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finite element analysis
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1-20 of 57 Search Results for
finite element analysis
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 590-599, October 11–14, 2016,
... Abstract The piping stress and thermal displacement corresponding to different types of riser rigid support and hanger devices in different installation directions have been calculated by means of finite element analysis, to further analyze the impact on cracking of adjacent steam tee welds...
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The piping stress and thermal displacement corresponding to different types of riser rigid support and hanger devices in different installation directions have been calculated by means of finite element analysis, to further analyze the impact on cracking of adjacent steam tee welds exerted by the constraint effect of riser rigid hangers on angular displacement. It can be seen from the analysis that a riser rigid hanger has a constraint effect on angular displacement, and such a constraint effect, however, is weak and limited on the piping stress and thermal displacement, so the piping stress and supports and hangers are not the main reasons for the cracking of tee welds. In addition, the calculation results alert that for an axial limiting hanger of riser with a dynamic axial pipe clamp and rigid struts, its constraint effect on angular displacement has a significant impact on the piping stress and thermal displacement.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 535-545, October 21–24, 2019,
... propagation rate and the transition behavior were strongly influenced by the crystallographic orientations. To interpret these experimental results, crystal plasticity finite element analysis was carried out, taking account some critical factors such as elastic anisotropy, crystal orientations, 3-D geometry...
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In this study, fatigue crack propagation behavior at lower temperature in single crystal nickel-base superalloys was investigated experimentally and analytically. Four types of compact specimens with different combinations of crystal orientations in loading and crack propagation directions were prepared, and fatigue crack propagation tests were conducted at room temperature and 450°C. It was revealed in the experiments that the crack propagated in the shearing mode at room temperature, while the cracking mode transitioned from the opening to shearing mode at 450°C. Both the crack propagation rate and the transition behavior were strongly influenced by the crystallographic orientations. To interpret these experimental results, crystal plasticity finite element analysis was carried out, taking account some critical factors such as elastic anisotropy, crystal orientations, 3-D geometry of the crack plane and the activities of all 12 slip systems in the FCC crystal. A damage parameter based on the slip plane activities derived from the crystal plasticity analysis could successfully rationalize the effect of primary and secondary orientations on the crystallographic cracking, including the crack propagation paths and crack propagation rates under room temperature. The proposed damage parameter could also explain the transition from the opening to crystallographic cracking observed in the experiment under 450°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1048-1059, October 21–24, 2019,
... good creep ductility due to the absence of γ’ phase precipitates. A method to evaluate stress relaxation cracking susceptibility was developed by applying a three-point bending test using a specimen with a V-notch and finite element analysis (FEA), and it was shown that stress relaxation cracking...
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The susceptibilities of hot cracking and reheat cracking of A-USC candidate Ni-based alloys were evaluated relatively by Trans-Varestraint testing and Slow Strain Rate Tensile (SSRT) testing. In addition, semi-quantitative evaluation of the stress relaxation cracking susceptibility of Alloy 617 was conducted, because stress relaxation cracking in the heat affected zone (HAZ) has actually been reported for repair welds in Alloy 617 steam piping in European A-USC field-testing. Solidification cracking susceptibilities of Alloy 617 were the highest; followed by HR35, Alloy 740 and Alloy 141, which were all high; and then by HR6W and Alloy 263, which were relatively low. In addition, liquation cracking was observed in the HAZ of Alloy 617. The reheat cracking susceptibilities of Alloy 617, Alloy 263, Alloy 740 and Alloy 141 were somewhat higher than those of HR6W and HR35 which have good creep ductility due to the absence of γ’ phase precipitates. A method to evaluate stress relaxation cracking susceptibility was developed by applying a three-point bending test using a specimen with a V-notch and finite element analysis (FEA), and it was shown that stress relaxation cracking of aged Alloy 617 can be experimentally replicated. It was proposed that a larger magnitude of creep strain occurs via stress relaxation during the three-point bending test due to a higher yield strength caused by γ’ phase strengthening, and that low ductility due to grain boundary carbides promoted stress relaxation cracking. The critical creep strain curve of cracking can be created by means of the relationship between the initial strain and the creep strain during the three-point bending tests, which were calculated by FEA. Therefore, the critical conditions to cause cracking could be estimated from the stress relaxation cracking boundary from of the relationship between the initial strain and the creep strain during the three-point bending test.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 690-701, October 22–25, 2013,
... fraction rule as almost 110,000 h. Finite-element analysis was also conducted to assess the damage and remaining life, and the results were compared with the experimental results. creep damage creep rupture test creep-strength enhanced ferritic steel fine-grain heat-affected zone finite-element...
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Type IV damage was found at several ultra-supercritical (USC) plants that used creep-strength-enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steels in Japan, and the assessment of the remaining life of the CSEF steels is important for electric power companies. However, there has been little research on the remaining life of material that has actually served at a plant. In this study, the damage and remaining life of a Gr.91 welded elbow pipe that served for 54,000 h at a USC plant were investigated. First, microscopic observation and hardness testing were conducted on specimen cut from the welded joint; the results indicated that the damage to the elbow was more severe in the fine-grain heat-affected zone near the inner surface. Furthermore, creep rupture tests were performed using specimens cut from the welded joint of the elbow, and from these results, the remaining life was evaluated using the time fraction rule as almost 110,000 h. Finite-element analysis was also conducted to assess the damage and remaining life, and the results were compared with the experimental results.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 672-682, October 25–28, 2004,
... attemperator use being sufficient to initiate the crack. cold reheat steam line computational fluid dynamics crack initiation cyclic thermal shocks failure evaluation finite element analysis fracture mechanics test metallographic examination piping system stress concentration factor...
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Texas Genco requested Stress Engineering Services to assist in reviewing and assessing a failure that occurred in the cold reheat (CRH) steam line at the W.A. Parish Unit around 12:10 PM on July 15, 2003, resulting in a catastrophic failure scattering components within a 1,200-foot radius. Reliant Resources and Texas Genco conducted their own investigation involving metallographic examinations, fracture surface inspection, review of operating conditions at failure time, and studies related to the CRH line weld profile. Stress Engineering Services' efforts included computational fluid dynamics studies to address how attemperator droplet sizes might impact downstream piping system behavior, followed by mock-up testing and field monitoring using high-temperature strain gauges, accelerometers, and thermocouples. The field monitoring data, along with process data from Texas Genco, were used for finite element analyses calculating static stresses and transient stresses from attemperator cycling (thermal stresses) and line vibration (mechanical stresses). A consulting firm contracted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) performed a fracture mechanics evaluation of the line, though detailed results are not included. The work by Texas Genco, Stress Engineering Services, and EPRI points to the stress concentration factor associated with the internal weld profile near the failure as the primary cause, with the cyclic thermal shocks from frequent intermittent attemperator use being sufficient to initiate the crack.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1244-1255, October 22–25, 2013,
... analysis to determine a set of calibration curves for inferring strain at any given vertical displacement. Some creep strain data are also presented. creep strain displacement finite element analysis small punch creep test test specimens Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants...
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A prototype small punch test rig has been developed to extend the range of data output. Through the introduction of a probe, vertical displacements can be measured across a region of the specimen underside. This information provides much greater understanding of the specimen deformation. Having displacement data at a series of measurement points also facilitates the calculation of strains across the sample. The probe can also be used during a test to provide time dependent data from small punch creep tests. The measured displacement data have been used in conjunction with FE analysis to determine a set of calibration curves for inferring strain at any given vertical displacement. Some creep strain data are also presented.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1109-1122, October 21–24, 2019,
..., based on the results from local measurements of the precipitate phase fractions using image analysis and from elemental analysis using EDS. However the nanoindentation hardness measurements across the fusion line could not detect any ‘soft’ zone at the dissimilar weld interface. The effect of the minute...
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Components such as tubes, pipes and headers used in power generation plants are operated in a creep regime and have a finite life. During partial replacement, creep exhausted materials are often welded to virgin materials with superior properties. The aim of this study was to identify a suitable weld filler material to join creep aged X20CrMoV12-1 to a virgin P91 (X10CrMoVNbV9-1) steel. Two dissimilar joints were welded using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process for the root passes, and manual metal arc (MMA) welding for filling and capping. The X20 and the P91 fillers were selected for joining the pipes. The samples were further heat treated at 755°C to stress relief the samples. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the weld metals were evaluated. The average hardness of X20 weld metal (264 HV10) was higher than the hardness measurement of P91 weld metal (206 HV10). The difference in hardness was attributed to the high carbon content in X20 material. The characterisation results revealed that the use of either X20 or P91 weld filler for a butt weld of creep aged X20 and virgin P91 pipes material does not have a distinct effect on the creep life and creep crack propagation mechanism. Both weld fillers (X20 and P91) are deemed to be suitable because limited interdiffusion (<10 μm) of chromium and carbon at the dissimilar weld interface was observed across the fusion line. The presence of a carbon ‘denuded’ zone was limited to <10 μm in width, based on the results from local measurements of the precipitate phase fractions using image analysis and from elemental analysis using EDS. However the nanoindentation hardness measurements across the fusion line could not detect any ‘soft’ zone at the dissimilar weld interface. The effect of the minute denuded zone was also not evident when the samples were subjected to nanoindentation hardness testing, tensile mechanical testing, Small Punch Creep Test (SPCT) and cross weld uniaxial creep testing.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 544-555, October 11–14, 2016,
... that the predicted trend of creep damage has good agreement with the experimental results, but the predicted rupture time become longer than the experimental results of rupture time. creep damage test creep ductility degradation ferritic stainless steel finite element analysis heat affected zone notched...
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This study is concerned with the creep damage evaluation for the welded joint of modified 9Cr-1Mo steels. A finite element prediction method based on ductility exhaustion approach has been proposed. Degradation of creep ductility under multi-axial stress state has been formulated from the experimental results of notched bar specimens for the base metal and the fine-grained heat affected zone, and has been taken into the damage model. Creep test of welded joint specimen of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel has been conducted to confirm the accuracy of the damage evaluation method. It has been concluded that the predicted trend of creep damage has good agreement with the experimental results, but the predicted rupture time become longer than the experimental results of rupture time.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 603-619, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... are required for reliable integrity analyses and lifetime assessment procedures. Numerical Finite Element (FE) simulation using inelastic constitutive equations offers the possibility of “design by analysis” based on state of the art FE codes and user-defined advanced inelastic material laws. Furthermore...
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Advanced ultra-supercritical fossil plants operated at 700/725 °C and up to 350 bars are currently planned to be realized in the next decade. Due to the increase of the steam parameters and the use of new materials e.g. 9-11%Cr steels and nickel based alloys the design of highly loaded components is approaching more and more the classical design limits with regard to critical wall thickness and the related tolerable thermal gradients. To make full use of the strength potential of new boiler materials but also taking into account their specific stress-strain relaxation behavior, new methods are required for reliable integrity analyses and lifetime assessment procedures. Numerical Finite Element (FE) simulation using inelastic constitutive equations offers the possibility of “design by analysis” based on state of the art FE codes and user-defined advanced inelastic material laws. Furthermore material specific damage mechanisms must be considered in such assessments. With regard to component behavior beside aspects of multiaxial loading conditions must be considered as well as the behavior of materials and welded joints in the as-built state. Finally an outlook on the capabilities of new multi-scale approaches to describe material and component behavior will be given.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1206-1219, October 22–25, 2013,
...). Due to the yield strength being lower than the base material, a defect tolerant design concept was applied. A detailed linear-elastic 2D finite elemental analysis (FEA) at 4032 rmp was performed on the disk root (Figure 9). Figure 9. 2D Finite Elemental Analysis of Disk Root When evaluating...
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In today’s market place power generation plants throughout the world have been trying to reduce their operating costs by extending the service life of their critical machines such as steam turbines and gas turbines beyond the design life criteria. The key ingredient in plant life extension is remaining life assessment technology. This paper will outline remaining life procedures which will incorporate the defect tolerant design concepts applied to the various damage mechanisms such as creep, fatigue, creep-fatigue and stress corrosion cracking. Also other embrittlement mechanisms will also be discussed and how they will influence the life or operation of the component. Application of weld repairs to critical components such as rotors and steam chest casings will be highlighted and how defect tolerant design concept is applied for the repair procedure and the acceptance standard of the nondestructive testing applied. Also highlighted will be various destructive tests such as stress relaxation tests (SRT) which measures creep strength and constant displacement rate test (CDRT) which evaluates fracture resistance or notch ductility. Also shown will be actual life extension examples applied to steam turbine components and weld repairs. Utilization of computer software to calculate fatigue and creep fatigue crack growth will also be presented
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 632-643, October 11–14, 2016,
... in the analysis of the composite membrane wall configuration are considered to be conservative. This approach is also verified through a detailed Finite Element Analyses (FEA) of actual membrane wall configuration with temperature dependent properties and hot and cold side operating conditions. This approach...
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High temperature regions in the upper sections of the advanced ultrasupercritical (AUSC) boilers are exposed to temperatures higher than traditional supercritical (SC) boilers and require high strength materials. Use of modified 9-12% Cr materials such as T91 and T92, while meeting the strength requirements, are still under research stage for large-scale fabrication of the membrane walls for several reasons, such as required post weld heat treatment PWHT (ASME Code) or hardness limits on as-welded structures (European codes). The main objective of this paper is to explore alternate tubing materials that do not require a PWHT in the high temperature sections of the AUSC boiler membrane walls. Composite bimetallic tubing with high strength cladding, applied by weld overlay or co-extrusion that may meet the requirement of high operating temperature and high overall strength, is addressed through an alternate design criterion. Bimetallic tubes can replace the single metal tubes made from 9-12% Cr materials. The bimetallic tube is assumed to be fabricated from Grade 23 steel (base tubes) with Alloy 617 overlaid. The alternate design method is based on an iterative analytical solution for the through-wall heat transfer and stresses in a composite tube with temperatures and strength variations of both the materials considered in detail. A number of different analyses were performed using the proposed analytical approach, methodology verified through benchmark solutions and then applied to the membrane wall configurations.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1397-1406, October 22–25, 2013,
... of the previous work in this effort may be found in References 1 through 3. A short summary is provided in this paper. The main recent development was the full scale accelerated SCC cracking in boiling magnesium chloride (MgCl 2 ) experiment. In conjunction with experimentation, both 2D and 3D finite element (FEA...
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Current nondestructive examination (NDE) technology detection capabilities limit our ability to detect stress corrosion cracking (SCC) damage until it has progressed significantly. This work describes the continued development of an in-situ monitoring technique to detect and characterize mechanical damage caused by SCC, allowing the detection of the incipient stages of damage to components/piping. The application of this study is to prevent failures in the primary cooling loop piping in nuclear plants. The main benefit to the industry will be improved safety and component lifetime assessment with fewer inspections. The technique utilizes high resolution fiber optic strain gages mounted on the pipe outside diameter (OD). This technique has successfully detected changes in the residual stress profile caused by a crack propagating from the pipe inside diameter (ID). The gages have a resolution of < 1 με. It has been shown experimentally for different crack geometries that the gages can readily detect the changes of approximately 10-60 με caused on the OD of the pipe due to crack initiation on the ID. This paper focuses on the latest in the development of the technology. Details of the previous work in this effort may be found in References 1 through 3. A short summary is provided in this paper. The main recent development was the full scale accelerated SCC cracking in boiling magnesium chloride (MgCl 2 ) experiment. In conjunction with experimentation, both 2D and 3D finite element (FEA) models with thermal and mechanical analyses have been developed to simulate the changes in residual stresses in a welded pipe section as a SCC crack progresses.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 207-218, October 15–18, 2024,
... (A) and 0.25 mm lattice (B) after testing 213 Figure 13: Nominal stress vs strain plots for the 0.3 mm diameter lattice test piece with the strain measured by the Imetrum over different gauge length ranges Finite Element Modelling The Finite element analysis (FEA) software package Abaqus was used to model...
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At present there is no recognized standard test method that can be used for the measurement of the tensile properties of additively manufactured lattice structures. The aim of this work was to develop and validate a methodology that would enable this material property to be measured for these geometrically and microstructurally complex material structures. A novel test piece has been designed and trialed to enable lattice struts and substructures to be manufactured and tested in standard bench top universal testing machines and in small scale in-situ SEM loading jigs (not reported in this paper). In conjunction with the mechanical tests, a finite element (FEA) modelling approach has been used to help cross validate the methodology and results, and to enable larger lattice structures to be modelled with confidence. The specimen design and testing approach developed, is described and the results reviewed for AlSi10Mg.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1038-1046, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Finite element (FE) modeling has been applied to a stress relaxation cracking (SRC) test in order to evaluate the effects of changing sample geometry and material type. This SRC test uses compressive pre-straining to create a tensile residual stress in modified compact-tension...
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Finite element (FE) modeling has been applied to a stress relaxation cracking (SRC) test in order to evaluate the effects of changing sample geometry and material type. This SRC test uses compressive pre-straining to create a tensile residual stress in modified compact-tension specimens and has been used to test 316H stainless steel. The FE model is first used to verify that sample integrity will not be compromised by modifying the geometry. The FE model is then applied to candidate Advanced Ultra Supercritical nickel-base alloys 617, 740H, and 800. It is determined that this stress relaxation test will be appropriate for these alloys.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1322-1329, October 21–24, 2019,
... of that of a specimen with no defects. In addition, as a result of investigating the stress concentration around a defect with a depth ratio of about 5% by the finite element method, stress concentration was clearly observed around the defect. These results suggest that taking a miniature sample up to a depth of 5...
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The effect of taking miniature sample scoops on the creep life of ASME Grade 91 steel pipes was experimentally and analytically assessed in this work. Internal pressure tests were conducted on tubular specimens having defects on their outer surface, which simulate sampling scoops. The creep life did not decrease until the depth ratio of the defect to the wall thickness of the specimens was about 5%, and the creep life decreased with increasing defect depth when the depth ratio exceeded about 5%. When the depth ratio was about 11%, the creep life decreased to four-fifths of that of a specimen with no defects. In addition, as a result of investigating the stress concentration around a defect with a depth ratio of about 5% by the finite element method, stress concentration was clearly observed around the defect. These results suggest that taking a miniature sample up to a depth of 5% of the thickness of a Grade 91 steel pipe in service has a negligible effect on the creep life of the pipe.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 195-206, October 15–18, 2024,
...-jacketed specimens [17,18]. Numerical investigations on laboratory tests at MPA The experiments were in an extensive procedure numerically investigated by finite-element analysis using Abaqus. For this, rotationally symmetrical half models were created using CGAX8 elements. Their element formulation allows...
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In order to enable safe long-term operation, metallic pipes operated in the creep range at high temperatures require considerable wall thicknesses at significant operating pressures, such as those required in thermal power plants of all kinds or in the chemical industry. This paper presents a concept that makes it possible to design such pipes with thinner wall thicknesses. This is achieved by adding a jacket made of a ceramic matrix composite material to the pipe. The high creep resistance of the jacket makes it possible to considerably extend the service life of thin- walled pipes in the creep range. This is demonstrated in the present paper using hollow cylinder specimens. These specimens are not only investigated experimentally but also numerically and are further analyzed after failure. The investigations of the specimen show that the modeling approaches taken are feasible to describe the long-term behavior of the specimen sufficiently. Furthermore, the paper also demonstrates the possibility of applying the concept to pipeline components of real size in a power plant and shows that the used modeling approaches are also feasible to describe their long-term behavior.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 530-553, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... and life assessment methodology , Materials at High Temperatures, 15, pp 375-384. 14. T.H. Hyde, W. Sun and J.A. Williams, Creep analysis of pressurized circumferential pipe weldments a review J Strain Analysis, 38, 1, 2003. 15. W. Payten, Large scale multi-zone creep finite element modeling of a main...
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The paper describes methods for practical high temperature weldment life assessment, and their application to the analysis of notable high energy piping weldment failures and interpretation of cross-weld data. The methods described in the paper are simplified versions of full continuum damage mechanics (CDM) analysis techniques which have been developed over the last 20 years. The complexity of the CDM methods and their data requirements has been a barrier to their more widespread use. The need for simplified methods has been driven by the need for risk assessment of in-service high temperature welded piping and headers around the world, the need to connect cross-weld data to weld joint design and assessment, and in general, the need to develop suitable guidelines for evaluating the strength of weldments relative to that of base metal.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 600-611, October 15–18, 2024,
... movement, impeding its use in a compact system. Instead, an active feedback control loop utilizing a load cell and a stepper motor linear actuator is developed. Mechanical finite element analysis (FEA) and hand calculations are used to design the load frame such that the stresses are within the elastic...
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Miniature specimen tests are necessary to assess the mechanical properties of new fuel cladding alloys for next-generation nuclear reactors. The small specimen allows for extensive testing programs from limited volumes of material. However, there is a lack of testing equipment to perform high-temperature mechanical tests on the miniature specimen. This work presents the development of a high-temperature creep test system for miniature specimens with in situ scanning electron microscope (SEM) testing capability for real-time characterization. Here, we discuss the challenges of the development of the system, such as gripping the samples, loading, heating, cooling mechanisms, and strain measurement. The equipment is used to investigate the creep behavior of FeCrAl alloy Kanthal APMT, and the results are compared with conventional creep test data from the same batch of this material.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 984-993, October 15–18, 2024,
... distribution, GOS, KAM, and GB length density data for multiple regions across a FM-52 groove weld. 984 PROCEDURES The weld analyzed in this work and the SysWeldTM finite element analysis (FEA) model used were created for a previous work [6]. The weld is a GTAW narrow groove FM-52 weld fabricated in a FM-52...
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Ductility dip cracking (DDC) is known to occur in highly restrained welds and structural overlays made using high chromium (Cr) nickel (Ni) based filler metals in the nuclear power generation industry, resulting in costly repairs and reworks. Previous work explored the role of mechanical energy imposed by the thermo-mechanical cycle of multipass welding on DDC formation in a highly restrained Alloy 52 filler metal weld. It was hypothesized that imposed mechanical energy (IME) in the recrystallization temperature range would induce dynamic recrystallization (DRX), which is known to mitigate DDC formation. It was not shown however that IME in the recrystallization temperature range (IMERT) induced DRX. The objective of the work is to discern if a relationship between IMERT and DRX exists and quantify the amount of DRX observed in a filler metal 52 (FM-52) groove weld. DRX was analyzed and quantified using electron beam scattered diffraction (EBSD) generated inverse poll figures (IPF), grain surface area and grain aspect ratio distribution, grain orientation spread (GOS), kernel average misorientation (KAM), and grain boundary (GB) length density. From the analysis, GOS was determined to be an unsuitable criterion for quantifying DRX in multipass Ni-Cr fusion welds. Based on the observed criteria, higher IMERT regions correlate to smaller grain surface area, larger grain boundary density, and higher grain aspect ratio, which are all symptoms of DRX. High IMERT has a strong correlation with the symptoms DRX, but due to the lack of observable DRX, creating a threshold for DRX grain size, grain aspect ratio, and GB density is not possible. Future work will aim to optimize characterization criteria based on a Ni-Cr weld with large presence of DRX.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 400-406, October 11–14, 2016,
... T2 T1 S1 S2 S3 T91 SUPER304H® 1mm 1mm Figure 4: Finite element model. (a) whole model, (b) detail of welded part. Axial force 11322N 0 6min 6min Time (a) Temperature (b) Internal pressure (c) Axial force Figure 5: Temperature, internal pressure and axial force cycles applied in the FE-analysis. 403...
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Austenitic stainless steels have been used for boiler tubes in power plants. Since austenitic stainless steels are superior to ferritic steels in high temperature strength and steam oxidation resistance, austenitic stainless steel tubes are used in high temperature parts in boilers. Dissimilar welded joints of austenitic steel and ferritic steel are found in the transition regions between high and low temperature parts. In dissimilar welded parts, there is a large difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion between austenitic and ferritic steel, and thus, thermal stress and strain will occur when the temperature changes. Therefore, the dissimilar welded parts require high durability against the repetition of the thermal stresses. SUPER304H (18Cr-9Ni-3Cu-Nb-N) is an austenitic stainless steel that recently has been used for boiler tubes in power plants. In this study, thermal fatigue properties of a dissimilar welded part of SUPER304H were investigated by conducting thermal fatigue tests and finite element analyses. The test sample was a dissimilar welded tube of SUPER304H and T91 (9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb), which is a typical ferritic heat resistant boiler steel.