials. This article presents a simulation workflow in which material parameters are more easily optimized and demonstrates its use in the calibration of a viscoelastic model for the behavior of rubber-like materials in a side-impact dummy.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2021) 179 (3): 52–55.
Published: 01 April 2021
... the manufac- overload. turing process for Nitinol could influence its corrosion sus- ceptibility and in vivo performance. Corrosion susceptibility assessments were combined with surface characterization to validate the appropriateness of acceptance criteria for corrosion resistance and their clinical...
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New FDA guidance for Nitinol used in medical devices includes clarification on the determination of safety factors, the requirements for corrosion testing, and proper labeling of potentially harmful elements.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2014) 172 (11): 23–25.
Published: 01 November 2014
... controls, including audits, system validations, audit trails, electronic signatures, and documentation for software and systems involved in processing electronic data required to be maintained by FDA predicate rules, or used to demonstrate compliance to a predicate rule. Users define the degree of actions...
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Software specifically designed for materials testing environments and quality control laboratories offers a solution to many of today’s challenges, including lightweighting initiatives across multiple industries.This article describes commercial software available for managing test programs and regulatory compliance.
Journal Articles
AM&P Technical Articles (2012) 170 (8): 31–33.
Published: 01 August 2012
...Laurence R. Young Researchers at MIT have evaluated a wide range of helmet liner designs and materials for potential use in the U.S. Army's advanced combat helmet (ACH). To measure the effectiveness of candidate materials, the investigators rely on finite-element simulations that are validated...
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Researchers at MIT have evaluated a wide range of helmet liner designs and materials for potential use in the U.S. Army's advanced combat helmet (ACH). To measure the effectiveness of candidate materials, the investigators rely on finite-element simulations that are validated by shock tube testing at Purdue University. Of the various filler materials examined, glass beads, glycerin, and water show the most promise for blast attenuation.