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threshold pressure
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1-20 of 42 Search Results for
threshold pressure
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1331-1337, October 15–18, 2024,
... temperatures were selected to assess the impact of temperature on threshold pressure. The study observed salt infiltration into graphite at pressures exceeding its threshold pressure, and the threshold pressure for infiltration was lower at the higher temperature. In addition, the formation of carbon fluorides...
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A thorough understanding of interactions between graphite and fluoride fuel salts is crucial, as graphite is a promising candidate for the moderator of molten salt reactors. This study investigates the infiltration of fluoride fuel salts into graphite and the fluorination of graphite by these salts under various pressures and temperatures. A high-pressure salt infiltration test apparatus was developed to examine the infiltration of NaF-KF-UF 4 and NaF-BeF 2 -UF 4 -ZrF 4 fuel salts into two types of graphite at high temperatures. For tests using NaF-BeF 2 -UF 4 -ZrF 4 , two different temperatures were selected to assess the impact of temperature on threshold pressure. The study observed salt infiltration into graphite at pressures exceeding its threshold pressure, and the threshold pressure for infiltration was lower at the higher temperature. In addition, the formation of carbon fluorides on the surface of post-test graphite specimens was identified.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 610-621, October 11–14, 2016,
... Abstract The fatigue crack propagation thresholds of SAW weld metal of 25Cr2Ni2MoV simulating product of fossil and nuclear power low pressure turbine rotor at different stress ratios are tested. There is a big dispersity of the test results, even at the same stress ratio. The double logarithm...
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The fatigue crack propagation thresholds of SAW weld metal of 25Cr2Ni2MoV simulating product of fossil and nuclear power low pressure turbine rotor at different stress ratios are tested. There is a big dispersity of the test results, even at the same stress ratio. The double logarithm curves of the fatigue crack growth rate and stress intensity factor range are researched. The difference of critical points between stable propagation region and near-threshold region in different specimens is found to be an important cause to the dispersity. Their locations in the specimens can be determined by the method of backward inference. After the observation of the microstructures around the critical points, a good correspondence between the size of prior austenite grain and the maximum size of monotonic plastic zone on the crack tip is confirmed. The difference of the critical points at the same stress ratio is caused by the inhomogeneous microstructures. So the inhomogeneous microstructures in the multi-pass and multi-layer weld metal contribute to the dispersity of the experimental threshold values.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 933-944, October 15–18, 2024,
...-affected zone (CGHAZ) in welds of SA-508, P-No. 3 Group 3, pressure vessel steel was investigated using the Delayed Hydrogen Cracking Test (DHCT). In that previous study, the Gleeble thermomechanical simulator was used to generate six CGHAZ microstructural conditions: as-welded (AW), PWHT, and AW...
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According to ASME Case N-888-3, Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature SMAW or Machine GTAW Temper Bead Technique, a 48 hr waiting period before conducting the final nondestructive examination (NDE) is required when ferritic filler weld metal is used. The purpose of the 48 hr hold is to confirm the absence of hydrogen-induced cracking in the temper bead heat-affected zone. In previous research, the effect of post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) and temper bead welding (TBW) on the hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) susceptibility in the coarse-grained heat-affected zone (CGHAZ) in welds of SA-508, P-No. 3 Group 3, pressure vessel steel was investigated using the Delayed Hydrogen Cracking Test (DHCT). In that previous study, the Gleeble thermomechanical simulator was used to generate six CGHAZ microstructural conditions: as-welded (AW), PWHT, and AW with single a TBW reheat at 675, 700, 725, and 735°C. Hydrogen was introduced to the specimen through cathodic charging under in situ constant tensile stress. The HIC susceptibility for these microstructures was ranked by the DHCT at a diffusible hydrogen level significantly exceeding typical GTAW and SMAW processes. The work described in this paper investigates the susceptibility to HIC of these same CGHAZ microstructures with DHCT at variable current densities, further ranking each condition. Test results were analyzed by fracture surface examination of failed tests, and cross-section microstructural analysis under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Future steps include evaluating critical hydrogen content levels using gas chromatography for each condition. The results from this study will be used to consider potential elimination of the NDE hold time requirement in Case N-888-3 when ferritic weld metal is used.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 384-396, October 15–18, 2024,
... growth is proposed. This is defined as the Bond Line Growth Threshold (BLGT) and is evaluated as the percentage of the bond line with grains meeting the threshold. Here a fraction of the diffusion bond is considered bonded when its grains exceed a threshold of growth past the bond interface. The BLGT...
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Simple and effective material examination methods are desired for the diffusion bonding process, so that bonding produced components, such as compact heat exchangers, can be used in nuclear applications. Optical microscopy of diffusion bond process samples is a quick way to examine diffusion bond-line microstructure and to evaluate material quality. The stacked nature of a diffusion bonded-block results in distinct regions of grain growth both at and away from the bond interface. Strong diffusion bond materials exhibit grain growth across the original bond interface plane, weak materials have little-to-no growth across. A series of 316H diffusion bonded specimens of differing quality and strength were examined using optical microscopy. The microstructure both at and away from the bond interface was examined over 15mm long sections of the bond-line. A metric for evaluating bond growth is proposed. This is defined as the Bond Line Growth Threshold (BLGT) and is evaluated as the percentage of the bond line with grains meeting the threshold. Here a fraction of the diffusion bond is considered bonded when its grains exceed a threshold of growth past the bond interface. The BLGT is determined through automated image processing methods.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 483-494, October 15–18, 2024,
... Abstract For the safe life prediction of components under high cycle fatigue loading at high temperature, such as gas turbine blades and turbocharger components, the behavior of initial defects, which are physically short cracks below the long crack threshold ΔK is of crucial importance...
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For the safe life prediction of components under high cycle fatigue loading at high temperature, such as gas turbine blades and turbocharger components, the behavior of initial defects, which are physically short cracks below the long crack threshold ΔK is of crucial importance. The evolution of different crack closure mechanisms (such as plasticity, roughness and oxide induced crack closure) can lead to crack arrest by a reduction of the effective crack tip loading. To visualize the crack growth behavior of such cracks, cyclic crack resistance curves (cyclic R-curves) are used. The experimental determination of cyclic R-curves is challenging, especially under high temperature conditions due to a lack of optical accessibility. The formation of very short cracks in high strength materials makes it even more complicated to reliably determine these data. Within this study the crack growth behavior of physically short fatigue cracks in three different material states of the nickel alloy IN718 (wrought, cast and PBF-LB/M - processed) is experimentally determined at 650 °C. Based on a load increase procedure applied on Single Edge Notched (SEN) specimens with a compression pre-cracking procedure in advance, crack propagation of physically short cracks is measured with alternating current potential drop systems in air and under vacuum conditions. These examinations are carried out for three different load ratios (R = -1, 0 and 0.5) to investigate the amount of certain crack closure mechanisms active under different loading conditions. Moreover, the formation of a plastic wake along the crack flanks is determined by a finite element simulation. The results determined in air and under vacuum conditions are used to describe the impact of oxide induced crack closure on the behavior of physically short cracks. This allows the evaluation of the behavior of both near-surface and internal defects that are not accessible to the atmosphere.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1071-1080, October 22–25, 2013,
... and environmental issues has been discussed in the world. Especially reduction of CO2 gas emissions is particular required. Energy conversion efficiency of coal-fired power plant is expected to improve and solve the problems. Increasing of temperature and pressure of steam conditions are necessity to improve...
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High nitrogen steel was manufactured by solid state nitriding and Laminate- rolling at laboratory to study the nitride morphology and creep properties through the TEM, EPMA and creep strain test. Nitriding made the nitride dispersing steels possible. Solid state nitriding of thin plates and those laminate rolling enabled the high nitrogen containing thick plate steel. Precipitated coarse nitrides during the nitriding resolved by normalizing and re-precipitated by tempering finely. Needle type VN was detected in V containing high nitrogen steels. Its coherency seems to affect the creep strength significantly. V precipitated steels indicated the higher creep strength than the steels without VN precipitation. Thermodynamically stable precipitates like VN increases the creep rupture strength. Ti and Zr containing high nitrogen steels also will be evaluated and discussed by the presentation.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 450-469, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... a combination of corrosion and steady stress (SCC). Steady stress may cause SCC cracking, but dynamic stress cycling is needed to cause CF. Zhou [6] summarized and discussed the cracking of turbine blade steels. Crack initiation occurs when the pit exceeds a threshold size (related to a threshold stress concept...
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A research program has been initiated to develop the first predictive methodology for corrosion fatigue life in steam turbine blades, addressing a critical gap in current understanding despite extensive research into corrosion pitting and fatigue failure. The study focuses initially on dual-certified 403/410 12% Cr stainless steel, utilizing a newly developed test facility capable of conducting high-cycle fatigue tests in simulated steam environments at 90°C with controlled corrosive conditions. This testing platform enables the investigation of various steady and cyclic stress conditions, establishing a foundation for future testing of other blade steels and the development of comprehensive blade life estimation techniques.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 355-364, October 15–18, 2024,
... of electricity. The creep life of stainless steel heat transfer tubes depend on the material grade, metal temperature and stress. However, the creep rupture characteristics of each material grade are known and stress due to internal pressure can be calculated. Therefore, if the metal temperature of the heat...
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In order to comprehensively assess creep damage of 18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N steel (ASME SA-213 S30432), which is widely used in critical high-temperature regions of heat transfer tubes of ultrasupercritical (USC) boilers, our investigation centered on the σ phase. This phase undergoes formation and coarsening during prolonged thermal exposure. We developed a technique to estimate operational heating metal temperatures by analyzing average particle size of the σ phase (MLAS-EX). By extracting a certain number of σ phase from the largest particle size, it is possible to select the σ phase that nucleated and grew in the early stage of heating. The correlation between the average particle size and the Hollomon-Jaffe Parameter (HJP), a parameter of heating temperature and time, allows precise estimation of the heating metal temperature. Our validation demonstrates that the replica method, which is a nondestructive method and effective for evaluating actual plants, is also applicable. Using our newly developed technique for estimating heating metal temperature, it is possible to predict the remaining creep life of heat transfer tubes based on data related to creep rupture characteristics, working stress and operating time. The developed method has already been successfully applied to evaluate the creep life of several actual boilers.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 726-737, October 21–24, 2019,
... by segmenting the image using color thresholding based on the greyscale values of the regions of interest. An example of the results obtained from this subroutine is shown in Fig.6. Fig.6a shows a BSE image of the matrix with blocky sigma at grain boundaries, needle shaped sigma in the grain interiors and NbC...
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Due to their excellent high temperature oxidation resistance, utilities worldwide are adopting advanced austenitic stainless steels (A-ASS) for critical plant components, such as heat exchangers, as they aim to achieve higher operating conditions. However, challenges may be encountered in developing life assessment and life management strategies for such components. This is because conventional methods used for life assessment, such as measuring steam side oxide scale thickness in ferritic and conventional austenitic material to predict tube metal temperature, may not be successfully applied to A-ASS. In such instances, tracking the formation and evolution of microstructural features during service, may offer a possible method to predict the temperature of these steels. For such metallurgy based lifing strategy to be successful, it is essential to develop a good understanding of microstructure evolution in these steels. In this work one heat of Super 304H, that has been creep tested at 600°C, 650°C and 700°C, with applied stress ranging from 110 to 340 MPa, is characterized using a combination of advanced characterization tools and image analysis methods. The amount of sigma phase formed at the gauge and grip sections of the samples is quantified and the methodology used to quantify this phase is presented. From the results, a time-temperature-transformation diagram for sigma formation is developed.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 373-383, October 15–18, 2024,
... of ballistic impingement via a high-velocity stream of gas, resulting in a uniform deposition with minimal porosity and high bond strength. Temperatures are below the melting thresholds of many engineering materials enabling a large variety of application uses. NAC developed a process for Cold Spray...
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NAC International Inc. (NAC) is providing transportable storage canisters (TSCs) to Central Plateau Cleanup Company CPCCo) for long term dry storage of capsulized radioactive waste at the Hanford Site in Richland, WA. The TSC consists of 316/316L stainless-steel components welded to form a cylindrical canister that acts as a confinement boundary for the payload. The heat affected zones of the welded areas are most susceptible to Chloride Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking (CISCC), that may limit the life of the TSC. To mitigate CISCC during the anticipated 300-year storage period, an overcoating is applied to the heat affected zones of all external TSC fabrication welds, referred to as Cold Spray. This paper will discuss the purpose, development, and application of Cold Spray to the CPCCo TSCs. Cold Spray is a process whereby metal powder particles are deposited upon a substrate by means of ballistic impingement via a high-velocity stream of gas, resulting in a uniform deposition with minimal porosity and high bond strength. Temperatures are below the melting thresholds of many engineering materials enabling a large variety of application uses. NAC developed a process for Cold Spray application onto the 316/316L stainless-steel TSCs to serve as a CISCC protective/mitigative coating for its canister products. Testing during development arrived at nickel as the deposited coating material and nitrogen as the gas vehicle, along with a set of various application parameters. The qualified process was implemented onto the CPCCo TSCs. Prior to application, the equipment and process are validated via coupons that are sprayed and then tested to meet requirements for adhesion strength (ASTM C633) and porosity (ASTM E2109). After successful coupon testing, Cold Spray is performed on the external TSC fabrication welds, to include heat affected zones. Acceptance testing of the resulting deposition is performed via visual inspection.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 685-693, October 21–24, 2019,
... radial direction. Attach the pressure sensitive tape with adhesive strength of at least 45 g/mm to the spiral line grid area with force from fingers. Ensure that any loose particles of corrosion products scratched out will not remain there. After that, grab a free end and pull it out quickly (instead...
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The fall-off of oxide scale with poor adhesion inside superheater/reheater tubes in boilers for (ultra) supercritical power unit is the main cause of accidents such as superheater/reheater blockage, tube explosion and solid particle erosion in the steam turbine which cause serious economic losses. However, there is still no method for testing and assessing the adhesion of oxide scale inside the tube. A method for testing the adhesion of corrosion products in tubes by spiral lines is proposed in this paper, and the accuracy of adhesion evaluation is improved by adopting the image recognition method.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 712-722, October 15–18, 2024,
... Abstract The incore instrumentation system of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) facilitates neutron flux mapping and temperature measurements at specific core locations. A guide conduit, extending from the seal table to the lower reactor pressure vessel head, guides and protects each incore...
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The incore instrumentation system of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) facilitates neutron flux mapping and temperature measurements at specific core locations. A guide conduit, extending from the seal table to the lower reactor pressure vessel head, guides and protects each incore guide thimble between the table and the lower reactor vessel head. Each flux thimble houses a detector and drive cable. Once filled with reactor coolant, the conduit becomes an extension of the reactor coolant pressure boundary. This paper reports the examination results of cracking detected in a TP304 stainless steel guide conduit adjacent to a fillet weld at the upper surface of a TP304 seal table. The cracking resulted in reactor coolant leakage that was detected by the presence of boric acid deposits on the exterior of the conduit and table. Failure analysis including dimensional measurements, chemical analysis, stereomicroscopy, metallography, and scanning electron microscopy showed that extensive cracking of the conduit and seal table material occurred due to stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Assessment showed that chlorine-containing deposits were present on the exterior of the conduit and on the surfaces of the seal table and were due to the design and operation of HVAC systems at the coastal plant. Stainless steels are susceptible to SCC in environments with elevated temperatures, chloride contents, and increased tensile stress – particularly in non-post weld heat treated (PWHT) weld regions and the heat affected zone (HAZ). This was the apparent primary cause of the failure. However, chloride-induced SCC of such materials typically results in transgranular crack propagation, whereas the observed cracks were indicative of intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). Microstructural analysis showed that the observed cracks initiated in sensitized areas of material adjacent to the weld. Sensitization of the material caused chromium depletion from adjacent areas and increased susceptibility of the depleted areas to IGSCC. In this case, the most probable source of sensitization was related to welding and the long-term growth of grain boundary carbides nucleated during welding. This was considered a contributing cause to the failure.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 155-166, October 22–25, 2013,
.... The European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) allows for example the use of Design By Analysis (DBA). Consequently, Finite Element Method (FEM) can be used to predict the creep and relaxation behavior of boiler components for 700°C fossil power plants. Since these models are mostly phenomenological...
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In several material qualification programs tubes and thick-walled components mainly from Alloy 617 and Alloy 263 were investigated. Results as low cycle fatigue and long term creep behavior of base materials and welds are presented. Numerical models to describe the material behavior have been developed and verified by multiaxial tests. In order to ensure the feasibility of A-USC plants two test loops have been installed in GKM Mannheim – one for tube materials and a new one for thick-walled piping and components. The latter consists of a part with static loading and a part subjected to thermal cycles and is in operation since November 2012. First results of measurements and numerical calculations for a pipe bend (static loading) as well as pipes and a header (thermal cycles) are presented.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 960-968, October 15–18, 2024,
... device (ECT HTS-dc-SQUID) and observation of a replica were conducted to detect creep damage of Grade 91 steel welds. Creep strain measurements were also performed for residual life assessment of the welds. PAUT showed that the threshold of creep damage detection was between 60% and 80% of the creep...
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This study evaluates various nondestructive testing methods for detecting creep damage and assessing residual life in Grade 91 steel welds. Three primary detection techniques were investigated: phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT), eddy current testing with high-temperature superconductor direct current and superconducting quantum interference device (ECT•HTS-dc-SQUID), and replica observation. PAUT detected creep damage between 60-80% of creep life, while ECT•HTS-dc-SQUID showed detection capability between 80-90% of creep life. Replica observation revealed creep voids only in the final stages before rupture. Additionally, three strain measurement methods were evaluated: capacitive strain sensors (providing continuous monitoring during creep exposure), laser displacement meters (used during test interruptions), and SPICA strain measurement. Both capacitive sensors and laser meters produced results comparable to conventional extensometer measurements. The SPICA method proved particularly effective in measuring heat-affected zone (HAZ) strain after creep exposure, revealing higher strain values in the HAZ compared to base and weld metal, with a consistent increase during creep exposure.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 830-842, October 15–18, 2024,
... temperature increases. T115 is defined in multiple product standards, such as (but not limited to) ASTM A213 (tubing grade T115), A335 (piping grade P115), VdTÜV WB-580, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code (BPVC) permits its use for construction of power boilers through Code Case (CC) 2890. In recent...
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Tenaris' High Oxidation Resistance (THOR) 115, or T115, is a creep strength-enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel introduced in the past decade. It is widely used in constructing high-efficiency power plants and heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) due to its superior steam oxidation resistance and long-term microstructural stability, making it a viable alternative to stainless steels at elevated steam temperatures. The creep damage tolerance of T115 has been recently validated under ASME BPVC CC 3048 guidelines, which address safety concerns related to creep damage in boiler components. Testing confirmed T115's consistent creep damage-tolerant behavior, with cross-weld creep behavior reassessed through extensive metallographic examination of specimens from a 1.5-inch thick pipe girth weld, providing insights into creep damage distribution and hardness, and its relative performance compared to Grade 91 CSEF steel.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1313-1328, October 22–25, 2013,
... of this region leads to void nucleation. Void growth and linkage culminates in distinctive type IV cracking. The threshold for such cracking is a function of temperature and stress[3] and the type IV shortfall negates to a large extent the advantages of such steels. In ASME I 2008 weld strength reduction...
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9-12%Cr martensitic-ferritic steels continue to be developed for target temperatures of 650°C. This paper reviews the performance of two experimental European steels against the performance of the better known grade 92 alloy. It comments on the problem of type IV cracking and the effect of welding variables on cross-weld creep performance. Preliminary results from an on-going creep test programme are presented in context, and the findings compared with published data.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 1045-1066, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... varestraint data for a crack-susceptible alloy, A-286, and a non-susceptible alloy, stainless steel 310 (SS310), is shown in Figure 3 [5]. The threshold strain is the strain at which cracking initiates and the maximum crack distance (MCD) plateau is an indication of the solidification temperature range...
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Inconel alloy 740 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium-cobalt alloy with niobium, derived from Nimonic 263, and is considered a prime candidate for the demanding conditions of advanced ultrasupercritical boilers. It offers an exceptional combination of stress rupture strength and corrosion resistance under steam conditions of 760°C (1400°F) and 34.5 MPa (5000 psi), surpassing other candidate alloys. Initially, Inconel alloy 740 was prone to liquation cracking in sections thicker than 12.7 mm (0.50 in), but this issue has been resolved through modifications in the chemical composition of both the base and weld metals. Current concerns focus on the weld strength reduction factor for direct-age weldments. This has led to further development in welding Inconel alloy 740 using Haynes 282, which has higher creep strength and may mitigate the weld strength reduction factor. This study details successful efforts to eliminate liquation cracking and compares the properties of Inconel alloy 740 and Haynes 282 filler materials using the gas tungsten arc welding process.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 995-1013, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... Abstract Dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) between ferritic and austenitic materials at elevated temperatures have long posed challenges for boiler manufacturers and operators due to their potential for premature failure. As the industry moves towards higher pressures and temperatures to enhance...
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Dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) between ferritic and austenitic materials at elevated temperatures have long posed challenges for boiler manufacturers and operators due to their potential for premature failure. As the industry moves towards higher pressures and temperatures to enhance boiler efficiencies, there is a need for superior weld metals and joint designs that optimize the economy of modern boilers and reduce reliance on austenitic materials for steam headers and piping. EPRI has developed a new filler metal, EPRI P87, to enhance the performance of DMWs. Previous work has detailed the development of EPRI P87 for shielded metal arc welding electrodes, gas-tungsten arc welding fine-wire, and its application in an ultra-supercritical steam boiler by B&W. This study examines the weldability of EPRI P87 consumables through various test methods, including Varestraint testing (both trans and spot), long-term creep testing (approximately 10,000-hour running tests), procedure qualification records for tube-to-tube weldments between traditional/advanced austenitic steels and creep-strength enhanced ferritic steels, and elevated temperature tensile testing. Macroscopic examinations from procedure qualification records using light microscopy confirmed the weldability and absence of cracking across all material combinations. The findings demonstrate that EPRI P87 is a weldable alloy with several advantages for DMW applications and highlight that specific weld joint configurations may necessitate the use of high-temperature tensile data for procedure qualifications.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 933-948, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... levels before solution treating is required, industry concerns suggest these limits may be too high, prompting some boiler manufacturers to implement more conservative thresholds. This study examined the creep ductility of four austenitic stainless steels (TP310HCbN, XA704, TX304HB, and Sanicro 25...
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Cold working and bending during boiler manufacturing can induce strain hardening in austenitic stainless steel, potentially compromising creep ductility and leading to premature failures during operation. While design codes like ASME I, PG 19 provide guidelines for maximum strain levels before solution treating is required, industry concerns suggest these limits may be too high, prompting some boiler manufacturers to implement more conservative thresholds. This study examined the creep ductility of four austenitic stainless steels (TP310HCbN, XA704, TX304HB, and Sanicro 25) at prior strain levels of 12% and 15%, with Sanicro 25 demonstrating the highest ductility, followed by TX304HB, XA704, and TP310HCbN. Solution annealing successfully restored creep ductility to exceed 10% elongation in all materials, though this treatment may be necessary at strains of 12% and 15% for all materials except Sanicro 25 to ensure adequate creep ductility. The findings suggest that ASME I PG 19 guidelines for austenitic stainless steels containing Cb, V, and N should be reviewed, as lower strain limits could help reduce strain-induced precipitation hardening failures.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1054-1065, October 15–18, 2024,
... Abstract Additive manufacturing is being considered for pressure boundary applications for power plant service by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and regulators. Both existing and new plants could benefit from the reduced lead times, design flexibility, and part consolidation possible...
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Additive manufacturing is being considered for pressure boundary applications for power plant service by ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and regulators. Both existing and new plants could benefit from the reduced lead times, design flexibility, and part consolidation possible with additive manufacturing. Various ASME code committees are working towards rules and guidance for use of additive manufacturing. To further the industry's understanding, this research program was undertaken to evaluate the properties of wire arc additive manufactured 316L stainless steel. This study included microstructural characterization, chemical composition testing, mechanical testing, and nondestructive evaluation of multiple large (1600-pound (700 kg)) 316LSi stainless steel valve bodies produced using the gas metal arc directed energy deposition process followed by solution annealing. The results showed the tensile behavior over a range of temperatures was comparable to wrought material. No variation in tensile behavior was observed with change in tensile sample orientation relative to the build direction. Room temperature Charpy V-notch absorbed energy toughness was comparable to wrought material. Large grain sizes were observed in the metallographic samples, indicating that lowering the solution anneal temperature may be worthwhile. The results of surface and volumetric examination were acceptable when compared to forged material acceptance criteria. Together these results suggest that GMA-DED can produce acceptable materials properties comparable to forged materials requirements.