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1-20 of 41 Search Results for
regression analysis
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 125-130, October 11–14, 2016,
... for Alloy 617 exhibit large scattering, especially at 760 oC, showing a split into two groups. After eliminating the shorter time to rupture data at 760 oC, the regression analysis using the second order equation of Larson-Miller parameter gives us the Larson-Miller constant C of 12.70 and the 100,000 h...
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The reasonable procedures for estimation of 100,000 h creep rupture strength have been investigated for Alloy 617 and Alloy 740 for A-USC power plants by Larson Miller method. The creep rupture data of longer duration than 500 h in the temperature range between 593 and 816 °C and between 600 and 850 °C were used for the analysis on Alloy 617 and Alloy 740, respectively. The data were obtained by Special Metals. In these temperature ranges, Ni3Al-γ’ can precipitate in Alloy 617 and Alloy 740 during creep. The maximum time to rupture was 40,126.7 and 24,066 h for Alloy 617 and Alloy 740, respectively. The rupture data for Alloy 617 exhibit large scattering, especially at 760 °C, showing a split into two groups. After eliminating the shorter time to rupture data at 760 °C, the regression analysis using the second order equation of Larson-Miller parameter gives us the Larson-Miller constant C of 12.70 and the 100,000 h creep rupture strength of 100 MPa at 700 °C. The regression analysis underestimates the constant C and corresponding 100,000 h creep rupture strength of Alloy 617, as shown by the regression curves locating below the rupture data at long times, while those locating above the rupture data at short times. The underestimation of constant C is caused by large data scattering. The linear extrapolation of log tr versus reciprocal temperature 1/T plot to 1/T = 0 at constant stresses gives us the constant C of 18.5, which is much larger than that by the regression analysis. Using an appropriate constant C of 18.45, the 100,000 h creep rupture strength of Alloy 617 is estimated to be 123 MPa at 700 °C. On the other hand, the rupture data for Alloy 740 exhibit only a little bit scattering. The regression analysis gives us C = 18.45, which agrees very well with that by the linear extrapolation of log tr versus 1/T plot to 1/T = 0. The 100,000 h creep rupture strength of Alloy 740 is estimated to be 214 and 109 MPa at 700 and 760 °C, respectively.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1270-1281, October 21–24, 2019,
.... The untested sample microstructures were quantitatively characterized using a range of electron microscopy techniques to determine the precipitate (M 23 C 6 , MX) spacing, subgrain sizes and dislocation densities for each region of the weldments. Multiple linear regression analysis found that the subgrain size...
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Small punch creep testing (SPCT) is a small-scale, accelerated creep test that allows for the determination of creep data using a limited amount of material. The question, however, remains how the data generated by this technique correlate to more established techniques such as uniaxial testing and ultimately to predictions regarding the remaining service life of a plant component. This empirical study investigated the microstructure-to-property relationship of welded 9-12%Cr steels as measured using SPCT. Virgin P91 (X10CrMoVNb9-1) steel was joined to service exposed X20 (X20CrMoV12-1) steel using two different filler materials (X20 and P91) via fusion welding. Site-specific samples were extracted from the parent plates, heat affected zones and weld metals using electro-discharge machining. Small punch creep testing were performed using a 276 N load at a temperature of 625°C. The untested sample microstructures were quantitatively characterized using a range of electron microscopy techniques to determine the precipitate (M 23 C 6 , MX) spacing, subgrain sizes and dislocation densities for each region of the weldments. Multiple linear regression analysis found that the subgrain size (λsg) played the largest contribution to the SPCT rupture life. The heat affected zones had the lowest SPCT rupture times (49-68 hours), which corresponded to the largest subgrain sizes (1.1-1.3 μm). The P91 parent plate material had the longest SPCT rupture time (349 hours), which corresponded to the lowest subgrain size (0.8 μm). The P91 weld metal sample showed lower initial deflection rates during the SPC testing, however the presence of non-metallic SiO 2 inclusions in this zone contributed to accelerated brittle failure.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 623-637, October 25–28, 2004,
.... Therefore, Ni-based superalloys were tailored to reduce their coefficients to the level of 12Cr steels. Regression analysis of commercial superalloys proves that Ti, Mo and Al decrease the coefficient quantitatively in this order, while Cr, used to secure oxidation resistance, increases it so significantly...
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Advanced 700C class steam turbines require austenitic alloys instead of conventional ferritic heat-resistant steels which have poor creep strength and oxidation resistance above 650C. Austenitic alloys, however, possess a higher thermal expansion coefficient than ferritic 12Cr steels. Therefore, Ni-based superalloys were tailored to reduce their coefficients to the level of 12Cr steels. Regression analysis of commercial superalloys proves that Ti, Mo and Al decrease the coefficient quantitatively in this order, while Cr, used to secure oxidation resistance, increases it so significantly that Cr should be limited to 12wt%. The newly designed Ni-18Mo-12Cr-l.lTi-0.9Al alloy is strengthened by gamma-prime [Ni 3 (Al,Ti)] and also Laves [Ni 2 (Mo,Cr)] phase precipitates. It bears an RT/700C mean thermal expansion coefficient equivalent to that of 12Cr steels and far lower than that of low-alloyed heat resistant steels. Its creep rupture life at 700C and steam oxidation resistance are equivalent to those of a current turbine alloy, Refractaloy 26, and its tensile strength at RT to 700C surpasses that of Refractaloy 26. The new alloy was trial produced using the VIM-ESR melting process and one ton ingots were successfully forged into round bars for bolts without any defects. The bolts were tested in an actual steam turbine for one year. Dye penetrant tests detected no damage. The developed alloy will be suitable for 700C class USC power plants.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1228-1239, October 15–18, 2024,
...-Miller parameters, regression analysis of creep test data obtained for each long-term used material was performed, and material constants in a fitting equation for the regression analysis were determined. Here, we applied the life evaluation formula for each base metal used by the Assessment Committee...
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The creep strength of the base metals and welded joints of ASME Grade 91 type steel under actual service conditions was investigated using long-term used materials in this study. Creep tests were conducted on the materials used for hot reheat or main steam piping at power plants. The remaining creep life of each material under actual service conditions was evaluated using the Larson-Miller parameter for the test result. Then, the creep life of each material under the service condition was estimated as a summation of the service time at the plants and the remaining creep life. The estimation results were useful for examining the validity of the life evaluation formula in the long-term region because it is extremely difficult to obtain creep rupture data under such conditions owing to the long test duration. The estimated creep lives were compared with creep life evaluation curves, which were regulated for Grade 91 type steel in Japan. Regarding the base metals, the estimation results suggest that Grade 91 pipe-type steel tends to exhibit a shorter life than the 99% confidence lower limit of the evaluation curve of the material. This finding indicated that the life evaluation formula for the Grade 91 type steel base metals should be reviewed. On the other hand, the estimation results suggest that the welded joints of Grade 91 type steel generally exhibit a longer life than the 99% confidence lower limit of the evaluation curve of the material, indicating that there is no need to review the life evaluation formula for the Grade 91 type steel welded joints.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 732-743, October 22–25, 2013,
... divided data set. Then a conventional analysis based on Eq.(1) is applied to each divided data set. Figure 1: Correlation between data band (thick solid line) and its regression line (thin solid line) determined by Orr-Sherby-Dorn or Larson-Miller analysis of the creep rupture data. Long-term rupture life...
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Conventional time-temperature-parameter (TTP) methods often overestimate long-term creep rupture life of creep strength enhanced high Cr ferritic steels. The cause of the overestimation is studied on the basis of creep rupture data analysis on Gr.91, 92 and 122 steels. There are four regions with different values of stress exponent n for creep rupture life commonly in stress-rupture data of the three ferritic steels. Activation energies Q for rupture life in the regions take at least three different values. The values of n and Q decrease in a longer-term region. The decrease in Q value is the cause of the overestimation of long-term rupture life predicted by the conventional TTP methods neglecting the change in Q value. Therefore, before applying a TTP method creep rupture data should be divided into several data sets so that Q value is unique in each divided data set. When this multi-region analysis is adopted, all the data points of the steels can be described accurately, and their long-term creep life can be evaluated correctly. Substantial heat-to-heat and grade-to-grade variation in their creep strength is suggested under recent service conditions of USC power boilers.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1014-1023, October 21–24, 2019,
... and dimensional metrology. Statistical analysis of plant derived fireside corrosion datasets, e.g. multi-variable statistical techniques, such as Partial Least Squares Regression Improved understanding of factors influencing fireside corrosion is resulting from the use of a combination of different approaches...
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The combustion of coal and biomass fuels in power plants generates deposits on the surfaces of superheater / reheater tubes that can lead to fireside corrosion. This type of materials degradation can limit the lives of such tubes in the long term, and better methods are needed to produce predictive models for such damage. This paper reports on four different approaches that are being investigated to tackle the challenge of modelling fireside corrosion damage on superheaters / reheaters: (a) CFD models to predict deposition onto tube surfaces; (b) generation of a database of available fireside corrosion data; (c) development of mechanistic and statistically based models of fireside corrosion from laboratory exposures and dimensional metrology; (d) statistical analysis of plant derived fireside corrosion datasets using multi-variable statistical techniques, such as Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR). An improved understanding of the factors that influence fireside corrosion is resulting from the use of a combination of these different approaches to develop a suite of models for fireside corrosion damage.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 80-89, October 21–24, 2019,
... at 600 and 90MPa at 650 ) as used in ref.[9]. The data groups used for the extrapolation were changed depending on the number of creep rupture data; Creep rupture data at both 600 and 650 were inclusively used for the regression analysis in the case of Heats A, B and C, where the two kinds...
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Long-term creep rupture tests up to 10 5 hours at 600℃ and 650℃ were carried out on mod.9Cr- 1Mo steel base metal and weldments from five different materials, consisting of various chemical compositions and heat treatments as well as welding conditions. As a result, positive correlations of creep rupture strength were clarified between the base metal and weldments from the same materials. Microstructural observations and thermokinetic calculations revealed that the strength correlations were attributed to the precipitation strengthening behavior of finely dispersed M 23 C 6 carbides and V-type MX carbonitrides, where their precipitation distribution characteristic in the fine-grained HAZ microstructures partially or almost entirely took over those in base metal. This finding implies that the long-term creep rupture strength of mod.9Cr-1Mo steel weldment might be able to be evaluated as long as the corresponding base metal strength is obtained.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 466-477, October 11–14, 2016,
.... The regression lines drawn in the figure are results of a multi-region rupture data analysis reported in literature [3]. Data points tested at 575 and 625oC are removed for simplicity, but the whole data points are shown in the literature together with the regression lines. Heats C (double symbols) and CNT(semi...
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A methodology is developed for evaluating its creep rupture life from analysis of an on-going creep curve with the aid of an Ω creep curve equation. The method is applied to on-going creep curves of grade 91 steel for evaluating their rupture lives. Quick decrease in creep rupture strength has been reported recently in long-term creep of grade 91 steel. The quick decrease of the steel is discussed by using the rupture lives evaluated. The quick decrease is confirmed in the present study in the time range longer than 3 x 10 4 h at 600°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 667-678, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... with Multiphase Separation Method (MPSM), researchers analyzed how M 23 C 6 and Laves phase coarsening and chemistry (focusing on Cr, W, and Mo distribution) varied between these regions. This multi-region analysis established a framework for more efficient creep testing and improved extrapolation of short-term...
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A study of P92 steel's creep-rupture behavior at 625°C revealed distinct relationships between phase chemistry and stress rupture properties across two regions: high-stress/short-term (180-150 MPa for 30-454 h) and low-stress/long-term (140-110 MPa for 2881-10,122 h). Using EPMA-EDS with Multiphase Separation Method (MPSM), researchers analyzed how M 23 C 6 and Laves phase coarsening and chemistry (focusing on Cr, W, and Mo distribution) varied between these regions. This multi-region analysis established a framework for more efficient creep testing and improved extrapolation of short-term results to predict long-term rupture strengths, while providing reference phase chemistry data for future studies.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 123-134, October 15–18, 2024,
... casting defects such as porosity. Creep The regression analysis results are presented in Fig. 3 for the cast and wrought CF8C-Plus creep database with rupture time > 500h where the curve represents the predicted tr using the optimized values shown in Table 4. The fitted trend lines describe the cast...
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The mechanical behavior of a cast form of an advanced austenitic stainless steel, CF8C-Plus, is compared with that of its wrought equivalent in terms of both tensile and creep-rupture properties and estimated allowable stress values for pressurized service at temperatures up to about 850°C. A traditional Larson-Miller parametric model is used to analyze the creep-rupture data and to predict long-term lifetimes for comparison of the two alloy types. The cast CF8C-Plus exhibited lower yield and tensile strengths, but higher creep strength compared to its wrought counterpart. Two welding methods, shielded-metal-arc welding (SMAW) and gas-metal-arc welding, met the weld qualification acceptance criteria in ASME BPVC Section IX for the cast CF8C-Plus. However, for the wrought CF8C-Plus, while SMAW and gas-tungsten-arc welding passed the tensile acceptance criteria, they failed the side bend tests due to lack of fusion or weld metal discontinuities.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 137-148, October 11–14, 2016,
... regression analysis is needed based on the latest database. Following regression equations of time-temperature parameter of Larson-Miller versus stress are reported for Alloy 617 and HR6W [7]. Equation (1) is for Alloy 617 and (2) is for HR6W as a function of stress, . LMP = 30336.76 4820.06(log 128.228(log...
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The creep degradation/life assessment for high temperature critical component materials is absolutely needed to assure the long-term service operation and there is little experience with the service exposure of the high temperature components made of newly developed Ni-based alloys. In this study, therefore, the creep degradation assessment study on the Ni-based alloys, Alloy 617 and HR6W was conducted based on the hardness method, because the hardness measurement is a useful and simple technique for the materials characterization for any kind of high temperature-serviced steels and alloys. As the result, it was found that the hardness was increased by not only precipitation due to thermal aging but also creep stress/strain, and there existed linear relationship between the applied stress and creep-induced hardness increase. Also the hardness scatter measured was increased along with the progress of creep hardening and damage progressing in terms of creep life consumed. Those findings suggested that the creep life assessment of Ni-based alloys would be possible by means of hardness measurement. The paper also deals with the role and perspective development of non destructive damage detecting techniques, and life assessment issues on Ni-based alloys for A-USC power applications.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 230-241, October 22–25, 2013,
... heats of varying product form, chemistry, and grain size. Long-term creep-rupture strength was found to be weakly dependent on grain size. Analysis of the time-to-rupture data was conducted to ensure long-term strength projections and development of ASME stress allowables. Testing was also conducted...
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Inconel alloy 740/740H (ASME Code Case 2702) is an age-hardenable nickel-based alloy designed for advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam boiler components (superheaters, reheaters, piping, etc.). In this work, creep testing, beyond 40,000 hours was conducted a series of alloy 740 heats of varying product form, chemistry, and grain size. Long-term creep-rupture strength was found to be weakly dependent on grain size. Analysis of the time-to-rupture data was conducted to ensure long-term strength projections and development of ASME stress allowables. Testing was also conducted on welded joints in alloy 740 with different filler metal and heat-treatment combinations. This analysis shows the current weld strength reduction factor of 30% (Weld Strength Factor of 0.70) mandated by ASME Code Case 2702 is appropriate for 740 filler metal but other options exist to improve strength. Based on these results, it was found that alloy 740 has the highest strength and temperature capability of all the potential A-USC alloys available today.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 1014-1029, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... for the Thermanit weld. The symbols in Figures 4 through 7 indicate the test data, and the curves represent the best-fit mean trend of the data. The curves were fit to the data using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for nonlinear least-squares regression analysis. The following expression was used for the impact...
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The toughness of girth welds in 9Cr-1Mo-V and 9Cr-0.5Mo-V steel seamless pipe (ASME SA-335 Grades P91 and P92, respectively) made using the flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) process was evaluated. Electrodes from two different suppliers were used for production quality welding of each steel. The welds received post-weld heat-treatment (PWHT) in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code. The objective of the work was to determine if the fracture toughness of the FCAW welds was acceptable for high-temperature steam piping. Toughness was measured using standard sized Charpy V-notch impact specimens. The specimens were oriented transverse to the weld seam with notch located approximately in the center of the weld metal and parallel to the direction of weld seam. Full-range (lower to upper shelf) Charpy impact energy and shear area curves were developed for each weld joint. These were used to estimate the temperatures corresponding to 30 ft-lb average impact energy. The estimated temperatures were well below the service temperature but were above the typical hydrostatic test temperature.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 486-493, October 11–14, 2016,
...., chemical analysis using extracted residues, X-ray diffraction, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Change ratio of the system free energy and creep stress showed the relationship with one master curve irrespective of creep conditions, indicating that the steel ruptures when the applied stress...
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In order to evaluate long term creep strength of modified 9Cr ferritic steels, the system free energy of creep ruptured specimens at both 650 and 700 °C is evaluated as the sum of chemical free energy, strain energy and surface energy, which are obtained by a series of experiments, i.e., chemical analysis using extracted residues, X-ray diffraction, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Change ratio of the system free energy and creep stress showed the relationship with one master curve irrespective of creep conditions, indicating that the steel ruptures when the applied stress exceeds a limited stress depending on the microstructural state expressed by the change ratio of system free energy. Furthermore, it was found that dominant factor of the change ratio was the chemical free energy change. On the basis of these results, long term creep strength of the steel was evaluated at 700 °C, for example, 19MPa at 700 °C after 10 5 h. It is concluded that long term creep strength of modified 9Cr ferritic steels can be predicted by the system free energy concept using the ruptured specimens with various creep conditions.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 832-843, October 11–14, 2016,
... and industrial practices that has long term implications on scale growth kinetics and morphological development. Microstructural analysis of both virgin and ex-service tubing reveals the presence of a pre-existing oxide structure that is incorporated into the inwardly growing scale and is implicated...
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Oxide scale formation in the inner bore of steam tubing has been identified as a key metric for determining operational parameters and life expectancy of modern boiler systems. Grade 91 tubing is commonly used for the construction of key components within boiler systems designed for power generation operating in the temperature range of 500 to 650 °C. Standard laboratory test procedures involve grinding the surface of test coupons to homogenise their surface structure and improve experimental consistency, however, data presented here shows a discrepancy between laboratory and industrial practices that has long term implications on scale growth kinetics and morphological development. Microstructural analysis of both virgin and ex-service tubing reveals the presence of a pre-existing oxide structure that is incorporated into the inwardly growing scale and is implicated in the formation of multiple laminar void networks. These void networks influence thermal diffusivity across the scale and may function as regions of spallation initiation and propagation.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 496-505, October 21–24, 2019,
...(a On the other hand, under the 190 MPa external tensile stress, the value of ys has a significant influence on traft (see Fig. 4(c It has been shown that the accumulation of PF simulation data and the regression analysis based on the NN help us understand the relationship between material parameters and traft...
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Directional coarsening of the γ' phase (rafting) in Ni-based single crystal superalloys during creep at 1273 K was simulated by the phase-field method. The inelastic strain introduced in the γ phase was assumed to be composed of plastic strain (ε p ) and creep strain (ε c ). The simulations were performed with various sets of values of material parameters and the magnitude of external tensile stress. We let a feed-forward neural network learn the simulation data in order to enable fast and exhaustive prediction of the time to rafting, t raft . From the analysis based on the trained neural network, it has been shown that t raft becomes longer with increasing magnitude of γ/γ' lattice misfit, with decreasing creep coefficient, and with increasing yield stress of the γ phase (σγ ys ). The sensitivity of t raft to σ γ ys is high when the ratio of ε p to the total inelastic strain (ε p + ε c ) is high.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 255-267, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... supplied to this station over these ten years came from one pit; the coal supplied had a range of chlorine contents - depending upon the depth of extraction. A best fit model for this data was developed by regression analysis to give a maximum corrosion rate rmax (nm/h) of the form: rmax = (m *%Cl) C...
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This paper outlines a comprehensive UK-based research project (2007-2010) focused on developing fireside corrosion models for heat exchangers in ultra-supercritical plants. The study evaluates both conventional materials like T22 and advanced materials such as Super 304H, examining their behavior under various test environments with metal skin temperatures ranging from 425°C to 680°C. The research aims to generate high-quality data on corrosion behavior for materials used in both furnace and convection sections, ultimately producing reliable corrosion prediction models for boiler tube materials operating under demanding conditions. The project addresses some limitations of existing models for these new service conditions and provides a brief review of the fuels and test environments used in the program. Although modeling is still limited, preliminary results have been presented, focusing on predicting fireside corrosion rates for furnace walls, superheaters, and reheaters under various service environments. These environments include those created by oxyfuel operation, coal-biomass co-firing, and more traditional coal firing.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 655-664, October 21–24, 2019,
... strength. In order to evaluate heat-to-heat variations in long-term creep rupture strength, 105h creep rupture strengths of Heat A and Heat G were extrapolated by means of region splitting analysis method, proposed by Maruyama et al. [6, 9], and primary regression equation of the Larson-Miller Parameter...
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18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N steel is widely used for heat exchanger tubes such as super-heaters and reheaters of ultra-super critical power generation boilers. In this study, long-term creep rupture tests were carried out on 18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N seamless steel tubes of 7 heat materials, and the specimens of 2 heat materials with different creep rupture strengths were observed by ultra-low voltage scanning electron microscope after creep rupture tests. The results of the investigation of the creep rupture specimens and the coverage ratios of M 23 C 6 on grain boundary were different. The cause of this was estimated to be the difference in B content between the 2 heat materials. Creep rupture tests with different final ST temperatures were also carried out using the same heat material, and it was revealed that the higher final ST temperature, the higher the creep rupture strength. As the final ST temperature is higher, the amount of Nb(C, N) solid solution in the matrix increases, and the amount of precipitation of NbCrN and M 23 C 6 increases during creep, therefore it is assumed that the creep rupture strength increases.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 654-666, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... 40 30 101 H 600oC 650oC 700oC L 102 103 104 Rupture Life ( h ) 105 Figure 3. Stress-rupture Data of Heats A and B together with their Regression Curves Multi-region Analysis of Creep Rupture Data Creep rupture data of Heat A [13] of Gr. 91 steel are plotted in Fig. 3 with open symbols. The data...
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A study of Grade 91 steel's creep rupture behavior at 600°C (up to 90,000 hours) and 650°C (up to 23,000 hours) reveals that static recovery of tempered martensite lath structures leads to decreased stress exponent and breakdown of creep strength. While M 23 C 6 and MX particles initially stabilize lath structures by hindering sub-boundary migration, the progressive aggregation of M 23 C 6 particles reduces their pinning force, triggering static recovery. Although Grade 91 steel shows better M 23 C 6 thermal stability compared to Grade 122 type steels (9-12%Cr-2W-0.4Mo-1Cu-VNb), coarsening of M 23 C 6 particles and subgrain width is expected to occur slightly beyond 100,000 hours at 600°C, potentially leading to creep strength breakdown.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1300-1312, October 15–18, 2024,
... more than 160 heats and 2,400 creep testing data, covers a wide spectrum of elemental compositions and product forms. To perform a prudent analysis of the creep property dataset, a statistical overview was first implemented to understand the data distribution relevant to data sources, chemistries...
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This study investigates the influences of product chemistry and grain size on the high-temperature creep properties of 316 stainless steels by analyzing an extensive range of historical and modern literature data. The investigated 316 stainless steel creep property dataset, including more than 160 heats and 2,400 creep testing data, covers a wide spectrum of elemental compositions and product forms. To perform a prudent analysis of the creep property dataset, a statistical overview was first implemented to understand the data distribution relevant to data sources, chemistries, product forms, testing temperatures, and grain sizes. The creep data of 550°C, 600°C, 650°C, 700°C, and 750°C with ±10°C were grouped together, and the analytical study was performed on each sub dataset to investigate the temperature-specific creep performance. The creep strength was evaluated using the average stress ratio (ASR) between the experimental and predicted creep data of tested 316SS heats. The influence of composition and grain size on the creep strength ratio were evaluated using linear correlation analysis. Effects of specified and non-specified elements including C, N, and B were specifically investigated to understand their impacts on the creep strength with regards to the variation of creep temperature. In addition to the literature data, the most recent EPRI creep data of three commercial heats were used to validate the correlations from the historical creep property dataset.