Simple and effective material examination methods are desired for the diffusion bonding process, so that bonding produced components, such as compact heat exchangers, can be used in nuclear applications. Optical microscopy of diffusion bond process samples is a quick way to examine diffusion bond-line microstructure and to evaluate material quality. The stacked nature of a diffusion bonded-block results in distinct regions of grain growth both at and away from the bond interface. Strong diffusion bond materials exhibit grain growth across the original bond interface plane, weak materials have little-to-no growth across. A series of 316H diffusion bonded specimens of differing quality and strength were examined using optical microscopy. The microstructure both at and away from the bond interface was examined over 15mm long sections of the bond-line. A metric for evaluating bond growth is proposed. This is defined as the Bond Line Growth Threshold (BLGT) and is evaluated as the percentage of the bond line with grains meeting the threshold. Here a fraction of the diffusion bond is considered bonded when its grains exceed a threshold of growth past the bond interface. The BLGT is determined through automated image processing methods.

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