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steam oxidation test
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1-20 of 180 Search Results for
steam oxidation test
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 197-204, October 21–24, 2019,
..., Nagasaki, Japan J. Shingledecker, M. Takeyama, editors Copyright © 2019 ASM International® All rights reserved. MICROSTRUCTURAL EVOLUTION AND STEAM OXIDATION RESISTANCE OF FIELD-TESTED THOR 115 STEEL A. Ferrara, M. Ortolani, E...
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A new ferritic steel branded as Thor 115 has been developed to enhance high-temperature resistance. The steel design combines an improved oxidation resistance with long-term microstructural stability. The new alloy was extensively tested to assess the high-temperature time- dependent mechanical behavior (creep). The main strengthening mechanism is precipitation hardening by finely dispersed carbide (M 23 C 6 ) and nitride phases (MX). Information on the evolution of secondary phases and time-temperature-precipitation behavior of the alloy, essential to ensure long-term stability, was obtained by scanning transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and by X-ray powder diffraction on specimens aged up to 50,000 hours. The material behavior was also tested in service conditions, to validate the laboratory results: Thor 115 tubing was installed in a HRSG power plant, directly exposed to turbine flue gasses. Tubing samples were progressively extracted, analyzed and compared with laboratory specimens in similar condition. This research shows the performance of Thor 115 regarding steam oxidation and microstructure evolution up to 25,000 exposure hours in the field. So far, no oxide microstructure difference is found between the laboratory and on field tubing: in both cases, the oxide structure is magnetite/hematite and Cr-spinel layers and the oxide thickness values lay within the same scatter band. The evolution of precipitates in the new alloy confirms the retention of the strengthening by secondary phases, even after long-term exposure at high temperature. The deleterious conversion of nitrides into Z phase is shown to be in line with, or even slower than that of the comparable ASME grade 91 steel.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 832-846, October 22–25, 2013,
... for A-USC applications. This paper details the loop’s design, materials, manufacturing, operation, and inspection findings. Additionally, it describes a methodology for predicting steam-side oxidation and fireside corrosion rates and highlights the significance of this testing for A-USC development...
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Nickel-based alloys and stainless steel Super304H, along with various coatings, are undergoing testing in a steam loop at Alabama Power’s Plant Barry. These materials are being evaluated for use in advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) fossil-fired power plants at temperatures ranging from 538°C to 815°C. The loop has been operational for over 18 months, with the alloys exceeding 6,300 hours above 538°C. An additional 7,000 hours at high temperatures are planned before the loop’s removal in 2014. Initial inspections show minimal material corrosion, suggesting their suitability for A-USC applications. This paper details the loop’s design, materials, manufacturing, operation, and inspection findings. Additionally, it describes a methodology for predicting steam-side oxidation and fireside corrosion rates and highlights the significance of this testing for A-USC development and commercialization.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 441-450, October 25–28, 2004,
... Abstract This paper describes the steam oxidation behavior of two 18Cr-8Ni austenitic fine-grained stainless steels, TP347HFG and SUPER304H, which have been developed for ultra-supercritical (USC) boilers. A field exposure test was conducted by installing these tubes, along with comparative...
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This paper describes the steam oxidation behavior of two 18Cr-8Ni austenitic fine-grained stainless steels, TP347HFG and SUPER304H, which have been developed for ultra-supercritical (USC) boilers. A field exposure test was conducted by installing these tubes, along with comparative materials, in the tertiary superheater of a utility power boiler. After periodic service, the fine-grained tubes were removed to examine their steam oxidation behavior. Examination of the steam oxidation scale on the inner surface of the tubes indicated an extremely low scale growth rate for the fine-grained steels, even after 10 years of service. The oxidation structure is discussed and compared with conventional materials, TP321H and TP347H. Accelerated steam oxidation tests were conducted using an oxidation test with saturated dissolved oxygen concentration. The combination of fine-grained steel and a shot-peening layer exhibits high steam oxidation resistance at 700°C or higher temperatures.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 1113-1125, October 11–14, 2016,
... obtained from laboratory steam oxidation testing performed on a 9%Cr T/P92 steel with and without VALIORTM coating exposed in Ar-50%H 2 O at 650°C. aluminum boiler tubes diffusion light optical metallography martensitic stainless steel microstructure scanning electron microscopy-energy...
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The steam oxidation behaviour of boiler tubes and steam piping components is a limiting factor for improving the efficiency of the current power plants. Spallation of the oxide scales formed during service can cause serious damage to the turbine blades. Vallourec has implemented an innovative solution based on an aluminum diffusion coating applied on the inner surface of the T/P92 steel. The functionality of this coating is to protect the tubular components against spallation and increase the actual operating temperature of the metallic components. In the present study, the newly developed VALIORTM T/P92 product was tested at the EDF La Maxe power plant (France) under 167b and 545°C (steam temperature). After 3500h operation, the tubes were removed and characterized by Light Optical Metallography (LOM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), with Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results highlight the excellent oxidation resistance of VALIORTM T/P92 product by the formation of a protective aluminum oxide scale. In addition, no enhanced oxidation was observed on the areas close to the welds. These results are compared with the results obtained from laboratory steam oxidation testing performed on a 9%Cr T/P92 steel with and without VALIORTM coating exposed in Ar-50%H 2 O at 650°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 463-471, October 25–28, 2004,
... to enhance the steam oxidation resistance of these 9Cr steels strengthened by boron and fine MX nitrides. A combination of 0.7% Si, 40-60 ppm S, and pre-oxidation treatment was applied. Steam oxidation tests were conducted at 923K for up to 4000h. Pre-oxidation treatment in argon gas at 973K for 50h...
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For high-strength steels developed at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan, a dispersion of nano-sized MX nitride particles along boundaries and in the matrix is achieved by reducing carbon concentration below 0.02%. This structure results in excellent creep strength at 923K, approximately two orders of magnitude longer rupture time than P92. Additionally, adding a large amount of boron exceeding 0.01% combined with minimized nitrogen effectively improves creep rupture strength by stabilizing the martensitic microstructure during creep. Efforts have been made to enhance the steam oxidation resistance of these 9Cr steels strengthened by boron and fine MX nitrides. A combination of 0.7% Si, 40-60 ppm S, and pre-oxidation treatment was applied. Steam oxidation tests were conducted at 923K for up to 4000h. Pre-oxidation treatment in argon gas at 973K for 50h significantly improved oxidation resistance in steam at 923K by forming a protective Cr-rich oxide layer. The pre-oxidized steels exhibited much lower mass gain in steam at 923K than Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel at 873K, and lower than T91 at 873K after 1000h. After 4000h, their mass gain was about zero, much lower than P91 at 873K and 923K. SEM/EDS analysis and low mass gain suggest a protective Cr-rich oxide scale formed on the pre-oxidized steel surface, exhibiting excellent oxidation resistance in steam at 923K.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 420-427, October 25–28, 2004,
..., it was found that the sulfide state played a more important role in improving the steam oxidation resistance than the atomic sulfur state. Furthermore, this sulfur effect worked significantly in the steam oxidation test performed at the temperatures above 873K which corresponded to the temperature...
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The presence of sulfur at an impurity level in heat resistant steels could improve remarkably the steam oxidation resistance. As is well known, sulfur tends to form sulfides, in particular, chromium sulfides when the steel contains chromium. Therefore, there are two possibilities of sulfur states in the steel. One is in atomic sulfur state as a solid solution, and the other is in sulfide state as a precipitate. However, it still remains unclear which sulfur state contributes largely to the improvement of the steam oxidation resistance of the steels. In order to elucidate the sulfur state operated more effectively in improving the oxidation resistance, the steam oxidation resistance was investigated with high chromium ferritic steels, Fe-10mass%Cr-0.08mass%C-(0~0.015)mass%S, with controlling the sulfur states in them by proper heat treatments. From a series of experiments, it was found that the sulfide state played a more important role in improving the steam oxidation resistance than the atomic sulfur state. Furthermore, this sulfur effect worked significantly in the steam oxidation test performed at the temperatures above 873K which corresponded to the temperature for the chromium sulfide to dissolve and instead for the chromium oxide to form in the steels. This result indicates that the beneficial effect of sulfur in improving the steam oxidation resistance is related closely to the sulfide stability against the oxide in the steels.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 877-887, October 11–14, 2016,
... microstructural examination, mechanical testing in the as-received condition and after ageing, long-term creep and steam oxidation testing. This paper presents an overview of metallurgical characterization performed on laboratory and industrial Thor material, including microstructural examination and mechanical...
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A new martensitic steel for power generation applications was developed: Tenaris High Oxidation Resistance (Thor) is an evolution of the popular ASTM grade 91, offering improved steam oxidation resistance and better long-term microstructural stability, with equal or better creep strength. Thanks to its design philosophy, based on consolidated metallurgical knowledge of microstructural evolution mechanisms, and an extensive development performed in the last decade, Thor was engineered to overcome limitations in the use of ASTM grade 91, above 600 °C, particularly related to scale growth and liftoff. After laboratory development, Thor was successfully validated at the industrial level. Several heats up to 80 metric tons were cast at the steel shop, hot rolled to tubes of various dimensions, and heat treated. Trial heats underwent extensive characterization, including deep microstructural examination, mechanical testing in the as-received condition and after ageing, long-term creep and steam oxidation testing. This paper presents an overview of metallurgical characterization performed on laboratory and industrial Thor material, including microstructural examination and mechanical testing in time-independent and time-dependent regimes. Data relevant to the behavior and the performance of Thor steel are also included.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 327-335, October 21–24, 2019,
... on steam oxidation behavior of Fe-9Cr alloy at 923 K. Niobium was chosen as the third element to the Fe- 9Cr binary system. Steam oxidation test of Fe-9Cr (mass%) alloy and Fe-9Cr-2Nb (mass%) alloy were carried out at 923 K in Ar-15%H 2 O mixture for up to 172.8 ks. X-ray diffraction confirms the oxide...
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High Cr ferritic steels have been developed for the large components of fossil power plants due to their excellent creep resistance, low thermal expansion, and good oxidation resistance. Development works to improve the operating temperature of these steels mainly focused on the high mechanical properties such as solid solution strengthening and precipitation hardening. However, the knowledge of the correlation between Laves phase precipitation and oxidation behavior has not clarified yet on 9Cr ferritic steels. This research will be focused on the effect of precipitation of Laves phase on steam oxidation behavior of Fe-9Cr alloy at 923 K. Niobium was chosen as the third element to the Fe- 9Cr binary system. Steam oxidation test of Fe-9Cr (mass%) alloy and Fe-9Cr-2Nb (mass%) alloy were carried out at 923 K in Ar-15%H 2 O mixture for up to 172.8 ks. X-ray diffraction confirms the oxide mainly consist of wüstite on the Fe-9Cr in the initial stage while on Nb added samples magnetite was dominated. The results show that the Fe-9Cr- 2Nb alloy has a slower oxidation rate than the Fe-9Cr alloy after oxidized for 172.8 ks
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 777-790, October 22–25, 2013,
... and TP347H (coarse- and fine-grained, respectively). The oxygen level of the feed water had little effect on the steam oxidation rates of all the steels tested. Hematite (Fe 2 O 3 ) formed in the outer layer of the oxide scales on both the ferritic and austenitic steels and is considered to have been...
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CWT (combined water treatment) was introduced in Japan in 1990 and over 50 power generation boilers are now in operation. However, the effect of oxygenated treatment on the steam oxidation of the ferritic-martensitic steels and austenitic stainless steels that are used for superheaters and reheaters is currently far from clear. In this study, laboratory tests were used to examine the effect of the oxygen level of the feed water on the scale growth and the scale exfoliation propensity of T91 ferritic-martensitic steel and 300-series austenitic stainless steels, as represented by TP316H and TP347H (coarse- and fine-grained, respectively). The oxygen level of the feed water had little effect on the steam oxidation rates of all the steels tested. Hematite (Fe 2 O 3 ) formed in the outer layer of the oxide scales on both the ferritic and austenitic steels and is considered to have been encouraged in the simulated CWT atmosphere. The adhesion strength of the oxide scale formed on T91 in the simulated CWT atmosphere, that is, scale in which hematite was present, was lower than that of the oxide scale formed in the simulated AVT (all volatile treatment) atmosphere. The oxidation rate of fine-grained TP347H was confirmed to be slower than that of coarse-grained TP316H. Hematite significantly influenced the scale exfoliation of the austenitic steels and the critical oxide thickness for exfoliation decreased with increasing proportion of hematite in the outer scale.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 900-911, October 11–14, 2016,
... strengthened materials (263 alloy and Haynes 282). The high temperature oxidation tests were performed in water to steam close loop system, the samples were investigated analytically prior and after exposures using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), and X-Ray...
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The A-USC technology is still under development due to limited number of materials complying with the requirements of high creep strength and high performance in highly aggressive corrosion environments. Development of power plant in much higher temperatures than A-USC is currently impossible due to the materials limitation. Currently, nickel-based superalloys besides advanced austenitic steels are the viable candidates for some of the A-USC components in the boiler, turbine, and piping systems due to higher strength and improved corrosion resistance than standard ferritic or austenitic stainless steels. The paper, presents the study performed at 800 °C for 3000 hours on 3 advanced austenitic steels; 309S, 310S and HR3C with higher than 20 Cr wt% content and 4 Ni-based alloys including: two solid-solution strengthened alloys (Haynes 230), 617 alloy and two (γ’) gamma - prime strengthened materials (263 alloy and Haynes 282). The high temperature oxidation tests were performed in water to steam close loop system, the samples were investigated analytically prior and after exposures using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), and X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD). Mass change data have been examined every 250 hours.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 647-654, October 21–24, 2019,
... higher steam parameters of up to about 650 °C steam (ie about max 700 °C metal) without the need for expensive nickel based alloys. The aim of the present study is the investigation of the steam oxidation resistance of the Sanicro 25. The long term test was conducted in the temperature range 600 -750 °C...
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Sanicro 25 material is approved for use in pressure vessels and boilers according ASME code case 2752, 2753 and VdTUV blatt 555. It shows higher creep rupture strength than any other austenitic stainless steels available today. It is a material for superheater and reheaters, enabling higher steam parameters of up to about 650 °C steam (ie about max 700 °C metal) without the need for expensive nickel based alloys. The aim of the present study is the investigation of the steam oxidation resistance of the Sanicro 25. The long term test was conducted in the temperature range 600 -750 °C up to 20 000 hours. The morphology of the oxide scale and the microstructure of the bulk material were investigated. In addition, the effect of surface finish and pressure on the steam oxidation were also studied.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 96-103, October 21–24, 2019,
... steam oxidation resistance than that of conventional steel in the same temperature range as the creep tests. Thus, the new material design concept of heat-resistant steel pro- vides improved creep strength and steam oxidation resistance. We are attempting to determine the optimum compositions...
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To save fossil fuel resources and to reduce CO 2 emissions, considerable effort has been directed toward researching and developing heat-resistant materials that can help in improving the energy efficiency of thermal power plants by increasing their operational temperature and pressure conditions. Instead of conventional 9-12Cr ferritic heat-resistant steels with a tempered martensitic microstructure, we developed “Precipitation Strengthened 15Cr Ferritic Steel” based on a new material design concept: a solid-solution treated ferrite matrix strengthened by precipitates. Creep tests for 15Cr-1Mo-6W-3Co-V-Nb steels with ferrite matrix strengthened by a mainly Laves phase (Fe 2 W) showed that the creep strengths of 15Cr ferritic steel at temperatures ranging from 923 K to 1023 K were twice as high as those of conventional 9Cr ferric heat-resistant steel. 15Cr steels have higher steam oxidation resistance than that of conventional steel in the same temperature range as the creep tests. Thus, the new material design concept of heat-resistant steel pro- vides improved creep strength and steam oxidation resistance. We are attempting to determine the optimum compositions, especially that of carbon, in order to improve the high-temperature creep strength.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 990-997, October 21–24, 2019,
... assessment at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the US, on the steam oxidation with other CSEF such as the popular grades 91 and 92. The total oxide thickness evaluated on the test coupons evaluated after 1,000h of the benchmarked grades after exposure to steam temperature of 600°C and 650°C...
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To stay competitive in today’s dynamic energy market, traditional thermal power plants must enhance efficiency, operate flexibly, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This creates challenges for material industries to provide solutions for harsh operating conditions and fluctuating loads. Higher efficiency demands steels with excellent steam oxidation resistance, favoring ferritic steels for cycling operation due to their limited thermal expansion. This paper presents a study modeling a combined cycle power plant using GE 9HA0.2 GT technology. The analysis compares different maximum live steam temperatures (585°C, 605°C, 620°C) and four alloys (grades 91 and 92, stainless S304H, and Thor 115) for heat exchangers exposed to steam oxidation. Results indicate that Thor 115, a creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel, is a viable alternative to stainless steel for live steam temperatures above 600°C, offering improved oxidation resistance with minimal weight increase. Modern CSEF steels outperform stainless steel in power plants with lower capacity factors, reducing thermal fatigue during load changes. Increasing the live steam temperature boosts plant efficiency, leading to significant CO 2 savings for the same power output.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 678-689, October 11–14, 2016,
... and EDX analysis method. 2.2 Trial Manufacturing of 2 ton VIM-ESR Ingot Based on the CTE evaluation and steam oxidation test of various Ni and Cr compositions, the Alloy #9 was selected as the candidate alloy and manufactured to round and rectangular bars intended for blade and bolt applications. The VIM...
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Austenitic heat resistant steels are one of the most promising materials to be applied around 650°C, due to its superior creep strength than conventional ferritic steels and lower material cost than Ni based superalloys. The problem of austenitic steels is its high thermal expansion coefficient (CTE), which leads to high deformation and stress when applied in rotors, casings, blades and bolts. To develop low CTE austenitic steels together with high temperature strength, we chose the gamma-prime strengthened austenitic steel, A-286, as the base composition, and decreased the CTE by introducing the invar effect. The developed alloy, Fe-40Ni-6Cr-Mo-V-Ti-Al-C-B, showed low CTE comparable to conventional ferritic steels. This is mainly due to its high Ni and low Cr composition, which the invar effect is prone even at high temperature region. This alloy showed higher yield strength, higher creep rupture strength and better oxidation resistance than conventional high Cr ferritic steels and austenitic steels. The 2 ton ESR ingot was forged or hot rolled without defects, and the blade trial manufacturing was successfully done. This alloy is one of the best candidates for USC and A-USC turbine components.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 867-876, October 11–14, 2016,
... 282. The aim of this study is to investigate the steam oxidation of some Fe-base and Ni-base alloys and to reveal the oxidation mechanism. SYSTEM AND MATERIALS The steam oxidation test setup is shown in Fig.1. The system consists of a gas-flow controller, a steam generator and a horizontal tube...
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Most effective method to increase the boiler efficiency and decrease emissions is to increase the steam temperature of modern coal-fired power plants. The increase in the steam temperature of the AUSC power plants will require higher grade heat-resistant materials to support the long-term safety and service reliability of power plants. The corrosion resistance of alloys is one of the most important factors for the application in AUSC power plants.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 765-776, October 22–25, 2013,
... thoroughly evaluated in steam at temperatures between 620°C and 800°C (1148°F and 1472°F) for times up to 10,000 hours. The results from this test program indicate that the oxidation rates and oxide morphologies associated with steamside oxidation are a strong function of the crystallographic lattice...
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As part of the Boiler Materials for Ultrasupercritical Coal Power Plants program, sponsored by the United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE) and the Ohio Coal Development Office (OCDO), the steamside oxidation and oxide exfoliation behavior of candidate alloys have been thoroughly evaluated in steam at temperatures between 620°C and 800°C (1148°F and 1472°F) for times up to 10,000 hours. The results from this test program indicate that the oxidation rates and oxide morphologies associated with steamside oxidation are a strong function of the crystallographic lattice structure and the chromium content of the material. Oxide exfoliation correlates to oxide thickness. The time required to reach the critical oxide thickness for exfoliation can be estimated based on oxidation kinetic relationships. For austenitic stainless steels, shot peening is effective in reducing steamside oxidation/exfoliation, but the efficacy of this technique is limited by the operating temperature. Nickel-based alloys exhibit very low oxidation/exfoliation rates, but have a propensity to form aluminum/titanium oxides along near surface grain boundaries.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 924-930, October 11–14, 2016,
... failures and erosion damage in turbines [13-15]. The consequences of exfoliation tend to grow more severe with faster and heavier oxidation rate, i.e. with higher temperatures and more sensitive materials. OXIDATION Steam oxidation test was conducted to three alloys, austenitic stainless steels Sanicro 25...
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High efficiency in power generation is not only desirable because of economical reasons but also for enhanced environmental performance meaning reduced quantity of forming ash and emissions. In modern medium to large size plants, improvements require supercritical steam values. Furthermore, in future there will be an increasing share of renewables, such as wind and solar power, which will enhance the fluctuation of supply with the consequence that other power sources will have to compensate by operating in a more demanding cyclic or ramping mode. The next generation plant will need to operate at higher temperatures and pressure cycles coupled with demanding hot corrosion and oxidation environments. Such an operation will significantly influence the performance of materials used for boilers and heat exchanger components by accelerating oxidation rates and lowering mechanical properties like creep resistance. The paper discusses the oxidation behaviour of San25, 800H and alloy 263 in supercritical water at temperatures 650 and 700 °C at 250 bar, and compares the changes of mechanical properties of materials at these temperatures.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 205-216, October 21–24, 2019,
.... The oxide scale morphologies and compositions of different oxide layers as function of temperature and exposure time in steam-containing atmospheres were characterized using light optical metallography, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Creep testing has been carried out in the temperature range between...
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The newly developed 12%Cr steel Super VM12 is characterized by excellent creep rupture strength properties (better than Grade 92) and enhanced steam oxidation resistance of 12%Cr steels such as VM12-SHC. Balanced properties profile of the new steel development in comparison to the existing well-established steels such as Grade 91 and Grade 92, opens opportunities for its application as construction material for components in existing or future high-efficiency power plants. In this study the oxidation behavior of typical 9%Cr steels was compared with the new steel development. The oxide scale morphologies and compositions of different oxide layers as function of temperature and exposure time in steam-containing atmospheres were characterized using light optical metallography, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Creep testing has been carried out in the temperature range between 525°C and 700°C. Selected creep specimens were investigated using the Transmission Electron Microscopy and the Atom Probe Tomography techniques.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 939-947, October 21–24, 2019,
.... 674-684. [23] Quadakkers, W. J., Ennis, P. J., Zurek, J., Michalik, M., Steam oxidation of ferritic steels laboratory test kinetic data, Materials at High Temperature, Vol.22, (2005), pp. 47-60. [24] Fry, A. T., Piedra, E. M., Review of factors affecting steam oxidation testing, Materials...
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Traditional laboratory steam experiments are conducted at ambient pressure with water of variable chemistry. In order to better understand the effect of steam pressure and water chemistry, a new recirculating, controlled chemistry water loop with a 650°C autoclave was constructed. The initial experiments included two different water chemistries at 550° and 650°C. Two 500-h cycles were performed using oxygenated (OT, pH ~9 and ~100 ppb O 2 ) or all-volatile treated (AVT, pH ~9 and <10 ppb O 2 ) water conditions at each temperature. Coupons exposed included Fe-(9-11)%Cr and conventional and advanced austenitic steels as well as shot peened type 304H stainless steel. Compared to ambient steam exposures, the oxides formed after 1,000 h were similar in thickness for each of the alloy classes but appeared to have a different microstructure, particularly for the outer Fe-rich layer. An initial attempt was made to quantify the scale adhesion in the two environments.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1081-1092, October 22–25, 2013,
... Temperature Dependence of Oxidation Kinetics during Steam Oxidation of Ferritic Steels in the Temperature Range 550 650°C ; In: Corrosion Science 46, 2004, pp. 2301 2317 [20] W. J. Quadakkers, P. J. Ennis, J. Zurek, M. Michalik; Steam Oxidation of Ferritic Steels - Laboratory Test Kinetic Data...
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Constricted steam oxidation resistance and finite microstructural stability limits the use of 9 - 12 wt.-% chromium ferritic-martensitic steels to steam temperatures of about 620 °C. Newly developed 12 wt.-% Cr steels are prone to Z-phase precipitation, which occurs at the expense of the strengthening precipitates, and therefore suffer an accelerated decline in strength during longterm operation. While the concept of ferritic-martensitic chromium steels thus seems to hit technological limitations, further improvement in steam power plant efficiency necessitates a further increase of steam pressure and temperature. Furthermore increasing integration of intermitting renewable energy technologies in electrical power generation poses a great challenge for supply security, which has to be ensured on the basis of conventional power plant processes. Besides improved efficiency for resource preservation, load flexibility, thermal cycling capability and downtime corrosion resistance will play key roles in the design of tailored materials for future energy technology. Under these preconditions a paradigm shift in alloy development towards improvement of cyclic steam oxidation and downtime corrosion resistance in combination with adequate creep and thermomechanical fatigue strength seems to be mandatory. The steam oxidation, mechanical and thermomechanical properties of fully ferritic 18 - 24 wt.-% chromium model alloys, strengthened by the precipitation of intermetallic (Fe,Cr,Si)2(Nb,W) Laves phase particles, indicate the potential of this type of alloys as candidate materials for application in highly efficient and highly flexible future supercritical steam power plants.