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microstructural investigation
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1-20 of 409 Search Results for
microstructural investigation
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 408-422, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... the rupture strength without large degradation of the rupture ductility. The microstructural investigations demonstrate that the prior austenite grain size and the precipitation behavior of fine M2X particles are presumed to contribute to the improvement of creep rupture strength. austenite grain size...
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10CrMoWVNbN (X 12 CrMoWVNbN 10 1 1) steel trial forgings has been manufactured to clarify the effect of austenitizing temperature on the creep rupture strength and microstructure. From the results of creep rupture tests up to 30,000 hours, higher austenitizing temperature improves the rupture strength without large degradation of the rupture ductility. The microstructural investigations demonstrate that the prior austenite grain size and the precipitation behavior of fine M2X particles are presumed to contribute to the improvement of creep rupture strength.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1145-1158, October 21–24, 2019,
.... INVESTIGATION ON LONG-TERM FUSION BOUNDARY MICROSTRUCTURE AND DAMAGE MECHANISM OF EX-SERVICE DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS T. Tokairin Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd., Kure-shi, Hiroshima-ken, Japan T. Honda, T. Tokiyoshi, M. Honda Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki-ken...
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Metallurgical factors affecting the fusion boundary failure and damage mechanism of DMWs (Dissimilar Metal Welds) between the CSEF (Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic) steels and austenitic steels were experimentally and theoretically investigated and discussed. Long-term exservice DMWs up to 123,000 hours were investigated; the precipitates near the fusion boundary were identified and quantitatively evaluated. Comparing with the other generic Ni-based weld material, MHPS original filler metal HIG370 (Ni bal.-16Cr-8Fe-2Nb-1Mo) showed superior suppression effect on fusion boundary damage of DMWs, which was verified by both of the microstructure observation and thermodynamic calculation. Based on the microstructure observation of crept specimen and ex-service samples of DMWs, temperature, time and stress dependence of fusion boundary damage of DMWs were clarified. Furthermore, fusion boundary damage morphology and mechanism due to precipitation and local constituent depletion was discussed and proposed from metallurgical viewpoints.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 637-647, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Recovery of microstructure and void formation were investigated in creep-ruptured specimens of ASME Gr. T91 steels to understand the cause of loss of creep rupture ductility in the long-term creep condition and its heat-to-heat variation. The specimens studied were two heats (MGA, MGC...
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Recovery of microstructure and void formation were investigated in creep-ruptured specimens of ASME Gr. T91 steels to understand the cause of loss of creep rupture ductility in the long-term creep condition and its heat-to-heat variation. The specimens studied were two heats (MGA, MGC) of Gr. T91 steels creep-ruptured at 600 °C under the stress conditions of 160-80 MPa. The reduction of area at rupture (RA) was 55% for MGA, but 83% for MGC in the long-term condition (under the creep stress of 80 MPa), while RA was higher than 80 % for the two heats in the short-term conditions (under the creep stresses above 100 MPa). In both heats, equiaxed grains were observed in the vicinity of ruptured surface in the long-term condition, indicating that recovery and recrystallization occurred extensively in the creep condition, while grains were elongated in the short-term conditions. In the uniformly deformed regions with a small area reduction in the long-term crept specimens, recovered and recrystallized grains were observed in the limited region close to high angle grain boundaries in MGA, while they were extended into grain interiors in MGC. In the long-term creep conditions two types of voids were observed: fine ones with a diameter below 1 μm and coarse ones with a diameter from 2 μm up to 50 μm. Fine creep voids were found to grow with necking in MGA while they neither nucleated nor grew with necking in MGC. Coarse creep voids increased in size and in number with necking in both heats and were larger and denser in MGA than in MGC.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 449-460, October 15–18, 2024,
..., and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference October 15 18, 2024, Bonita Springs Florida, USA Copyright © 2024 ASM International® All rights reserved. INVESTIGATING THE MICROSTRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF INCONEL...
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This study demonstrates the Electro-Thermal Mechanical Testing (ETMT) system's capability to analyze the thermo-mechanical behavior of Inconel 718 (IN718) at a heating rate of 5 °C/s, achieving temperatures up to 950 °C. The temperature profile peaks at the sample's center and is approximately 25 °C at the extremes. Upon reaching 950 °C, the sample was aged for 30 hours before being rapidly quenched. This process froze the microstructure, preserving the phase transformations that occurred at various temperatures across the temperature parabolic gradient, which resulted in a complex gradient microstructure, providing a comprehensive map of phase transformations in IN718. The integration of thermal measurement, COMSOL modeling, scanning electron microscopy enabled a thorough characterization of the microstructural evolution in IN718, linking observed phases to the specific temperatures which provided a rapid screening of the effect of using different heating treatment routes.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1340-1350, October 21–24, 2019,
... Abstract The present study presents a detailed investigation on the evolution of the microstructure during welding on virgin and long-term service exposed (creep aged 1 = 535°C; 16.1 MPa; 156 kh and creep aged 2 = 555°C; 17.0 MPa; 130 kh) 12% Cr (X20CrMoV11-1) martensitic steel. This study...
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The present study presents a detailed investigation on the evolution of the microstructure during welding on virgin and long-term service exposed (creep aged 1 = 535°C; 16.1 MPa; 156 kh and creep aged 2 = 555°C; 17.0 MPa; 130 kh) 12% Cr (X20CrMoV11-1) martensitic steel. This study was carried out in order to understand the impact of welding on prior creep exposed Tempered martensite ferritic (TMF) steel and to explain the preferential failure of weldments in the fine grained heat affected zone (FGHAZ) of the creep aged material side instead of the new material side. Gleeble simulation (Tp = 980°C; heating rate = 200 °C/s; holding time = 4 seconds) of the FGHAZ was performed on the materials to create homogeneous microstructures for the investigation. Quantitative microstructural investigations were conducted on the parent plate and simulated FGHAZ materials using advanced electron microscopy to quantify: a) voids, b) dislocation density, c) sub-grains, and d) precipitates (M 23 C 6 , MX, Laves, Z-phase) in the materials. Semi-automated image analysis was performed using the image analysis software MIPARTM. The pre-existing creep voids in the creep aged parent material and the large M 23 C 6 carbides (Ø > 300 nm) in the FGHAZ after welding are proposed as the main microstructural contributions that could accelerate Type IV failure on the creep aged side of TMF steel weldments.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1123-1131, October 21–24, 2019,
... joints of Alloy 617B. Improving effects of PWHT have been investigated in this study and results of microstructural investigations were correlated with the material behavior. A-USC power plants creep deformation creep rupture microstructural analysis nickel-base superalloys post weld heat...
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Welded joints of Ni-base alloys are often the critical part of components operated under high temperature service conditions. Especially welds in thick-walled structures are susceptible to various crack phenomena. Creep rupture and deformation behavior of different similar welds of Alloy 617B, both circumferential and longitudinal, were determined in many research German projects with the aim to qualify the nickel alloys and its welded joints for the use in highly efficient Advanced Ultra Supercritical (AUSC) power plants. Damage mechanisms and failure behavior have also been investigated within these projects. In order to reduce the welding residual stresses in thick-walled components a post weld heat treatment (PWHT) for Alloy 617B is recommended after welding. This PHWT reduces not only residual stresses but causes changes in the damage mechanisms and failure behavior of welded joints of Alloy 617B. Improving effects of PWHT have been investigated in this study and results of microstructural investigations were correlated with the material behavior.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 1149-1159, October 11–14, 2016,
... microstructural investigations revealed that the number density of precipitates in the weaker heat was remarkably lower than that associated with the stronger heat through most of the creep region. Accordingly, heat-to-heat variation of creep rupture strength was attributed to the difference in the precipitate...
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Large heat-to-heat variation of creep rupture strength in weldments of mod.9Cr-1Mo steels was observed in the creep rupture tests conducted for two different heats at 600°C and 650°C. One heat showed consistently lower time-to-rupture than the other for 130-60MPa at 600°C. Detailed microstructural investigations revealed that the number density of precipitates in the weaker heat was remarkably lower than that associated with the stronger heat through most of the creep region. Accordingly, heat-to-heat variation of creep rupture strength was attributed to the difference in the precipitate strengthening effects throughout creep. Equilibrium calculation predicted that the smaller phase fraction of M 23 C 6 and VN precipitates due to the lower content of chromium and lower ratio of nitrogen/aluminum in the weaker heat. However, given that long-term creep rupture strength at 650°C converged for the two heats, the microstructure including precipitates may settle into a similar level for subsequent longer hours even at 600°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 778-789, October 11–14, 2016,
... steels (MARBN) - are discussed. In order to improve the creep behavior, MARBN steels with different heat treatments and microstructures were investigated using optical microscopy, SEM and EBSD. Furthermore, short term creep rupture tests at 650 degree Celsius were performed, followed by systematic...
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Sufficient energy availability in combination with lowest environmental pollution is a basic necessity for a high living standard in each country. To guarantee power supply for future generations, improved technologies to achieve higher efficiency combined with reduced environmental impact are needed. This challenge is not only aimed to the power station manufacturers, but also to the producers of special steel forgings, who have to handle with more and more advanced materials and complex processes. Bohler Special Steel is a premium supplier of forged high quality components for the power generation industry. This paper reports about experiences in the fabrication of forged components for steam turbines for ultra-supercritical application - from basic properties up to ultrasonic detectability results. The materials used so far are the highly creep-resistant martensitic 9-10% Cr steel class for operating temperatures up to 625°C developed in the frame of the European Cost research program. Additionally our research activities on the latest generation of high temperature resistant steels for operating temperatures up to 650 degree Celsius – the boron containing 9% Cr martensitic steels (MARBN) - are discussed. In order to improve the creep behavior, MARBN steels with different heat treatments and microstructures were investigated using optical microscopy, SEM and EBSD. Furthermore, short term creep rupture tests at 650 degree Celsius were performed, followed by systematic microstructural investigations. As a result it can be concluded, that advanced microstructures can increase the time to rupture of the selected MARBN steels by more than 10 percent.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 516-529, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... of the role of microstructure stability in high temperature creep of these steels. Creep tests were followed by microstructure investigations by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy and by the thermodynamic calculations. The applicability of the creep tests was verified by the theoretical...
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In this paper we tried to model the creep-strength degradation of selected advanced creep resistant steels which occurs under operating conditions. In order to accelerate some microstructure changes and thus to simulate degradation processes in long-term service, isothermal ageing at 650°C for 10 000 h was applied to P91, P92 and P23 steels in their as- received states. The tensile creep tests were performed at temperature 600°C in argon atmosphere on all steels both in the as-received state and after isothermal ageing, in an effort to obtain a more complete description of the role of microstructure stability in high temperature creep of these steels. Creep tests were followed by microstructure investigations by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy and by the thermodynamic calculations. The applicability of the creep tests was verified by the theoretical modelling of the phase equilibrium at different temperatures. It is suggested that under restricted oxidation due to argon atmosphere microstructure instability is the main detrimental process in the long-term degradation of the creep rupture strength of these steels.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 638-652, October 25–28, 2004,
... enhancement of material creep resistance. Steel foundries alone cannot conduct necessary material development at an appropriate scale, so all power plant component suppliers cooperate to define optimal chemical compositions, perform test melts, creep tests, microstructure investigations, and test pilot...
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Steel castings of creep-resistant steels are critical components in the high and intermediate pressure turbine sections of fossil fuel-fired power plants. As plant efficiencies improve and emission standards tighten, steam parameters become more stringent, necessitating constant enhancement of material creep resistance. Steel foundries alone cannot conduct necessary material development at an appropriate scale, so all power plant component suppliers cooperate to define optimal chemical compositions, perform test melts, creep tests, microstructure investigations, and test pilot components, such as through the COST program developing new 9-12%Cr cast steel grades. This paper illustrates a steel foundry's role in COST, describing the transfer of these new cast steel grades from research into commercial production of heavy cast components, outlining incurred problems, process development cycles, comparisons with low-alloy steels, welding tests, base material/weld investigations, heat treatment optimization, and casting of pilot components/weldability test plates to verify castability of larger parts and make necessary adjustments. Parallel to ongoing COST creep tests, the steel grades were introduced into commercial large component production, involving solutions to process-related issues, with over 180 components successfully manufactured to date, while further COST program developments present ongoing challenges.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 152-164, October 25–28, 2004,
... of cross welds, microstructural investigations with regard to optimization of chemical composition and heat treatment and numerical modeling. boilers chemical composition creep characteristics ferritic-bainitic material heat treatment martensitic steel microstructural analysis nickel based...
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For plants with ultra critical steam conditions with live steam temperatures up to 720°C and pressure up to 300 bars optimized materials are required. These are a ferritic-bainitic material (T24) for applications up to 550°C, modified 9 Cr steels (E911 and P92), a new Co-alloyed martensitic 12 Cr steel for usage up to 630°C and Nickel based alloys (Alloy 617) for temperatures above 650°C. Experimental work has been done to create a reliable data base for design and inspection. Special emphasis was put on long term creep characteristics of base material with specific consideration of cross welds, microstructural investigations with regard to optimization of chemical composition and heat treatment and numerical modeling.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 293-303, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Microstructural change of 10 % Cr steel trial forgings subjected to different heat treatment conditions which aim to improve the creep rupture strength and microstructural stability during creep was investigated. Creep rupture strength of the forging subjected to the quality heat...
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Microstructural change of 10 % Cr steel trial forgings subjected to different heat treatment conditions which aim to improve the creep rupture strength and microstructural stability during creep was investigated. Creep rupture strength of the forging subjected to the quality heat treatment with the austenitizing temperature of 1090° C is higher than that of the forging solution treated at 1050°C, however, the difference of creep rupture strength is reduced in the long-term region around 40,000 h. Decrease in creep rupture ductility of the forging until 43,300 h is not observed. Progress of the martensite lath recovery in the forging solution-treated at 1090°C is slower than that in the forging austenitized at 1050°C. Higher temperature solution treatment suppresses the recovery of lath structures. Formations of Z-phase are found in the specimens creep-ruptured at 37,300 h in the forging solution-treated at 1050°C and at 43,400 h in the forging austenitized at 1090°C. Z-phase precipitation behavior in this steel is delayed in comparison with the boiler materials, regardless of austenitizing temperature.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 914-923, October 22–25, 2013,
... joints. Furthermore, creep tests of the parent material (heat 2) are performed. 2.5. MICROSTRUCTURAL INVESTIGATIONS Creep tested crosswelds of heat 1 are fully characterised by LOM, SEM, EBSD and Synchrotron tomography. Results for heat 2 (parent metal) have to be analysed after completion of creep...
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Boron and nitride additions are emerging as a promising design concept for stabilizing the microstructure of creep-resistant martensitic high-chromium steels. This approach, known as MarBN steel (martensitic steel strengthened by boron and nitrogen), combines the benefits of solid solution strengthening from boron with precipitation strengthening from nitrides. However, initial welding trials revealed challenges in achieving a uniform fine-grained region in the heat-affected zone (HAZ), which is crucial for mitigating Type IV cracking and ensuring creep strength. Despite these initial hurdles, preliminary creep test results for welded joints have been encouraging. This study presents an improved MarBN steel formulation and its investigation through uniaxial creep tests. Base material and welded joints were subjected to creep tests at 650°C for up to 25,000 hours under varying stress levels. The analysis focused not only on the creep strength of both the base material and welded joints but also on the evolution of damage. Advanced techniques like synchrotron micro-tomography and electron backscatter diffraction were employed to understand the underlying creep damage mechanisms. By combining long-term creep testing data with 3D damage investigation using synchrotron micro-tomography, this work offers a novel perspective on the fundamental failure mechanisms occurring at elevated temperatures within the HAZ of welded joints in these advanced steels.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 321-332, October 22–25, 2013,
...: Schematic the heating cycle for quality heat treatment of ESR trial rotor forging. Mechanical Tests and Microstructural Investigations Materials for metallurgical investigations and mechanical tests were cut from each location of the trial forging after ultrasonic inspection. Chemical analyses, tensile...
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A 9% Cr steel containing cobalt and boron, X13CrMoCoVNbNB9-2-1, has been manufactured by electroslag remelting (ESR) to evaluate its performance and to compare its creep strength and microstructure to a forging made from electroslag hot-topping ingot. The evaluation results confirm that it is possible to produce rotor forgings with homogeneous composition and good properties by the ESR process. The results of creep rupture tests up to 5000 h indicate that the creep strength of the forging made from ESR ingot is similar to that of the forging produced by the electroslag hot-topping process. Martensitic lath microstructures with high density dislocations and the precipitations of M 23 C 6 , VX, NbX and M2X are observed after the quality heat treatments at the center portion of both forgings. There is no large difference in the martensitic lath widths, distributions, and sizes of those particles between both trial forgings.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 790-801, October 11–14, 2016,
... on microstructure and mechanical properties including creep strength therefore were investigated in this study. Chemical composition of steels examined is listed in Table 1. Chemical composition of steel N1 is almost the same as that for the boiler material [2-6]. In the case of manufacturing large ingots for rotor...
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In this study, a possibility of application of advanced 9%Cr steel containing 130 ppm boron for boiler components utilized at around 650 °C to higher temperature steam turbine rotor materials has been investigated by means of reduction in silicon promoting macro-segregation in the case of large size ingots, using laboratory heats. Tempered martensitic microstructure without proeutectoid ferrite in all steels studied is obtained even at the center position of a turbine rotor having a barrel diameter of 1.2 m despite lower amounts of nitrogen and silicon. The strength at room temperature is almost the same level of practical high Cr steels such as X13CrMoCoVNbNB 9-2-1 for ultrasuper critical steam turbine rotors. The toughness is sufficient for high temperature rotors in comparison with CrMoV steels utilized as sub-critical high pressure steam turbine components. The creep rupture strength of the steels is higher than that of the conventional 9-12Cr steels used at about 630 °C. The creep rupture strength of 9%Cr steel containing 130 ppm B, 95 ppm N, 0.07 % Si and 0.05 % Mn is the highest in the steels examined, and it is therefore a candidate steel for high temperature turbine rotors utilized at more than 630 °C. Co-precipitation of M 23 C 6 carbides and Laves phase is observed around the prior austenite grain boundaries after the heat treatments and the restraint of the carbide growth is also observed during creep exposure. An improvement in creep strength of the steels is presumed to have the relevance to the stabilization of the martensitic lath microstructure in the vicinity of those boundaries by such precipitates.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 972-985, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... Abstract The microstructural evolution has been investigated for an 18Cr-12Ni stainless steel (347HFG) that has been subject to a thermo-mechanical treatment to obtain a fine grain size (ASTM 7-10). In particular, sigma phase precipitation and growth has been evaluated. Samples of 347HFG...
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The microstructural evolution has been investigated for an 18Cr-12Ni stainless steel (347HFG) that has been subject to a thermo-mechanical treatment to obtain a fine grain size (ASTM 7-10). In particular, sigma phase precipitation and growth has been evaluated. Samples of 347HFG stainless steel have been isothermally heat treated to reproduce and accelerate the ageing conditions experienced in-service at temperatures between 600 and 750 °C for up to 10,000 hours. Results have shown that sigma phase is precipitated at triple points and along grain boundaries after as little as 1000 hours which is contrary to thermodynamic predictions. In addition X-ray diffraction (XRD) and image analysis has been carried out to semi-quantitatively measure the amount of sigma phase present. The area fraction of sigma has been found to be 2.77 and 2.23 percent at 700 and 750 °C respectively. This is a higher volume fraction of sigma phase than has been previously observed in regular 347H at these conditions. It is thought that this is due to the reduced grain size that has provided an increase in nucleation sites and diffusion paths that can enhance the precipitation and growth of sigma phase. The results from this study are discussed with regards to the effect of precipitation on the service life of a 347HFG stainless steel tube operating in advanced supercritical boilers.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 407-417, October 11–14, 2016,
... and nitride forming elements 1 . Additions of such elements to steels have to be followed by detailed investigations on microstructural stability. Precipitation reactions in AISI 300 austenitic grades have been studied for a long time and many minor phases are now well documented 2, 3 . However...
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The paper deals with microstructural evolution in the AISI 316LN + 0.1 wt.% Nb steel during long-term creep exposure at 600 and 625°C. The following minor phases formed: Z-phase (NbCrN), M 23 C 6 , M6X (Cr3Ni2SiX type), η-Laves (Fe2Mo type) and σ-phase. M6X gradually replaced M 23 C 6 carbides. Primary Z-phase particles were present in the matrix after solution annealing, while secondary Z-phase particles formed during creep. Precipitation of Z-phase was more intensive at 625°C. The dimensional stability of Z-phase particles was excellent and these particles had a positive effect on the minimum creep rate. However, niobium also accelerated the formation and coarsening of σ-phase, η-Laves and M6X. Coarse particles, especially of σ-phase, facilitated the development of creep damage, which resulted in poor long-term creep ductility.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 668-677, October 11–14, 2016,
... components. As a result manufacturing parameters for thick-walled components of Alloy C-263 were optimized and corresponding creep crack investigations on new heats have been initiated. 668 CREEP CRACK BEHAVIOR AND MICROSTRUCTURE The material used in this study is from a previous work [1, 2] in which...
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For safe operation of thick-walled components for Advanced Ultra Super Critical (A-USC) power plants, detailed knowledge of the creep crack initiation and growth behavior is essential. The high loading and high temperature conditions in an A-USC power plant require, in many cases, the employment of nickel base super alloys. Unfortunately, both manufacturing and nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of thick-walled components (> 50 mm) made of nickel base super alloys are quite challenging. In this paper, one candidate material for such applications, Alloy C-263, was tested for creep and creep crack behavior at 700 °C. Objective of the study was to determine a critical flaw size. In order to establish this size, the duration to achieve the 1%-strain limit at a given load is compared with the time to grow the initial flaw for Δa = 0.5 mm when the component was loaded with the same given load. It will be shown that manufacturing parameters, e. g. heat treatment procedures, have a significant influence on the creep crack initiation and growth behavior and thus on component life. Decoration of grain boundaries with precipitates, for instance caused by the manufacturing process, can reduce the creep crack resistance and thus increase the risk for premature component failure.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 951-961, October 11–14, 2016,
... etching with Vilella s Reagent for a few seconds at standard conditions. The macrostructure was observed on a Leica® MZ8 Stereo Optical Microscope. The microstructural investigations were done on a Leica® DM4000M Light Optical Microscope. For SEM a Zeiss® Supra 40VP with an EDAX® Supra 35VP EDXDetector...
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As flux cored wires for gas metal arc welding offer several technical and economic advantages they are becoming more and more popular. Matching flux cored wires for welding P92 have already been available for several years. A matching flux cored wire for welding the Co-alloyed cast steel CB2, which is used for turbine and valve casings operating at steam temperatures of up to 620°C, was developed recently. To connect casings with P92 pipes, dissimilar welding of CB2 to P92 is necessary. This can be done with filler metal that matches either CB2 or P92. Pre-tests have confirmed that flux cored arc welding (FCAW) can generally be used for dissimilar joint welding of CB2 to P92. To evaluate creep rupture strength dissimilar welds were performed with filler metal matching CB2 and P92, respectively. TIG welding was used for the root and the second pass and FCAW for the intermediate and final passes. Cross-weld tensile tests, side bend tests and impact tests of weld metals and heat-affected zones were carried out at ambient temperatures after two post-weld heat treatments (PWHT), each at 730°C for 12 hours. Creep rupture tests of cross-weld samples were performed at 625°C. This study compares the results of the mechanical tests at ambient temperature and the creep rupture tests, and discusses why P92 filler metals are preferred for such welds.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 924-935, October 22–25, 2013,
... investigation of the weld was performed and the weakest microstructure spots were detected. With the use of FEM simulation, appropriate heating/cooling cycles were obtained for the detected weak points. The temperature cycles obtained were subsequently applied to both base materials under laboratory conditions...
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Increasing demand on efficiency and power output of steam generators leads to new designs of welded rotors. The reason for rotor welding is the large size of rotors, which are difficult to produce in a single piece. Secondly, as there are varying operation conditions along the rotor length. In a heterogeneous rotor, several materials appropriate for local service conditions can be used. At the rotor service temperatures, creep properties are crucial for successful design. The weakest point of every welded component is the heat affected zone. Therefore, the creep properties of a heterogeneous weld are subject of the investigation herein the current study, a heterogeneous weld of COST F and COST FB2 materials is investigated. The welding was performed by multi pass technique with overlaying welding beads that applied several heating cycles to heat affected zone. Metallographic investigation of the weld was performed and the weakest microstructure spots were detected. With the use of FEM simulation, appropriate heating/cooling cycles were obtained for the detected weak points. The temperature cycles obtained were subsequently applied to both base materials under laboratory conditions by induction heating. Creep properties of these materials were investigated. The influence of the initial base material’s grain size was also considered in the investigation. Two heating/cooling schedules were applied to both base materials with two grain sizes. Altogether, 8 different microstructures were examined in short term creep tests and the results were summarized.