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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 506-512, October 21–24, 2019,
... Abstract The relationship between the hot workability and the precipitation morphology of γ′ phase in the Alloy U520 was examined with a focus on the presence of γ′-nodule. To change the morphology of γ’ phase, forged bars of the Alloy U520 were solution treated followed by cooling process...
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The relationship between the hot workability and the precipitation morphology of γ′ phase in the Alloy U520 was examined with a focus on the presence of γ′-nodule. To change the morphology of γ’ phase, forged bars of the Alloy U520 were solution treated followed by cooling process with the cooling rates of 5~100 K/h. After the heat treatment, both γ’ phases of intragranular particle and nodule along grain boundaries were observed, and the both sizes increased by slowing down the cooling rate. That is, the area fraction of γ’-nodule increased from about 0.1 % in the sample cooled at 100 K/h to about 70 % at 5 K/h. In Gleeble tension test, the slow-cooled samples basically exhibited higher ductility than water-quenched samples below the γ′-solvus temperature. However, the ductility was maximized in the sample cooled at 20 K/h, and excessive decrease of cooling rate resulted in a drop in ductility. EBSD analysis revealed that dynamic recrystallization (DRX) was often occurred in grain interior but suppressed at γ′-nodule area, indicating that presence of γ′-nodule had a negative influence on hot workability at subsolvus temperature.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 171-184, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... and steam as cooling media, demonstrates a significant impact of thermal gradients on material performance. Initial comparisons between tubular heat flux specimens and flat isothermal specimens of 15Mo3 revealed increased oxidation kinetics and altered oxide morphology under heat flux conditions. The paper...
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The drive for increased efficiency and carbon reduction in next-generation boilers is pushing conventional materials to their limits in terms of strength and oxidation resistance. While traditional isothermal testing of simple coupons provides some insight into material performance, it fails to accurately represent the heat transfer conditions present in operational boilers. This paper introduces a novel test method designed to evaluate the degradation of candidate materials under more realistic heat flux conditions. The method, applied to tubular specimens using both laboratory air and steam as cooling media, demonstrates a significant impact of thermal gradients on material performance. Initial comparisons between tubular heat flux specimens and flat isothermal specimens of 15Mo3 revealed increased oxidation kinetics and altered oxide morphology under heat flux conditions. The paper details the design of this heat flux test, presents results from initial work on 15Mo3 under air and steam conditions, and includes findings from further studies on oxides formed on 2-1/4Cr material under both heat flux and isothermal conditions. This research represents a crucial step toward more accurate prediction of material behavior in next-generation boiler designs.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 904-913, October 21–24, 2019,
... cooling. When the alloy was isothermally annealed at temperatures above the eutectoid temperature, the morphology of the Ni 3 Al precipitates changed from fine and cuboidal one to large and rounded one with increase in annealing time. When the alloy was annealed at temperatures below the eutectoid...
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So-called Ni base dual two-phase intermetallic alloys are composed of primary Ni 3 Al (L1 2 ) phase precipitates among eutectoid microstructures consisting of the Ni 3 Al and Ni 3 V (D0 22 ) phases. In this article, microstructural refinement of an alloy with a nominal composition of Ni 75 Al 10 V 15 (in at.%) was attempted by various heat treatment processes. When the alloy was continuously cooled down after solution treatment, fine and cuboidal Ni 3 Al precipitates were developed by rapid cooling while coarse, rounded and coalesced Ni 3 Al precipitates were developed by slow cooling. When the alloy was isothermally annealed at temperatures above the eutectoid temperature, the morphology of the Ni 3 Al precipitates changed from fine and cuboidal one to large and rounded one with increase in annealing time. When the alloy was annealed at temperatures below the eutectoid temperature, the Ni 3 Al precipitates were grown keeping cuboidal morphology. The morphological change from the cuboidal to rounded Ni 3 Al precipitates was induced by the transition from the growth driven by elastic interaction energy between the precipitate and matrix to that by the surface energy of the precipitate. Fine and cuboidal Ni 3 Al precipitates generally resulted in high hardness.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 815-820, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Steam oxidation of a novel austenitic steel, of which composition is Fe-20Cr-30Ni-2Nb (at.%), has been conducted at 973 K to evaluate steam oxidation resistance based on detail analyses of scale morphology and scale growth. Two types of scale morphologies were observed in the solution...
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Steam oxidation of a novel austenitic steel, of which composition is Fe-20Cr-30Ni-2Nb (at.%), has been conducted at 973 K to evaluate steam oxidation resistance based on detail analyses of scale morphology and scale growth. Two types of scale morphologies were observed in the solution treated sample, depending on the grain of the steel. Although thin duplex scale with the Cr-rich layer was formed in the early stage, most of the surface was covered with thick duplex scale which consists of magnetite as the outer scale and the mixture of Fe-Cr spinel and metallic Ni as the inner scale. On the other hand, surface morphology of the oxide scale was independent of grain of the steel and thick duplex scale as seen on the solution treated sample was formed on the pre-aged sample. Steam oxidation resistance of the steel is almost the same as that of commercial austenitic steels and it can be improved by the surface treatment such as shot peening. Based on the results, this steel has both enough creep rupture strength and good steam oxidation resistance for A-USC power plants.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 35-46, October 21–24, 2019,
... such as strength, fatigue resistance wear and erosion. To investigate this further SLM IN718 has been used to evaluate factors such as surface roughness, microstructure and morphology on the erosion performance as measured in situ and compared with conventional produced wrought IN718 material. fatigue...
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The measurement of damage from high temperature solid particle erosion (HTSPE) can be a lengthy process within the laboratory with many lab-based systems requiring sequential heat and cooling of the test piece to enable mass and/or scar volume measurements to be made ex situ. Over the last few years a new lab-based system has been in development at the National Physical Laboratory which has the ability to measure the mass and volume change of eroded samples in situ without the need to cool the sample. Results have previously been shown demonstrating the in situ mass measurement, more recently the in situ volume measurement capability has been added and used to evaluate the erosion performance of additively manufactured materials. Selective laser melting (SLM) is an advanced manufacturing method which is growing in popularity and application. It offers the ability to manufacture low volume complex parts and has been used in rapid prototyping. As the technique has developed there is increasing interest to take advantage of the ability to manufacture complex parts in one piece, which in some case can be more cost and time effective than traditional manufacturing routes. For all the benefits of SLM there are some constraints on the process, these include porosity and defects in the materials such as ‘kissing bonds’, surface roughness, trapped powder and microstructural variation. These features of the processing route may have implications for component performance such as strength, fatigue resistance wear and erosion. To investigate this further SLM IN718 has been used to evaluate factors such as surface roughness, microstructure and morphology on the erosion performance as measured in situ and compared with conventional produced wrought IN718 material.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 433-440, October 21–24, 2019,
... Abstract The morphological evolution of secondary γ′ precipitates under the coarsening process was investigated for commercial wrought Ni-based superalloys, which can be classified into two processes, i.e. “localization process” and “aggregation process”. The localization process was defined...
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The morphological evolution of secondary γ′ precipitates under the coarsening process was investigated for commercial wrought Ni-based superalloys, which can be classified into two processes, i.e. “localization process” and “aggregation process”. The localization process was defined as a phenomenon in which cuboidal γ′ precipitates were arranged in the <100> direction for superalloys. In contrast, the aggregation process was defined as a phenomenon in which neighboring spherical γ′ precipitates coarsen while overlapping their interfaces for superalloys. All the wrought Ni-based superalloys could be classified into the above two processes based on their volume fraction and lattice misfit. The coarsening of γ′ precipitates follow the aggregation process when the misfit is smaller than 0.05%, and it follows the localization process otherwise.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 66-73, October 11–14, 2016,
... sensitive to the flux of working medium in tube. . Refer to Fig. 1(a) & (b) for the morphologies of oxide scale bulging induced by buckling and oxide scale structure transformation. (a) (b) Fig. 1 Morphologies for Oxide Scale Bulging induced by buckling (a) and Oxide Scale Structure Transformation (b) Based...
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Along with rapid development of thermal power industry in mainland China, problems in metal materials of fossil power units also change quickly. Through efforts, problems such as bursting due to steam side oxide scale exfoliation and blocking of boiler tubes, and finned tube weld cracking of low alloy steel water wall have been solved basically or greatly alleviated. However, with rapid promotion of capacity and parameters of fossil power units, some problems still occur occasionally or have not been properly solved, such as weld cracks of larger-dimension thick-wall components, and water wall high temperature corrosion after low-nitrogen combustion retrofitting.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 202-212, October 11–14, 2016,
..., and should be cost-effective, and have more stable microstructures. By varying the aging temperature, the precipitates took on either cellular or Widmanstätten morphologies. The Widmanstätten-based microstructure is thermally stable at high temperatures, and was found to have superior ductility, so...
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By utilizing computational thermodynamics in a Design of Experiments approach, it was possible to design and manufacture nickel-base superalloys that are strengthened by the eta phase (Ni3Ti), and that contain no gamma prime (Ni3Al,Ti). The compositions are similar to NIMONIC 263, and should be cost-effective, and have more stable microstructures. By varying the aging temperature, the precipitates took on either cellular or Widmanstätten morphologies. The Widmanstätten-based microstructure is thermally stable at high temperatures, and was found to have superior ductility, so development efforts were focused on that microstructure. High temperature tensile test and creep test results indicated that the performance of the new alloys was competitive with NIMONIC 263. SEM and TEM microscopy were utilized to determine the deformation mechanisms during creep.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 213-223, October 11–14, 2016,
... induce the formation of δ and η phases. The morphology, formation, and composition of precipitate phases in a number of experimental alloys spanning a broad range of compositions were explored to devise compositional relationships that can be used to predict the microstructural phase stability...
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Modern polycrystalline Ni-base superalloys for advanced gas turbine engines have been a key component that has contributed to technological advances in propulsion and power generation. As advanced turbine engine designs are beginning to necessitate the use of materials with temperature and strength capabilities beyond those exhibited by existing materials, new alloying concepts are required to replace conventional Ni-base superalloys with conventional γ-γ’ microstructures. The phase stability of various high Nb content Ni-base superalloys exhibiting γ-γ’-δ -η microstructures have been the subject of a number of recent investigations due to their promising physical and mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Although high overall alloying levels of Nb, Ta and Ti are desirable for promoting high temperature strength in γ-γ’ Ni-base superalloys, excessive levels of these elements induce the formation of δ and η phases. The morphology, formation, and composition of precipitate phases in a number of experimental alloys spanning a broad range of compositions were explored to devise compositional relationships that can be used to predict the microstructural phase stability and facilitate the design of Ni-base superalloys.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 271-282, October 11–14, 2016,
... materials of A-USC boiler tube and pipe for long-term creep strength evaluation and field exposure test. In the present study, to establish the creep damage and life assessment method for Ni based alloy component, long-term creep rupture properties, microstructural stability, and creep damage morphology...
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Continuous and extensive works have been going to develop 700°C A-USC (Advanced Ultra Super Critical) power plants worldwide. Since Japanese national project launched in 2008, Ni based alloy HR6W (45Ni-24Fe-23Cr-7W-Ti, ASME Code Case 2684) was selected as one of the promising candidate materials of A-USC boiler tube and pipe for long-term creep strength evaluation and field exposure test. In the present study, to establish the creep damage and life assessment method for Ni based alloy component, long-term creep rupture properties, microstructural stability, and creep damage morphology of HR6W weldment were experimentally investigated. Creep tests of HR6W weldment were conducted at temperature range of 700 to 800°C for durations up to 70,000 hours. Failure behavior of creep void formation and creep crack growth was identified, and damage mechanism of weldment during creep were discussed and characterized. Furthermore, uniaxial interrupted creep tests were carried out, the creep damage evaluation was conducted and life assessment approach was proposed based on the metallographic quantification evaluation of creep void and microstructure evolution. It demonstrated the possibility and validity to evaluate creep damage of Ni based alloy component with creep void and microstructure parameters.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 735-746, October 11–14, 2016,
..., distribution and morphology, quantified using advanced electron microscopy techniques. advanced electron microscopy cast nickel-chromium alloys grain structure heat treatment high temperature exposures microstructure precipitate size selective laser melting Advances in Materials Technology...
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Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process where, as the name suggests, material is added during production, in contrast to techniques such as machining, where material is removed. With metals, AM processes involve localised melting of a powder or wire in specific locations to produce a part, layer by layer. AM techniques have recently been applied to the repair of gas turbine blades. These components are often produced from nickel-based superalloys, a group of materials which possess excellent mechanical properties at high temperatures. However, although the microstructural and mechanical property evolution during the high temperature exposure of conventionally produced superalloy materials is reasonably well understood, the effects of prolonged high temperature exposure on AM material are less well known. This research is concerned with the microstructures of components produced using AM techniques and an examination of the effect of subsequent high temperature exposures. In particular, the paper will focus on the differences between cast and SLM IN939 as a function of heat treatment and subsequent ageing, including differences in grain structure and precipitate size, distribution and morphology, quantified using advanced electron microscopy techniques.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 832-843, October 11–14, 2016,
... and industrial practices that has long term implications on scale growth kinetics and morphological development. Microstructural analysis of both virgin and ex-service tubing reveals the presence of a pre-existing oxide structure that is incorporated into the inwardly growing scale and is implicated...
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Oxide scale formation in the inner bore of steam tubing has been identified as a key metric for determining operational parameters and life expectancy of modern boiler systems. Grade 91 tubing is commonly used for the construction of key components within boiler systems designed for power generation operating in the temperature range of 500 to 650 °C. Standard laboratory test procedures involve grinding the surface of test coupons to homogenise their surface structure and improve experimental consistency, however, data presented here shows a discrepancy between laboratory and industrial practices that has long term implications on scale growth kinetics and morphological development. Microstructural analysis of both virgin and ex-service tubing reveals the presence of a pre-existing oxide structure that is incorporated into the inwardly growing scale and is implicated in the formation of multiple laminar void networks. These void networks influence thermal diffusivity across the scale and may function as regions of spallation initiation and propagation.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 1170-1181, October 11–14, 2016,
... with that of the base metal and the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The creep strength of the weld metal was also decreased by aging. From these results, it is suggested that the failure morphology of Gr.91 steel welded joint used for a long term may change from type IV to type I. aging creep strength creep-strength...
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Type IV damage is observed in creep-strength-enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel used in USC plants and the research on the evaluation of such damage has been carried out in the world. Type I failure is recently reported in welded joint of Gr.91 so that the importance of the evaluation of the creep strength of the weld metal is increasing. In this study, the change in hardness with aging and creep strength before and after aging were evaluated to determine the creep strength of the weld metal of Gr.91. The hardness of the weld metal subjected to aging significantly decreased compared with that of the base metal and the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The creep strength of the weld metal was also decreased by aging. From these results, it is suggested that the failure morphology of Gr.91 steel welded joint used for a long term may change from type IV to type I.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 337-356, October 25–28, 2004,
... superalloy. Long-term gaseous corrosion testing of select weld overlays was conducted along with the Ni-based superalloy in a gaseous oxidizing/sulfidizing corrosion environment at 500°C. The sample weight gains were used along with analysis of the corrosion scale morphologies to determine the corrosion...
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Coal burning power companies are currently considering FeAlCr weld overlay claddings for corrosion protection of waterwall boiler tubes located in their furnaces. Previous studies have shown that these FeAlCr coatings exhibit excellent high-temperature corrosion resistance in several types of low NOx environments. In the present study, the susceptibility of FeAlCr weld overlay claddings to hydrogen cracking was evaluated using a gas-tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process. Microsegregation of alloying elements was determined for the FeAlCr welds and compared to a currently used Ni-based superalloy. Long-term gaseous corrosion testing of select weld overlays was conducted along with the Ni-based superalloy in a gaseous oxidizing/sulfidizing corrosion environment at 500°C. The sample weight gains were used along with analysis of the corrosion scale morphologies to determine the corrosion resistance of the coatings. It was found that although there were slight differences in the corrosion behavior of the selected FeAlCr weld coatings, all FeAlCr based alloys exhibited superior corrosion resistance to the Ni-based superalloy during exposures up to 2000 hours.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 371-387, October 25–28, 2004,
... of scales was correlated with the type, morphology and growth of pores and voids in the scale and could be influenced by the steel microstructure. For some steels, the steam oxidation resistance increased with increasing exposure temperature. The oxidation rates only slightly depend on the exact water vapor...
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The oxidation resistance of 9-12% chromium steels in steam-containing environments simulating the service conditions of steam power plant has been investigated for exposure times ranging from 1 h up to 10 000 h. For characterizing the oxidation behavior, the results of gravimetric studies were combined with data obtained from a number of analysis techniques, such as optical metallography, SEM/EDX and LRS. Different mechanisms of oxidation were observed for the various steels in different temperature regimes, exposure times and exposure conditions. The cracking and spallation of scales was correlated with the type, morphology and growth of pores and voids in the scale and could be influenced by the steel microstructure. For some steels, the steam oxidation resistance increased with increasing exposure temperature. The oxidation rates only slightly depend on the exact water vapor content in the test gas but can be strongly affected by the gas flow rates.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 748-761, October 25–28, 2004,
... and the corresponding microstructural changes were characterized by x-ray diffraction, optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, with particular attention being given to the structure, morphology and compositions of phases (including γ, γ’, carbides, ordered phases, etc.) and the nature, density...
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The goal of improving the efficiency of pulverized coal power plants has been pursued for decades. The need for greater efficiency and reduced environmental impact is pushing utilities to ultra supercritical conditions (USC), i.e. steam conditions of 760°C and 35 MPa. The long-term creep strength and environmental resistance requirements imposed by these conditions are clearly beyond the capacity of the currently used ferritic steels and other related alloys. Consequently, new materials based on austenitic stainless steels and nickel-base superalloys are being evaluated as candidate materials for these applications. In the present work, the nickel-base superalloys CCA617, Haynes 230 and Inconel 740, and an austenitic stainless steel Super З04H, were evaluated. The materials were aged for different lengths of time at temperatures relevant to USC applications and the corresponding microstructural changes were characterized by x-ray diffraction, optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, with particular attention being given to the structure, morphology and compositions of phases (including γ, γ’, carbides, ordered phases, etc.) and the nature, density and distribution of dislocations and other defects. The results are presented and discussed in light of accompanying changes in microhardness.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 1280-1298, October 25–28, 2004,
... carbide. This resulted in a different needle-like Laves phase morphology compared to the globular type observed in nickel and cobalt alloys, leading to improved CRS in the copper alloy. Increasing carbon content from 0.1% to 0.2% effectively suppressed Laves phase formation, as confirmed by Thermo-Calc...
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This study examines the influence of carbon and austenite stabilizing elements (Ni, Mn, Co, Cu) on Laves phase precipitation, Fe 2 W formation, and creep rupture strength (CRS) in 9-12% Cr steels at 600-700°C. Nickel and manganese had minimal impact on Laves phase and coarse carbide formation up to 1% content. While cobalt increased Laves phase fraction at 650°C, it did not improve long-term CRS and even caused a rapid decrease in short-term CRS. Copper, on the other hand, promoted the precipitation of fine Cu-rich particles that acted as nucleation sites for Laves phase and M 23 C 6 carbide. This resulted in a different needle-like Laves phase morphology compared to the globular type observed in nickel and cobalt alloys, leading to improved CRS in the copper alloy. Increasing carbon content from 0.1% to 0.2% effectively suppressed Laves phase formation, as confirmed by Thermo-Calc calculations. Notably, for cobalt alloys with higher tungsten content, higher carbon content (0.09% to 0.19%) improved CRS at 650°C, whereas the opposite effect was observed in nickel and nickel-manganese alloys. Copper alloys maintained improving CRS trends even with increased carbon, leading to the overall best CRS performance among the tested alloys with 0.2% carbon.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 11-21, October 21–24, 2019,
... to embrittle the material. Perusing the more recent literature, it seems the negative opinion about the Laves phases has changed during the last years. It is reported that, if the precipitation morphology is properly controlled, transition metal-based Laves phases can act as effective strengthening phases...
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Laves phases are intermetallic phases well known for their excellent strength at high temperatures but also for their pronounced brittleness at low temperatures. Especially in high-alloyed steels, Laves phases were long time regarded as detrimental phases as they were found to embrittle the material. Perusing the more recent literature, it seems the negative opinion about the Laves phases has changed during the last years. It is reported that, if the precipitation morphology is properly controlled, transition metal-based Laves phases can act as effective strengthening phases in heat resistant steels without causing embrittlement. For a targeted materials development, the mechanical properties of pure Laves phases should be known. However, the basic knowledge and understanding of the mechanical behavior of Laves phases is very limited. Here we present an overview of experimental results obtained by micromechanical testing of single-crystalline NbCo 2 Laves phase samples with varying crystal structure, orientation, and composition. For this purpose, diffusion layers with concentration gradients covering the complete homogeneity ranges of the hexagonal C14, cubic C15 and hexagonal C36 NbCo 2 Laves phases were grown by the diffusion couple technique. The hardness and Young's modulus of NbCo 2 were probed by nanoindentation scans along the concentration gradient. Single-phase and single crystalline microcantilevers and micropillars of the NbCo 2 Laves phase with different compositions were cut in the diffusion layers by focused ion beam milling. The fracture toughness and the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) were measured by in-situ microcantilever bending tests and micropillar compression tests, respectively. The hardness, Young's modulus and CRSS are nearly constant within the extended composition range of the cubic C15 Laves phase, but clearly decrease when the composition approaches the boundaries of the homogeneity range where the C15 structure transforms to the off stoichiometric, hexagonal C36 and C14 structure on the Co-rich and Nb-rich, respectively. In contrast, microcantilever fracture tests do not show this effect but indicate that the fracture toughness is independent of crystal structure and chemical composition of the NbCo 2 Laves phase.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 205-216, October 21–24, 2019,
.... The oxide scale morphologies and compositions of different oxide layers as function of temperature and exposure time in steam-containing atmospheres were characterized using light optical metallography, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Creep testing has been carried out in the temperature range between...
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The newly developed 12%Cr steel Super VM12 is characterized by excellent creep rupture strength properties (better than Grade 92) and enhanced steam oxidation resistance of 12%Cr steels such as VM12-SHC. Balanced properties profile of the new steel development in comparison to the existing well-established steels such as Grade 91 and Grade 92, opens opportunities for its application as construction material for components in existing or future high-efficiency power plants. In this study the oxidation behavior of typical 9%Cr steels was compared with the new steel development. The oxide scale morphologies and compositions of different oxide layers as function of temperature and exposure time in steam-containing atmospheres were characterized using light optical metallography, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Creep testing has been carried out in the temperature range between 525°C and 700°C. Selected creep specimens were investigated using the Transmission Electron Microscopy and the Atom Probe Tomography techniques.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 391-397, October 21–24, 2019,
... capability of the γ′′ strengthened Ni-based wrought alloys. In the base alloy of Ni-22Cr-16Fe-3.5Nb, the δ phase precipitated at the grain boundaries of the matrix phase in a platelet form by continuous precipitation mode at temperatures above 1273K (1000°C) but in a lamellar morphology by discontinuous...
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Effects of alloying additions of Ti or Mo to a simplified chemical composition of the γ′′-Ni 3 Nb strengthened type Ni-based alloy 718 on the precipitation mode of δ-Ni 3 Nb phase were investigated to aim at designing grain boundaries using the δ phase for raising temperature capability of the γ′′ strengthened Ni-based wrought alloys. In the base alloy of Ni-22Cr-16Fe-3.5Nb, the δ phase precipitated at the grain boundaries of the matrix phase in a platelet form by continuous precipitation mode at temperatures above 1273K (1000°C) but in a lamellar morphology by discontinuous precipitation mode below that temperature. The boundary temperature where the continuous/discontinuous precipitation mode changes was raised by addition of 1 % Ti and lowered by addition of 5% Mo. The increase in the boundary temperature by Ti addition can be considered to have occurred by an increase in the solvus temperature of γ′′ phase. The decrease in the boundary temperature by Mo addition can be interpreted by the reduction of the strain energy caused by the coherent γ′′ precipitates and/or the volume change by the formation of δ phase from the γ/γ′′ phases, which may promote the continuous precipitation with respect to the discontinuous precipitation.