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intrinsic defects
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1-12 of 12 Search Results for
intrinsic defects
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1417-1421, October 22–25, 2013,
... analysis revealed the formation of Fe-rich nodules with an internal Cr-carbide layer beneath them. Notably, the number of nodules decreased with increasing oxygen content but remained independent of the oxidation time. To explain these observations, the authors propose that “intrinsic” defects within...
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The high-temperature oxidation of Fe-9Cr-1Mo steel in a CO 2 environment, with varying oxygen content (0.6-3%), was investigated at 700°C. While the steel heavily oxidized in pure CO 2 , the oxidation mass gain decreased significantly with increasing oxygen content. Microscopic analysis revealed the formation of Fe-rich nodules with an internal Cr-carbide layer beneath them. Notably, the number of nodules decreased with increasing oxygen content but remained independent of the oxidation time. To explain these observations, the authors propose that “intrinsic” defects within the initially formed protective Cr 2 O 3 scale facilitated gas permeation. This mechanism is believed to be responsible for the observed dependence of nodule formation on the oxygen content in the gas mixtures.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1149-1160, October 15–18, 2024,
... at 400 °C, Frank loops were the predominant form of lattice damage at 1 dpa, whereas small defect clusters were more prevalent at 6 dpa. For the sample irradiated to 1 dpa at 600 °C, both Frank loops and small defect clusters were present in similar density. Nanoindentation was employed to assess...
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A FeCrMnNi concentrated solid-solution alloy was irradiated with a 2 MeV proton beam up to 1 dpa and 6 dpa at temperatures of 400 °C and 600 °C. The microstructural changes induced by irradiation were characterized using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). In samples irradiated at 400 °C, Frank loops were the predominant form of lattice damage at 1 dpa, whereas small defect clusters were more prevalent at 6 dpa. For the sample irradiated to 1 dpa at 600 °C, both Frank loops and small defect clusters were present in similar density. Nanoindentation was employed to assess the changes in mechanical properties (hardness) post-irradiation, revealing significant hardening in all irradiated samples. The results indicated that the hardening effect began to saturate at 1 dpa or earlier. Additionally, nanoindentation creep tests with a 1200-second dwell period produced stress exponents comparable to those obtained from conventional creep testing. The findings suggest a shift in the deformation mechanism from dislocation glide to dislocation climb in the sample irradiated to 6 dpa at 400 °C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 483-494, October 15–18, 2024,
... Abstract For the safe life prediction of components under high cycle fatigue loading at high temperature, such as gas turbine blades and turbocharger components, the behavior of initial defects, which are physically short cracks below the long crack threshold ΔK is of crucial importance...
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For the safe life prediction of components under high cycle fatigue loading at high temperature, such as gas turbine blades and turbocharger components, the behavior of initial defects, which are physically short cracks below the long crack threshold ΔK is of crucial importance. The evolution of different crack closure mechanisms (such as plasticity, roughness and oxide induced crack closure) can lead to crack arrest by a reduction of the effective crack tip loading. To visualize the crack growth behavior of such cracks, cyclic crack resistance curves (cyclic R-curves) are used. The experimental determination of cyclic R-curves is challenging, especially under high temperature conditions due to a lack of optical accessibility. The formation of very short cracks in high strength materials makes it even more complicated to reliably determine these data. Within this study the crack growth behavior of physically short fatigue cracks in three different material states of the nickel alloy IN718 (wrought, cast and PBF-LB/M - processed) is experimentally determined at 650 °C. Based on a load increase procedure applied on Single Edge Notched (SEN) specimens with a compression pre-cracking procedure in advance, crack propagation of physically short cracks is measured with alternating current potential drop systems in air and under vacuum conditions. These examinations are carried out for three different load ratios (R = -1, 0 and 0.5) to investigate the amount of certain crack closure mechanisms active under different loading conditions. Moreover, the formation of a plastic wake along the crack flanks is determined by a finite element simulation. The results determined in air and under vacuum conditions are used to describe the impact of oxide induced crack closure on the behavior of physically short cracks. This allows the evaluation of the behavior of both near-surface and internal defects that are not accessible to the atmosphere.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 441-448, October 15–18, 2024,
... before and after the creep tests suggested that the γ" precipitates were distinguishably finer in alloy Ta-718 than in alloy 718 throughout the creep tests. The formation of planar defects and shearing of γ" precipitates occurred frequently in the alloy 718 specimen. The observed creep deformations were...
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Alloy 718 is an important class of Nb-bearing Ni-based superalloys for high-temperature applications, such as compressor disks/blades and turbine disks in gas turbine systems. The service temperature of this alloy is, however, limited below 650 °C probably due to the degradation of its strengthening phase γ"-Ni3Nb. Aiming at understanding and improving creep properties of 718-type alloys, we investigated creep behaviors of alloy 718 and alloy Ta-718 where different types of γ" phases, Ni3Nb and Ni3Ta, were precipitated, respectively. Creep tests were conducted at 700 °C under stress conditions of 400 and 500 MPa for the two alloys in aged conditions. It was found that while the minimum creep rates were comparable in the two alloys, the creep rate acceleration was lower in alloy Ta-718 than in alloy 718 under the creep conditions studied. Microstructural observations on the specimens before and after the creep tests suggested that the γ" precipitates were distinguishably finer in alloy Ta-718 than in alloy 718 throughout the creep tests. The formation of planar defects and shearing of γ" precipitates occurred frequently in the alloy 718 specimen. The observed creep deformations were discussed in terms of the critical resolved shear stress due to shearing of γ" particles by strongly paired dislocations.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 924-932, October 15–18, 2024,
... Abstract Solidification cracking (SC) is a defect that occurs in the weld metal at the end of the solidification. It is associated with the presence of mechanical and thermal stresses, besides a susceptible chemical composition. Materials with a high solidification temperature range (STR...
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Solidification cracking (SC) is a defect that occurs in the weld metal at the end of the solidification. It is associated with the presence of mechanical and thermal stresses, besides a susceptible chemical composition. Materials with a high solidification temperature range (STR) are more prone to the occurrence of these defects due to the formation of eutectic liquids wetting along the grain boundaries. The liquid film collapses once the structure shrinks and stresses act during the solidification. Thus, predicting the occurrence of SC before the welding process is important to address the problem and avoid the failure of welded components. The nuclear power industry has several applications with dissimilar welding and SC-susceptible materials, such as austenitic stainless steels, and Ni-based alloys. Compositional optimization stands out as a viable approach to effectively mitigate SC in austenitic alloys. The integration of computational modeling into welding has significantly revolutionized the field of materials science, enabling the rapid and cost-effective development of innovative alloys. In this work, a SC resistance evaluation is used to sort welding materials based on a computational fluid dynamic (CFC) model and the alloy's chemical composition. An index named Flow Resistance Index (FRI) is used to compare different base materials and filler metals as a function of dilution. This calculation provides insights into the susceptibility to SC in dissimilar welding, particularly within a defined dilution range for various alloys. To assess the effectiveness of this approach, the relative susceptibility of the materials was compared to well-established experimental data carried out using weldability tests (Transvarestraint and cast pin tear test). The FRI calculation was programmed in Python language and was able to rank different materials and indicate the most susceptible alloy combination based on the dilution and chemical composition.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 90-100, October 11–14, 2016,
... mechanics methods and evaluation concepts have demonstrated their applicability to assess the integrity of components with defects or crack-like outage findings. Based on realistic modelling of the failure mechanism, accurate prediction of crack sizes at failure state can be improved defining...
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There are main drivers for the design and assessment of steam turbine components of today such as demands for improved materials, higher plant cycling operation, and reduced life-cycle costs. New materials have been developed over the last decades resulting in advanced martensitic 9-10CrMoV steels already applied in different types of turbines successfully. Heavy cyclic loading getting more importance than in the past results in utilization of the fatigue capabilities at high and low temperatures which might lead to crack initiation and subsequent crack propagation. Fracture mechanics methods and evaluation concepts have demonstrated their applicability to assess the integrity of components with defects or crack-like outage findings. Based on realistic modelling of the failure mechanism, accurate prediction of crack sizes at failure state can be improved defining the appropriate damage criteria. Ductility is a main aspect for robust design but its value definition can depend on component type, design rules, real loading conditions, service experience, and material characteristics. The question which direct material parameter is able to serve as limit value in design and how it can be determined has to be solved. Examples of advanced analysis methods for creep crack growth and fatigue interaction involving the crack initiation time show that the reserves of new martensitic 9-10Cr steels in high temperature application can be well quantified. The creep rupture elongation A u and the loading conditions in the crack far field are main factors. If the A u value is sufficient high also after long-time service, the material remains robust against cracks. Investigations into the influence of stress gradients on life time under fatigue and creep fatigue conditions show that e.g. for 10CrMoWV rotor steel crack growth involvement offers further reserves. The consideration of constraint effect in fracture mechanics applied to suitable materials allows for further potentials to utilize margin resulting from classical design. The new gained knowledge enables a more precise determination of component life time via an adapted material exploitation and close interaction with advanced design rules.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 23-38, October 15–18, 2024,
... was mainly related to the intrinsic properties of the grain boundaries with negligible segregation due to the use of feedstock powder with lower impurity content and the solidification rates of the process. Optimization of the LMD process was performed to obtain repaired 316L SS samples meeting the following...
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This study examines the corrosion resistance of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel (SS) for nuclear applications across three environments: pressurized water reactor primary water (PWR PW), hot concentrated nitric acid, and seawater. Wire-feed laser additive manufacturing (WLAM) specimens showed oxidation behavior similar to wrought 316L SS in PWR PW, though stress corrosion cracking (SCC) susceptibility varied with heat treatment. In nitric acid testing, laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) specimens demonstrated superior corrosion resistance compared to conventional SS, primarily due to improved intergranular corrosion resistance resulting from cleaner feedstock powder and rapid solidification rates that minimized grain boundary segregation. Laser metal deposition (LMD) repair studies in seawater environments successfully produced dense, crack-free repairs with good metallurgical bonding that matched the substrate’s mechanical properties while maintaining corrosion resistance. These results emphasize the importance of corrosion testing for additively manufactured components and understanding how their unique microstructures affect performance.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1331-1337, October 15–18, 2024,
... by interactions between fluorides and graphite has also been reported by previous studies. Yang et al. observed the formation of C F bonds in graphite after an infiltration test with FLiNaK at 773 K and 0.103 kPa for 16 h [11]. They reported that the intrinsic C H bond in graphite partially formed during...
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A thorough understanding of interactions between graphite and fluoride fuel salts is crucial, as graphite is a promising candidate for the moderator of molten salt reactors. This study investigates the infiltration of fluoride fuel salts into graphite and the fluorination of graphite by these salts under various pressures and temperatures. A high-pressure salt infiltration test apparatus was developed to examine the infiltration of NaF-KF-UF 4 and NaF-BeF 2 -UF 4 -ZrF 4 fuel salts into two types of graphite at high temperatures. For tests using NaF-BeF 2 -UF 4 -ZrF 4 , two different temperatures were selected to assess the impact of temperature on threshold pressure. The study observed salt infiltration into graphite at pressures exceeding its threshold pressure, and the threshold pressure for infiltration was lower at the higher temperature. In addition, the formation of carbon fluorides on the surface of post-test graphite specimens was identified.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 11-21, October 21–24, 2019,
... that are large enough for performing conventional mechanical tests very challenging [26]. In addition, Laves phases often have extended homogeneity ranges. Deviations from the AB2 stoichiometric composition create defects in Laves phases and in some systems even lead to phase transformations from one structure...
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Laves phases are intermetallic phases well known for their excellent strength at high temperatures but also for their pronounced brittleness at low temperatures. Especially in high-alloyed steels, Laves phases were long time regarded as detrimental phases as they were found to embrittle the material. Perusing the more recent literature, it seems the negative opinion about the Laves phases has changed during the last years. It is reported that, if the precipitation morphology is properly controlled, transition metal-based Laves phases can act as effective strengthening phases in heat resistant steels without causing embrittlement. For a targeted materials development, the mechanical properties of pure Laves phases should be known. However, the basic knowledge and understanding of the mechanical behavior of Laves phases is very limited. Here we present an overview of experimental results obtained by micromechanical testing of single-crystalline NbCo 2 Laves phase samples with varying crystal structure, orientation, and composition. For this purpose, diffusion layers with concentration gradients covering the complete homogeneity ranges of the hexagonal C14, cubic C15 and hexagonal C36 NbCo 2 Laves phases were grown by the diffusion couple technique. The hardness and Young's modulus of NbCo 2 were probed by nanoindentation scans along the concentration gradient. Single-phase and single crystalline microcantilevers and micropillars of the NbCo 2 Laves phase with different compositions were cut in the diffusion layers by focused ion beam milling. The fracture toughness and the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) were measured by in-situ microcantilever bending tests and micropillar compression tests, respectively. The hardness, Young's modulus and CRSS are nearly constant within the extended composition range of the cubic C15 Laves phase, but clearly decrease when the composition approaches the boundaries of the homogeneity range where the C15 structure transforms to the off stoichiometric, hexagonal C36 and C14 structure on the Co-rich and Nb-rich, respectively. In contrast, microcantilever fracture tests do not show this effect but indicate that the fracture toughness is independent of crystal structure and chemical composition of the NbCo 2 Laves phase.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 517-527, October 15–18, 2024,
... in HiperFer 17Cr 5 and the intrinsically minimum amounts of C and N contents in a future HiperFerFG (Fusion Grade) variant greatly reduced activation by fast neutrons in a fusion reactor environment is obtainable. Furthermore, HiperFerFG comes with remarkably low Deuterium retention and good plasma sputtering...
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High-performance Ferritic (HiperFer) steels represent a promising materials innovation for next-generation thermal energy conversion systems, particularly in cyclically operating applications like concentrating solar thermal plants and heat storage power plants (Carnot batteries), where current market adoption is hindered by the lack of cost-effective, high-performance materials. HiperFer steels demonstrate superior fatigue resistance, creep strength, and corrosion resistance compared to conventional ferritic-martensitic 9-12 Cr steels and some austenitic stainless steels, making them potentially transformative for future energy technologies. This paper examines the microstructural mechanisms underlying HiperFer’s enhanced fatigue resistance in both short and long crack propagation, while also presenting current findings on salt corrosion properties and exploring potential alloying improvements for fusion reactor applications, highlighting the broad technical relevance of these innovative materials.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 99-110, October 15–18, 2024,
... of the dislocation interspacing, 8' , the precipitate interspacing, 9' and the sub-grain size B, and is expressed as: :$ g1T h = ]1T8' ` + ]1TB ` + & $ ]1T9' # ` (12) In addition to the intrinsic frictional resistance, the presence of precipitates, solute atoms and dislocations in the cell wall can contribute...
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This study investigates how temperature affects the plasticity and thermal creep behavior of 347H stainless steel under uniaxial tension. The research combined experimental testing with advanced computational modeling. Two types of experiments were conducted: uniaxial tensile tests at temperatures from 100°C to 750°C using strain rates of ~10⁻⁴ s⁻¹, and creep tests at temperatures between 600°C and 750°C under various stress levels. These experimental results were used to develop and validate a new integrated mechanistic model that can predict material behavior under any loading condition while accounting for both stress and temperature effects. The model was implemented using a polycrystalline microstructure simulation framework based on elasto-viscoplastic Fast Fourier Transform (EVPFFT). It incorporates three key deformation mechanisms: thermally activated dislocation glide, dislocation climb, and vacancy diffusional creep. The model accounts for internal stress distribution within single crystals and considers how precipitates and solute atoms (both interstitial and substitutional) affect dislocation movement. After validation against experimental data, the model was used to generate Ashby-Weertman deformation mechanism maps for 347H steel, providing new insights into how microstructure influences the activation of different creep mechanisms.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 766-783, October 15–18, 2024,
... crystallographic and exhibits necking, indicating an increase in ductility [13]. Non-crystallographic cracking can also be attributed to internal cracking at casting defects and rafting of ' [35]. Reducing Tmin of the TMF cycle to 100°C tends to exacerbate the oxidation-fatigue interaction process [26, 50, 51...
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Ni-base superalloys used for hot section hardware of gas turbine systems experience thermomechanical fatigue (TMF), creep, and environmental degradation. The blades and vanes of industrial gas turbines (IGTs) are made from superalloys that are either directionally-solidified (DS) or cast as single crystals (SX). Consequently, designing and evaluating these alloys is complex since life depends on the crystallographic orientation in addition to the complexities related to the thermomechanical cycling and the extent of hold times at elevated temperature. Comparisons between the more complex TMF tests and simpler isothermal low cycle fatigue (LCF) tests with hold times as cyclic test methods for qualifying alternative repair, rejuvenation, and heat-treatment procedures are discussed. Using the extensive set of DS and SX data gathered from the open literature, a probabilistic physics-guided neural network is developed and trained to estimate life considering the influence of crystallographic orientation, temperature, and several other cycling and loading parameters.