This study aims to elucidate the chemical compositions and microstructural factors that affect longterm creep rupture strength and creep rupture ductility using multiple heats of Gr.92 steel. Evaluating the reduction behavior in long-term creep rupture strength, we propose a relative creep rupture strength value, which is expressed as the logarithmic ratio of the estimated creep strength for each rupture time exceeding 10,000 hours, with 10,000 hours as the reference. Higher initial hardness correlates with greater pronounced strength reduction in the long-term regime. While smaller prior austenite grain sizes lead to greater reductions in creep rupture strength, this effect diminishes above 30 μm. However, no clear correlation was observed between Cr content and creep strength reduction in this study. Brittle creep ruptures with smooth test specimens were observed just below the extensometer ridge in the parallel section of test specimen, indicating notch weakening. Even in heats with excellent creep ductility, the amount of inclusions tended to be higher than in heats with lower creep ductility. Factors other than inclusions also seem to influence long-term creep ductility.

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