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creep cavitation
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1-20 of 44 Search Results for
creep cavitation
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 714-731, October 22–25, 2013,
... cavitation creep rupture strength creep strength enhanced ferritic steel creep test creep voids nucleation Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference October 22 25, 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
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As long term laboratory creep data became available the original estimates of the allowable stresses for creep strength enhanced ferritic steels (CSEF) had to be reduced. Thus, even in properly processed steel, the long term performance and creep rupture strength is below that originally predicted from a simple extrapolation of short term data. One of the microstructural degradation mechanisms responsible for the reduction in strength is the development of creep voids. Nucleation, growth and inter linkage of voids also result in a significant loss of creep ductility. Indeed, elongations to rupture of around 5% in 100,000 hours are now considered normal for long term creep tests on many CSEF steels. This relatively brittle behaviour, and the associated creep void development, promotes burst rather than leak type fracture in components. Moreover, the existence of significant densities of voids further complicates in-service assessment of condition and weld repair of these steels. The present paper examines background on the nucleation and development of creep voids in 9 to 12%Cr martensitic steels and discusses factors affecting brittle behavior.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 219-234, October 15–18, 2024,
... Abstract The current research adopts a novel approach by integrating correlative microscopy and machine learning in order to study creep cavitation in an ex-service 9%Cr 1%Mo Grade 91 ferritic steel. This method allows for a detailed investigation of the early stages of the creep life, enabling...
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The current research adopts a novel approach by integrating correlative microscopy and machine learning in order to study creep cavitation in an ex-service 9%Cr 1%Mo Grade 91 ferritic steel. This method allows for a detailed investigation of the early stages of the creep life, enabling identification of features most prone to damage such as precipitates and the ferritic crystal structure. The microscopy techniques encompass Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) imaging and Electron Back-scattered Diffraction (EBSD) imaging, providing insights into the two-dimensional distribution of cavitation. A methodology for acquiring and analysing serial sectioning data employing a Plasma Focused Ion Beam (PFIB) microscope is outlined, complemented by 3D reconstruction of backscattered electron (BSE) images. Subsequently, cavity and precipitate segmentation was performed with the use of the image recognition software, DragonFly and the results were combined with the 3D reconstruction of the material microstructure, elucidating the decoration of grain boundaries with precipitation, as well as the high correlation of precipitates and grain boundaries with the initiation of creep cavitation. Comparison between the 2D and 3D results is discussed.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 596-606, October 22–25, 2013,
... cavities near BN particles, suggesting preferential nucleation on these hard, irregular features. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that BN particles play a key role in cavity nucleation, impacting the long-term performance of P92 steel. ceramic particles creep cavitation creep damage...
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Contrary to expectations, long-term performance of creep stress enhanced ferritic steels (CSEF) falls short of predictions based on short-term data. This discrepancy is attributed to the formation and growth of creep voids, leading to reduced ductility. This study investigates cavities in creep-tested P92 steel, revealing an association with large ceramic particles (1-2 μm) in standard samples. Three distinct particle compositions were identified: boron nitride (BN), manganese sulfide, and γ-Al 2 O 3 . Statistical analysis showed a strong correlation between BN particles and cavity formation. Using a 3D “slice and view” technique with a focused ion beam/field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FIB-FEGSEM), the study revealed irregular shapes for both cavities and associated particles. Furthermore, analysis of the head-gauge transition area (lower stress exposure) showed small cavities near BN particles, suggesting preferential nucleation on these hard, irregular features. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that BN particles play a key role in cavity nucleation, impacting the long-term performance of P92 steel.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1320-1330, October 15–18, 2024,
...) technique, the highly gradient creep properties across the HAZ of Grade 91 steel was quantitatively measured. A physical creep cavitation constitutive model was proposed to investigate the local creep deformation and damage accumulation within the heterogeneous HAZ, which takes into account the nucleation...
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The localized creep failure in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of Grade 91 steel weldments has been identified as one of the most important factors causing significantly shortened service lifetime and structural integrity issues of welded components in advanced fossil and nuclear power plants. To conduct a reliable creep lifetime assessment, a new engineering assessment approach has been developed by incorporating the experimentally determined local properties of the heterogeneous HAZ. By creep testing a purposely simulated HAZ specimen with in situ digital image correlation (DIC) technique, the highly gradient creep properties across the HAZ of Grade 91 steel was quantitatively measured. A physical creep cavitation constitutive model was proposed to investigate the local creep deformation and damage accumulation within the heterogeneous HAZ, which takes into account the nucleation of creep cavities and their growth by both grain boundary diffusion and creep deformation. The relationship among the local material property, creep strain accumulation, and evolution characteristic of creep cavities was established. The approach was then utilized to investigate the creep response and subsequent life for an ex-service 9% Cr steel weldment by incorporating the effects of pre-existing damages which developed and accumulated during long-term services. The predicted results exhibited quantitative agreement with the DIC measurement in terms of both nominal/local creep deformation as well as the subsequent life under the test conditions at 650 and 80 MPa.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1195-1206, October 15–18, 2024,
... in the sample where these were present. In the absence of BN inclusions, the next most susceptible region to creep cavitation is the weld metal. This has an intrinsically high density of sub-micron sized spherical weld inclusions and this is where most of the creep damage was located, in all the renormalized...
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Creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steels have shown the potential for creep failure in the weld metal, heat affected zone (HAZ) or fusion line. Details for this behavior have been frequently linked to metallurgical risk factors present in each of these locations which may drive the evolution of damage and subsequent failure. This work is focused on three weld samples fabricated from a commercially sourced Grade 92 steel pipe section. These weld samples were extracted from the same welded section but were reported to exhibit failure in different time frames and failure locations (i.e., HAZ of parent, fusion-line, and weld metal). The only variables that contribute to this observed behavior are the post weld heat treatment (PWHT) cycle and the applied stress (all tests performed at 650 °C). In this work detailed microstructural analysis was undertaken to precisely define the locations of creep damage accumulation and relate them to microstructural features. As part of this an automated inclusion mapping process was developed to quantify the characteristics of the BN particles and other inclusions in the parent material of the samples. It was found that BN particles were only found in the sample that had been subjected to the subcritical PWHT, not those that had received a re-normalizing heat treatment. Such micron sized inclusions are a known potential nucleation site for creep cavities, and this is consistent with the observed failure location in the HAZ of the parent in the sample where these were present. In the absence of BN inclusions, the next most susceptible region to creep cavitation is the weld metal. This has an intrinsically high density of sub-micron sized spherical weld inclusions and this is where most of the creep damage was located, in all the renormalized samples.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 88-98, October 15–18, 2024,
... revealed extensive sub-surface creep cavitation. The low primary stress levels for these components are unlikely to cause creep damage, so detailed inelastic analysis was performed to understand the complex stress state that evolves in these components. This illustrates that fatigue cycles can cause...
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Thick-walled valves, steam chests, and casings suffer service damage from thermal stresses due to the significant through-thickness temperature gradients that occur during operating transients. Fatigue is the primary damage mechanism, but recent examination of turbine casings has revealed extensive sub-surface creep cavitation. The low primary stress levels for these components are unlikely to cause creep damage, so detailed inelastic analysis was performed to understand the complex stress state that evolves in these components. This illustrates that fatigue cycles can cause elevated stresses during steady operation that cause creep damage. This paper will explore a case study for a 1CrMoV turbine casing where the stress-strain history during operating transients will be related to damage in samples from the turbine casing. This will also highlight how service affects the mechanical properties of 1CrMoV, highlighting the need for service- exposed property data to perform mechanical integrity assessments. Finally, the consequences for repair of damage will be discussed, illustrating how analysis can guide volume of material for excavation and selection of weld filler metal to maximize the life of the repair. This, in turn, will identify opportunities for future weld repair research and material property data development.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1075-1086, October 15–18, 2024,
... of the welds ranging from approximately 85,000 to 150,000 hours. Cracking in all cases occurred by creep damage (cavitation and microcracking) in the partially transformed heat-affected zone (PTZ, aka Type IV zone) in the base metal adjacent to the welds. The location and morphology of the cracking...
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This paper presents three recent example cases of cracking in Grade 91 steel welds in longer-term service in high temperature steam piping systems: two girth butt welds and one trunnion attachment weld. All the cases were in larger diameter hot reheat piping, with the service exposure of the welds ranging from approximately 85,000 to 150,000 hours. Cracking in all cases occurred by creep damage (cavitation and microcracking) in the partially transformed heat-affected zone (PTZ, aka Type IV zone) in the base metal adjacent to the welds. The location and morphology of the cracking are presented for each case along with operating conditions and potential contributors to the cracking, such as system loading, base metal chemical composition, and base metal microstructure.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 74-89, October 11–14, 2016,
... the collected images into a single compiled image of selected magnification. In general, the series of images are overlapped by ~12 to 15% to ensure proper merging into a larger, compiled image. A 20X objective was utilized for the analysis of creep cavitation in the Grade 91 HAZ This magnitude of objective...
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Creep brittle behaviour in tempered martensitic, creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steels is linked to the formation of micro voids. Details of the number of voids formed, and the tendency for reductions in creep strain to fracture are different for the different CSEF steels. However, it appears that the susceptibility for void nucleation is related to the presence of trace elements and hard non-metallic inclusions in the base steel. A key factor in determining whether the inclusions present will nucleate voids is the particle size. Thus, only inclusions of a sufficient size (the critical inclusion size is directly linked to the creep stress) will act directly as nucleation sites. This paper compares results from traditional uniaxial laboratory creep testing with data obtained under multiaxial conditions. The need to understand and quantify how metallurgical and structural factors interact to influence creep damage and cracking is discussed and the significant benefits available through the use of high quality steel making and fabrication procedures are highlighted. Details of component behaviour are considered as part of well-engineered, Damage Tolerant, design methods.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 873-884, October 15–18, 2024,
..., that exhibit low creep damage tolerance possess extensive creep cavitation whereas high creep damage tolerance heats do not. Figure 1. Creep damage tolerance of two heats of grade 91 steel. While approaches for creep life assessment of low creep damage tolerance materials are available, and typically based...
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The time-dependent behavior of 9Cr creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steels has long fixated on the creep life recorded in uniaxial constant load creep tests. This focus is a consequence of the need to develop stress allowable values for use in the design by formulae approach of rules for new construction. The use of simple Design by Formula rules is justified in part by the assumption that the alloys used will invariably demonstrate high creep ductility. There appears to be little awareness regarding the implication(s) that creep ductility has on structural performance when mechanical or metallurgical notches (e.g., welds) are present in the component design or fabricated component. This reduced awareness regarding the role of ductility is largely because low alloy CrMo steels used for very many years typically were creep ductile. This paper focuses on the structural response from selected tests that have been commissioned or executed by EPRI over the last decade. The results of these tests demonstrate unambiguously the importance that creep ductility has on long-term, time-dependent behavior. The metallurgical findings from the selected tests are the focus of the Part II paper. The association of performance with notch geometry, weld strength, and other potential contributing factors will be highlighted with a primary objective of informing the reader of the variability, and heat-specific behavior that is observed among this class of alloys widely used in modern thermal fleet components and systems.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 473-482, October 15–18, 2024,
... failure. The picture of a failed friction stir welded ferritic sample along with cross-section of failed and as-welded sample is shown in Fig. 5(e). The creep failure was in the HAZ of the FSW. Figure 5(f) shows a weld cross-section of friction stir and fusion welds with the creep cavitation line denoted...
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The next generation of materials and assemblies designed to address challenges in power generation, such as molten salt or supercritical carbon dioxide thermal transfer systems, corrosion, creep/fatigue, and higher temperature operation, will likely be highly optimized for their specific performance requirements. This optimization often involves strict control over microstructure, including homogeneity, grain size, texture, and grain boundary phases, as well as precise alloy chemistry and homogeneity. These stringent requirements aim to meet the new demands for bulk mechanical performance and durability. Some advanced materials, like oxide-dispersion strengthened or high-entropy alloys, necessitate specialized synthesis, fabrication, or welding/joining processes. Traditional methods that involve melting and solidifying can compromise the optimized microstructure of these materials, making non-melting synthesis and fabrication methods preferable to preserve their advanced characteristics. This paper presents examples where solid-phase, high-shear processing has produced materials and semi-finished products with superior performance compared to those made using conventional methods. While traditional processing often relies on thermodynamics-driven processes, such as creating precipitate phases through prolonged heat treatment, high-shear processing offers kinetics-driven, non-equilibrium alternatives that can yield high-performance microstructures. Additionally, examples are provided that demonstrate the potential for more cost-effective manufacturing routes due to fewer steps or lower energy requirements. This paper highlights advances in high-shear extrusion processing, including friction extrusion and shear-assisted processing and extrusion, as well as developments in solid-phase welding techniques like friction stir welding for next-generation power plant materials.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 315-326, October 21–24, 2019,
... 315 system, which carries steam to the intermediate pressure (IP) turbine. Creep is a slow timedependent plastic deformation process that occurs when materials are subjected to both high temperatures and stresses. This time-dependent deformation process can cause creep cavitation damage to occur...
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The global electric power production is largely dependent on the operation of fossil-fired generation units. Many coal-fired units are exceeding 300,000 hours, which is beyond the expected design life. This has caused a continuous need to inspect steam touched components operating at high temperature and pressure. State-of-the-art coal and combined cycle gas units are specifying ever-greater amounts of the Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic (CSEF) steels such as Grade 91 or Grade 92. The martensitic 9%Cr CSEF steels were developed to provide greater strength than traditional low alloy power plant steels, such as Grades 11, 12 and 22. The enhanced strength allows for a reduction in overall wall thickness in new or replacement components. Extensive research in both service failures and laboratory testing has shown that time-dependent creep damage can develop differently in Grade 91 steel when compared to low alloy steels. Furthermore, the creep strength in Grade 91 can vary by more than a factor of 10 between different heats. This wide variation of creep strength has led to extensive research in understanding the damage mechanisms and progression of damage in this steel. In this study, large cross weld samples were fabricated from thick wall piping in Grade 91 steel using two different heats of material. One weld was fabricated in a ‘damage tolerant’ heat and another weld was fabricated in a ‘damage intolerant’ heat of material. The samples were subjected to a post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) at a temperature of 745°C (1375°F) for 1.50 hours. Hardness maps were collected on the cross-welds in the as-welded and PWHT condition for both weldments. Cross-weld creep test conditions were selected to develop accelerated damage representative of in-service behavior. The test samples were interrupted at multiple stages and nondestructively evaluated (NDE) with advanced phased-array ultrasonic techniques. Samples were developed to variable levels of damage (50% to 100% life fraction) in both weldments. Metallographic sections were extracted at specific locations to validate the NDE findings using light emitting diode, laser and scanning electron microscopy. This research is being used to help validate the level of damage that can be reliably detected using conventional and advanced NDE techniques.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 159-170, October 15–18, 2024,
... precipitates are consistent with Taller et al. [11] observation of precipitate and laves phase in the as-printed LPBF 718. Similar to what was observed in the annealed specimen, cracking took place at grain boundaries with the presence of creep cavitation voids. Very fine nano precipitates were observed, 10...
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The Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (AMMT) program is aiming at the accelerated incorporation of new materials and manufacturing technologies into nuclear-related systems. Complex Ni-based components fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) could enable operating temperatures at T > 700°C in aggressive environments such as molten salts or liquid metals. However, available mechanical properties data relevant to material qualification remains limited, in particular for Ni-based alloys routinely fabricated by LPBF such as IN718 (Ni- 19Cr-18Fe-5Nb-3Mo) and Haynes 282 (Ni-20Cr-10Co-8.5Mo-2.1Ti-1.5Al). Creep testing was conducted on LPBF 718 at 600°C and 650°C and on LPBF 282 at 750°C. finding that the creep strength of the two alloys was close to that of wrought counterparts. with lower ductility at rupture. Heat treatments were tailored to the LPBF-specific microstructure to achieve grain recrystallization and form strengthening γ' precipitates for LPBF 282 and γ' and γ" precipitates for LPBF 718. In-situ data generated during printing and ex-situ X-ray computed tomography (XCT) scans were used to correlate the creep properties of LPBF 282 to the material flaw distribution. In- situ data revealed that spatter particles are the potential causes for flaws formation in LPBF 282. with significant variation between rods based on their location on the build plate. XCT scans revealed the formation of a larger number of creep flaws after testing in the specimens with a higher initial flaw density. which led to a lower ductility for the specimen.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 693-704, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... as nuclei for cavitation were preferential sites for cavities. Reducing sulfide inclusions such as MnS content and lowering sulphur content to a lowest level can retard cavitational damage and improve creep properties. Many researchers have also proved that sulphur segregation to the particle/matrix...
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In this paper, the microstructural evolution of P92 steel were studied in the viewpoint of degradation mechanism based on the creep rupture experiment results obtained at elevated temperature by means of macroscopic, metallographic, electronic microscope, energy spectrum, XRD and TEM examination. The results show that the decrease of mechanical properties of P92 steel is mainly due to the change of microstructure and the transformation of carbides, and there is definite relationship between microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and life loss of P92 steel. The results are beneficial to the further study of mechanism of high temperature creep rupture strength and microstructural evolution of heat-resistant steel. It also has important instructive significance to quantitative identification of scientific selection of materials.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1313-1319, October 15–18, 2024,
... the effects induced by thermal expansion mismatch and material response under elevated temperature, we employed a physics-informed constitutive model. This model integrates high-temperature deformation mechanisms, creep cavitation damage, and temperature-dependent thermal expansion, elasticity, and plasticity...
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An innovative additively manufactured gradient composite transition joint (AM-GCTJ) has been designed to join dissimilar metals, to address the pressing issue of premature failure observed in conventional dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) when subjected to increased cyclic operating conditions of fossil fuel power plants. The transition design, guided by computational modeling, developed a gradient composite material distribution, facilitating a smooth transition in material volume fraction and physical properties between different alloys. This innovative design seeks to alleviate structural challenges arising from distinct material properties, including high thermal stress and potential cracking issues resulting from the thermal expansion mismatch typically observed in conventional DMWs. In this study, we investigated the creep properties of transition joints comprising Grade 91 steel and 304 stainless steel through a combination of simulations and creep testing experiments. The implementation of a gradient composite design in the plate transition joint resulted in a significant enhancement of creep resistance when compared to the baseline conventional DMW. For instance, the creep rupture life of the transition joint was improved by > 400% in a wide range of temperature and stress testing conditions. Meanwhile, the failure location shifted to the base material of Grade 91 steel. Such enhancement can be primarily attributed to the strong mechanical constraint facilitated by the gradient composite design, which effectively reduced the stresses on the less creep-resistant alloy in the transition zone. Beyond examining plate joints, it is crucial to assess the deformation response of tubular transition joints under pressure loading and transient temperature conditions to substantiate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the design. The simulation results affirm that the tubular transition joint demonstrates superior resistance compared to its counterpart DMW when subjected to multiaxial stresses in tubular structures. In addition, optimization of the transition joint’s geometry dimensions has been conducted to diminish the accumulated deformation and enhance the service life. Lastly, the scalability and potential of the innovative transition joints for large-diameter pipe applications are addressed.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 750-759, October 15–18, 2024,
.... Increasing 0 does not degrade creep performance until we reach a critical value of 3 above which the creep performance continues to degrade with increasing 0. Due to grain boundary cavitation, as the material creeps, damage keeps accumulating in all the grain boundaries. In this case, however, due to higher...
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Diffusion bonded compact heat exchangers have exceptionally high heat transfer efficiency and might significantly improve the performance and reduce the cost of supercritical carbon-dioxide Brayton cycle power plants using high temperature heat sources, like high temperature nuclear reactors and concentrating solar power plants. While these heat exchangers have an excellent service history for lower temperature applications, considerable uncertainty remains on the performance of diffusion bonded material operating in the creep regime. This paper describes a microstructural modeling framework to explore the plausible mechanisms that may explain the reduced creep ductility and strength of diffusion bonded material, compared to wrought material. The crystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM) is used to study factors affecting bond strength in polycrystals mimicking diffusion bonded microstructures. Additionally, the phase field method is also employed to simulate the grain growth and recrystallization at the bond line to model the bonding process and CPFEM is used to predict the resulting material performance to connect processing parameters to the expected creep life and ductility of the material, and to study potential means to improve the structural reliability of the material and the resulting components by optimizing the material processing parameters.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 230-241, October 22–25, 2013,
... the interdendritic regions (final region to solidify) had a large population of creep cavities and microcracks (b). This is consistent with more detailed ongoing research which shows cavitation initiates in the interdendritic regions having large areas denuded in gamma prime [14] which is similar to reported...
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Inconel alloy 740/740H (ASME Code Case 2702) is an age-hardenable nickel-based alloy designed for advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam boiler components (superheaters, reheaters, piping, etc.). In this work, creep testing, beyond 40,000 hours was conducted a series of alloy 740 heats of varying product form, chemistry, and grain size. Long-term creep-rupture strength was found to be weakly dependent on grain size. Analysis of the time-to-rupture data was conducted to ensure long-term strength projections and development of ASME stress allowables. Testing was also conducted on welded joints in alloy 740 with different filler metal and heat-treatment combinations. This analysis shows the current weld strength reduction factor of 30% (Weld Strength Factor of 0.70) mandated by ASME Code Case 2702 is appropriate for 740 filler metal but other options exist to improve strength. Based on these results, it was found that alloy 740 has the highest strength and temperature capability of all the potential A-USC alloys available today.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 960-972, October 22–25, 2013,
... impurities were detected at the grain boundary without carbides and the grain boundary with M6C showed the existence of sulfur while the M6C carbide extracted by replica itself had no sulfur. The SEM structure in Fig.2 also gives the creep cavitation behavior which is characterized as such as the cavities...
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In order to improve thermal efficiency of fossil-fired power plants through increasing steam temperature and pressure high strength martensitic 9-12%Cr steels have extensively been used, and some power plants have experienced creep failure in high temperature welds after several years operations. The creep failure and degradation in welds of longitudinally seam-welded Cr- Mo steel pipes and Cr-Mo steel tubes of dissimilar metal welded joint after long-term service are also well known. The creep degradation in welds initiates as creep cavity formation under the multi-axial stress conditions. For the safety use of high temperature welds in power plant components, the complete understanding of the creep degradation and establishment of creep life assessment for the welds is essential. In this paper creep degradation and initiation mechanism in welds of Cr-Mo steels and high strength martensitic 9-12%Cr steels are reviewed and compared. And also since the non-destructive creep life assessment techniques for the Type IV creep degradation and failure in high strength martensitic 9-12%Cr steel welds are not yet practically established and applied, a candidate way based on the hardness creep life model developed by the authors would be demonstrated as well as the investigation results on the creep cavity formation behavior in the welds. Additionally from the aspect of safety issues on welds design an experimental approach to consider the weld joint influence factors (WJIF) would also be presented based on the creep rupture data of the large size cross-weld specimens and component welds.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1190-1205, October 22–25, 2013,
... the thickness of these layers seemed to vary significantly for specimens tested under similar conditions but by different participants. These observations resemble those of Fournier et al. [10]. Creep damage, normally associated with grain and lath boundary cavitation, is not visible in any of the chemically...
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Creep-fatigue crack formation (endurance) and crack growth rate data are necessary inputs for assessing the structural integrity and for estimating the design life of high temperature components in power generation and aircraft engine industries. Ensuring consistency in the reported test data, as well as an understanding of the inherent scatter and its source in the data, are both necessary for assuring quality and limitations of the analyses that rely on the data. In 2008, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) under the umbrella of its subcommittees E08.05 on Cyclic Deformation and Crack Formation and E08.06 on Crack Growth, and the sponsorship of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) through its international experts’ working group on creep-fatigue embarked on the task of developing separate standard test methods for creep-fatigue crack formation and creep-fatigue crack growth. The first standard entitled, “E-2714-09: Standard Test Method for Creep-fatigue Testing” was developed in 2009 and was followed up with a round-robin consisting of 13 laboratories around the world for testing the newly developed standard. This paper discusses the results of this round-robin concluded in 2012 using the widely used P91 steel that led to the formulation of the Precision and Bias statement contained in the version of the ASTM standard E2714 that was successfully balloted in the year 2013.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 530-543, October 11–14, 2016,
... to 251. [7] McPherson, R. Compositional Effects on Reheat Cracking of Low-Alloy Ferritic Steels. Metals Forum 3 (3), 1980, pp. 175-186. [8] J. Parker. Creep Cavitation in Steels. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Materials Technology. ASM International: 2013, pp. 714...
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Grade 91 steel has been widely utilized in power plants over the last 20 years. Its specification worldwide has dramatically increased since the acceptance of Code Case 1943 for this material in 1983. Recent evaluation of a combination of ex-service Grade 91 steel components and virgin material has provided a unique opportunity to independently assess the performance of a combination of base metal and weldments. This approach has been grounded in the fundamental objective of linking metallurgical risk factors in Grade 91 steel to the cross-weld creep performance. Establishing critical risk factors in 9Cr steels is regarded as a key consideration in the integration of a meaningful life management strategy for these complex steels. The potential metallurgical risk factors in Grade 91 steel have been fundamentally divided into factors which affect strength, ductility or both. In this study, two heats of ex-service Grade 91 steel which exhibit dramatic differences in strength and ductility have been evaluated in the ex-service condition and re-heat treated to establish a relevant set of strength:ductility variables. This set of variables includes [strength:ductility]: low:low, medium:low, low:high and medium:high. The influence of these strength:ductility variables were investigated for feature type cross-weld creep tests to better evaluate the influence of the initial base material condition on cross-weld creep performance.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 969-983, October 15–18, 2024,
... Damage Mechanics and Micromechanisms. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fracture, 1984. pp. 3 to 30. [16] E. C. Galliopoulou. Creep Cavitation Imaging and Analysis in 9%Cr-1%Mo P91 Steels. ASM-EPRI 10th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair...
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The time-dependent behavior of 9Cr creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steels has long fixated on the creep life recorded in uniaxial constant load creep tests. This focus is a consequence of the need to develop stress allowable values for use in the design by formulae approach of rules for new construction. The use of these simple rules is justified in part by the assumption that the alloys used will invariably demonstrate high creep ductility. There appears to be little awareness regarding the implication(s) that creep ductility has on structural performance when mechanical or metallurgical notches (e.g., welds) are present in the component design or fabricated component. This reduced awareness regarding the role of ductility is largely because low alloy CrMo steels used for very many years typically were creep ductile. This paper focuses on the structural response from selected tests that have been commissioned or executed by EPRI over the last decade. The results of these tests demonstrate unambiguously the importance that creep ductility has on long-term, time-dependent behavior. This is the second part of a two-part paper; Part I reviewed the selected tests and discussed them from a mechanical perspective. The association of performance with specific microstructural features is briefly reviewed in this paper and the remaining gaps are highlighted for consideration among the international community.