Two materials with different purity of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel thick weld joint were prepared and creep rupture behavior was investigated by large sized specimens. For high purity material, two types of challenging heat treatment was tried to modify the original microstructural conditions. Weld joints were made and large sized creep test specimens were machined. Creep tests were performed at 903K, 40MPa. Specimen made from low purity material fractured at fine grained heat affected zone (FGHAZ) and showed so-called Type IV cracking. On the other hand, specimen made from high purity material showed maximum creep damage at weld metal. In the case of specimens applied challenging heat treatment, remarkably high ductility were observed at fracture. Regarding 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, it was confirmed that the suppression of Type IV cracking had been basically achieved by past improvement on purity level. At the same time, improvement of heat treatment condition was found to have further effect. Because of improved creep properties of high purity material, properties of weld metal had rose up to be the next issue to be examined. At least, taking care on layout design of weld beads to avoid creating wide spread fine grained portion is desired.

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