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Inconel alloy 740H
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1-20 of 40 Search Results for
Inconel alloy 740H
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 215-229, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Inconel alloy 740H was specifically developed for use in coal-fired AUSC boilers. This alloy displays a unique combination of steam and coal-ash corrosion resistance, microstructure stability, creep strength and heavy section weldability. During the past two years Special Metals...
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Inconel alloy 740H was specifically developed for use in coal-fired AUSC boilers. This alloy displays a unique combination of steam and coal-ash corrosion resistance, microstructure stability, creep strength and heavy section weldability. During the past two years Special Metals and Wyman-Gordon have undertaken an intense effort to demonstrate their capability to manufacture full-size boiler components, characterize their properties and simulate field assembly welds. This work was performed according to the requirements of ASME Boiler Code Case 2702 that was recently issued. This paper covers manufacturing of tube and pipe products and property characterization including recent data on the effect of long time exposure on impact toughness of base and weld metal. New data will also be reported on coal ash corrosion of base metal and weld metal. An overview of welding studies focused on integrity of circumferential pipe joints and a discussion of remaining technical issues will be presented.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 265-275, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Inconel alloy 740H is designated for boiler sueprheater/reheater tubes and main steam/header pipes application of advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plant at operating temperatures above 750°C. Microstructure evolution and precipitates stability in the samples of alloy 740H...
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Inconel alloy 740H is designated for boiler sueprheater/reheater tubes and main steam/header pipes application of advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plant at operating temperatures above 750°C. Microstructure evolution and precipitates stability in the samples of alloy 740H after creep-rupture test at 750°C, 800°C and 850°C were characterized in this paper by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and chemical phase analysis in details. The phase compositions of alloy 740H were also calculated by thermodynamic calculation. The research results indicate that the microstructure of this alloy keeps good thermal stability during creep-rupture test at 750°C, 800°C and 850°C. The precipitates are MC, M 23 C 6 and γ′ during creep-rupture test. The temperature of creep test has an important effect on the growth rate of γ′ phase. No harmful and brittle σ phase was found and also no γ′ to η transformation happened during creep. Thermodynamic calculations reveal almost all the major phases and their stable temperatures, fractions and compositions in the alloy. The calculated results of phase compositions are consistent with the results of chemical phase analysis. In brief, except of coarsening of γ′, Inconel alloy 740H maintains the very good structure stability at temperatures between 750°C and 850°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1025-1037, October 22–25, 2013,
... current designs. Inconel alloy 740H (UNS N07740) is a new nickel- based alloy that serves as a candidate for steam header pipe and super-heater tubing in coal-fired boilers. Alloy 740H has been shown to be capable of withstanding the extreme operating conditions of an advanced ultra-super-critical (AUSC...
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The use of high-nickel superalloys has greatly increased among many industries. This is especially the case for advanced coal-fired boilers, where the latest high temperature designs will require materials capable of withstanding much higher operating temperatures and pressures than current designs. Inconel alloy 740H (UNS N07740) is a new nickel- based alloy that serves as a candidate for steam header pipe and super-heater tubing in coal-fired boilers. Alloy 740H has been shown to be capable of withstanding the extreme operating conditions of an advanced ultra-super-critical (AUSC) boiler, which is the latest boiler design, currently under development. As with all high nickel alloys, welding of alloy 740H can be very challenging, even to an experienced welder. Weldability challenges are compounded when considering that the alloy may be used in steam headers, where critical, thick-section and stub-to-header weld joints are present. This paper is intended to describe the proper procedures developed over years of study that will allow for ASME code quality welds in alloy 740H with matching composition filler metals.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 270-283, October 15–18, 2024,
.... Gen 3 CSP components are expected to require the use of heat-resistant nickel- based alloys due to the elevated operating temperatures in designs carrying molten salt or supercritical CO 2 . INCONEL alloy 740H (alloy 740H) was investigated as an alternative to UNS N06230 (alloy 230) as it possesses...
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To improve the economics of critical components, such as receivers and heat exchangers, for Generation 3 (Gen 3) concentrating solar power (CSP) plants, research was conducted to understand how manufacturing impacts the high-temperature performance of various tube production routes. Gen 3 CSP components are expected to require the use of heat-resistant nickel- based alloys due to the elevated operating temperatures in designs carrying molten salt or supercritical CO 2 . INCONEL alloy 740H (alloy 740H) was investigated as an alternative to UNS N06230 (alloy 230) as it possesses superior high-temperature creep strength which can lead to overall reductions in material cost. A key challenge is understanding how autogenous seam welding with and without re-drawing can be used to manufacture thin-wall tubing for CSP receivers and heat-exchangers to further reduce costs over traditional seamless production routes. Alloy 740H welded tube was successfully fabricated and re-drawn to several relevant tube sizes. Since traditional mechanical testing samples could not be removed from the thin-wall tubing, full-sized tubes were used for tensile, fatigue, and vessel testing (internally pressurized creep- rupture) which was critical to understanding the weld performance of the manufactured product forms. The generated vessel test data exhibited a creep strength reduction when compared to wrought product with no clear trend with temperature or test duration. It was found that redrawing the welded tubes improved the creep strength to approximately 82% of the wrought material performance and elevated temperature tensile and fatigue behavior exceeded 85% of the design minimums. Detailed, post-test characterization found that nano-sized carbides formed during the laser seam-welding process remained stable after multiple solution-annealing steps, which restricted grain growth, and impacted the time-dependent performance. This paper will focus on the time-dependent behavior of the examined welded and redrawn tubes, supporting metallographic evidence, and give perspective on future considerations for using alloy 740H in CSP components.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 101-124, October 11–14, 2016,
.... Siefert, editors ALLOY 740H DEVELOPMENT OF FITTINGS CAPABILITY FOR AUSC APPLICATIONS John J. deBarbadillo and Brian A. Baker Special Metals Corporation, Huntington, West Virginia, USA Stephen A. McCoy Special Metals Wiggin Ltd, Hereford, UK ABSTRACT INCONEL® alloy 740H® has been specified for tube...
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INCONEL alloy 740H has been specified for tube and pipe for the boiler and heat exchanger sections of AUSC and sCO 2 pilot plants currently designed or under construction. These systems also require fittings and complex formed components such as flanges, saddles, elbows, tees, wyes, reducers, valve parts, return bends, thin-wall cylinders and tube sheets. The initial evaluation of alloy 740H properties, leading to ASME Code Case 2702, was done on relatively small cross-section tube and plate. The production of fittings involves the use of a wide variety of hot or cold forming operations. These components may have complex geometric shapes and varying wall thickness. The utility industry supply chain for fittings is largely unfamiliar with the processing of age-hardened nickel-base alloys. Special Metals has begun to address this capability gap by conducting a series of trials in collaboration with selected fittings manufacturers. This paper describes recent experiences in first article manufacture of several components. The resulting microstructure and properties are compared to the published data for tubular products. It is concluded that it will be possible to manufacture most fittings with properties meeting ASME Code minima using commercial manufacturing equipment and methods providing process procedures appropriate for this class of alloy are followed. INCONEL and 740H are registered trademarks of Special Metals Corporation.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1132-1144, October 21–24, 2019,
...-strengthened alloys if thinner tube wall can be specified. To date, the only age-hardened alloy that has been approved for service in the time dependent temperature regime in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is INCONEL alloy 740H. Extensive evaluation of seamless tube, pipe, and forged fittings...
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Advanced power systems that operate at temperatures higher than about 650°C will require nickel-base alloys in critical areas for pressure containment. Age-hardened alloys offer an additional advantage of reduced volume of material compared with lower strength solid solution-strengthened alloys if thinner tube wall can be specified. To date, the only age-hardened alloy that has been approved for service in the time dependent temperature regime in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is INCONEL alloy 740H. Extensive evaluation of seamless tube, pipe, and forged fittings in welded construction, including implant test loops and pilot plants, has shown the alloy to be fit for service in the 650-800°C (1202-1472°F) temperature range. Since, nickel-base alloys are much more expensive than steel, manufacturing methods that reduce the cost of material for advanced power plants are of great interest. One process that has been extensively used for stainless steels and solution-strengthened nickel-base alloys is continuous seam welding. This process has rarely been applied to age-hardened alloys and never for use as tube in the creep-limited temperature regime. This paper presents the initial results of a study to develop alloy 740H welded tube, pipe and fittings and to generate data to support establishment of ASME code maximum stress allowables.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1038-1046, October 22–25, 2013,
... Supercritical nickel-base alloys 617, 740H, and 800. It is determined that this stress relaxation test will be appropriate for these alloys. INTRODUCTION INCONEL® Alloy 740H, a candidate superalloy for Advanced Ultra SuperCritical (AUSC) coalfired power plant construction, has recently been the subject...
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Finite element (FE) modeling has been applied to a stress relaxation cracking (SRC) test in order to evaluate the effects of changing sample geometry and material type. This SRC test uses compressive pre-straining to create a tensile residual stress in modified compact-tension specimens and has been used to test 316H stainless steel. The FE model is first used to verify that sample integrity will not be compromised by modifying the geometry. The FE model is then applied to candidate Advanced Ultra Supercritical nickel-base alloys 617, 740H, and 800. It is determined that this stress relaxation test will be appropriate for these alloys.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 1060-1068, October 21–24, 2019,
... corrosion resistance, such as Nimonic 263, alloy 617B and alloy 625, etc, are the promising candidate alloys in Europe, USA, Japan and China for boiler superheater/reheater tube or pipe, steam turbine rotor or casing, etc [5-7]. In particular, two newly-designed nickel-base superalloys, Inconel alloy 740H...
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A new nickel-base superalloy GH750 has been developed as boiler tube of advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) power plants at temperatures about and above 750°C in China. This paper researched the weld solidification of GH750 filler metal, microstructure development and property of GH750 welded joint by gas tungsten arc weld. Liquid fraction and liquid composition variation under non-equilibrium state were calculated by thermo-dynamic calculation. The weld microstructure and the composition in the dendrite core and interdendritic region were analyzed by SEM(EDX) in detail. The investigated results show that there is an obvious segregation of precipitation-strengthening elements during the weld solidification. Titanium and Niobium are the major segregation elements and segregates in the interdendritic region. It was found that the changing tendency of the elements’ segregation distribution during the solidification of GH750 deposit metal is agree with the thermodynamic calculation results. Till to 3,000hrs’ long exposure at 750°C and 800°C, in comparison with the region of dendrite core of solidification microstructure, not only the coarsening and the accumulation of γʹ particles are remarkable in the interdendritic region, but also the small quantity of the blocky and needle like η phases from. The preliminary experimental results indicate that the weakening effect of creep-rupture property of the welded joint is not serious compared with GH750 itself.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 276-280, October 22–25, 2013,
... boilers bending test deformability Inconel alloy 740H post weld heat treatment weldability welding Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference October 22 25, 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
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Delivered condition of Inconel740H specified in ASME Code Case 2702 is solution heat treated and aged condition, fabricating performances are also based on the condition, and a re-annealing and aging shall be performed if cold forming to strains is over 5%. These almost harsh requirements bring great inconvenience for its engineering practice and utilization. The comparative bending tests on 740H tubes in solution heat treated + aged condition and solution heat treated condition were performed, and the rules’ reasonability of the specification on delivered condition was discussed and analyzed from point view of deformability and weldability in the paper. The bending test results showed that tube bent was difficult because of its high strength and limited deforming capacity in solution heat treated + aged condition. Therefore, the material supplied in the solution condition may be better from fabricating points. Whether re-solution for the bent tube is performed after bending depends on its bending radius, followed by welding and post weld heat treatment of component (this treatment can also be the aging treatment for annealed sector at the same time), this treating manner can meet regulatory requirements. For solution tubes, however, there are some inconveniences to its engineering application because fewer research studies were carried out on its properties up to now, and no regulations on them were given for the material in the specification. Suggestions are: 1) deeply investigating the properties of tubes in solution condition, including mechanical and fabricating performances, 2) adding the mechanical properties, maximum allowable cold forming to stain without performing re-solution and weld strength reduction factor of solution material to the code case.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 131-142, October 22–25, 2013,
... difference in creep-rupture results between Inconel 740 and Inconel 740H was found although the latter alloy showed significantly greater resistance to η phase formation during testing. Little effect of prior aging treatments (for setting the γ′ precipitate structure) on creep-rupture behavior was observed...
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To achieve the necessary creep-rupture lifetimes at the temperatures and pressures associated with advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam conditions (100,000 h at 100 MPa and 760°C), precipitation-strengthened nickel-based alloys are required for the superheater and reheater tubing in A-USC boilers. Two alloys were considered to have potential for this application: Inconel 740 and Haynes 282 alloy. In support of this application, creep-rupture testing of several heats of Inconel 740 was conducted over a range of temperatures and stresses to develop confidence in qualitatively predicting creep lifetimes under conditions relevant to A-USC steam conditions, with the longest rupture times exceeding 30,000 h. For comparison, the creep-rupture behavior of Haynes 282 alloy was mapped as a function of temperature and stress, but with a significantly smaller dataset. Only a small difference in creep-rupture results between Inconel 740 and Inconel 740H was found although the latter alloy showed significantly greater resistance to η phase formation during testing. Little effect of prior aging treatments (for setting the γ′ precipitate structure) on creep-rupture behavior was observed. Results from a modified power law analysis showed that, while both Inconel 740 and Haynes 282 are projected to meet the A-USC lifetime requirements, the latter offered the potential for better long-term creep resistance.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 161-168, October 11–14, 2016,
... Abstract INCONEL 740H has been developed by Special Metals for use in Advanced Ultra Super Critical (A-USC) coal fired boilers. Its creep strength performance is currently amongst the ‘best in class’ of nickel based alloys, to meet the challenge of operating in typical A-USC steam temperatures...
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INCONEL 740H has been developed by Special Metals for use in Advanced Ultra Super Critical (A-USC) coal fired boilers. Its creep strength performance is currently amongst the ‘best in class’ of nickel based alloys, to meet the challenge of operating in typical A-USC steam temperatures of 700°C at 35 MPa pressure. Whilst the prime physical property of interest for INCONEL 740H has been creep strength, it exhibits other physical properties worthy of consideration in other applications. It has a thermal expansion co-efficient that lies between typical values for Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic (CSEF) steels and austenitic stainless steels. This paper describes the validation work in support of the fabrication of a pipe transition joint that uses INCONEL 740H pipe, produced in accordance with ASME Boiler Code Case 2702, as a transition material to join P92 pipe to a 316H stainless steel header. The paper gives details of the material selection process, joint design and the verification process used for the joint.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 448-459, October 21–24, 2019,
... and microstructure evolution resulting from two different heat treatment were focused and systematically studied in this work. MATERIALS AND METHODS The investigated Inconel 740H alloy was manufactured by Special Metals Corporation, having dimensions of 8.071 ID (205 mm) × 2.854 minimum wall (72.5 mm...
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Inconel 740H is one of the most promising candidate Ni-base superalloys for the main steam pipe of 700 °C advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) coal-fired power plants. After processing and welding in manufacturing plant in solution-annealed state, large components was commonly suggested to have an extra aging treatment at 800 °C for 16 h, in order to obtain homogeneous γ′ precipitates. In this present work, creep tests and microstructure analyses were conducted on Inconel 740H pipe specimens under two different heat treatments to verify the necessity of aging process. Here we show that aging treatment has limited effect on the creep rupture life of Inconel 740H pipe. Both in grain interiors and along grain boundaries, crept specimens under two different heat treatments have the same precipitates. But the shape and distribution of γ′ in solution annealed sample is not as regular as the aged ones. Our results provide the underlying insight that aging treatment is not so necessary for the straight pipes if the on-site condition was hard to control. But for both groups of specimens, a small amount of h particles and some banded like M 23 C 6 were emerged during creep, which would be harmful to mechanical properties for the long run.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2010, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Sixth International Conference, 1045-1066, August 31–September 3, 2010,
... B INCONEL® Alloy 740 Nominal Spec. [8] 0.030 Bal. 25.0 0.50 20.0 0.9 1.8 2.0 0.30 0.70 0.50 INCONEL® Alloy 740 Production Heat 0.029 Bal. 24.4 0.50 19.9 1.0 1.8 2.0 0.26 0.45 0.53 0.0043 INCONEL® Alloy 740H, 740H Filler Metal 0.030 Bal. 24.4 0.50 19.8 1.35 1.35 1.5 0.26 1.0 0.20 0.0007 (Modified...
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Inconel alloy 740 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium-cobalt alloy with niobium, derived from Nimonic 263, and is considered a prime candidate for the demanding conditions of advanced ultrasupercritical boilers. It offers an exceptional combination of stress rupture strength and corrosion resistance under steam conditions of 760°C (1400°F) and 34.5 MPa (5000 psi), surpassing other candidate alloys. Initially, Inconel alloy 740 was prone to liquation cracking in sections thicker than 12.7 mm (0.50 in), but this issue has been resolved through modifications in the chemical composition of both the base and weld metals. Current concerns focus on the weld strength reduction factor for direct-age weldments. This has led to further development in welding Inconel alloy 740 using Haynes 282, which has higher creep strength and may mitigate the weld strength reduction factor. This study details successful efforts to eliminate liquation cracking and compares the properties of Inconel alloy 740 and Haynes 282 filler materials using the gas tungsten arc welding process.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 149-160, October 11–14, 2016,
... Abstract Creep-fatigue lives of nickel-based Alloy 617 and Alloy 740H were investigated to evaluate their applicability to advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) power plants. Strain controlled push-pull creep-fatigue tests were performed using solid bar specimen under triangular and trapezoidal...
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Creep-fatigue lives of nickel-based Alloy 617 and Alloy 740H were investigated to evaluate their applicability to advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) power plants. Strain controlled push-pull creep-fatigue tests were performed using solid bar specimen under triangular and trapezoidal waveforms at 700°C. The number of cycles to failure was experimentally obtained for both alloys and the applicability of three representative life prediction methods was studied.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 580-591, October 21–24, 2019,
... of mechanical and microstructure characterization, weld evaluation, environmental effect studies, etc. In this work, we present results from these activities on two promising Ni-based alloys and their weldments for A-USC applications, i.e., Haynes 282 and Inconel 740H. Detailed results include microhardness...
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The harsh operating conditions of Advanced Ultra-Supercritical (A-USC) power plants, i.e., steam operation conditions up to 760°C (1400°F)/35 MPa (5000 psi), require the use of Ni-based alloys with high temperature performance. Currently, the U.S. Department of Energy Fossil Energy program together with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Energy Industries of Ohio (EIO) is pursuing a Component Test (Comets) project to address material- and manufacturing-related issues for A-USC applications. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is supporting this project in the areas of mechanical and microstructure characterization, weld evaluation, environmental effect studies, etc. In this work, we present results from these activities on two promising Ni-based alloys and their weldments for A-USC applications, i.e., Haynes 282 and Inconel 740H. Detailed results include microhardness, tensile, air and environmental creep, low cycle fatigue, creep-fatigue, environmental high cycle fatigue, and supporting microstructural characterization.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2024, Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference, 699-711, October 15–18, 2024,
..., solidification cracking resistance, and strain-age cracking resistance compared three common commercial nickel superalloys, Nimonic® 263, Waspaloy, and Inconel® 740H (Table 1). The MOBO scores for the commercial alloys were lower suggesting inferior combinations of strength, weldability, and cost. Waspaloy...
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Advanced power generation systems, including advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam and supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO 2 ) plants operating above 700°C, are crucial for reducing carbon dioxide emissions through improved efficiency. While nickel superalloys meet these extreme operating conditions, their high cost and poor weldability present significant challenges. This study employs integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) strategies, combining computational thermodynamics and kinetics with multi-objective Bayesian optimization (MOBO), to develop improved nickel superalloy compositions. The novel approach focuses on utilizing Ni 3 Ti (η) phase strengthening instead of conventional Ni 3 (Ti,Al) (γ’) strengthening to enhance weldability and reduce costs while maintaining high-temperature creep strength. Three optimized compositions were produced and experimentally evaluated through casting, forging, and rolling processes, with their microstructures and mechanical properties compared to industry standards Nimonic 263, Waspaloy, and 740H. Weldability assessment included solidification cracking and stress relaxation cracking tests, while hot hardness measurements provided strength screening. The study evaluates both the effectiveness of the ICME design methodology and the practical potential of these cost-effective η-phase strengthened alloys as replacements for traditional nickel superalloys in advanced energy applications.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 41-52, October 22–25, 2013,
... need coatings in some (CC2328) environments and shot-peening for oxidation resistance [14] (only for tubing) HR6W SH/RH, Did not meet strength projections [15] (stopped research, new Pipe chemistry now available) *SH/RH: Superheater and Reheater Tubing Alloy Haynes 230 CCA617 Alloy 263 Inconel 740/740H...
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The United States Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and the Ohio Coal Development Office (OCDO) have been the primary supporters of a U.S. effort to develop the materials technology necessary to build and operate an advanced-ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam boiler and turbine with steam temperatures up to 760°C (1400°F). The program is made-up of two consortia representing the U.S. boiler and steam turbine manufacturers (Alstom, Babcock & Wilcox, Foster Wheeler, Riley Power, and GE Energy) and national laboratories (Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the National Energy Technology Laboratory) led by the Energy Industries of Ohio with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) serving as the program technical lead. Over 10 years, the program has conducted extensive laboratory testing, shop fabrication studies, field corrosion tests, and design studies. Based on the successful development and deployment of materials as part of this program, the Coal Utilization Research Council (CURC) and EPRI roadmap has identified the need for further development of A-USC technology as the cornerstone of a host of fossil energy systems and CO 2 reduction strategies. This paper will present some of the key consortium successes and ongoing materials research in light of the next steps being developed to realize A-USC technology in the U.S. Key results include ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code acceptance of Inconel 740/740H (CC2702), the operation of the world’s first 760°C (1400°F) steam corrosion test loop, and significant strides in turbine casting and forging activities. An example of how utilization of materials designed for 760°C (1400°F) can have advantages at 700°C (1300°F) will also be highlighted.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 242-253, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract High temperature strength of a nickel-based superalloy, Alloy 740H, was investigated to evaluate its applicability to advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) power plants. A series of tensile, creep and fatigue tests were performed at 700°C, and the high temperature mechanical properties...
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High temperature strength of a nickel-based superalloy, Alloy 740H, was investigated to evaluate its applicability to advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) power plants. A series of tensile, creep and fatigue tests were performed at 700°C, and the high temperature mechanical properties of Alloy 740H was compared with those of other candidate materials such as Alloy 617 and Alloy 263. Although the effect of the strain rate on the 0.2% proof stress was negligible, the ultimate tensile strength and the rupture elongation significantly decreased with decreasing strain rate, and the transgranular fracture at higher strain rate changed to intergranular fracture at lower strain rate. The time to creep rupture of Alloy 740H was longer than those of Alloy 617 and Alloy 263. The fatigue limit of Alloy 740H was about half of the ultimate tensile strength. Further, Alloy 740H showed greater fatigue strength than Alloy 617 and Alloy 263, especially at low strain range.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 491-503, October 22–25, 2013,
... are also stronger than traditional solid solution strengthened nickel alloys, with lower ductility, and so the expectation is that weld repair and fabrication in heavy section will be far more challenging. Alloy 263, Inconel® 740H and Haynes® 282® have been investigated as part of the European NextGen...
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The drive for reduced carbon dioxide emissions and improved efficiency in coal fire power plant has led to much work being carried out around the world with regards to material development to enable 700+°C steam temperature operation. At these elevated temperatures and pressures steels just don’t have enough strength, and typically have a temperature limit of around 620°C (possibly up to 650°C in the near future) in the HP environment. Therefore, material development has focused on nickel alloys. European programs such as AD700, COMTES, European 50+ and more recently, NextGen Power and Macplus, have investigated the use of nickel alloys in the steam turbine. Large castings have an important role within the steam turbine, because valves bodies and turbine casings are nearly always produced from a cast component. The geometry of these components is often complex, and therefore, the advantage of using castings for such items is that near net shapes can be produced with minimal machining. This is important, as nickel alloys are expensive, and machining is difficult, so castings offer an attractive cost benefit. Cast shapes can be more efficiently designed with regards to stress management. For example, contouring of fillet regions can help to reduce stress concentrations leads to reduced plant maintenance and casting complex shapes reduces the number of onsite fabrication welds to inspect during outage regimes.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 230-241, October 22–25, 2013,
... Abstract Inconel alloy 740/740H (ASME Code Case 2702) is an age-hardenable nickel-based alloy designed for advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam boiler components (superheaters, reheaters, piping, etc.). In this work, creep testing, beyond 40,000 hours was conducted a series of alloy 740...
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Inconel alloy 740/740H (ASME Code Case 2702) is an age-hardenable nickel-based alloy designed for advanced ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam boiler components (superheaters, reheaters, piping, etc.). In this work, creep testing, beyond 40,000 hours was conducted a series of alloy 740 heats of varying product form, chemistry, and grain size. Long-term creep-rupture strength was found to be weakly dependent on grain size. Analysis of the time-to-rupture data was conducted to ensure long-term strength projections and development of ASME stress allowables. Testing was also conducted on welded joints in alloy 740 with different filler metal and heat-treatment combinations. This analysis shows the current weld strength reduction factor of 30% (Weld Strength Factor of 0.70) mandated by ASME Code Case 2702 is appropriate for 740 filler metal but other options exist to improve strength. Based on these results, it was found that alloy 740 has the highest strength and temperature capability of all the potential A-USC alloys available today.