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1-20 of 293 Search Results for
compositional dependence
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 213-223, October 11–14, 2016,
... and facilitate the design of Ni-base superalloys. compositional dependence gas turbine engines mechanical properties microstructure nickel-base superalloys niobium content phase precipitation phase stability physical properties Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants Proceedings...
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Modern polycrystalline Ni-base superalloys for advanced gas turbine engines have been a key component that has contributed to technological advances in propulsion and power generation. As advanced turbine engine designs are beginning to necessitate the use of materials with temperature and strength capabilities beyond those exhibited by existing materials, new alloying concepts are required to replace conventional Ni-base superalloys with conventional γ-γ’ microstructures. The phase stability of various high Nb content Ni-base superalloys exhibiting γ-γ’-δ -η microstructures have been the subject of a number of recent investigations due to their promising physical and mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Although high overall alloying levels of Nb, Ta and Ti are desirable for promoting high temperature strength in γ-γ’ Ni-base superalloys, excessive levels of these elements induce the formation of δ and η phases. The morphology, formation, and composition of precipitate phases in a number of experimental alloys spanning a broad range of compositions were explored to devise compositional relationships that can be used to predict the microstructural phase stability and facilitate the design of Ni-base superalloys.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1216-1227, October 15–18, 2024,
... under the same temperature and stress conditions, the creep life differs depending on the chemical composition, and the difference is particularly noticeable as the stress decreases. Low N/Al and High-high materials have a relatively short life under low stress conditions, whereas basic materials have...
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The effects of chemical composition and heat treatment on the creep properties of ASME Grade 91 type steel were experimentally investigated using materials whose chemical compositions and heat treatment conditions in the steel making process were completely controlled. Regarding chemical composition, only the Al, Cr, and Ni contents were systematically varied while keeping the contents of the other elements and heat treatment conditions constant. Regarding heat treatment, the normalizing and tempering temperatures were varied while keeping the contents of chemical components constant. The creep tests of materials were performed for approximately up to 50,000 h at 650°C. The creep strength of Grade 91 type steel decreased with increasing Al content under the test conditions of short-term to long-term range. On the other hand, the effect of Cr content on the creep life of Grade 91 type steel depended on the stress or time range, and the creep strength of the steel decreased at high Cr contents under test conditions of only the longterm range. No effect of Ni content on the creep life of the materials was observed in the test data obtained in this study. As creep tests are currently being conducted at 625°C and 60 MPa, which are conditions closer to the actual service conditions of main steam piping at ultra-super critical power plants, the creep deformation data at present indicate that the above trends hold true in the long-term range. Regarding the effect of heat treatment, the creep life of the materials tended to increase with increasing normalizing temperature or decreasing tempering temperature. The results obtained in this work indicate that within the scope of the material standards for Grade 91 type steel, the effect of chemical composition on creep life is greater than that of heat treatment.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 11-21, October 21–24, 2019,
... type to another. The sparse information available from literature indicates that the mechanical properties depend on the chemical composition and possibly also on the structure type of a particular Laves phase. However, both the dependence on composition and on crystal structure are still controversial...
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Laves phases are intermetallic phases well known for their excellent strength at high temperatures but also for their pronounced brittleness at low temperatures. Especially in high-alloyed steels, Laves phases were long time regarded as detrimental phases as they were found to embrittle the material. Perusing the more recent literature, it seems the negative opinion about the Laves phases has changed during the last years. It is reported that, if the precipitation morphology is properly controlled, transition metal-based Laves phases can act as effective strengthening phases in heat resistant steels without causing embrittlement. For a targeted materials development, the mechanical properties of pure Laves phases should be known. However, the basic knowledge and understanding of the mechanical behavior of Laves phases is very limited. Here we present an overview of experimental results obtained by micromechanical testing of single-crystalline NbCo 2 Laves phase samples with varying crystal structure, orientation, and composition. For this purpose, diffusion layers with concentration gradients covering the complete homogeneity ranges of the hexagonal C14, cubic C15 and hexagonal C36 NbCo 2 Laves phases were grown by the diffusion couple technique. The hardness and Young's modulus of NbCo 2 were probed by nanoindentation scans along the concentration gradient. Single-phase and single crystalline microcantilevers and micropillars of the NbCo 2 Laves phase with different compositions were cut in the diffusion layers by focused ion beam milling. The fracture toughness and the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) were measured by in-situ microcantilever bending tests and micropillar compression tests, respectively. The hardness, Young's modulus and CRSS are nearly constant within the extended composition range of the cubic C15 Laves phase, but clearly decrease when the composition approaches the boundaries of the homogeneity range where the C15 structure transforms to the off stoichiometric, hexagonal C36 and C14 structure on the Co-rich and Nb-rich, respectively. In contrast, microcantilever fracture tests do not show this effect but indicate that the fracture toughness is independent of crystal structure and chemical composition of the NbCo 2 Laves phase.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 632-643, October 11–14, 2016,
...) mechanical equilibrium, which were analyzed as two separate problems in this report. In addition to the complexity of analyzing the bimetallic composite tube with temperature dependent material properties, real membrane wall tubes have heat flux only on one side of the tubes (furnace side) and insulated...
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High temperature regions in the upper sections of the advanced ultrasupercritical (AUSC) boilers are exposed to temperatures higher than traditional supercritical (SC) boilers and require high strength materials. Use of modified 9-12% Cr materials such as T91 and T92, while meeting the strength requirements, are still under research stage for large-scale fabrication of the membrane walls for several reasons, such as required post weld heat treatment PWHT (ASME Code) or hardness limits on as-welded structures (European codes). The main objective of this paper is to explore alternate tubing materials that do not require a PWHT in the high temperature sections of the AUSC boiler membrane walls. Composite bimetallic tubing with high strength cladding, applied by weld overlay or co-extrusion that may meet the requirement of high operating temperature and high overall strength, is addressed through an alternate design criterion. Bimetallic tubes can replace the single metal tubes made from 9-12% Cr materials. The bimetallic tube is assumed to be fabricated from Grade 23 steel (base tubes) with Alloy 617 overlaid. The alternate design method is based on an iterative analytical solution for the through-wall heat transfer and stresses in a composite tube with temperatures and strength variations of both the materials considered in detail. A number of different analyses were performed using the proposed analytical approach, methodology verified through benchmark solutions and then applied to the membrane wall configurations.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1422-1431, October 22–25, 2013,
... Composition Dependence Figure 4 and Fig. 5 illustrate the effect of coal ash composition on average metal loss. Figure 4 shows the effect of Fe2O3 in synthetic ash on average metal loss at 750°C. In the case of ash A, containing Fe2O3, both Ni-based alloy and austenitic stainless showed a greater average...
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Six types of solution treated Ni-based alloy plates having a thickness of 25mm, namely Alloy 617, Alloy 263, Alloy 740, Alloy 141, HR6W (45Ni-23Cr-7W) and HR35 (50Ni-30Cr-4W-Ti) for advanced-USC boilers, were subjected to corrosion testing. In addition, three types of conventional ferritic and five types of conventional austenitic stainless tubes were also tested to compare their corrosion properties. Hot corrosion tests were conducted in order to assess the effects of temperature, material composition and coal ash composition on hot corrosion. The maximum average metal loss and the maximum corrosion rate were observed under 700°C test conditions. Cr content in the materials played an important role in the corrosion rate, with higher Cr content materials tending to show lower rates. However, Ni-based alloy materials showed slightly greater corrosion rates than those of stainless steels having equivalent Cr content in the over-700°C test condition. It was considered that rich Ni in the alloys easily reacted with sulfur, thus forming corrosion products having low melting points, such that corrosion was accelerated. The concentration of Fe 2 O 3 and NiO in the synthetic coal ash was also observed to affect the corrosion rate.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1363-1371, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Prediction of long-term creep strength is an important issue for industrial plants operated at elevated temperatures, although the creep strength of high Cr ferritic steels depends on their microstructural evolution during creep. The state of microstructure in metallic materials can...
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Prediction of long-term creep strength is an important issue for industrial plants operated at elevated temperatures, although the creep strength of high Cr ferritic steels depends on their microstructural evolution during creep. The state of microstructure in metallic materials can be expressed as numerical values based on a concept of system free energy. In this study, in order to evaluate long term creep strength of 9Cr ferritic steel containing B, change in the system free energy during creep of the steel is evaluated as the sum of chemical free energy, strain energy and surface energy, which are obtained by a series of experiments, i.e., chemical analysis using extracted residues, X-ray diffraction, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The system free energy decreases with creep time. Change in the energy is expressed quantitatively as a numerical formula using the rate constants which depend on applied stress. On the basis of these facts, long term creep strength of the steel can be evaluated at both 948K(675°C) and 973K(700 °C).
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 783-794, October 21–24, 2019,
... corrosion. The dew point curve depends on the composition of the fuel (C to H ratio), the amount of excess air, injected water and the level of impurities such as S, Na, K, Cl. Apart from fuel bound impurities, operational conditions such as surrounding environments (sand), filter clogging or just operation...
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Modern gas turbines are operated with fuels that are very clean and within the allowances permitted by fuel specifications. However, the fuels that are being considered contain vanadium, sulfur, sodium and calcium species that could significantly contribute to the degradation of components in hot gas flow path. The main potential risk of material degradation from these fuels is “hot corrosion” due to the contaminants listed above combined with alkali metal salts from ambient air. Depending on the temperature regime hot corrosion can damage both TBC coatings and bond coat/substrate materials. Deposit-induced or hot corrosion has been defined as “accelerated oxidation of materials at elevated temperatures induced by a thin film of fused salt deposit”. For the initiation of hot corrosion, deposition of the corrosive species, e.g. vanadates or sulfates, is necessary. In addition to the thermodynamic stability, the condensation of the corrosive species on the blade/vane material is necessary to first initiate and then propagate hot corrosion. Operating temperatures and pressures both influence the hot corrosion damage. The temperature ranges over which the hot corrosion occurs depend strongly on following three factors: deposit chemistry, gas constituents and metal alloy (or bond coating/thermal barrier coating) composition. This paper reports the activities involved in establishing modeling and simulation followed by testing/characterization methodologies in relevant environments to understand the degradation mechanisms essential to assess the localized risk for fuel flexible operation. An assessment of component operating conditions and gas compositions throughout the hot gas paths of the gas turbines, along with statistical materials performance evaluations of metal losses for particular materials and exposure conditions, are being combined to develop and validate life prediction methods to assess component integrity and deposition/oxidation/corrosion kinetics.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 839-849, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... to the results of a 10kh diffusion experiment at 700°C on a thick CVD-coated Grade 91 specimen. Table 1 compares the experimental data to the output of the Heckel model and the COSIM model with three different assumptions: (1) composition dependent diffusion rates, and composition independent diffusion rates...
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Diffusion aluminide coatings have been evaluated as a strategy for improving the oxidation resistance of austenitic and ferritic-martensitic (FM) steels, particularly in the presence of steam or water vapor. The objective was to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these coatings and quantify their performance and lifetime. Long-term diffusion and oxidation experiments were conducted to study the behavior of various model diffusion coatings and produce a better data set for lifetime predictions. The key findings are that (1) thin coatings (<50μm) with relatively low Al contents appear to be more effective because they avoid high thermal expansion intermetallic phases and have less strain energy to nucleate a crack; and (2) the low Al reservoir in a thin coating and the loss of Al due to interdiffusion are not problematic because the low service temperatures of FM steels (<600°C) and, for austenitic steels at higher temperatures, the phase boundary between the ferritic coating-austenitic substrate inhibits Al interdiffusion. Unresolved issues center on the effect of the coating on the mechanical properties of the substrate including the reaction of N in the alloy with Al.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 143-155, October 21–24, 2019,
... control can severely compromise the service behavior. This work discusses the impact of total deformation during the rolling process, and heat treatment parameters on time-independent and time-dependent properties for grade 91. For this study, two heats with similar chemical composition were produced...
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Modified 9Cr-1Mo alloy steel has been developed over the last few decades and has since gained wide acceptance in the boiler industry for the production of a variety of pressure-critical components, including tubing, piping and headers. The properties of creep-strength enhanced ferritic steels such as grade 91 are critically dependent on manufacturing parameters such as steelmaking, hot deformation, heat treatment and welding. Since the applications for which this material is used impose strict requirements in terms of resistance, corrosion, and creep behavior, poor process control can severely compromise the service behavior. This work discusses the impact of total deformation during the rolling process, and heat treatment parameters on time-independent and time-dependent properties for grade 91. For this study, two heats with similar chemical composition were produced with different reduction ratios: to which, several normalizing and tempering combinations were applied. For each combination, the microstructure was characterized, including evaluation of segregation by metallographic examination, and analysis of secondary phase precipitates by means of X-ray powder diffraction. Mechanical testing and creep testing were performed. A comparison of results is presented, and recommendations on the optimal process parameters are provided to ensure reliable performance of grade 91 material.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 762-772, October 25–28, 2004,
... mass loss coupons agree within a factor of 2. This good agreement was found to depend on the composition of the sensors, with the best results coming from more highly alloyed materials such as 316L stainless steel and poorer results from carbon steel sensors. Factors being considered to help explain...
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High-temperature corrosion occurs in different sections of energy production plants due to a number of factors: ash deposition, coal impurities, thermal gradients, and low NO x conditions, among others. High-temperature electrochemical corrosion rate (ECR) probes are rarely used at the present time, but if they were more fully understood, corrosion could become a process variable at the control of plant operators. Research is being conducted to understand the effects of probe composition, ash composition, environment chemistry, and measurement technique on the accuracy, response, and longevity of electrochemical corrosion rate probes. The primary goal is to understand when ECR probes accurately measure corrosion rates and when they are simply qualitative indicators of changes in the corrosion processes. Research to date has shown that ECR probe corrosion rates and corrosion rates from mass loss coupons agree within a factor of 2. This good agreement was found to depend on the composition of the sensors, with the best results coming from more highly alloyed materials such as 316L stainless steel and poorer results from carbon steel sensors. Factors being considered to help explain the good or poor agreement between mass loss and ECR probe corrosion rates are: values selected for the Stern-Geary constant, the effect of internal corrosion, and the presence of conductive corrosion scales and ash deposits.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 614-620, October 21–24, 2019,
... that in the electrodeposition process, addition of Ir to Pt-diffusion coating suppresses the formation of voids in the substrate but oxidation resistance of the coating is dependent on the quality of Pt-Ir films deposited, which is affected by substrate surface finishing and composition(7). To minimize this problem, a new...
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A paste, which contains Pt or Pt-xIr (x = 0-30 at%) alloy nano-powder was sprayed on some Ni-based single crystal superalloys. Then the annealing diffusion treatment at 1100 °C for 1 h in flowing Ar atmosphere was conducted to develop Pt and Pt-Ir diffusion coatings. Cyclic oxidation tests were carried out at 1150 °C in still air in order to investigate the thermal stability and oxidation behavior of the coatings and they were compared with electroplated diffusion coatings. It was found that Ir can retard the formation of voids in both the coatings and substrates. In addition, by replacing the electroplating method to the paste coating method, the crack problem due to the brittle feature of electroplated Pt-Ir coatings could be solved. Therefore, the Pt-Ir diffusion coating prepared by the paste- coating method is promising as the bond-coat material due to suppression of voids, cracks and stable Al 2 O 3 on the surface. The Pt-Ir paste diffusion coatings introduced above have several further advantages: they are easy to recoat, cause less damage to substrates, and offer comparable oxidation resistance. Thus, the method can be applicable to the remanufacturing of blades, which may extend the life of components. The future aspect of the paste coating will also be discussed.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 486-493, October 11–14, 2016,
... strongly depends on their microstructure, it is very important to estimate quantitatively the change in the microstructure with creep time. System free energy [3] is the total energy showing the state of microstructure in materials, including not only the energy based on chemical composition of each phase...
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In order to evaluate long term creep strength of modified 9Cr ferritic steels, the system free energy of creep ruptured specimens at both 650 and 700 °C is evaluated as the sum of chemical free energy, strain energy and surface energy, which are obtained by a series of experiments, i.e., chemical analysis using extracted residues, X-ray diffraction, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Change ratio of the system free energy and creep stress showed the relationship with one master curve irrespective of creep conditions, indicating that the steel ruptures when the applied stress exceeds a limited stress depending on the microstructural state expressed by the change ratio of system free energy. Furthermore, it was found that dominant factor of the change ratio was the chemical free energy change. On the basis of these results, long term creep strength of the steel was evaluated at 700 °C, for example, 19MPa at 700 °C after 10 5 h. It is concluded that long term creep strength of modified 9Cr ferritic steels can be predicted by the system free energy concept using the ruptured specimens with various creep conditions.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 304-309, October 11–14, 2016,
... is formed by reaction of the nickel in the alloy with SO3 in the combustion gas. The risk of fireside corrosion failures strongly depends on the composition of the fuel i.e. waste, biomass or coal and its conversion to form corrosive species like for example HCl, SO2 and H2S, as well as alkali salts...
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The article gives a brief overview of the newly developed austenitic material “Power Austenite”. The microstructure of the Power Austenite is characterized by grain boundary strengthening with boron stabilized M23(C,B)6 and secondary Nb(C,N) in combination with sigma phase and Nb(C,N) as the major grain strengthening precipitates. The material shows a significant creep strength at 700 °C (1292 °F) and 650 °C (1202 °F) as well as fireside corrosion resistance which makes it a possible candidate for 700 °C (1292 °F) power plants.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1441-1452, October 22–25, 2013,
... temperature and time is formulated and maximized. The model was found to predict the behavior of commercial austenitic creep resistant steels rather accurately. Using the alloy optimization scheme three new steel compositions are presented yielding optimal creep strength for various intended service times up...
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This work concerns a study into the design of creep resistant precipitation hardened austenitic steels for fossil fuel power plants using an integrated thermodynamics based model in combination with a genetic algorithm optimization routine. The key optimization parameter is the secondary stage creep strain at the intended service temperature and time, taking into account the coarsening rate of MX carbonitrides and its effect on the threshold stress for secondary creep. The creep stress to reach a maximal allowed creep strain (taken as 1%) at a given combination of service temperature and time is formulated and maximized. The model was found to predict the behavior of commercial austenitic creep resistant steels rather accurately. Using the alloy optimization scheme three new steel compositions are presented yielding optimal creep strength for various intended service times up to 105 hours. According to the evaluation parameter employed, the newly defined compositions will outperform existing precipitate strengthened austenitic creep resistant steels.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 516-529, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... by Vitkovice Steel, Czech Republic, was subjected to the two-stage heat treatment: 1060°C/1 h/air+750°C/2 h/air. Its chemical composition (in wt was 0.09 C, 0.56 Mn, 0.20 Si, 0.021 P, 0.009 S, 0.05 Cu, 0.46 Ni, 8.36 Cr, 0.86 Mo, 0.20 V, 0.06 Nb, 0.065 N and 0.007 Al. The P92 steel was produced by Nippon Steel...
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In this paper we tried to model the creep-strength degradation of selected advanced creep resistant steels which occurs under operating conditions. In order to accelerate some microstructure changes and thus to simulate degradation processes in long-term service, isothermal ageing at 650°C for 10 000 h was applied to P91, P92 and P23 steels in their as- received states. The tensile creep tests were performed at temperature 600°C in argon atmosphere on all steels both in the as-received state and after isothermal ageing, in an effort to obtain a more complete description of the role of microstructure stability in high temperature creep of these steels. Creep tests were followed by microstructure investigations by means of transmission and scanning electron microscopy and by the thermodynamic calculations. The applicability of the creep tests was verified by the theoretical modelling of the phase equilibrium at different temperatures. It is suggested that under restricted oxidation due to argon atmosphere microstructure instability is the main detrimental process in the long-term degradation of the creep rupture strength of these steels.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1169-1180, October 21–24, 2019,
... s be considered depending on the details of the processing. Furthermore, given that alloy CCA617 and its equivalent modifications have superior creep-rupture strength, at least under certain conditions, reported work must specify if a cited WSF is relative to the standard alloy 617 composition...
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This paper presents results and analyses from long-term creep-rupture testing of alloy CCA617 (also known as alloy 617B) in wrought and welded forms at temperatures and stresses relevant to power generation under advanced steam conditions. The refined controlled chemical composition of CCA617 resulted in increased creep-rupture strength compared to the conventional alloy 617 chemistry at applied stress levels of ~150 MPa and above. Long-term creep rupture testing of weldments (in one case, over 100,000 h) showed that their creep-rupture lives were dependent on the welding process. Gas-tungsten-arc and shielded metal-arc weldments of CCA617 performed nearly equivalent to standard alloy 617 base metals in creep, but there was some debit in creep-rupture resistance when compared to CCA617 base metal. Submerged arc welding produced weldments that were notably weaker than both versions of alloy 617 base metal under creep conditions, possibly due to lack of optimization of filler wire composition and flux.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 1313-1319, October 15–18, 2024,
... Abstract An innovative additively manufactured gradient composite transition joint (AM-GCTJ) has been designed to join dissimilar metals, to address the pressing issue of premature failure observed in conventional dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) when subjected to increased cyclic operating...
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An innovative additively manufactured gradient composite transition joint (AM-GCTJ) has been designed to join dissimilar metals, to address the pressing issue of premature failure observed in conventional dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) when subjected to increased cyclic operating conditions of fossil fuel power plants. The transition design, guided by computational modeling, developed a gradient composite material distribution, facilitating a smooth transition in material volume fraction and physical properties between different alloys. This innovative design seeks to alleviate structural challenges arising from distinct material properties, including high thermal stress and potential cracking issues resulting from the thermal expansion mismatch typically observed in conventional DMWs. In this study, we investigated the creep properties of transition joints comprising Grade 91 steel and 304 stainless steel through a combination of simulations and creep testing experiments. The implementation of a gradient composite design in the plate transition joint resulted in a significant enhancement of creep resistance when compared to the baseline conventional DMW. For instance, the creep rupture life of the transition joint was improved by > 400% in a wide range of temperature and stress testing conditions. Meanwhile, the failure location shifted to the base material of Grade 91 steel. Such enhancement can be primarily attributed to the strong mechanical constraint facilitated by the gradient composite design, which effectively reduced the stresses on the less creep-resistant alloy in the transition zone. Beyond examining plate joints, it is crucial to assess the deformation response of tubular transition joints under pressure loading and transient temperature conditions to substantiate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the design. The simulation results affirm that the tubular transition joint demonstrates superior resistance compared to its counterpart DMW when subjected to multiaxial stresses in tubular structures. In addition, optimization of the transition joint’s geometry dimensions has been conducted to diminish the accumulated deformation and enhance the service life. Lastly, the scalability and potential of the innovative transition joints for large-diameter pipe applications are addressed.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1418-1428, October 21–24, 2019,
... and Ni3Nb phases compete on the same constituent element of Nb and its supersaturation for precipitation. Thus, to independently control precipitation of TCP Fe2Nb Laves and GCP Ni3Nb phases with additional elements, understanding in alloying behavior and composition dependence of the additional elements...
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In the present study, the precipitation kinetics of topologically close-packed (TCP) Fe 2 Nb Laves and geometrically close-packed (GCP) Ni 3 Nb phases is studied quantitatively in experimental alloys with different Ta / Nb+Ta ratio, to clarify the mec4hanism of the Ta effect. The microstructure of alloys is changed from Widmanstätten structure to lamellar structure due to discontinuous precipitation, with increasing Ta / Nb+Ta. It is confirmed that Ta partitions into both Fe 2 Nb Laves and Ni 3 Nb phases. However, two phases stability is changed by added Ta content. Ta accelerates the formation kinetics of the precipitates at grain boundaries, as well as γ“-GCP phase within grain interiors, due to increased supersaturation by Ta addition. Besides, Ta retards the transformation kinetics of metastable γ“-Ni 3 Nb to stable the δ-Ni 3 Nb phase. The results indicate that Ta decreases the driving force for the transformation of the δ-GCP phase.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 814-820, October 15–18, 2024,
... could vary depending on the degree of microsegregation, which varies with casting conditions. Therefore, there is a need to explore low-cost solution heat treatment conditions, in another words, heat treatment at lower temperatures and shorter holding times, that can maintain the mechanical properties...
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To maximize the mechanical properties of Ni-base superalloys, solution heat treatment is essential to sufficiently homogenize the dendritic segregations formed during solidification. To investigate the homogenization behavior during solution heat treatment, a Ni-base single crystal superalloy, TMS-238, was heat treated under various conditions; temperatures ranging from 1573 to 1613 K for times ranging from 2 to 100 h. After solution heat treatment, the average concentrations of Re, an element that exhibits the highest degree of segregation, in dendrite core and inter-dendritic regions were analyzed. From these results, apparent diffusion constants, D app , were determined based on a proposed homogenization model. Obtained D app values were significantly smaller than the diffusion constant of Re in Ni, strongly suggesting that the apparent diffusion coefficients should be obtained experimentally when using the target alloy.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 762-770, October 21–24, 2019,
... and nitridation resistance. This study focuses on the microstructure and mechanical properties in the Cr-Si binary alloys with the Cr ss + Cr 3 Si two-phase structure. The Cr-16at.%Si alloy showed an eutectic microstructure and hypoeutectic alloys with the lower Si composition exhibited a combination...
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Cr-based alloys have potential as heat-resistant materials due to the higher melting point and lower density of Cr. Although oxidation and nitridation at high temperatures are one of the drawbacks of Cr and Cr-based alloys, addition of Si has been reported to enhance the oxidation and nitridation resistance. This study focuses on the microstructure and mechanical properties in the Cr-Si binary alloys with the Cr ss + Cr 3 Si two-phase structure. The Cr-16at.%Si alloy showed an eutectic microstructure and hypoeutectic alloys with the lower Si composition exhibited a combination of the primary Cr ss and the Cr ss /Cr 3 Si eutectic microstructure. Compression tests at elevated temperatures were conducted for the hypoeutectic and the eutectic alloys in vacuum environment. Among the investigated alloys, the Cr-13at.%Si hypoeutectic alloy including the Cr 3 Si phase of about 40% was found to show the highest 0.2% proof stress of 526 MPa at 1000 °C. Its specific strength is 78.1 Nm/g which is roughly twice as high as that of Ni-based Mar-M247 alloy. It was also confirmed that the 0.2% proof stress at 1000 °C depends on not only the volume fraction of the Cr 3 Si phase, but also the morphology of the Cr ss + Cr 3 Si two-phase microstructure.