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three-point bending test
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1-20 of 46 Search Results for
three-point bending test
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1048-1059, October 21–24, 2019,
... good creep ductility due to the absence of γ’ phase precipitates. A method to evaluate stress relaxation cracking susceptibility was developed by applying a three-point bending test using a specimen with a V-notch and finite element analysis (FEA), and it was shown that stress relaxation cracking...
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The susceptibilities of hot cracking and reheat cracking of A-USC candidate Ni-based alloys were evaluated relatively by Trans-Varestraint testing and Slow Strain Rate Tensile (SSRT) testing. In addition, semi-quantitative evaluation of the stress relaxation cracking susceptibility of Alloy 617 was conducted, because stress relaxation cracking in the heat affected zone (HAZ) has actually been reported for repair welds in Alloy 617 steam piping in European A-USC field-testing. Solidification cracking susceptibilities of Alloy 617 were the highest; followed by HR35, Alloy 740 and Alloy 141, which were all high; and then by HR6W and Alloy 263, which were relatively low. In addition, liquation cracking was observed in the HAZ of Alloy 617. The reheat cracking susceptibilities of Alloy 617, Alloy 263, Alloy 740 and Alloy 141 were somewhat higher than those of HR6W and HR35 which have good creep ductility due to the absence of γ’ phase precipitates. A method to evaluate stress relaxation cracking susceptibility was developed by applying a three-point bending test using a specimen with a V-notch and finite element analysis (FEA), and it was shown that stress relaxation cracking of aged Alloy 617 can be experimentally replicated. It was proposed that a larger magnitude of creep strain occurs via stress relaxation during the three-point bending test due to a higher yield strength caused by γ’ phase strengthening, and that low ductility due to grain boundary carbides promoted stress relaxation cracking. The critical creep strain curve of cracking can be created by means of the relationship between the initial strain and the creep strain during the three-point bending tests, which were calculated by FEA. Therefore, the critical conditions to cause cracking could be estimated from the stress relaxation cracking boundary from of the relationship between the initial strain and the creep strain during the three-point bending test.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 863-868, October 21–24, 2019,
... Ti <0.01 0.48 0.48 <0.01 Zr <0.01 0.07 0.07 <0.01 Mo Bal. Bal. Bal. Bal. MSB and T-MSB were cut into specimens for hardness measurement, tensile test, three-point bending test and oxidative exhaustion test. All specimens surfaces were polished using emery papers (#180-600). 2.2 Evaluation of MSB...
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Refractory metal, such as molybdenum and tungsten, are used in increasingly severe environments. Therefore, these materials are required to have superior mechanical properties, long life and excellent reliability. In this study, we developed newly Mo alloy dispersed Mo-base intermetallic compound for material forming such as hot extrusion die. This newly Mo alloy “MSB” exhibited superior mechanical properties compared with convention Mo alloy at temperatures below 1000℃. In addition, by adding a titanium alloy to the MSB, we have developed another alloy “T-MSB” that has high mechanical properties at higher temperatures. In the hot extrusion of brass, die made of these Mo alloys had 2.5 times longer tool life than the conventional Mo alloy die.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1090-1097, October 21–24, 2019,
... stainless steel three-point bending test Joint EPRI 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High Temperature Materials October 21 24, 2019, Nagasaki, Japan J. Shingledecker, M. Takeyama, editors Copyright © 2019 ASM International® All rights...
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In a European ultra-supercritical (USC) power station repaired reheater bundle tubes made out of 25% Chromium stainless steels developed stress relief damages at the tube-to-tube butt welds, leading to leakages after only 8.500 hours of operation. Laboratory investigations of the leakages revealed common features of stress relief cracking (SRC) such as highly localized intergranular cracking in the heat affected zone (HAZ) near the fusion line, creep void formation at the crack tip and around the crack. At that time no other SRC damages were known for the employed 25% Chromium stainless steel boiler tubes. This article briefly describes the SRC damage found on the repaired reheater bundle tubes. It further provides insight on the several laboratory tests employed to assess the SRC behavior of welded joints of different creep resistant stainless steels. Among the selected test methods were Slow-Strain-Rate-Tests (SSRT), static 3-point bending tests derived from the Van Wortel approach and component tests. The results provided by the described tests methods have shown that the SRC behavior of a given material combination must be assessed by different techniques. This is especially the case for the evaluation of potential countermeasures and for the determination of the service conditions leading to the highest susceptibility.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 702-713, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract An internal pressure creep test has been carried out on a Gr. 91 steel longitudinal welded pipe at 650°C to examine the type IV failure behavior of actual pipes, using a large-scale experiment facility “BIPress”, which can load internal pressure and bending force on large diameter...
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An internal pressure creep test has been carried out on a Gr. 91 steel longitudinal welded pipe at 650°C to examine the type IV failure behavior of actual pipes, using a large-scale experiment facility “BIPress”, which can load internal pressure and bending force on large diameter pipes at high temperatures. The creep test was also interrupted three times to measure hardness and voids density in the HAZ region of the outer surface of the test pipe. Results of the measurement of the hardness and voids density at the interruption did not indicate creep damage accumulation. The welded pipe suddenly ruptured with large deformation, which caused crushing damage to the surrounding facility. Type IV cracking occurred in the longitudinal welded portion of the test pipe, and the length of the crack reached 5000mm. SEM observation was carried out at the cross section of the welded portion of the test pipe and voids density was measured along the thickness direction in the HAZ region. To clarify the stress/strain distribution in the welded portion, creep analysis was conducted on the test pipe, where the materials are assumed to consist of base metal, weld metal and HAZ. After stress redistribution due to creep deformation, stress and strain concentrations were observed inside the HAZ region. Then, the authors' creep life prediction model was applied to the creep test result to examine its validity to actual size pipes. It was demonstrated that the life prediction model can evaluate damage of the Gr. 91 steel longitudinal welded pipe with sound accuracy.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 24-40, October 22–25, 2013,
... and SAVE 12AD are ferritic steels for use at temperatures lower than 650deg-C. These materials are being tested to verify the characteristics regarding creep rupture, fatigue, oxidation and corrosion. Welding and bending tests have been conducted to check the manufacturability of the materials. Figure 14...
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We have reported on the effort being done to develop the A-USC technology in Japan, which features the 700 deg-C steam condition, since the 2007 EPRI conference. Our 9 year project began in 2008. There have been some major changes in the electricity power market in the world recently. At first, the earthquake changed the power system violently in Japan. Almost all nuclear power plants have been shut down and natural gas, oil and coal power plants are working fully to satisfy the market's demands. In the USA, the so called ‘Shale gas revolution’ is going on. In Europe, they are working toward the target of reducing CO 2 emissions by the significant use of renewables with the backup of the fossil fuel power systems and enhancing power grids. A very rapid increase in power generation by coal is being observed in some countries. Despite some major changes in the electric sector in the world and the CO 2 problem, the global need for coal power generation is still high. We can reconfirm that the improvement of the thermal efficiency of coal power plants should be the most fundamental and important measure for the issues we are confronting today, and that continuous effort should be put towards it. Based on the study we showed at the 2007 conference, we developed 700 deg-C class technology mainly focusing on the material and manufacturing technology development and verification tests for key components such as boilers, turbines and valves. Fundamental technology developments have been done during the first half of the project term. Long term material tests such as creep rupture of base materials and welds will be conducted for 100,000hrs continuing after the end of the project with the joint effort of each participating company. Today, we are preparing the plan for the second half of the project, which is made up of boiler components test and the turbine rotating tests. Some boiler superheater panels, large diameter pipes and valves will be tested in a commercially operating boiler from 2015 to 2017. The turbine rotor materials which have the same diameter as commercial rotors will be tested at 700 deg-C and at actual speed.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 101-124, October 11–14, 2016,
... product forms. Hot and cold bending of boiler tubes was demonstrated by the US AUSC program to facilitate construction of an in-plant test loop. This work showed that bends to at least 1.5D were possible [8]. These tubes were in the solution annealed condition when bent. Bending of age-hardened tubes...
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INCONEL alloy 740H has been specified for tube and pipe for the boiler and heat exchanger sections of AUSC and sCO 2 pilot plants currently designed or under construction. These systems also require fittings and complex formed components such as flanges, saddles, elbows, tees, wyes, reducers, valve parts, return bends, thin-wall cylinders and tube sheets. The initial evaluation of alloy 740H properties, leading to ASME Code Case 2702, was done on relatively small cross-section tube and plate. The production of fittings involves the use of a wide variety of hot or cold forming operations. These components may have complex geometric shapes and varying wall thickness. The utility industry supply chain for fittings is largely unfamiliar with the processing of age-hardened nickel-base alloys. Special Metals has begun to address this capability gap by conducting a series of trials in collaboration with selected fittings manufacturers. This paper describes recent experiences in first article manufacture of several components. The resulting microstructure and properties are compared to the published data for tubular products. It is concluded that it will be possible to manufacture most fittings with properties meeting ASME Code minima using commercial manufacturing equipment and methods providing process procedures appropriate for this class of alloy are followed. INCONEL and 740H are registered trademarks of Special Metals Corporation.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 60-70, October 21–24, 2019,
... resistance, affects the weldability of new steels. Each of the latter has to undergo many tests, particularly as regards bending and welding, in order to enable the development of technologies ensuring failure-free production and assembly of boiler systems. Martensitic steels containing 9% Cr, used...
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Development of steels used in the power generation industry for the production of boilers characterized by supercritical parameters poses new challenges. The introduction of new combinations of alloying agents aimed at obtaining the best possible mechanical properties, including creep resistance, affects the weldability of new steels. Each of the latter has to undergo many tests, particularly as regards bending and welding, in order to enable the development of technologies ensuring failure-free production and assembly of boiler systems. Martensitic steels containing 9% Cr, used in the manufacturing of steam superheaters, are characterized by excellent creep resistance and, at the same time, low oxidation resistance at a temperature in excess of 600°C. In turn, steels with a 12% Cr content, i.e., VM12-SHC or X20CrMoV12-1 are characterized by significantly higher oxidation resistance but accompanied by lower strength at higher temperatures, which translates to their limited application in the production of boilers operating at the most top parameters.X20CrMoV12-1 was withdrawn from most of the power plants, and VM12-SHC was supposed to replace it, but unfortunately, it failed in regards to creep properties. To fulfill the gap a new creep strength-enhanced ferritic steel for service in supercritical and ultra-supercritical boiler applications was developed by Tenaris and it is designated as Thor115 (Tenaris High Oxidation Resistance). This paper covers the experience gained during the first steps of fabrication, which includes cold bending and welding of homogenous joints.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 992-1005, October 22–25, 2013,
..., including creep resistance, affects the weldability of new steels. Each of the latter have to undergo many tests, particularly as regards bending and welding, in order to enable the development of technologies ensuring failure-free production and assembly of boiler systems. Martensitic steels containing 9...
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Dynamic development of steels used in power engineering industry for the production of boilers characterised by supercritical parameters poses new welding challenges. The introduction of new combinations of alloying agents aimed at obtaining the best possible mechanical properties, including creep resistance, affects the weldability of new steels. Each of the latter have to undergo many tests, particularly as regards bending and welding, in order to enable the development of technologies ensuring failure-free production and assembly of boiler systems. Martensitic steels containing 9% Cr, used in the manufacturing of steam superheaters, are characterised by good creep resistance and, at the same time, low oxidation resistance at a temperature in excess of 600°C. In turn, steels with a 12% Cr content are characterised by significantly higher oxidation resistance, but accompanied by lower strength at higher temperatures, which translates to their limited application in the production of boilers operating at the highest parameters. The niche between the aforesaid steels is perfectly filled by austenitic steels, the creep resistance and oxidation resistance of which are unquestionable. This article presents experience gained while welding dissimilar joints of advanced steels TEMPALOY AA-1 and T92, with the use of EPRI P87, Inconel 82 and Inconel 617 filler metals. The tests involving the said steel grades belong to the very few carried out in the world.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 869-879, October 21–24, 2019,
... Abstract In order to establish a induction bending technique for Ni-based alloy HR6W large pipe, induction bending test was conducted on HR6W, which is a piping candidate material of 700°C class Advanced Ultra-Super Critical. In this study, a tensile bending test in which tensile strain...
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In order to establish a induction bending technique for Ni-based alloy HR6W large pipe, induction bending test was conducted on HR6W, which is a piping candidate material of 700°C class Advanced Ultra-Super Critical. In this study, a tensile bending test in which tensile strain was applied and a compression bending test in which compression strain was applied to the extrados side of the pipe bending part. As the results of these two types of induction bending tests, it was confirmed that a predetermined design shape could be satisfied in both bending tests. In addition, the wall thickness of the pipe was equal to or greater than that of the straight pipe section in compression bending. Therefore, if compression bending is used, it is considered unnecessary to consider the thinning amount of the bent portion in the design. Next, penetrant test(PT) on the outer surface of the bending pipes were also confirmed to be acceptable. Subsequently, metallographic samples were taken from the outer surface of the extrados side, neutral side and intrados side of the pipe bending portion. Metallographic observation confirmed that the microstructures were normal at all the three selected positions. After induction bending, the pipe was subjected to solution treatment. Thereafter, tensile tests and creep rupture tests were carried out on samples that were cut from the extrados side, neutral side and intrados side of the pipe bending portion. Tensile strength satisfied the minimum tensile strength indicated in the regulatory study for advanced thermal power plants report of Japan. Each creep rupture strength was the almost same regardless of the solution treatment conditions. From the above, it was possible to establish a induction bending technique for HR 6W large piping.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 127-139, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... the bending process have the effect of restoring optimal microstructure and creep properties; the results are shown in Figure 6-b. a) b) Figure 6. Results of creep tests from (a) cold bends and (b) hot induction bends. Open points are running tests. The value in the box represents the elongation...
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ASTM Grade 23 is a 2.25Cr-0.3Mo-1.5W-V-Nb-B steel widely used for the fabrication of boiler components of the most recent ultra super critical power plants; it combines high creep resistance, enhanced oxidation and corrosion resistance and good weldability. Microstructural, mechanical, and creep properties of seamless tubes and pipes after normalizing and tempering heat treatment are compared with those obtained after cold bending and hot induction bending. The creep resistance is obtained through the precipitation of fine carbides after tempering. A broad program of TEM investigations on crept samples has been carried out in order to assess the evolution of the microstructure and its phases after long term high-temperature exposure, in terms of chemical composition, size and distribution of precipitates.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 803-814, October 22–25, 2013,
... than has been investigated in laboratory processes resulting in increased brittleness when the coating was assessed using 4-point bending. alloy composition annealing austenitic stainless steel brittleness creep properties diffusion coatings four-point bending test shot peening steam...
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Because of the problems experienced with steam-side oxide scale exfoliation in commercial power plants, there has been increased interest in understanding the steam oxidation resistance of 300- series stainless steels such as 347H and 304H. Model alloys were used in an attempt to understand the effect of varying Ni (9-12%) and Cr (16-20%) on steam oxidation resistance at 650°C. However, the model alloys generally showed superior oxidation resistance than commercial alloys of similar composition. Several surface engineering solutions also were investigated. The commercially favored solution is shot peening. Laboratory steam testing at 650°C found that annealing temperatures of ≥850°C eliminated the benefit of shot peening and a correlation was observed with starting hardness in the peened region. This effect of annealing has implications for the fabrication of shot peened tubing. Another route to improving oxidation resistance is the use of oxidation resistant diffusion coatings, which can be deposited inexpensively by a vapor slurry process. Uniform coatings were deposited on short tube sections and annealed at 1065°C to retain good 650°C creep properties. The coating was thicker than has been investigated in laboratory processes resulting in increased brittleness when the coating was assessed using 4-point bending.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 123-134, October 15–18, 2024,
... the side bend tests due to lack of fusion or weld metal discontinuities. austenitic stainless steel creep strength gas-metal-arc welding shielded-metal-arc welding tensile strength weld metal discontinuities weld qualification yield strength Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair...
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The mechanical behavior of a cast form of an advanced austenitic stainless steel, CF8C-Plus, is compared with that of its wrought equivalent in terms of both tensile and creep-rupture properties and estimated allowable stress values for pressurized service at temperatures up to about 850°C. A traditional Larson-Miller parametric model is used to analyze the creep-rupture data and to predict long-term lifetimes for comparison of the two alloy types. The cast CF8C-Plus exhibited lower yield and tensile strengths, but higher creep strength compared to its wrought counterpart. Two welding methods, shielded-metal-arc welding (SMAW) and gas-metal-arc welding, met the weld qualification acceptance criteria in ASME BPVC Section IX for the cast CF8C-Plus. However, for the wrought CF8C-Plus, while SMAW and gas-tungsten-arc welding passed the tensile acceptance criteria, they failed the side bend tests due to lack of fusion or weld metal discontinuities.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 1045-1066, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... in) in length, and it was not clear whether it originated from a defect or from the radius itself. ASME Section IX allows cracking in the radius to be omitted if it does not originate from a defect. A full-section and half-section 2T radius bend test were attempted, but did not pass. Figure 14 shows three 3T...
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Inconel alloy 740 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium-cobalt alloy with niobium, derived from Nimonic 263, and is considered a prime candidate for the demanding conditions of advanced ultrasupercritical boilers. It offers an exceptional combination of stress rupture strength and corrosion resistance under steam conditions of 760°C (1400°F) and 34.5 MPa (5000 psi), surpassing other candidate alloys. Initially, Inconel alloy 740 was prone to liquation cracking in sections thicker than 12.7 mm (0.50 in), but this issue has been resolved through modifications in the chemical composition of both the base and weld metals. Current concerns focus on the weld strength reduction factor for direct-age weldments. This has led to further development in welding Inconel alloy 740 using Haynes 282, which has higher creep strength and may mitigate the weld strength reduction factor. This study details successful efforts to eliminate liquation cracking and compares the properties of Inconel alloy 740 and Haynes 282 filler materials using the gas tungsten arc welding process.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 325-341, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... into pieces to check the shape of the cross section and to make test specimens. Pipe welding tests are being carried out now. 337 Figure 3-15 Bended Alloy 617 Pipe (Courtesy of Babcock Hitachi) There are three candidate materials for steam turbine rotors. Ni based alloys, FENIX-700, LTES700R and TOS1X...
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The “Cool Earth-Innovative Energy Technology Program,” launched by the Japanese government in March 2008, aims to significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Among the 21 selected technologies is the Advanced Ultra Super Critical (A-USC) pressure power generation, which targets the commercialization of a 700°C class pulverized coal power system with a power generation efficiency of 46% by around 2015. As of 2004, Japan's pulverized coal power plant capacity reached 35 GW, with the latest plants achieving a steam temperature of 600°C and a net thermal efficiency of approximately 42% (HHV). Older plants from the 1970s and early 1980s, with steam temperatures of 538°C or 566°C, are nearing the need for refurbishment or rebuilding. A case study on retrofitting these older plants with A-USC technology, which uses a 700°C class steam temperature, demonstrated that this technology is suitable for such upgrades and can reduce CO 2 emissions by about 15%. Following this study, a large-scale development of A-USC technology began in August 2008, focusing on developing 700°C class boiler, turbine, and valve technologies, including high-temperature material technology. Candidate materials for boilers and turbine rotor and casing materials are being developed and tested. Two years into the project, useful test results regarding these candidate materials have been obtained, contributing to the advancement of A-USC technology.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 1075-1085, October 11–14, 2016,
... the result. As already mentioned, the 3-point bending samples for the SCC tests were machined according to DIN 50915:1993 using the KB5 geometry, with the butt weld in the center of it (Fig. 3). The inner tube surface was tested in the as manufactured condition by bending the samples over the extrados...
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In Europe between 2006 and 2012 several ultra-super-critical (USC) coal-fired power plants were built employing T24 (7CrMoVTiB10-10 / DIN EN 10216-2:2014-03 / VdTÜV sheet 533/2) in membrane walls. During commissioning stress corrosion cracking (SCC) on the tube-to-tube butt welds appeared. The widespread damages required the development of a new patented commissioning procedure to avoid recurring damages. Although this commissioning procedure was employed successfully and the power plants are in operation since then, a debate about the implementation of a hardness limit for such butt welds was initiated. According to the European standards butt welds of T24 boiler tubes with wall thickness < 10 mm (0.3937 in) do not require any post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) and no hardness limits are given. When looking at manufacturing related issues such as an imminent risk of cold cracking after welding of micro-alloyed steels a widely applied but coarse hardness limit is 350 HV. Based on laboratory tests, some authors reallocated this 350 HV hardness limit for addressing SCC susceptibility of low-alloyed steels. This article describes typical hardness levels of T24 boiler tube TIG butt welds and the SCC behavior in high temperature water. Further the effect of the stress relief heat treatment (SRHT) of the boiler membrane walls between 450 °C and 550 °C (842 °F and 1022 °F) on its hardness values and on the SCC behavior is discussed, showing that the hardness values should not be used as an indicator for SCC susceptibility of T24 boiler tube butt welds.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 549-564, October 22–25, 2013,
... was approached with three more or less different tests. First investigations were performed using three point bending samples in autoclaves containing high temperature water. A buffer of air or nitrogen was added. The focus here was on the oxygen content of the medium. Different loading conditions were applied...
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This paper explores the development and qualification of a bainitic-martensitic steel grade and its matching welding consumables for power plants operating under ultra-supercritical steam conditions (605/625°C and 300/80 bar). It provides insights into recent developments and offers practical considerations for handling this material (grade T24) from the perspective of both tubular component manufacturers and welding consumable producers. The paper is structured into three main sections: (1) Development and qualification of the T24 steel base material. (2) Development, qualification, and recommendations for welding consumables compatible with T24 steel. (3) Experiences during manufacturing and installation of components using T24 steel, concluding with key takeaways.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 747-758, October 11–14, 2016,
... of such behaviour to prevent similar situations in the future. The question arose, why the criteria leak before break worked only limited. Three critical points were under the focus of the root cause analysis: - Which kind of failure mechanism? - Was there a crack before? - Was the material in a good and correct...
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A failure of the upper casing of the circulation pump led to a big damage in the PP Staudinger unit 5 on 12th of May 2014. According to the §18(2) BetrSichV an extensive root cause analysis (RCA) was started. From the beginning on different lines of activities were initiated to handle the situation with the required diligence. Decisions were made, taking into account safety regulations, possibility of repair and best practice engineering. Following the board decision to repair the unit 5, a lot of detailed work was done. All of the performed work packages were linked in different timelines and needed to meet in the key points. Consequently it was a challenge to achieve the agreed date of unit 5 restart on 15th of January 2015. The unit restart on the targeted date was a proof of the excellent collaboration between all involved parties. The presentation gives a summarizing overview about the damage, the main results of the RCA and the repair activities.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 207-218, October 15–18, 2024,
...) during the test. Evaluation of the bending strain in the samples tested showed good agreement between the two faces up to the yield point. The degree of (relative) bending strain reaches a level of around 10% on average between the data sets before becoming greater as the material yields and plastically...
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At present there is no recognized standard test method that can be used for the measurement of the tensile properties of additively manufactured lattice structures. The aim of this work was to develop and validate a methodology that would enable this material property to be measured for these geometrically and microstructurally complex material structures. A novel test piece has been designed and trialed to enable lattice struts and substructures to be manufactured and tested in standard bench top universal testing machines and in small scale in-situ SEM loading jigs (not reported in this paper). In conjunction with the mechanical tests, a finite element (FEA) modelling approach has been used to help cross validate the methodology and results, and to enable larger lattice structures to be modelled with confidence. The specimen design and testing approach developed, is described and the results reviewed for AlSi10Mg.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 11-21, October 21–24, 2019,
... compositions were cut in the diffusion layers by focused ion beam milling. The fracture toughness and the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) were measured by in-situ microcantilever bending tests and micropillar compression tests, respectively. The hardness, Young's modulus and CRSS are nearly constant...
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Laves phases are intermetallic phases well known for their excellent strength at high temperatures but also for their pronounced brittleness at low temperatures. Especially in high-alloyed steels, Laves phases were long time regarded as detrimental phases as they were found to embrittle the material. Perusing the more recent literature, it seems the negative opinion about the Laves phases has changed during the last years. It is reported that, if the precipitation morphology is properly controlled, transition metal-based Laves phases can act as effective strengthening phases in heat resistant steels without causing embrittlement. For a targeted materials development, the mechanical properties of pure Laves phases should be known. However, the basic knowledge and understanding of the mechanical behavior of Laves phases is very limited. Here we present an overview of experimental results obtained by micromechanical testing of single-crystalline NbCo 2 Laves phase samples with varying crystal structure, orientation, and composition. For this purpose, diffusion layers with concentration gradients covering the complete homogeneity ranges of the hexagonal C14, cubic C15 and hexagonal C36 NbCo 2 Laves phases were grown by the diffusion couple technique. The hardness and Young's modulus of NbCo 2 were probed by nanoindentation scans along the concentration gradient. Single-phase and single crystalline microcantilevers and micropillars of the NbCo 2 Laves phase with different compositions were cut in the diffusion layers by focused ion beam milling. The fracture toughness and the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) were measured by in-situ microcantilever bending tests and micropillar compression tests, respectively. The hardness, Young's modulus and CRSS are nearly constant within the extended composition range of the cubic C15 Laves phase, but clearly decrease when the composition approaches the boundaries of the homogeneity range where the C15 structure transforms to the off stoichiometric, hexagonal C36 and C14 structure on the Co-rich and Nb-rich, respectively. In contrast, microcantilever fracture tests do not show this effect but indicate that the fracture toughness is independent of crystal structure and chemical composition of the NbCo 2 Laves phase.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 155-166, October 22–25, 2013,
... BÜ 4 Flow Chart HWT II Figure 4: HWT 2 test loop with thickwalled pipes and bends, T-piece and header made from Alloy 617 and Alloy 263. Manufacturing and Qualification Within the MARCKO 700 and DE4 projects manufacturing processes for tubes, pipes, T-pieces and headers have been established. In DE 4...
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In several material qualification programs tubes and thick-walled components mainly from Alloy 617 and Alloy 263 were investigated. Results as low cycle fatigue and long term creep behavior of base materials and welds are presented. Numerical models to describe the material behavior have been developed and verified by multiaxial tests. In order to ensure the feasibility of A-USC plants two test loops have been installed in GKM Mannheim – one for tube materials and a new one for thick-walled piping and components. The latter consists of a part with static loading and a part subjected to thermal cycles and is in operation since November 2012. First results of measurements and numerical calculations for a pipe bend (static loading) as well as pipes and a header (thermal cycles) are presented.