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Corrosion testing
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Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2019, 2019 Joint EPRI – 123HiMAT International Conference on Advances in High-Temperature Materials, 488-495, October 21–24, 2019,
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This study aims to examine the effects of grain boundary oxidation and creep on crack initiation and fracture behaviors in cold worked surface layer, under static tensile stresses in air. To determine these effects in relation to percent cold work and hardness scale, cold-rolled plates with a reduction ratios between 10% and 50% were prepared. Uniaxial constant load (UCL) tests were conducted at elevated temperature in air using smooth round bar specimen. UCL tests with a load of 0.9σy (926MPa) at 550°C show that rupture time for all cold- rolled materials were shorter than that of as-received material. From cross-sectional observation after UCL testing, surface crack at grain boundary and voids were observed in as-received material, whereas creep cracks were also observed in cold-rolled materials. This implied that crack initiation was assisted by cold working. Comparing test results with a load reduced to 0.8σy (823MPa), difference of rupture time was expected as a factor of 5 for as-received material, and measured as 2-3 for cold-rolled materials. It was suggested that cold worked layer was more sensitive to creep than base metal.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2016, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Eighth International Conference, 1138-1148, October 11–14, 2016,
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Prior to utilizing new advanced materials in coal power plants, a large number of experimental testing is required. Test procedures are needed in specialized high temperature laboratories with state of the art facilities and precise, accurate analytical equipment capable of performing tests at a variety of temperatures and environments. In this study, the results of a unique technique involving salt spray testing at high temperatures are presented. The Haynes 282 gamma – prime (γ’) strengthened alloy fabricated by means of three different manufacturing processes: HAYNES 282 WROUGHT alloy, Haynes 282-SINT alloy, and finally Haynes 282-CAST alloy have been tested. The materials have been exposed to a salt spray corrosion atmosphere using 1% NaCl - 1% Na 2 SO 4 . Post exposure investigations have included SEM, EDS and XRD examinations. The test using salt spray of 1% NaCl - 1% Na 2 SO 4 water solution at 550 °C for 500 hours indicted no influence on the corrosion products formation, where Cr 2 O 3 has been developed in all three alloys, whereas NiO has been found only in Haynes 282-CAST material. On the other hand, it has been found that the fabrication process of HAYNES 282 alloy strongly influences the corrosion products formation under the high temperature exposures.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 41-52, October 22–25, 2013,
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The United States Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and the Ohio Coal Development Office (OCDO) have been the primary supporters of a U.S. effort to develop the materials technology necessary to build and operate an advanced-ultrasupercritical (A-USC) steam boiler and turbine with steam temperatures up to 760°C (1400°F). The program is made-up of two consortia representing the U.S. boiler and steam turbine manufacturers (Alstom, Babcock & Wilcox, Foster Wheeler, Riley Power, and GE Energy) and national laboratories (Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the National Energy Technology Laboratory) led by the Energy Industries of Ohio with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) serving as the program technical lead. Over 10 years, the program has conducted extensive laboratory testing, shop fabrication studies, field corrosion tests, and design studies. Based on the successful development and deployment of materials as part of this program, the Coal Utilization Research Council (CURC) and EPRI roadmap has identified the need for further development of A-USC technology as the cornerstone of a host of fossil energy systems and CO 2 reduction strategies. This paper will present some of the key consortium successes and ongoing materials research in light of the next steps being developed to realize A-USC technology in the U.S. Key results include ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code acceptance of Inconel 740/740H (CC2702), the operation of the world’s first 760°C (1400°F) steam corrosion test loop, and significant strides in turbine casting and forging activities. An example of how utilization of materials designed for 760°C (1400°F) can have advantages at 700°C (1300°F) will also be highlighted.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 53-59, October 22–25, 2013,
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India's current installed power generating capacity is about 225,000 MW, of which about 59% is coal based. It is projected that India would require an installed capacity of over 800,000 MW by 2032. Coal is likely to remain the predominant source of energy in India till the middle of the century. India is also committed to reducing the CO 2 emission intensity of its economy and has drawn up a National Action Plan for Climate Change, which, inter alia, lays emphasis on the deployment of clean coal technologies. With this backdrop, a National Mission for the Development of Advanced Ultra Supercritical Technology has been initiated. The Mission objectives include development of advanced high temperature materials, manufacturing technologies and design of equipment. A corrosion test loop in an existing plant is also proposed. Based on the technology developed, an 800 MW Demonstration A-USC plant will be established. Steam parameters of 310 kg/cm 2 , 710 °C / 720 °C have been selected. Work on selection of materials, manufacture of tubes, welding trials and design of components has been initiated. The paper gives details of India's A-USC program and the progress achieved.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 863-880, October 22–25, 2013,
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A combined pilot-scale combustion test and long-term laboratory study investigated the impact of oxy-firing on corrosion in coal-fired boilers. Four coals were burned under both air and oxy-firing conditions with identical heat input, with oxy-firing using flue gas recirculation unlike air-firing. Despite higher SO 2 and HCl concentrations in oxy-firing, laboratory tests showed no increase in corrosion rates compared to air-firing. This is attributed to several factors: (1) Reduced diffusion: High CO 2 in oxy-firing densified the gas phase, leading to slower diffusion of corrosive species within the deposit. (2) Lower initial sulfate: Oxy-fired deposits initially contained less sulfate, a key hot corrosion culprit, due to the presence of carbonate. (3) Reduced basicity: CO 2 and HCl reduced the basicity of sulfate melts, leading to decreased dissolution of metal oxides and mitigating hot corrosion. (4) Limited carbonate/chloride formation: The formation of less corrosive carbonate and chloride solutes was restricted by low O 2 and SO 3 near the metal surface. These findings suggest that oxy-firing may not pose a greater corrosion risk than air-firing for boiler materials.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1388-1396, October 22–25, 2013,
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Recently, boiler waterwall tube damage such as fireside corrosion and circumferential cracking in low NOx environments has become a serious issue in Japan, despite the typical use of relatively lower sulfur content coal is typically being used than in US. Thermal spray coating has been the most popular method for tube protection in Japan, and thermal spray coated tubes have been used for this purpose. However, extensive damage to thermal spray coating tubes from cracking and exfoliation has been recently experienced. It has been reported that the thermal fluctuations occurring due to operational changes create alternating stress, leading to cracking and exfoliation of the thermal sprayed thin coating. Corrosion-resistant weld overlays, such as Type 309 stainless steel (in sub-critical boilers) and Alloy 622 (in sub-critical and super-critical boilers), are commonly used to protect boiler tubes from corrosion in low NOx coal fired boilers in U.S. In order to develop a fundamental understanding of the high temperature corrosive behavior of Alloy 622 weld overlay, gaseous corrosion testing and certain mechanical tests for consideration of long-term aging were undertaken. After four years of service in the low NOx combustion environment of a coal fired supercritical boiler, field tests on Alloy 622 weld overlay panels are in continuation. This paper describes the field test behavior of Alloy 622 weld overlay panels installed in a Japanese supercritical boiler, the laboratory results of weight loss corrosion testing, and the results of cyclic bend tests with overlay welded tubes related to aging.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2013, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Seventh International Conference, 1422-1431, October 22–25, 2013,
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Six types of solution treated Ni-based alloy plates having a thickness of 25mm, namely Alloy 617, Alloy 263, Alloy 740, Alloy 141, HR6W (45Ni-23Cr-7W) and HR35 (50Ni-30Cr-4W-Ti) for advanced-USC boilers, were subjected to corrosion testing. In addition, three types of conventional ferritic and five types of conventional austenitic stainless tubes were also tested to compare their corrosion properties. Hot corrosion tests were conducted in order to assess the effects of temperature, material composition and coal ash composition on hot corrosion. The maximum average metal loss and the maximum corrosion rate were observed under 700°C test conditions. Cr content in the materials played an important role in the corrosion rate, with higher Cr content materials tending to show lower rates. However, Ni-based alloy materials showed slightly greater corrosion rates than those of stainless steels having equivalent Cr content in the over-700°C test condition. It was considered that rich Ni in the alloys easily reacted with sulfur, thus forming corrosion products having low melting points, such that corrosion was accelerated. The concentration of Fe 2 O 3 and NiO in the synthetic coal ash was also observed to affect the corrosion rate.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 303-309, October 25–28, 2004,
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Trials have been performed to study the enhancement of the high temperature strength of alloy 617 by utilizing the solid solution strengthening effects of tungsten additions in the amounts of 3.30 weight % and 5.61 weight %. It could be successfully demonstrated that with the 5.61 wt.% tungsten addition, the resultant mechanical high temperature properties in the range of 700 to 750 °C were far superior to standard alloy 617. Also with regard to the oxidation resistance behavior, tungsten alloyed alloy 617 exhibited superior behavior to tungsten free standard alloy 617. Only in the hot corrosion simulated tests, the tungsten containing alloys showed increasing disadvantage with increased tungsten content. However in the real world under actual service conditions, this is of lesser relevance because the gas turbine components are and could be protected by TBC (thermal barrier coatings) and/or MCrAlY coatings. This paper describes the results of these developments. Very recent data generated on the aging response indicates drastic loss in impact values on the tungsten modified alloys after aging at 3000 hours and 5000 hours at 700°C and 750°C.
Proceedings Papers
AM-EPRI2004, Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants: Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference, 337-356, October 25–28, 2004,
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Coal burning power companies are currently considering FeAlCr weld overlay claddings for corrosion protection of waterwall boiler tubes located in their furnaces. Previous studies have shown that these FeAlCr coatings exhibit excellent high-temperature corrosion resistance in several types of low NOx environments. In the present study, the susceptibility of FeAlCr weld overlay claddings to hydrogen cracking was evaluated using a gas-tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process. Microsegregation of alloying elements was determined for the FeAlCr welds and compared to a currently used Ni-based superalloy. Long-term gaseous corrosion testing of select weld overlays was conducted along with the Ni-based superalloy in a gaseous oxidizing/sulfidizing corrosion environment at 500°C. The sample weight gains were used along with analysis of the corrosion scale morphologies to determine the corrosion resistance of the coatings. It was found that although there were slight differences in the corrosion behavior of the selected FeAlCr weld coatings, all FeAlCr based alloys exhibited superior corrosion resistance to the Ni-based superalloy during exposures up to 2000 hours.