In order to understand the microstructural evolution during service that 9Cr steels experience it is important to be able to quantify key microstructural parameters that define the characteristics of the secondary phases (e.g. precipitated phases and inclusions) and the steel matrix. The average size of M23C6, Laves phase and MX particles in these materials have been reported in many studies, however comparability between these studies is compromised by variations in technique and different/incomplete reporting of procedure. This paper provides guidelines on what is required to accurately measure these parameters in a reproducible way, taking into account macro-scale chemical heterogeneities and the statistical number of particles required to make meaningful measurements. Although international standards do exist for inclusion analysis, these standards were not developed to measure the number per unit area of hard particles that can act as creep cavity nucleation sites. In this work a standardized approach for measuring inclusions from this perspective is proposed. In addition the associated need to understand the segregation characteristics of the material are described, which in addition to defining the area that needs to be analysed to measure the average number of inclusions per unit area, also allows the maximum number of inclusions per unit area to be determined, a parameter which is more likely to define the damage tolerance of the material.